AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0
AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0 with Matt Battaglia The show where Entrepreneurs, Top Executives, Founders, and Investors come to share insights about the future of business. AZ TRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, & how classic industries are evolving. Common Topics Discussed: Startups, Founders, Funds & Venture Capital, Business, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Blockchain / Crypto, Executive Comp, Investing, Stocks, Real Estate + Alternative Investments, and more… AZ TRT Podcast Home Page: Please Subscribe. Thanks for Listening. - More Info:
Cybersecurity Response Plan w/ Frank Grimmelmann of ACTRA - AZ TRT S06 EP03 (264) 2-9-2025
Cybersecurity Response Plan w/ Frank Grimmelmann of ACTRA - AZ TRT S06 EP03 (264) 2-9-2025
Cybersecurity Response Plan w/ Frank Grimmelmann of ACTRA - AZ TRT S06 EP03 (264) 2-9-2025 What We Learned This Week ACTRA Arizona Cyber Threat Response Alliance Cyber threats affect everyone from Gov’t to business to private and growing Companies need to be responsive with speed to be effective + share information of attacks ACTRA has members from both government and private sector ACTRA helped create a state cybersecurity response model that other states can use Guest: Frank Grimmelmann President & CEO/Intelligence Liaison Officer Mr. Grimmelmann also serves as Co-Chair (together with Arizona's Chief Information Security Officer) for the Arizona Cybersecurity Team (‘ACT’), created through the Governor’s Executive Order signed in March 2018. He also serves as a Founding Member of the National Leadership Group for the Information Sharing & Analysis Organization Standards Organization (‘ISAO SO’) at the University of Texas San Antonio (UTSA), created under the President’s Executive Order 13691 in February 2015. As ACTRA’s leader, Mr. Grimmelmann was invited as the first private sector representative in the Arizona Counter Terrorism Information Center (ACTIC) and served as its first private sector Executive Board representative from 2014-2019. He presently acts as ACTRA’s designated private sector liaison to ACTRA’s Key Agency and other non-Member Stakeholders. Mr. Grimmelmann served four terms as AZ InfraGard’s President from 2009-2012, serves today on numerous academic advisory boards, co-Chairs the Greater Phoenix Chamber's Cybersecurity Workforce Collaborative initiative, and is an engaged Member of the Arizona Technology Council’s Cybersecurity Advisory Board. In 2019, Mr. Grimmelmann was honored by the FBI, and the Board of Directors of both ACTRA and Arizona InfraGard as the first recipient of Arizona InfraGard’s ‘Visionary Award’ for creating the ACTRA framework over his last 2 terms as Arizona InfraGard’s President, and ACTRA's resulting collaboration between law enforcement/ intelligence agencies/USCYBERCOM, and its public, private and academic organizations over the past 7 years. He was simultaneously recognized by the FBI’s then Deputy Director for his contribution over the years. He remains an active Member of InfraGard since 2003 and an active Lifetime Member of the FBI Citizens Academy since 2006. Since 2002 he has devoted his full-time attention to protecting our nation’s critical infrastructure and national security interests, through eliminating unnecessary silos that hinder communication, allowing us to respond to today's increasing threat from our cyber adversaries, and in turn permitting ACTRA's Member Organizations to protect their critical infrastructure and our national security interests, while protecting their organization's assets . Educationally, he holds a dual MBA in International Business and Finance from the University of California at Berkeley and brings decades of experience as a senior executive in finance, healthcare and government, prior to focusing on Cybersecurity in response to 9/11. Notes: Seg 2 Cyber threats affect everybody, business, personal, and government. Cyber crime is a fact of life that we need to live with it, but stay ahead. Criminals are on the offense and only have to be correct 1% of the time. Everybody else is playing defense and has to be right 100% of the time. AI is an advanced tool that is turned out to be a two edge sword, can help and hurt. AI can only catch so much but can give a few of what is going on. This is a matter of national security, dealing with homeland security and many other departments of the government. You have threat intelligence to determine roles on how you’re going to handle hackers and ransom ware. Hackers can be local or foreign. All companies need a cyber policy and some sort of rapid tactical response. Cyber attacks are an ever growing threat to people and businesses, and continue to surge in 2024. There was 107% surge in malware attacks. These are on corporate computers, computers at work or home computers or even Home devices like Ring. You get a text through devices, phishing attacks. Company business email can be compromised in an attack, people’s passwords come out and it leads to millions of dollars in losses. Elderly people are very vulnerable, 353,000 attacks. You have supply chain threats by terrorist and nation state actors. There was a recent attack on United Healthcare for 100 million. People‘s information was exposed. This led to a $22 million ransom payment. Cyber attacks cause $2.9 billion in damages. Companies are paying ransom to faceless criminals. Very tough for the FBI to be tracking down on these criminals and try to fend off the extortion of stolen data. Payments for ransom could be made through Bitcoin, which is difficult to trace, though it leaves somewhat of a forensic trail. Constant need for regulation and oversight from the government. Famous incident last year was not even an attack, but the Crowdstrike software update. ACTRA had a quick response that day. One that helps clients and partners recover fast. In a similar instant, Delta was down for weeks with computer problems. When you think about what goes on with banks back to 2008 - what loans they have on balance sheet and then off balance sheet securitized - not regulated like normal loans. Issues with underwriting standards on loans. Not even sure what can be affected in a Cyber attack. Off balance sheet loans and debt is similar to crypto or Bitcoin where it is not being regulated. PPD-41 was a directive to show responsibilities of government agencies and dealing in cyber. You had homeland security as a defensive arm to protect the nation’s assets. Enforcement is done in the US by the FBI. Overseas it’s done by US Cyber Command. Seg 3 Frank background in the 1990s in private business, worked in healthcare. Then was the chief info officer and the only 2000s at clinical in Stanford. Healthcare is very vulnerable. Post 9/11 he worked with FBI outreach program called InfraGuard on how to share intelligence with cyber threats. Needs to be treated like terrorism or criminal acts, though they’re taking stolen IP. Need to move to a more stable world. 2011 study was done by government organizations to review the process and make recommendations on how to deal with counterterrorism and cyber. 90% of the critical infrastructure in the US is in the private sector. They do need Fed level help, but have also have a local response. Cyber threat actors move quickly and act like a terrorist organization. General Stanley McChrystal had a great quote, ‘It takes a network to defeat a network.’ Cybersecurity is everyone’s problem. You need education and organization. This is a 5th generation problem and you have to be adaptive. ACTRA is a nonprofit dealing with cyber security. They’ve got pillars of empowerment, trust technology and intelligence. Need for the private companies to develop to train and recruit to handle this threat. They created a model which allows to bring the fight on offense - and all work together sharing information. Virtual response team, small and big with the private sector as a partner. ACTRA is a hub for info, and keeps its member information private. Some members are public like Arizona State. Actual model can be used for the rest of the nation. Government and private cannot do it alone. Not all states have this type of organization, but probably need it. Seg 4 ACTRA started in January 2013. Give U.S. states a model for cyber security. Collective defense and share information with public and private organizations. The goal is to breakdown silos between government and the corporate world. Not just a thing tank, has an active model. Review of ACTRA model is best in the country and a good hub for response and info. In 2015, they helped Wisconsin create their own state organization for cyber threats. Soon after, Maryland created one using ACTRA as a model. Needs to be an effort of collaboration, merge the construct of entrepreneur spirit to take action. So the government cyber threats are handled nationally at a Fort Meade, where the NSA is. Frank’s background in business in finance and healthcare fields. Info is useless if not used for action. You need actionable intelligence that is current to take down a threat. You need more than continuing education and certificates for people, must go beyond this. Virtual response team like a local militia who can help protect assets. Going after cyber criminals can be a little bit like a whack a mole. Overtime, hopefully there will be a national strategy for info sharing. A type of decentralized and local organization that work with government. The private sector owns the vast amount of data so they have to determine who they’re going to share it with and how. Defend vs Cyber fast while still working within the spirit of the law. Seg. 1 Clips from Related Shows: Cybersecurity, Disruption, Blockchain & Terrorism w Ari Redbord of TRM Labs - BRT S02 EP31 (78) 8-1-2021 What We Learned This Week Cybersecurity is extremely important industry for national security TRM Labs startup in cyber-security, monitors blockchain OFAC - Gov’t administers economic and trade sanctions Ransomeware – specific breach, takeover of a computer system, holds data hostage Programatic Money Laundering – bad guys create new addresses, create ‘shell’ companies Guest: Ari Redbord, Head of Legal and Government Affairs w/ TRM Labs Ari is formerly a US Attorney, and worked in the Treasury Department, now advises the Government on cybersecurity, and Blockchain. Cybersecurity is a fast growing and extremely important industry for national security, and corporate interests. There are Nation States acting as bad players in the cyber realm and targeting the US Government and US business. We discuss the advancements in technology on cyber crime, blockchain, crypto, and online fraud. How is the FBI dealing with Ransomware, and other cyber attacks on prime targets like the Colonial Pipeline, or other big corps. What Regulations are coming in banking, and Fintech, with KYC (Know Your Customer), plus the big banks like JP Morgan Chase and Goldman are on board. What the blockchain ledger can help solve in security, to monitor criminal activity in real time with the help of crypto exchanges like Coinbase. Lastly, what TRM Labs does for clients, how they advise, operate, and who they work with. Full Show: Phishing, Malware & Cybersecurity - Try Not to Get Pwned - BRT S02 EP47 (94) 11-21-2021 What We Learned This Week: Have I been Pwned? Means have I been breached / hacked – did someone hack my email or website Phishing – most common type of email threat, like when you receive a strange email with a link – Do Not Open – DELETE (and alert other office staff of the email) Ramsonware – hack your website, or data – hold it hostage for an extortion ‘ransom’ payment Dark Web – where stolen data, & info is being bought & sold VPN Connections – direct and secure Guests: Vince Matteo, Seven Layer Networks, Inc. Vince Matteo is a certified penetration tester, a security researcher, and a senior consultant at Seven Layers (.com) where he focuses on securing small businesses. Vince is the author of "Hacking 101 – A Beginner’s Guide to Penetration Testing", he's a bug bounty hunter with 17 published critical vulnerabilities, and he's presented talks on offensive hacking at security conferences -- most recently GrrCON in Grand Rapids, MI and BSides in College Station, TX. Outside of work, Vince is an accomplished endurance athlete, an Ironman age group champion, and in his spare time, you can find him in the desert -- training for the next hundred-mile ultramarathon. Full Show: Biotech Shows: AZ Tech Council Shows: *Includes show from 2/12/2023 Tech Topic: Best of Tech: ‘Best Of’ Topic: Thanks for Listening. Please Subscribe to the AZ TRT Podcast. AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0 with Matt Battaglia The show where Entrepreneurs, Top Executives, Founders, and Investors come to share insights about the future of business. AZ TRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, & how classic industries are evolving. Common Topics Discussed: Startups, Founders, Funds & Venture Capital, Business, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Blockchain / Crypto, Executive Comp, Investing, Stocks, Real Estate + Alternative Investments, and more… AZ TRT Podcast Home Page: ‘Best Of’ AZ TRT Podcast: Podcast on Google: Podcast on Spotify: More Info: KFNX Info: Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the Hosts, Guests and Speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent (or affiliates, members, managers, employees or partners), or any Station, Podcast Platform, Website or Social Media that this show may air on. All information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes. Nothing said on this program should be considered advice or recommendations in: business, legal, real estate, crypto, tax accounting, investment, etc. Always seek the advice of a professional in all business ventures, including but not limited to: investments, tax, loans, legal, accounting, real estate, crypto, contracts, sales, marketing, other business arrangements, etc.
Futuristic EV Designer Sports Car w/ Nikita Bridan of Oilstainlab - AZ TRT S06 EP02 (263) 1-26-2025
Futuristic EV Designer Sports Car w/ Nikita Bridan of Oilstainlab - AZ TRT S06 EP02 (263) 1-26-2025
Futuristic EV Designer Sports Car w/ Nikita Bridan of Oilstainlab - AZ TRT S06 EP02 (263) 1-26-2025 What We Learned This Week Oilstain Lab creates high end retro futuristic designer sports car - in EV models EV Car Designers for Gearheads who hate EVs All the capabilities of a sports car, on a liteweight carbon fiber frame, + sound & an electric motor Inspired by the race cars of Italy & classic 1960s sports cars Guest: Nikita Bridan, Co-Founder, CEO Nikita Bridan is co-founder & chief executive officer of Oilstainlab. A car design strategist with 15 years of OEM and startup experience, Nikita has worked with world-renowned brands including Lyft, Cruise, GM, Toyota, Genesis, ONE, and more on electrification, platforms, and strategy. In 2019, Nikita co-founded Oilstainlab with his twin brother, Iliya, as an automotive design consultancy service and playground, and developed it into a boundary-pushing, custom vehicle manufacturer. Nikita lives his life as fast as the cars he builds, once being pulled over at 140mph in Arizona and getting off with a warning. Nikita earned bachelor’s degrees in Transportation Design from the Istitudo Europeo di Design in Italy and the ArtCenter College of Design in Pasadena, California, where he now serves as an instructor to the next generation of designers. Leading a New Generation of Automotive with Oilstainlab Co-Founder Nikita Bridan The future of automotive design is in the hands of twin brothers, Nikita and Iliya Bridan. The founders of Oilstainlab have turned heads worldwide with their automotive creations, most notably the Half-11, its half Porsche-half Formula 1 race car that pays homage to the golden age of motor racing. The Bridan brothers are motor maniacs who credit to Gran Turismo for fueling their passion for car design from a young age. The brothers dropped out of high school at age 14 to pursue a design education and would eventually earn degrees in Transportation Design from the Istitudo Europeo di Design in Italy and the ArtCenter College of Design in Pasadena. During their career they have worked for world-renowned car brands including Toyota, Scion, Lexus, General Motors, Honda, Acura and more, bringing 6.5M cars to the road, securing 13 patents, and winning multiple awards including Motor Trend “SUV of the Year.” In 2019, the brothers went into business for themselves. They opened Oilstainlab as a design consultancy and playground with clients ranging from EV start-ups, space vehicles, movie vehicles, hydrogen start-ups, and more. In 2024 the brothers unveiled their first car, the HF-11. The HF-11 is the perfect mix of speed, comfort and intelligence. It offers 650 horsepower 12000RPMs and a top speed over 200 mph. The all-carbon fiber bodywork forges a radical shape obsessively honed for extreme velocities, while the interior offers all the comforts of modern-day vehicles. The company will keep turning heads with maniac design, world class advisory council going into 2025…and changing automotive landscape. Notes: Seg 2 Oil stain lab is a boutique, sports car designer, using an EV format. They start their design with the driver in mind, then sketch it out and think with an inside out strategy. They wanted to build a high-end retro futuristic 1960s motorsports inspired type car. These cars are expensive with future tech. 1960s sports cars were dangerous and cool. The last era of sports cars before car regulations were changed in the early 1970s. The second step is a computer design. The car body uses a light carbon fiber frame. They also enhance their car with the idea and sound of combustion in an electric EV car. It has a flat skateboard type platform designed very different than an actual sports car. Normally EV battery is at the bottom, but Oilstainlab put the EV battery where the engine would be. Lightweight car of 2000 pounds. Compact and efficient, using a 911 Porsche as a model.Power train is in the back of the car, which is challenging. Comfortable EV sports car, two seater with a manual transmission. Has an audio signature, which is very important, creates real sound of 110 decimals. Oilstainlab is building cars for gear heads, not a traditional EV nerd type. Building EV cars for people who hate EVS. Goes up to speeds of 200 mph, 0 to 100 in 5 seconds. Plus the driver can enjoy switching gears. Seg 3 Twin brothers Nikita and Iliana created the company. Originally from Ukraine, then moved to Italy when they were teenagers. Eventually settled in California and created Oilstainlab. Prior, they were auto designers for 10 years. Started Oilstainlab in 2019 with the design idea. In 2020 they started to actually manufacture cars. Fall of 2024 they came out with their HF 11 model. Brothers were inspired by the 1960s motorsport cars and your famous Italian sports cars like Ferrari and Lamborghini. They wanted to bring in the Hollywood flair of storytelling and branding. Think of Steve McQueen movies with the height of the sports car from 1967 through 1972. 1972 was the end of an era, with new emission standards that killed good designs. The 1960 sports cars were a wild west of innovation. Collectors still want these cars with their combustion engines. Oilstainlab is bringing back that spirit within the next generation of car design. Building an EV car with power. Building an EV car for the EV hater. There are challenges in this, with how heavy the car is and where to put the battery. Aspark Owl, a $3 million car, claims to be the fastest EV in the world. It weighs 5700 pounds. Also has no noise or vibration, so it does not catch the nostalgia of a sports car. Oilstainlab has a light car, manual transmission, plus that classic combustion sound. They replicate the experience, creating a bridge to the past with a future style sports car. Car cost $1 million and their typical clients age from 40 to 60 years old. Using the 1960s car design, purity of a driving experience. When they built the prototype, they were thinking about the driver first. They hired sports car drivers like JR Hildebrand, and Rick Noob to test. These guys were racecar drivers. The 1960s cars were planned to be obsolete, the design will age out. Post 1972 with the economic and fuel crisis, cars were mass produced. No more exotic designs, no real soul, they all look the same. Cars companies simply did not spend as much on research and development. Seg 4 Thunderbolt has that combustion field type engine with their EV launch in April 2025 We will have a carbon fiber tub and re-create the excitement of the experience. Oilstainlab is backed by an investor who has experience in Green tech and is an entrepreneur. Oilstainlab is loved by the car maniacs, and they see themselves as maniacs too. Cool EVS can help the entire EV market and change an image Oil stain lab is making a halo product for the entire industry. They have advisors who review and drive the car – who are surprised when the EV sounds like combustion for the gearheads, creating a shock when people drive it, not even realizing it’s an EV car. Collectors want the sound of an original car, but also lightweight and manual driving for the unique experience. Oilstainlab with their design is reconditioning the mind of what is possible with an EV car. Their new Thunderbolt design will have swap ability, for the maniac ethos, with new engineering. All goes back to how they were inspired with the famous sports cars of Italy, like Ferrari, Lamborghini, and Pagani. Italy is the Mecca of auto passion, culture, and approach to how a sports car should be done. Seg 1 Past Clips (2) from related shows on EVs: Best of Clean Energy, EVs & Battery Power AZ TRT S05 EP15 (230) 4-14-2024 What We Learned This Week Steve Zylstra of AZ Tech Council on Clean Energy Daniel Tonkopiy of Delfast Bikes on EV bikes Praveen of Monarch Tractor on AI, EVs & Farming Mark Hanchett of Atliss Motors on EV Trucks & Batteries Clean Energy - many Tech Co's working on zero emission plan Delfast E Bikes – smart bike, connects to E Bike, range of 220 miles on 1 charge, & speed of 50 mph, can drive on all different terrain Monarch Tractor is AgTech working towards a future with Clean Farming Atlis Motors is an Energy Company - Apple of energy – vehicle is their ‘I-Pod’ Revolutionizing the Electric Battery - Lithium, cobalt, copper w/ a Lifespan – 1 million miles or 10 years + Full Show: EV Charging at Home w/ Broc TenHouten of Intrinsic Power AZ TRT S05 EP05 (220) 2-4-2024 What We Learned This Week Intrinsic Power - Next Gen EV Charger EV Charging in your home will be standard Electrical Panel upgrade to handle new tech Electric Grid not prepared for consumer demand & EV charging needs EV Infrastructure for charging stations as EV Cars w/ longer range are the Future Full Show: Biotech Shows: AZ Tech Council Shows: *Includes show from 2/12/2023 Tech Topic: Best of Tech: ‘Best Of’ Topic: Thanks for Listening. Please Subscribe to the BRT Podcast. AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0 with Matt Battaglia The show where Entrepreneurs, Top Executives, Founders, and Investors come to share insights about the future of business. AZ TRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, & how classic industries are evolving. Common Topics Discussed: Startups, Founders, Funds & Venture Capital, Business, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Blockchain / Crypto, Executive Comp, Investing, Stocks, Real Estate + Alternative Investments, and more… AZ TRT Podcast Home Page: ‘Best Of’ AZ TRT Podcast: Podcast on Google: Podcast on Spotify: More Info: KFNX Info: Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the Hosts, Guests and Speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent (or affiliates, members, managers, employees or partners), or any Station, Podcast Platform, Website or Social Media that this show may air on. All information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes. Nothing said on this program should be considered advice or recommendations in: business, legal, real estate, crypto, tax accounting, investment, etc. Always seek the advice of a professional in all business ventures, including but not limited to: investments, tax, loans, legal, accounting, real estate, crypto, contracts, sales, marketing, other business arrangements, etc.
Machine Learning (AI) Onsite w/ Eddi Weinwurm of Obvious Future - AZ TRT S06 EP01 (262) 1-5-2025
Machine Learning (AI) Onsite w/ Eddi Weinwurm of Obvious Future - AZ TRT S06 EP01 (262) 1-5-2025
Machine Learning (AI) Onsite w/ Eddi Weinwurm of Obvious Future - AZ TRT S06 EP01 (262) 1-5-2025 What We Learned This Week Obvious Future is building Machine Learning (AI) programs to be used onsite for a business Corporate Data is too sensitive to be in the cloud / internet Business cannot use cloud AI programs like ChatGPT, Google Cloud, etc because of IP and privacy concerns Large Language Models are not necessary, have more data than needed, can have smaller AI programs tailored for business Guest: Eddi Weinwurm AI is top of mind for most enterprises…but most don’t know the risks especially in the cloud. Eddi Weinwurm is a co-founder and CEO of Obvious Future an AI company with a new approach to keeping AI local and secure. Eddi Weinwurm has many years of experience in both the development of media management software and AI. As a visionary he formed the company to address critical enterprises in the growing AI market. ObviousFuture Resident AI: Faster, Safer, and Transforming Enterprise AI Eddi Weinwurm co-founder and CEO of ObviousFuture is on a mission to make AI safer and faster for enterprises. , a trailblazer in secure and private AI solutions, will be unveiling a disruptive AI solution for the enterprise on December 18—Resident AI. This solution empowers enterprises to harness the full potential of AI while safeguarding their data locally, marking a critical evolution in the AI landscape. ObviousFuture's Resident AI operates entirely on-premise, solving a $500 billion market problem by addressing vulnerabilities like data privacy risks, compliance challenges, and vendor lock-ins. The company is focused on key sectors such as government, defense, surveillance, medical, and media. Early adopters, have achieved ROI within just two months of deployment of the Resident AI platform. Key benefits for Enterprises Local- Resident AI is an artificial system that resides directly on the enterprises infrastructure reducing risk and latency often associated with edge computing. ObviousFuture’s approach is fully private and operates with very low latency. Offline Access- Resident AI allows for complete work productivity without a single point of failure and no third-party API reliance. Not Edge AI-Resident AI delivers full AI capabilities similar to big cloud models and doesn’t require a data center. Reduces Cost- Substantial lower deployment and operational costs means a higher ROI for businesses. Learn more about the company at and sign up for a demo today. Seg 1 Obvious Future AI CEO, Eddi Weinwurm Resident AI for companies, storage of sensitive data, not for use with 3rd parties Predictive editing from media, has Search and use features No open AI, search documents internally – onsite at your company Use local servers and data center on site, nothing goes to the Internet or cloud For business to use AI with sensitive data, it cannot be in the cloud, it must be on site Business needs verticals with AI integration Examples of companies with sensitive data that cannot be on the Internet, are media, banking, healthcare, companies doing research and development RND Also dealing in Research, or math, like at universities Eddie does not want to call this AI, prefers the term machine learning, using a lot of that now and it will grow Standard cloud AI used in conjunction online with companies like Google or Microsoft, You can connect to an API, example is chat GPT The AI work is done in the cloud and over the Internet This involves data centers and huge computer networks Parameters of lots of neurons or brain power in computing Obvious Future is a technology company, looking to engineer a smaller API with the same machine learning intelligence History of technology, initially things are large and cost a lot of money Over time, it should be smaller and cheaper and faster How do you perform the same tasks and have great efficiency? Lots of uses for artificial intelligence, just one example is checking email for spam Currently, most AI is a large language model, tons of info or put into the machine learning. But a lot of it is not needed, lots of waste Compounds and routing models can be the future Seg 2 Chat GPT, is a supermodel, knows everything, but has wasted data To Eddie, this does not make sense For most AI tasks, you need a specialist, a form of expert knowledge Need to be routed to the right model, compound the route and info Network of smaller models – then Which expert model to ask a question This will reduce resources and energy use, plus better use, and faster Alan Tuning said, difficult work requires lots of engineering Obvious Future has created a machine learning product called Cara One, used for media production and film Runs on the premises of a business, local, not in the cloud Not connected to the Internet, in-house, so you can protect your Intellectual Property (IP) Air gapped setup with hardware, provide AI resources in house Problem, how to keep data in house Run in a server room on the premises Cap X model for a business where they can own their own AI Current AI Cloud set up as a subscription model, this a company would own Seg 3 Set up a server or multiple servers in a closet in a business office on site, but not a super computer AI hardware equals expensive cost Math plus technology and you can shrink the tech Companies cannot even use lots of AI services or ChatGPT right now, because it is open cloud, too much business risk, can’t have your IP or information in the cloud Cloud options for business are limited, and typically a no go, plus regulations with data protection Obvious Future has their Resident AI product, called Cara One Even if the Internet is down, you can still use their resident AI product, and it cost less Huge paradox in technology right now, we have the best AI products and software and yet many companies cannot use it Resident AI resides on premises. This opens up the business environment for different verticals and markets that need resident AI Engine for AI, small sized so companies can use Rate of return will continue to go up as companies invest in this Hardware, software, chips are all improving and incorporating AI. Like all things in technology. There is constant improvement, and enhancing AI. Obvious Future dealing in financing rounds for a business opportunity Verticals of financing include industries like: banks, medical, legal, research data, customer data All can be potential customers Obvious Future working on developing the next level of Cara One, Resident AI for all of these potential businesses US Patent Office would be another example, they can only partially use cloud AI, need resident AI to sift through all the data Biotech Shows: AZ Tech Council Shows: *Includes show from 2/12/2023 Tech Topic: Best of Tech: ‘Best Of’ Topic: Thanks for Listening. Please Subscribe to the BRT Podcast. AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0 with Matt Battaglia The show where Entrepreneurs, Top Executives, Founders, and Investors come to share insights about the future of business. AZ TRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, & how classic industries are evolving. Common Topics Discussed: Startups, Founders, Funds & Venture Capital, Business, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Blockchain / Crypto, Executive Comp, Investing, Stocks, Real Estate + Alternative Investments, and more… AZ TRT Podcast Home Page: ‘Best Of’ AZ TRT Podcast: Podcast on Google: Podcast on Spotify: More Info: KFNX Info: Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the Hosts, Guests and Speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent (or affiliates, members, managers, employees or partners), or any Station, Podcast Platform, Website or Social Media that this show may air on. All information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes. Nothing said on this program should be considered advice or recommendations in: business, legal, real estate, crypto, tax accounting, investment, etc. Always seek the advice of a professional in all business ventures, including but not limited to: investments, tax, loans, legal, accounting, real estate, crypto, contracts, sales, marketing, other business arrangements, etc.
EV Trucks for Commercial Use w/ George Gebhart of Voltu Motor - AZ TRT S05 EP45 (261) 12-30-2024
EV Trucks for Commercial Use w/ George Gebhart of Voltu Motor - AZ TRT S05 EP45 (261) 12-30-2024
EV Trucks for Commercial Use w/ George Gebhart of Voltu Motor - AZ TRT S05 EP45 (261) 12-30-2024 What We Learned This Week Voltu Motor provides EV battery and drive train for commercial trucks Creating new EV tech that is lighter, extended charge for longer range, and Inverter to charge on site Deals in Class 3 trucks for business – utility, fleet, delivery, repair Further the cause of EV adoption to help the environment and be more efficient Guest: George Gebhart, CEO and founder of Voltu Motor A trailblazer in the electric vehicle (EV) industry, leveraging nearly two decades of expertise in engineering, innovation, and leadership to redefine sustainable transportation. A bioengineer by training, George began his career conducting research in robotics and brain-computer interfaces (BCI), focusing on semi-autonomous systems for handicapped individuals. This groundbreaking work laid the foundation for his passion for electrification and technology-driven solutions. With over 15 years of experience in electric drives and EVs, George founded Voltu to revolutionize the EV market with an integrated, proprietary powertrain solution. Voltu’s innovations—such as the patented immersive cooling battery technology and the bidirectional inverter that enables the industry-first onboard fast charging—are a testament to his technical ingenuity and determination to eliminate barriers to EV adoption. George’s journey as a leader is marked by a rare combination of intellectual curiosity, mathematical acumen, and unwavering resilience. These traits not only underpin his own achievements but also inspire his team. “I haven’t personally seen or heard about a group more tough or resilient, with an unmatched work ethic,” George says of Voltu’s team, who have worked closely with him over the past years to prepare for scaling the company. This collaboration and shared vision fuel his conviction that Voltu can make a lasting impact in the EV industry A seasoned speaker, including as a TEDx presenter, George emphasizes perseverance, teamwork, and the transformative power of innovation in addressing global challenges. Today, as Voltu secures multi-million-dollar contracts and advances its vision of energy freedom, George continues to lead the charge toward a cleaner, smarter, and more connected world. Leading a Greener Future in Class 3 Trucking—Meet Voltu Motors Voltu Motor Redefines Sustainability with the Future of Class 3 Electric Trucks As the electric vehicle (EV) market hurtles toward a projected $255 billion valuation by 2030, Voltu Motor Inc. is emerging as a transformative force Class 3 trucking. Founded in Argentina and now headquartered in Riverside, California, Voltu Motors is setting a new industry standard with its innovative technologies and groundbreaking approach to electrification. The company’s flagship Voltu 3 Pickup Work Truck addresses the critical needs of businesses in the commercial sector. With a 350-mile range, patented Immerse Cooling Technology, and Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) capabilities, it’s more than a truck—it’s a mobile energy solution poised to revolutionize urban freight and fleet operations. Notes: Seg 1 Truck chassis with an embed electric battery Voltu deals with Class 3 commercial trucks They plan to launch a midsize pick up truck in 2025 The benefits are: extended charge, lightweight, charging inverter, cloud based monitoring in the future In the future they could have a setup for car conversion, from fuel to EV based. They are a technology company, and already delivering vehicles EV industry challenges: adoption, and cost, battery range, charging infrastructures. Electric powertrain, and drivetrain to integrate in vehicles Class 3 commercial vehicles are used for fleet, delivery, pick up truck Utility, service, maintenance, equipment, trucks, supply chain New electric vehicle chassis, battery plus drive chain Supply to legacy auto makers, and do the final assembly of the vehicle Range of 350 miles, smaller battery and is lighter with lithium cells Better cooling immersion and more efficient Over the long-term EV batteries will be smaller Patent on charging technology, inverter for a fast charge a DC Can plug the vehicle into any industrial outlet, and charge right at your business Seg 2 Fast charge tech, on vehicle charging – can charge vehicle to vehicle on the road More adoption of EV cars, and market share is grow Legacy auto maker struggle to transition to EV fleet Voltu started about 10 years ago, developing technology company with 20 people stationed in California, future plan to hire 400 more George background is a bio engineer Semi autonomous vehicle and Motor tech to Motor drivetrain, battery Vertical integration with the power Investment in the Voltu Motor company so far has been startup, family, some VC Raise money, in VC and capital markets Goal of 1 million commercial vehicles on the road in 10 years Solve tech issue for Class 3, dealing in Power, towing capacity, range, charging Seg 3 Government fleets, utility, airport trucks, ports, any type of delivery B to B type business, or businesses that want to do conversion to EV This is a common vehicle in commercial, pick up trucks, more EV coming Compatible with fast charging stations Typically, a fleet truck would charge on site first thing in the morning Truck on the road needs energy to do tasks Has capacity to charge vehicle to vehicle when someone is in the field Warranty of EV batteries is 10 years plus we can have an afterlife second life with energy storage Manufacturing in the USA and certified with US in California standard Carbon plus EBA standards, federal base of standards, be good all across the USA Battery for light and medium commercial vehicles Other type of vehicles are a class eight, example as long haul and big vehicles Biotech Shows: AZ Tech Council Shows: *Includes show from 2/12/2023 Tech Topic: Best of Tech: ‘Best Of’ Topic: Thanks for Listening. Please Subscribe to the BRT Podcast. AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0 with Matt Battaglia The show where Entrepreneurs, Top Executives, Founders, and Investors come to share insights about the future of business. AZ TRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, & how classic industries are evolving. Common Topics Discussed: Startups, Founders, Funds & Venture Capital, Business, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Blockchain / Crypto, Executive Comp, Investing, Stocks, Real Estate + Alternative Investments, and more… AZ TRT Podcast Home Page: ‘Best Of’ AZ TRT Podcast: Podcast on Google: Podcast on Spotify: More Info: KFNX Info: Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the Hosts, Guests and Speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent (or affiliates, members, managers, employees or partners), or any Station, Podcast Platform, Website or Social Media that this show may air on. All information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes. Nothing said on this program should be considered advice or recommendations in: business, legal, real estate, crypto, tax accounting, investment, etc. Always seek the advice of a professional in all business ventures, including but not limited to: investments, tax, loans, legal, accounting, real estate, crypto, contracts, sales, marketing, other business arrangements, etc.
Best of Bitcoin, Blockchain & Crypto Revisited - AZ TRT S05 EP44 (260) 12-1-2024
Best of Bitcoin, Blockchain & Crypto Revisited - AZ TRT S05 EP44 (260) 12-1-2024
Best of Bitcoin, Blockchain & Crypto Revisited AZ TRT S05 EP44 (260) 12-1-2024 Best of Clips on Bitcoin, Blockchain & Crypto from previous shows…… Exchanges w/ John Denza of ErisX Crypto News + Blockworks on Blockchain & Bitcoin w/ Jason Yanowitz Bitcoin, Bonds, Credit Markets and Reserve Currencies w/ Greg Foss Blockchain Mass Adoption thru Casper Labs w/ Mrinal Manohar Seg. 1 Clips from Tech on the Rise from A.I. to Blockchain - BRT S01 EP 40 11-08-2020 Link to Full Show: Things We Learned This Week AI w/ Naru of Aptus AI AI - artificial intelligence is used daily by the world in - search, big data, speech recognition, V/R, security, robotics, etc. AI helping in healthcare, assist Doctors Blockchain & Crypto w/ John Denza of ErisX Blockchain is a cryptography database Bitcoin is a store of value that operates on the blockchain network Guest: John Denza, Chief Commercial Officer w/ ErisX John Denza has 15+ years as a successful Exchange and Financial Technology Sales Professional with a strong desire to leverage these skills in the Cryptocurrency space. He has a passion to build new Disruptive Markets while fostering relationships with Clients and Hedge Funds. Avid researcher of Cryptocurrency market structure, long term enthusiast and investor across multiple venues. He is focused on applying his Exchange and Electronic Trading experience to the Cryptocurrency Trading community. ErisX: With in-depth experience in delivering and operating a fully regulated market place at Eris Exchange, ErisX has ventured into the digital asset space with a broad offering of both spot and futures contracts on one platform. ErisX integrates digital asset products and modern technology into reliable, compliant and robust capital markets workflows. Starting with Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Ethereum (ETH) and Litecoin (LTC), the ErisX solution provides trading, deposits and withdrawals on a stable, proven capital markets technology infrastructure. Seg. 2 Clips from Blockworks on Blockchain & Bitcoin w/ Jason Yanowitz of Blockworks - BRT S02 EP21 (68) 5-23-2021 Link to Full Show: What We Learned This Week: Blockworks is a Financial News Site about Digital Assets - ie: Blockchain & Crypto Bitcoin is bigger than Elon Musk What is a token? Ethereum = Blockchain, Ether = token crypto Ethereum move to Proof of Stake for better payment speed Crypto Exchanges (ie - Coinbase) and future of investing and ETF creation Guest: Jason Yanowitz of Blockworks Media Co. Jason Yanowitz background is in finance and VC work. He started Blockworks with his partner in 2018 to be the premiere source for blockchain and crypto news and information. The site has blogs, webinars, news stories and a podcast. Jason discusses all things Bitcoin, Crypto and the Blockchain form what each is, to Mining, and energy & the Elon Musk comments (and validity). We break down Web 3.0 on tokens, NFT, and the alternate crypto coins. Understanding the creation of Ethereum, the founders, the protocol, and the difference vs Bitcoin. How will the Ethereum upgrade roll out, and if payments will be transacted faster with proof of Stake. Then we expand to the Crypto Exchanges, and Investing, funds / ETFs, and the future of the industry. Seg. 3 Clips from Bitcoin, Bonds, Credit Markets and Reserve Currencies w/ Greg Foss - BRT S02 EP24 (71) 6-13-2021 Link to Full show: What We Learned This Week Bitcoin is Digital Energy Bond and Debt Markets cannot hold up, way too much debt with Governments worldwide Bitcoin could become Reserve Currency as Fiat currencies like the Dollar collapse Credit Markets need to be monitored as an Investor $900 Trillion Total Global Debt Guest: Greg Foss Links: / Bitcoin as Portfolio Insurance Paper - Greg Foss is a former credit trader, who has worked in finance and the bond markets for nearly 30 years. This talk is a breakdown a paper Greg recently wrote entitled – ‘Why Every Fixed Income Investor Should Needs to Own Bitcoin as Portfolio Insurance’. He gives an overview of the credit markets, how bonds work, interest rates and inflation and US Treasury historical rates. Greg ties this to the overall market, currencies (fiat and hard assets), stocks and the effects current Government deficits have. Greg tells every investor to pay attention to credit markets as they are indicators of what is going on with stocks. His belief is the US Dollar is dwindling as the reserve currency, and Bitcoin (not Gold) is the better hedge vs inflation. Greg thinks Bitcoin will one day replace the US dollar as the reserve currency of the world. He goes further to give his insights on Bitcoin, the intrinsic value and where it will be in 10 to 20 years. Seg. 4 Clips from Blockchain Mass Adoption thru Casper Labs w/ Mrinal Manohar - BRT S03 EP20 (119) 5-15-2022 Link to Full Show: Things We Learned This Week Casper is designed to accelerate enterprise & developer adoption of blockchain technology today and evolve to meet user needs in the future. Blockchain: key features are missing in the industry, that hinders enterprise adoption, ease of use + speed Blockchain – best form of copy / data / IP protection (Smart Contracts) Blockchain will cost more because the security, and copy protection is better Fees in Blockchain are expensive & inconsistent, there is a need to standardize and make predictable Guest: Mrinal Manohar, Casperlabs CEO Mrinal Manohar is co-founder and CEO of CasperLabs. Mrinal Manohar has an extensive career as both a computer programmer and a finance professional. Before founding Casper, Mrinal was a principal and the technology/media/telecom sector head at Sagard Capital, a ~$1b long-only hedge fund. Mrinal also previously served as a private equity associate at Bain Capital in Boston, and as an associate consultant at Bain & Company. Mrinal has been personally investing in the blockchain industry since 2012 as a seed investor in Ethereum, Blockstack, Basis, Maker, Filecoin, and more. Mrinal holds a Master of Science degree from Carnegie Mellon University. BRT 3.0 - Best Of Bitcoin, Blockchain, & Crypto 2021 w/ Greg Foss, Blockworks & Swan Bitcoin - BRT S02 EP22 (69) 05-30-2021 Clips from past show segments of BRT talking Crypto & Blockchain topics in 2021 from the exchanges, legal, smart contracts, Bitcoin investing, & Blockchain / Crypto news service. Tech Topic: Bitcoin / Blockchain / Crypto Shows: Biotech Shows: ‘Best Of’ Topic: Thanks for Listening. Please Subscribe to the BRT Podcast. AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0 with Matt Battaglia The show where Entrepreneurs, Top Executives, Founders, and Investors come to share insights about the future of business. AZ TRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, & how classic industries are evolving. Common Topics Discussed: Startups, Founders, Funds & Venture Capital, Business, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Blockchain / Crypto, Executive Comp, Investing, Stocks, Real Estate + Alternative Investments, and more… AZ TRT Podcast Home Page: ‘Best Of’ AZ TRT Podcast: Podcast on Google: Podcast on Spotify: More Info: KFNX Info: Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the Hosts, Guests and Speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent (or affiliates, members, managers, employees or partners), or any Station, Podcast Platform, Website or Social Media that this show may air on. All information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes. Nothing said on this program should be considered advice or recommendations in: business, legal, real estate, crypto, tax accounting, investment, etc. Always seek the advice of a professional in all business ventures, including but not limited to: investments, tax, loans, legal, accounting, real estate, crypto, contracts, sales, marketing, other business arrangements, etc.
Tech Marketing - Build a Brand like Steve Jobs & Apple to Elon Musk & Tesla + PT Barnum’s Impact - AZ TRT S05 EP43 (259) 11-17-2024
Tech Marketing - Build a Brand like Steve Jobs & Apple to Elon Musk & Tesla + PT Barnum’s Impact - AZ TRT S05 EP43 (259) 11-17-2024
Tech Marketing - Build a Brand like Steve Jobs & Apple to Elon Musk & Tesla + PT Barnum’s Impact AZ TRT S05 EP43 (259) 11-17-2024 What We Learned This Week: PT Barnum the original Greatest Showman who understood the power of brand & advertising Apple Iphone release in 2007, big event w/ 1st smartphone Apple commercial Think Different, celebrate change Tesla EV Car is a marvel of tech, customer support & service + order online only Tesla $0 ad budget - use social, word of mouth, referrals, clean energy mission, & the following of an iconic Founder Seg 1 - Tech Marketing - Apple PT Barnum is considered the original entrepreneur and showman. He was all about hype and creating big spectacles. He understand very early on the power of PR and the press. He knew he had to capture the public in interest with his posters and advertising. He promoted the extraordinary to arouse people’s curiosity to go see his shows. Truly understood the audience and how to create a hook. His infamous museum, with the Fiji mermaid and Tom Thumb and the dog man. Barnum was adaptive and innovative, changing his show from the museum to the circus. He was not afraid to be outspoken or controversial. He just wanted press and promotion. Power of brand and Apple was able to build a $3 trillion company because people identify with their brand. Steve Jobs - Unique and outspoken founder who believed it was all about the product, and making the best products. He also believed in simplicity, easy to use customer centric product. Knew how to demo a product. Apple was all about the presentation and their events were covered yearly by the press. Key moment was in 2007 with the introduction of the iPhone. Steve Jobs talked about having a phone, I pod and the internet. What if this could all be in one device and then introduced the first smart phone. Apple built their brand as the young cool hip company for creatives. It was the McIntosh graphics card that originally attracted people to their products in the 1980s. Jobs was all about ease of use making a product simple. He would literally have kids test the products to see if it was too complicated. Jobs stressed simplicity, and focus. Make the best looking and sleekest products . He himself was also very simple, wearing the same black shirt and jeans every day so you didn’t have to think about what to wear. This was an Einstein trick. Understood the power of advertising. The original 1984 Super Bowl ad was a play on the book 1984 and smashing the status quo with a sledgehammer to introduce the Apple Macintosh They had a big ad campaign in 1997 with thanking and celebrating all the eccentric rebel misfits, the change people like Einstein and Picasso and Gandhi. This positioned Apple with these iconic figures. Apple had the ‘Shot on iPhone’ campaign with a show versus tell method. People could see the videos and how good they were and how good the camera was on the iPhone. Then the early 2000 ‘I am a PC, I am a Mac’ campaign. Where the PC was seen is an old stuffy guy with glasses wearing a suit vs the young hip Mac. Apples products cost more but the customers who are actually fans do not care. It’s almost like a cult with diehard fans just loving the brand and wanting to be part of the community. They identify with the Apple brand. There are actually more Android phone users, 3 billion users vs Iphone users of 1 billion. In the US iPhone is more popular with a 60% share, vs a 30% share in the entire world. Apple is concerned with how good their products are spending billions on R&D, but also the look and design of products. Even the un-boxing of a Apple product. Constantly clean and simple. Even the Apple stores are very clean and easy to walk about. Steve Jobs set the tone in Apple with the product, focus on the customer, be product centric. Keep it simple and build a great brand. Ironically, Jobs did not work with consultants, nor did he ever do a survey to customers for product ideas. It’s like he knew his customers better than them, and gave them the next generation hottest product. Seg 2 – Tech Marketing - Tesla Tesla company with a $1 trillion valuation that spend $0 on their ad budget. It is pretty amazing that they are the biggest EV car maker in the world with a 50% market share in the US and 20% market share worldwide. Tesla actually had a 75% share in 2022, it has dropped a little. They sell 1.8 million cars worldwide per year, and the total EV car sales in the world is 14 million. There is some smaller EV car makers who are considered rivals - Rivian, Lucid and Volvo / Polarstar, and they only have a 5% market share. Car makers, GM, Honda Nissan, Volkswagen, and Hyundai combined have like a 30% market share in the US. 1 in 4 new cars sold in 2023 was an EV, and currently EV is about 6.8% of US cars. Tesla is all about brand and identity. Just like Apple, their customers connect with the brand. Tesla is obsessed with customer experience and service Their cars are a marvel of technology and easy to use. They’re also connected to your phone and send you alerts when you need service on your car. Tesla is consistent in their messaging. They have a zero dollar $0 ad budget, and spread the word about their online promotion, word-of-mouth, and social media. Their founder Elon Musk is outspoken and not afraid of controversy. He has millions of followers online and tweet from him can change the Tesla stock price. Tesla owns all distribution, they have no franchises. You cannot go into a dealership for buy your car. You have to shop online and order the car. One huge advantage of this is people do not like buying cars at dealerships. Tesla also has a big referral system for promoting and selling cars. They use huge launch events and promotions to create hype. They are also on a mission to be a clean energy company, not just the EV, but solar and the battery energy. Customers of Tesla have an identity with this brand and their mission of clean energy. Tesla future plans involve AI and autonomous vehicles AKA the Robo taxi. As well as the Robo van to deliver goods.They also have the Tesla bot a robot that is expected to cost $25 grand, and be a serving around the house. Tesla has done stunts and promotions, even creating a flamethrower that was sold. Tesla is all about the software, open source so even their competitors can look at what they’re doing. Best of Biotech from AZ Bio & Life Sciences to Jellatech: Biotech Shows: AZ Tech Council Shows: *Includes show from 2/12/2023 ‘Best Of’ Topic: Thanks for Listening. Please Subscribe to the BRT Podcast. AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0 with Matt Battaglia The show where Entrepreneurs, Top Executives, Founders, and Investors come to share insights about the future of business. AZ TRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, & how classic industries are evolving. Common Topics Discussed: Startups, Founders, Funds & Venture Capital, Business, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Blockchain / Crypto, Executive Comp, Investing, Stocks, Real Estate + Alternative Investments, and more… AZ TRT Podcast Home Page: ‘Best Of’ AZ TRT Podcast: Podcast on Google: Podcast on Spotify: More Info: KFNX Info: Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the Hosts, Guests and Speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent (or affiliates, members, managers, employees or partners), or any Station, Podcast Platform, Website or Social Media that this show may air on. All information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes. Nothing said on this program should be considered advice or recommendations in: business, legal, real estate, crypto, tax accounting, investment, etc. Always seek the advice of a professional in all business ventures, including but not limited to: investments, tax, loans, legal, accounting, real estate, crypto, contracts, sales, marketing, other business arrangements, etc.
AZ Tech Council on 2024 Innovation & Governors Celebration w/ Steve Zylstra - AZ TRT S05 EP42 (258) 11-10-2024
AZ Tech Council on 2024 Innovation & Governors Celebration w/ Steve Zylstra - AZ TRT S05 EP42 (258) 11-10-2024
AZ Tech Council on 2024 Innovation & Governors Celebration w/ Steve Zylstra - AZ TRT S05 EP42 (258) 11-10-2024 What We Learned This Week , in partnership with the , honors technology leaders and innovators from across the state with the Governor’s Celebration of Innovation Awards. AZ Tech advocates for the entire tech industry New committee on Space, Satellites & Rockets for launches Major Investment$ in AZ for Semiconductor & Battery factories Guest: Steve Zylstra, President / CEO AZ Tech Council Steve Zylstra of AZ Tech Council joins BRT to talk all things technology in the Valley. The Arizona Technology Council is one of the largest technology-driven trade associations in North America, with over 850 members and growing, the only organization specifically serving technology companies statewide. They protect innovators and truly believe that technology moves all of us forward; and are dedicated to the future of Arizona. Steve Zylstra advocates for AZ tech, as well as his recurring writing about the industry. Steve, and the Council are a major source for updates on technology, business growth, and what legislation is being drafted. The , in partnership with the , has announced the winners of the awards. Winners of this prestigious annual award program represent the best of the best in Arizona’s technology, science and education ecosystem. This year’s recipients were recognized tonight in a ceremony at the Phoenix Convention Center. “The Governor’s Celebration of Innovation award winners represent the pinnacle of innovation and cutting-edge problem solving throughout the state,” said Steven G. Zylstra, president and CEO of the Council and its foundation, SciTech Institute. “It was a pleasure to celebrate our winners, as well as the many outstanding finalists, at tonight’s awards show. Each year we are so proud to see how far Arizona has come as a leader in technology, science and STEM education.” “Each year, the Governor’s Celebration of Innovation awards showcase Arizona’s vibrant technology community,” said Sandra Watson, president and CEO of the Arizona Commerce Authority. “This year’s winners and finalists certainly carry on that tradition. We are proud to partner with the Council to highlight the entrepreneurs and local leaders making Arizona a magnet for innovative technologies.” Notes: Steve Zylstra of the AZ Tech Council joins the show to preview the upcoming Governor’s Celebration of Innovation Seg 1 AZ Tech Council operates statewide with offices in Phoenix in Tucson. They do public policy advocacy for the technology industry in Arizona. Host events 3x a week, have a newsletter, and numerous programs members. Council has 14 committees, with the prominent one being public policy. Link: Tech Impact Report: Tech industry is booming in Phoenix and Arizona with over $102 billion invested in the semiconductor industry alone. There are four Giga battery factories being built in Arizona. Company looks selfish if they advocate to politicians in the state direct. Arizona Tech Council acts as a go-between to advocate for the whole technology industry. They also help with legislation through legislative reps. They’ve gotten priorities past like tech credits R&D invest plans and also lower corporate taxes. They review candidates to see who votes and how the candidates info align with technology goals. Tech Council committees include AI with 95 companies involved. One of the biggest industries in technology and also Arizona is Optics and Photonics. This deals in light, lasers, lenses or managing light through devices like a telescope to a microscope. University of Arizona and Tucson is the No. 1 school for optics. Some companies involved are Synapse Labs and Mercurio. Consultants help companies to transform business on how to use AI. Can either use AI current tools like ChatGPT, or create your own large language model. AI can improve all aspects of a business, really upgrade efficiency. The AZ Tech Council has added an AI bot called Ada named after Ada Lovelace (early computers) to their website. Over time, AI learns and grows. The company that helped the council with the AI bot is called Skilly.AI. Seg 2 Clean Energy is a big topic and technology in Arizona. With the passing of the inflation reduction act during Covid, $12 billion has been invested in Arizona, which created 18,000 jobs. Four Giga factories being built by companies like Kore Power, LG, and American Battery Factory. Deals in Transportation and energy storage for batteries. You also got major EV car makers in Arizona ike Llucid and Nicola. Estimated over the next 7 years Arizona will have 40% more power needs. Arizona also number one and number two in data centers and growth. Data Centers use lots of power and cost a lot. You also have a life science industry with organizations like AZ Bio. This is one of the fastest growing sectors. Another one is semiconductors. Early discussion about mini or modular nuclear facilities for data centers. This could produce renewable power on site. This is long-term planning and might be 10 years away. An example of something being worked on as a nuclear plant loaded on a semi truck. Governor Celebration of Innovation is a joint awards event between AZ Tech Council and AZ Commerce Authority. Celebrating startups, and small and large companies. Awards to stem students and teacher of the year. Lifetime achievement award for execs in Boeing, and Phantom Launch (in Tucson) rocket company. Link to Event: CEO Jim Cantrell of Phantom Launch (formally of SpaceX). rocket expert building a launch system for micro satellites or small satellites. He’s competing with SpaceX, his former boss, Elon Musk, and their Falcon satellite. Satellite and rocket launch technology is a fast growing industry and technology. Future goals to see man return and colonize the moon, as well as mine meteors for resources. AZ Companies involved in the space industry are Honeywell, Northrup, Grumman, Raytheon, Paragon Space, Viasat, Blue Origin, and Virgin, all operating in Arizona Steve’s son works for Space Force, and also Steve worked in the Aerospace industry prior to the tech council. Arizona Tech Council 2024 is forming a committee on the space industry the end of 2024. Biotech Shows: AZ Tech Council Shows: *Includes show from 2/12/2023 Tech Topic: Best of Tech: ‘Best Of’ Topic: Thanks for Listening. Please Subscribe to the BRT Podcast. AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0 with Matt Battaglia The show where Entrepreneurs, Top Executives, Founders, and Investors come to share insights about the future of business. AZ TRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, & how classic industries are evolving. Common Topics Discussed: Startups, Founders, Funds & Venture Capital, Business, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Blockchain / Crypto, Executive Comp, Investing, Stocks, Real Estate + Alternative Investments, and more… AZ TRT Podcast Home Page: ‘Best Of’ AZ TRT Podcast: Podcast on Google: Podcast on Spotify: More Info: KFNX Info: Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the Hosts, Guests and Speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent (or affiliates, members, managers, employees or partners), or any Station, Podcast Platform, Website or Social Media that this show may air on. All information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes. Nothing said on this program should be considered advice or recommendations in: business, legal, real estate, crypto, tax accounting, investment, etc. Always seek the advice of a professional in all business ventures, including but not limited to: investments, tax, loans, legal, accounting, real estate, crypto, contracts, sales, marketing, other business arrangements, etc.
Best of Tech Investing - Venture Capital & Angel Investing - AZ TRT S05 EP41 (257) 11-3-2024
Best of Tech Investing - Venture Capital & Angel Investing - AZ TRT S05 EP41 (257) 11-3-2024
Best of Tech Investing - Venture Capital & Angel Investing AZ TRT S05 EP41 (257) 11-3-2024 What We Learned This Week: ATI - Arizona-based investors committed to supporting capital needs of early stage high growth technology driven companies within Arizona Applicants for Funding need to Answer many Q’s What Problem does your Product Solve? Who is your Competition? How Big is the Market? Startup Founders need to research VCs Startup Founders need to learn how to Tell Their Story, then work on the Pitch Deck Seg 1 Clips from: How do Startup Founders Raise Venture Capital? w/ Chris Smurthwaite of VC Insider - AZ TRT S04 EP05 (167) 1-29-2023 What We Learned This Week EX VC or ‘Recovering’ VC who now works with Startup Founders to help them raise $ money & build their business. Startup Founders need to research VCs to understand what type of fund they have, do some research on the fund, industry & and who they work with What VCs do not appreciate - How to Contact a VC, do not spam, make the email personalized, this is a commitment, build a relationship Startup Founders need to learn how to Tell Their Story, then work on the Pitch Deck with Problem / Solution Model What is the Exit Strategy? Exit by Acquisition, or by IPO (go public) Guest: Chris Smurthwaite of VC Insider Chris Smurthwaite is an ex-venture capitalist. He consults with & advises Startups on navigating the complex world of Venture Capital. He spent the last decade in corporate strategy, business development and growth operations on both the investor and innovator sides of the table. At age 30, was hired to run a corporate venture capital fund for a $1.4 billion company. Among other accomplishments, the fund made: A Seed level investment in a health tech company in 2018 which sold for $425M in 2021 An early stage investment in a company that was acquired for $106M — 7x valuation gain over initial investment. Since 2013, I have: Advised ambitious Founders whose companies are valued from $500K to $250M Established multi-million dollar business development partnerships with emerging companies Made early stage, on-and-off balance sheet investments FULL Show: Seg 2 Clips From: Arizona Tech Investors w/ Bob DeLean AZ TRT S04 EP46 (209) 11-19-2023 What We Learned This Week ATI - Arizona-based investors committed to supporting capital needs of early stage high growth technology driven companies within Arizona Applicants for Funding need to Answer many Q’s What Problem does your Product Solve? Who is your Competition? How Big is the Market? Who are Your Advisors? What is the Business Plan? Sales Plan? Building a Company takes longer than you think, & costs more $ than you expect Guest: Bob DeLean, Executive Director of Arizona Tech Investors LKIN: Bob DeLean has been an investor with ATI for more than 11 years and currently serves as the organization’s Chairman. He spent eight years as a Senior Equity Analyst with Morgan Keegan & Co., Inc., a wealth management and capital market firm. It’s now part of Raymond James Financial Inc. Since moving back to Arizona in 2004, Bob has made 28 angel investments in early-stage and startup companies, the majority being based in Arizona. Bob is an outdoors enthusiast who enjoys road trips and spending time in nature. In the summer of 2022, he and his life-partner Maria took a five-week driving trip through various National Parks, including Arches, Grand Tetons, Yellowstone, and Glacier National Park. They love wildlife and were fortunate enough to see a handful of black bears during the trip. Locally, Bob enjoys hiking through the Phoenix Mountain Preserve and seeing the occasional rogue coyote. He is also an avid mountain biker, but it never feels like he gets out enough. Bob loves to read (although the nightstand book pile is always growing), and is an expert coin collector. Full Show: Best of Biotech from AZ Bio & Life Sciences to Jellatech: Biotech Shows: AZ Tech Council Shows: *Includes show from 2/12/2023 ‘Best Of’ Topic: Thanks for Listening. Please Subscribe to the BRT Podcast. AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0 with Matt Battaglia The show where Entrepreneurs, Top Executives, Founders, and Investors come to share insights about the future of business. AZ TRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, & how classic industries are evolving. Common Topics Discussed: Startups, Founders, Funds & Venture Capital, Business, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Blockchain / Crypto, Executive Comp, Investing, Stocks, Real Estate + Alternative Investments, and more… AZ TRT Podcast Home Page: ‘Best Of’ AZ TRT Podcast: Podcast on Google: Podcast on Spotify: More Info: KFNX Info: Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the Hosts, Guests and Speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent (or affiliates, members, managers, employees or partners), or any Station, Podcast Platform, Website or Social Media that this show may air on. All information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes. Nothing said on this program should be considered advice or recommendations in: business, legal, real estate, crypto, tax accounting, investment, etc. Always seek the advice of a professional in all business ventures, including but not limited to: investments, tax, loans, legal, accounting, real estate, crypto, contracts, sales, marketing, other business arrangements, etc.
Ford Power Promise for EV Cars w/ Becca Anderson - AZ TRT - S05 EP40 (256) 10-13-2024
Ford Power Promise for EV Cars w/ Becca Anderson - AZ TRT - S05 EP40 (256) 10-13-2024
Ford Power Promise for EV Cars w/ Becca Anderson AZ TRT - S05 EP40 (256) 10-13-2024 What We Learned This Week: Ford - Classic Car Company with 100 Years + History EV Car adoption is a growing trend Battery Charging at Home + on the Road Software & Service is part of the Ford Promise on new EVs F150 & Mustang Models are available as EVs Guest: Becca Anderson Senior Director Ford e Customer Experience LKIN: In the early days of the personal auto, Americans wanted and needed the convenience, peace of mind and expert service of full-service filling stations. After taking two long all-electric road trips – one through the Western U.S. and the other across Europe – I’m convinced that the new generation of electric vehicle owners and would-be owners are also looking for convenience, peace of mind and expert service. While we’ve been focused on making public charging easier – including giving Ford owners access to Tesla’s Superchargers with an adapter as part of BlueOval Charge Network – we have learned just how important home charging is to overall electric vehicle adoption in the U.S. Nearly 90% of shoppers say they would be more likely to buy an electric vehicle if they knew they could charge at home1. Filling up at home with electricity can be a significant cost save for many owners compared to filling up with gas. Problem is nearly half of them don’t know how home charging works1. Where do you buy the charger? Who installs it? What does it cost? At the same time, we know many electric vehicle customers want 24/7 support from a real person with expertise if they are going to try new technology. Others want assurance on battery life. Yet our industry seems to want to answer these questions in a time-honored way – cash on the hood. Cheap lease deals on electric vehicles are popping up everywhere. Ford believes it will take more than jumbo rebates to truly break through with the estimated 19 million people in the U.S. interested in electric vehicles. It will take – you guessed it – convenience, peace of mind, and expert service. It will take a modern-day version of the friendly filling station, only this time you “fill ’er up” at home. That’s the idea behind the that we are announcing today. Here are the details: : It’s simple. Buy or lease a retail Ford Mustang Mach-E, F-150 Lightning or E-Transit and take a complimentary home charger with you or have it delivered, and when you’re ready, an expert comes out to install it at no charge for a standard install. This takes the guesswork out of installation, including costs, to help you save time and money by filling up at home. Less stress, more convenience. If you’re a Ford Pro fleet customer, we have you covered with a commercial charging cash incentive. On-the-Road Charging: Road trips don't happen every day, but when you are on the road, you need to know where to fill up. Our BlueOval Charge Network automatically searches for chargers across various networks, including Electrify America and Tesla Superchargers and adds charging stops to your route via the Connected Navigation in the vehicle. With Plug and Charge, you plug in when you get there, and the payment is automatically made via your FordPass account. It's that easy. Battery Confidence: We're confident in the quality of our batteries, and we want you to be confident, too. That's why we provide an eight-year/100,000-mile high-voltage battery warranty for every Ford electric vehicle. Ford has your battery covered. Ongoing Support and Guidance: We're dedicated to providing you with the support you need whenever you need it, including complimentary roadside assistance if your vehicle's range runs too low. We're also expanding our 24/7 Ford advisor for electric vehicle support, so you'll be talking or texting with real people. We are here when you need us. Electric vehicles are an excellent choice for many people. They are fun to drive, quiet and smooth on the road. They can help save you time and money on gas. And for the first time in a long time, filling up just got easier. Now, if I can just get one of my kids to squeegee my windshield. Notes: Ford Power Promise for EVs with 24/7 support and a Battery warranty of 8 years / 100K miles Customers exploring EV car purchase ask about charging, time to charge, battery life, service Qs, and convenience Home Installation of charging station thru Ford Dealer Long range trips are trips of 150+ miles Range can depend on trips, and weather, Ford can give estimates Ford Evs have extended range batteries Tesla Adaptor for charging Ford Evs, can use Tesla charging stations Charging flap for plugin similar to traditional gas valve Ford Dealers train and help customers on using EVs + educational content on Ford University Ford Dealers can service all types of vehicles, including EVs Ford promoting the EV Lifestyle + service for the car and software support with auto updates Customers interest in EVs is growing and new buyers are getting used to the vehicle Range Qs for EVs are being answered with more public charging in major cities and nationwide EVs have a range meter with gives the data for charge status and miles left 0% Charge – Ford has 24/7 roadside support in worst case scenarios If you enjoyed this show, you may like: BRT Marketing: BRT Business: Investing Topic: ‘Best Of’ Topic: Thanks for Listening. Please Subscribe to the BRT Podcast. AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0 with Matt Battaglia The show where Entrepreneurs, Top Executives, Founders, and Investors come to share insights about the future of business. AZ TRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, & how classic industries are evolving. Common Topics Discussed: Startups, Founders, Funds & Venture Capital, Business, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Blockchain / Crypto, Executive Comp, Investing, Stocks, Real Estate + Alternative Investments, and more… AZ TRT Podcast Home Page: ‘Best Of’ AZ TRT Podcast: Podcast on Google: Podcast on Spotify: More Info: KFNX Info: Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the Hosts, Guests and Speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent (or affiliates, members, managers, employees or partners), or any Station, Podcast Platform, Website or Social Media that this show may air on. All information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes. Nothing said on this program should be considered advice or recommendations in: business, legal, real estate, crypto, tax accounting, investment, etc. Always seek the advice of a professional in all business ventures, including but not limited to: investments, tax, loans, legal, accounting, real estate, crypto, contracts, sales, marketing, other business arrangements, etc.
Deep Value Investing Using The Acquirer’s Multiple Revisited w/ Tobias Carlisle - AZ TRT S05 EP 39 (255) 10-6-2024
Deep Value Investing Using The Acquirer’s Multiple Revisited w/ Tobias Carlisle - AZ TRT S05 EP 39 (255) 10-6-2024
Deep Value Investing Using The Acquirer’s Multiple Revisited w/ Tobias Carlisle AZ TRT S05 EP 39 (255) 10-6-2024 What We Learned This Week Acquirers Multiple – Enterprise value of the business, mindset of buying the entire business Deep Value Investing – good companies at wonderful prices, looking for companies that are beat down, but not going out of business, will rebound, mean reversion Activist Investors – like Carl Icahn, act as catalyst to push mgmt to unlock value – stock buybacks, spin offs, etc. Value Trap – buy a cheap company (stock) that just keeps going down, but still looks cheap Guest: Tobias Carlisle – Founder of Acquirers Fund and author of Acquirers Multiple book & blog Website: / LinkedIn: Twitter: Investing is broken down with Toby's philosophy on 'Deep Value', the Acquirers Multiple (purchasing the whole company), and value investing from Graham to Buffett. Tobias Carlisle is the founder of The Acquirer’s Multiple®. He is also the founder of . He is best known as the author of the #1 new release in Amazon’s Business and Finance , the Amazon best-sellers (2014), and other books. He has extensive experience in investment management, business valuation, public company corporate governance, and corporate law. He runs the Acquirers Fund, a Long / Short Fund (ticker symbol – ZIG). Prior to founding the forerunner to Acquirers Funds in 2010, Tobias was an analyst at an activist hedge fund, general counsel of a company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange, and a corporate advisory lawyer. As a lawyer specializing in mergers and acquisitions he has advised on transactions across a variety of industries in the United States, the United Kingdom, China, Australia, Singapore, Bermuda, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, and Guam. He is a graduate of the University of Queensland in Australia with degrees in Law (2001) and Business (Management) (1999). Notes: Deep Value – what drives returns in investing, picking stocks is half the battle Concentrated Investing – interviews with fund managers Acquirers Multiple – summary of previous books, giving the best lessons Built Models to back test investing styles and value investing techniques Warren Buffet is looking for Wonderful Companies at Fair Prices vs a Good Company at a Wonderful price (Deep Value) Not a great business, but still a good business, that is being priced like it is going out of business. The market will realize this later, as it rebounds and grows slowly over time. Contrarian’s contrarian like Carl Icahn Value Trap – buy a cheap company (stock) that just keeps going down, but still looks cheap Corporate Raider or LBO (Leverage Buyout) Activist Investor or Shareholder Activism – forces management to make changes and unlock that value Solutions - Buy back stock, sell assets, spin off a division Value Investor has to be patient, can take years for the market is too realize the value Lots of cash $ on the balance sheet, low debt, and business is generating free cash flow Cash Flow is the life blood of a business, without it the business runs out of options Buffet was a Liquidator in his early days, buy the company and liquidate the assets to make a profit, but decided to change his strategy because of pushback from company employees Acquirers Multiple: think like an Acquirer (like Private Equity), buying the whole business or the Enterprise Value - what is the equity value of the business, how much debt, how much cash – forensic analysis of the balance sheet, and determine all assets and all liabilities Enterprise Value = market cap plus debt plus preferred stock plus minority interest minus cash. Enterprise Value compared to the operating income EBITDA – operating income / cash flow of the business Magic Formula - Joel Greenblatt investing has 2 formulas to calculate: Return on invested capital (ROIC) = EBIT / (net working capital + net fixed assets) Earnings yield = EBIT / Enterprise value. Average Small Business gets valuation that is 1 – 2x cash flow multiple, because it is owner centric Big Business gets better Valuation (could be 6 – 12x cash flow) because it is robust and not dependent on 1 or few people Tech Company with great secular growth, and a Moat could have a multiple of 20x free cash flow Ie - Google, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Visa , Mastercard Mean Reversion – companies or stocks go down over time, because completion comes after the main players in a an industry and chip away 13F – follow 13 F of Super Investors for stock ideas, Toby does not use this method, even though he pays attention. Toby likes: Carl Ichan (Catalyst), Warren Buffet, David Einhorn, Dan Loeb (Third Point), Seth Klarman Baupost Group – Seth Klarman is a deep value investor, buying into distressed companies I Press – David Einhorn of Greenlight Capital made an activist push at Apple in 2013 to unlock value by creating share levels Buffet’s buy of Apple stock in 2016, put in $36 Billion Buy the stock cheap, even when the value is going down to cash in on the opportunity, when the stock is rising again, it’s too late Howard Marks – no bad stocks, just bad prices, it’s all about what price you pay Acquires Multiple Checklist – strength to survive short term problems market size of mid cap or bigger ($2 bill +) plenty of cash on balance sheet & cash flow some acknowledgement of undervalue - paying down debt buying back stock, offloading asset, or sell business companies that buy back stock ROI do well, if issuing more shares = bad, look at share base compensation of managers Big Shareholder is engaged and pushing mgmt Investing Topic: ‘Best Of’ Topic: Thanks for Listening. Please Subscribe to the BRT Podcast. AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0 with Matt Battaglia The show where Entrepreneurs, Top Executives, Founders, and Investors come to share insights about the future of business. AZ TRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, & how classic industries are evolving. Common Topics Discussed: Startups, Founders, Funds & Venture Capital, Business, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Blockchain / Crypto, Executive Comp, Investing, Stocks, Real Estate + Alternative Investments, and more… AZ TRT Podcast Home Page: ‘Best Of’ AZ TRT Podcast: Podcast on Google: Podcast on Spotify: More Info: KFNX Info: Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the Hosts, Guests and Speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent (or affiliates, members, managers, employees or partners), or any Station, Podcast Platform, Website or Social Media that this show may air on. All information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes. Nothing said on this program should be considered advice or recommendations in: business, legal, real estate, crypto, tax accounting, investment, etc. Always seek the advice of a professional in all business ventures, including but not limited to: investments, tax, loans, legal, accounting, real estate, crypto, contracts, sales, marketing, other business arrangements, etc.
Taxes Are Going Up - How to Grow Your Wealth using the Right Tax Buckets - AZ TRT S05 EP38 (254) 9-29-2024
Taxes Are Going Up - How to Grow Your Wealth using the Right Tax Buckets - AZ TRT S05 EP38 (254) 9-29-2024
Taxes Are Going Up - How to Grow Your Wealth using the Right Tax Buckets - AZ TRT S05 EP38 (254) 9-29-2024 What We Learned This Week: Tax Buckets, broken into 3 categories of Taxed (income), Tax deferred (401K), Tax Free (Roth) Taxes are going up – How to Move more $ into a Tax Free Position Advisors should ask Clients – Do you want to pay Taxes now when you know the rate, or Pay Taxes Later at Unknown Rate? You are always partners with the Gov’t / IRS Arbitrage is Powerful in Finance – borrow cheap $ at 3%, then earn 6% controlling more Capital Wealthy like Bezos or Musk use Tax Free Loans to get Money on appreciating stock assets Guest: Denver Nowicz, President - Wealth For Life Denver Nowicz is an advisor with nearly 20 years experience working with clients in investments and insurance, designing retirement plans with a combo of both. He takes us through different strategies for clients to get the best allocations for their money over the long term. It is the Combo Strategy of both Offense and Defense, the synergy of the mix, not ‘All or Nothing’. Defense – Why defense is so important, and how Insurance strategies can help. 3 to 1 Matching – one of Denver’s favorite strategies thru insurance, more for upper level earners who have a long term horizon Tax Protection – Tax Buckets, broken into 3 categories of taxed (income), tax deferred (401K), tax free (Roth), understanding the differences, and where your funds are currently, and options thru insurance products to move more $ to a tax free position. We also talk about Executives, and what strategies can they use to handle taxes, investments, & retirement. The standard retirement plans (IRA, Roth IRA, 401K), what is a 401K, and the deferred tax setup in the plan (and recs take company match on 401K). We shift to why business owners have more options and benefits and what are they (Acquire assets, stocks, real estate, invest in business). The 3 Tax Buckets – income, tax deferred, tax free, and understanding the 3, and tax protection – move more $ to the tax free position. When you have Assets – rental real estate, cash flowing business, IUL, you can use them for tax benefits. Create your own Exit Strategy as if you sold the biz you worked for, and get the benefits of 3 to 1 Linder Match. What is the strategy of Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos with Tax Free Loans? More Info on WFL and Tax Free Matching: Previous BRT Shows w/ Denver Nowicz: Link to Taxes Show on 10/31/2021 w/ Denver: Link to Offense / Defense Show on 6/6/2021 w/ Denver: Link to Shows, Denver was a Guest: BRT S02 EP23 (70) 6-6-2021 – Why You Need Both Offense and Defense in Your Financial Strategy Investing Topic: ‘Best Of’ Topic: Thanks for Listening. Please Subscribe to the BRT Podcast. AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0 with Matt Battaglia The show where Entrepreneurs, Top Executives, Founders, and Investors come to share insights about the future of business. AZ TRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, & how classic industries are evolving. Common Topics Discussed: Startups, Founders, Funds & Venture Capital, Business, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Blockchain / Crypto, Executive Comp, Investing, Stocks, Real Estate + Alternative Investments, and more… AZ TRT Podcast Home Page: ‘Best Of’ AZ TRT Podcast: Podcast on Google: Podcast on Spotify: More Info: KFNX Info: Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the Hosts, Guests and Speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent (or affiliates, members, managers, employees or partners), or any Station, Podcast Platform, Website or Social Media that this show may air on. All information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes. Nothing said on this program should be considered advice or recommendations in: business, legal, real estate, crypto, tax accounting, investment, etc. Always seek the advice of a professional in all business ventures, including but not limited to: investments, tax, loans, legal, accounting, real estate, crypto, contracts, sales, marketing, other business arrangements, etc.
Rockin’ the Kremlin - Russian Music Industry w/ David Junk - AZ TRT S05 EP37 (253) 9-22-2024
Rockin’ the Kremlin - Russian Music Industry w/ David Junk - AZ TRT S05 EP37 (253) 9-22-2024
Rockin’ the Kremlin - Russian Music Industry w/ David Junk - AZ TRT S05 EP37 (253) 9-22-2024 Things We Learned This Week Roger Waters performed The Wall – Live in Berlin after the Fall David Junk went to the concert, & was inspired and moved to Russia, got into Diamond business, then Music Industry with Universal Music David had to establish a legal record market, and had to fight corruption with the Local Mob Record Companies and Artists wanted to grow their fan-base in both Eastern Europe & Russia post the Fall of the Soviet Union Western Music had a huge impact on Russian music, culturally & maturing the industry, which created local Rock Bands & Rap Artists Guest: David Junk Music Business in Russia About David Junk is a seasoned music industry veteran with a career spanning thirty years. After the fall of the Soviet Union, David Junk embarked on an extraordinary adventure by becoming one of the first American record executives to work in the Ukrainian music industry. Early Days and Introduction to Ukraine: In 1999 as a record executive for Universal Music, the world's largest record company, David started an initiative to open the first branch of Universal in Ukraine. At the time, no other Western record label had ventured into Ukraine, allowing Russia to control the Ukrainian music market. David played a pivotal role in the early development of the Ukrainian music industry. This opened the door for more Western labels to engage in business in Ukraine. Championing the Ukrainian Music Industry: As Vice President of Universal Music, David had a significant responsibility in overseeing Eastern Europe, with a specific focus on Ukraine. He was instrumental in defending the rights of Ukrainian songwriters and combating music piracy controlled by criminal groups. Under his leadership, Universal Music soared to become Ukraine's most successful international label. This achievement was largely attributed to the Ukrainian youth's love for Hip Hop and rap music from Universal's premier labels, Interscope and Def Jam Records. The world-renowned Black Eyed Peas and rapper 50 Cent graced the Ukrainian music scene, thanks to David's efforts. In 2005, Universal Music extended its support to the Ukrainian Eurovision entry, Green Jolly, when Kyiv hosted the televised event for the very first time. Contributions to the Reggaeton Genre: In 2006, David took on the role of General Manager at Universal's Machete Records in Los Angeles, where he played a crucial part in transforming it into the #1 Reggaeton label in America. His work involved collaborating with renowned artists such as Don Omar and Wisin Y Yandel, further expanding his experiences in the music industry. Gibson Guitars: In 2013, David began a new career chapter, joining Nashville-based Gibson Guitars and managing a guitar showroom from the iconic Hit Factory recording studios in New York City. In this role, David presented honorary guitars to music legends Tom Petty, Elvis Costello, Nile Rodgers, Steve Miller, and the band Cheap Trick for their inductions into the Songwriters Hall of Fame and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. He also provided guitar support for Blondie, Rush, The Roots, and Andrew Lloyd Webber's "School of Rock" Broadway Cast in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Seg 1 David Junk bio, fell into the music business by accident. Most people get into the music business through connections or ex musicians. David worked for universal music, and got into the music business when he was already working in Russia. He was living and working in Moscow and hired by universal music, then called PolyGram for a finance position for the record company. Record label was big, carried the catalogs of Bob Marley deaf jam artist Bon Jovi and was the first musical label in Russia. David went on to become the first CEO of universal music in Russia. David is from Ohio, and grew up during the Cold War with fear of Russia. His influenced by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd and his claim that he would not perform the album the wall unless the actual Berlin wall in Germany came down. In 1989 The Berlin wall did come down. Waters staged a concert performing the wall with celebrity ax joining in, called the Potsdam concert. David went to Europe and attended that concert. He was influenced by the moment and returned to America to study business and the Russian language. He got an NBA in California. In 1993 he got a job in Moscow working for a diamond mining company, mining raw diamonds. Russia has large supply of diamonds and Siberia. Unfortunately, the company David was working for turned out to be a huge scam with the Russian bosses stealing $200 million and diamonds. David was arrested and thrown in a Russian jail. Thankfully, the actual criminals were caught and David was let go. The next job we got in Russia was for the music industry. Seg 2 How the music business and record labels work. Record labels make money by marketing. Their big artist as well as music writes with song catalogues. Company David worked for carried many of the big rap artists like Jay Z and Eminem, as well as big bands, like U2 and the cranberries and also catalogs of Johnny Cash. Labels are located in both the US and other countries. I band releases a new album and the record label locate in each country would promote and sell. Record labels want to sign artist to promote internationally to make more sales and exposure to the music. The 1990s both Russia and Eastern Europe were considered one zone and many businesses were trying to expand.throughout. David visited many countries in Eastern Europe as well as former Russian Republic, like Ukraine. At the time there was no infrastructure to sell records. There were no legal record stores and the Russian mafia controlled 90% of the music industry. There was mass piracy with music and CD. David’s job working for universal music was to create a legal music industry. Three step process to get the mafia out of the business Legislation - using the Russian Dumba work to create legislation to generate tax revenue off record sales. Country like Sweden was a model with massive revenue from the band ABBA. This failed and corruption issues continued. Police Action - Moscow police raids of piracy locations and confiscate CDs of universal music and other record labels. This partially worked, had some corruption issues. But ultimately it failed to as the pirate factories just moved from the city to military bases. Now they are under protection of the Russian military. U.S. Ambassador - went to the Bush administration to try to block Russia from the WTO world, trade organization. Russia wanted to expand its economy, enjoying the WTO. They leveraged this to push for legal action on music and other industries in Russia. Force the Russian government to protect artist and lessen the corruption. Seg 3 In the late 1980s and 1990s artist were eager to get their music distributed in Russia. They obviously wanted to work with a record company. Do it legal have promotion that was supportive and understanding of their rights. They also understood that the royalties would be less. There was big business though in touring. David’s bosses in both Angeles and London cannot understand how powerful mafia was and how deep the corruption was. When bands were touring in Russia mafia would interfere by selling false concert tickets. At the time in the late 1980s and early early 1990s lots of bands were touring in both Russia and Eastern Europe. There were issues. An example of this was David Copperfield Magician tour. At one point, he did not pay the bribes and could not get his equipment out of Russia. He had to actually cancel parts of his European tour. Band sell more records by touring in Russia. 1990s peace festival or Bon Jovi Metallica AC/DC all tour in Russia. Mariah Carey also toured in Russia. Kiss refused in the mid 1990s to Eastern Europe because of the war Yugoslavia. MTV opened in Russia 1999 and this continue to expand music exposure of the west in Russia. Red Hot chili pop performed in the red square. Western music had a huge cultural impact in Russia. David and universal signed the Russian band tattoo. This became the biggest selling Russian band in history. Improved in Russia now that they’ve been introduced to competition from the west. Better music, better, music, videos, and better songwriting. Music is always had a connection to freedom with artist having the freedom of expression. Hip-hop and rap was introduced to Russia and wound up becoming the most popular music in Russia today. Very much an anti-authority and freedom type music. Russia, creative popular hip-hop band called del. Many acts like Eminem, Snoop Dogg, 2Pac, 50 Cent, Jay Z, Dr. Dre, anime all became big hits in Russia. David left Russia in 2005 and moved on to work for Gibson guitars which ultimately led to his return in 2013. Often on he lived and worked in Russia for 15 years. If you enjoyed this show, you may like: BRT Marketing: BRT Business: Investing Topic: ‘Best Of’ Topic: Thanks for Listening. Please Subscribe to the BRT Podcast. AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0 with Matt Battaglia The show where Entrepreneurs, Top Executives, Founders, and Investors come to share insights about the future of business. AZ TRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, & how classic industries are evolving. Common Topics Discussed: Startups, Founders, Funds & Venture Capital, Business, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Blockchain / Crypto, Executive Comp, Investing, Stocks, Real Estate + Alternative Investments, and more… AZ TRT Podcast Home Page: ‘Best Of’ AZ TRT Podcast: Podcast on Google: Podcast on Spotify: More Info: KFNX Info: Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the Hosts, Guests and Speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent (or affiliates, members, managers, employees or partners), or any Station, Podcast Platform, Website or Social Media that this show may air on. All information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes. Nothing said on this program should be considered advice or recommendations in: business, legal, real estate, crypto, tax accounting, investment, etc. Always seek the advice of a professional in all business ventures, including but not limited to: investments, tax, loans, legal, accounting, real estate, crypto, contracts, sales, marketing, other business arrangements, etc.
AZ Bio Week & Life Sciences Innovation w/ Joan Koerber-Walker - AZ TRT S05 EP36 (252) 9-16-2024
AZ Bio Week & Life Sciences Innovation w/ Joan Koerber-Walker - AZ TRT S05 EP36 (252) 9-16-2024
AZ Bio Week & Life Sciences Innovation w/ Joan Koerber-Walker - AZ TRT S05 EP36 (252) 9-16-2024 Things We Learned This Week AZ Bio mission to improve life and bioscience, & make AZ a Top Ten Bioscience state AZ Bio Week 2023 is Sep. 16, 5 Days Talks, Events & Awards 3 Ds - Discovery, Development, & Delivery - takes years, and $ billions to bring new drugs to market Their company members deal with diseases, medical devices & cancer research to cure it Combo of Gov't & Private Funding, University research & private company work Guest: Joan Koerber-Walker President and CEO, AZBio - Arizona Bioindustry Association, Inc. Chairman, Opportunity Through Entrepreneurship Foundation LKIN: Bio: As President and CEO of AZBio, Joan Koerber-Walker works on behalf of the Arizona Bioscience and Medical Technology Industry to support the growth of the industry, its members and our community on the local and national level. Ms. Koerber-Walker is also a life science investor and has served on the boards of numerous for-profit and non-profit organizations. In the life science industry, Ms. Koerber-Walker serves as as Arizona’s representative to the State Medical Technology Alliance (SMTA), a consortium of state and regional trade associations representing their local medical technology companies which she chaired in 2015 and represents Arizona as a member of the Council of State Bioscience Associations (CSBA) and the Coalition of State Bioscience Institutes (CSBI). Active in the entrepreneurial and investment communities, she also serves as Chairman of the Board of the Opportunity Through Entrepreneurship Foundation which provides entrepreneurial education, mentoring and support to at-risk members of the community, on the Board of Advisors to CellTrust, Inc. which provides secure communication technology to the healthcare industry, and as Chairman of CorePurpose, Inc. which she founded in 2002. Ms. Koerber-Walker has been recognized as Executive of the Year by the Arizona Society of Association Executives, as a “Most Admired Leader” by the Phoenix Business Journal (2015), in the pages of AZ Business Leaders (2013 thru 2020), Most Influential Women in Arizona Business (2014) and is a 2 time National Finalist for the Stevie Award which recognizes the work of women in business. Her past experience includes two years as the CEO of ASBA (the Arizona Small Business Association), service as a member of the Board of Trustees of the National Small Business Association in Washington D.C., President of the National Speakers Association/Arizona, Chair of the Board of Advisors to Parenting Arizona, the state’s largest child abuse prevention organization, & much more. AZBio: Supporting Arizona’s Life Science Industry for 19 Years (2003 – 2022) Learn more about Arizona's bioindustry: | Facebook: |Twitter: We’re part of a movement to create sustainable funding for life science innovation in Arizona. Learn more at MOVING LIFE SCIENCE INNOVATIONS ALONG THE PATH FROM DISCOVERY TO DEVELOPMENT TO DELIVERY OUR VISION OF THE FUTURE: Arizona is a top-ten life science state. OUR MISSION: AZBio supports the needs of Arizona’s growing life science ecosystem. The Arizona Bioindustry Association (AZBio) is a not-for-profit, 501(c)6 trade association supporting the growth of Arizona’s life science sector. in the fields of business, research and education, health care delivery, economic development, government, and other professions involved in the biosciences are the key drivers of the growth of Arizona’s life science sector. As the unified voice of our industry in Arizona, AZBio strives to make Arizona a place where bioscience organizations can grow and succeed. AZBio works nationally and globally with the Advanced Medical Technology Association (), the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (), the Medical Device Manufacturers Association (), the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (), and leading patient advocacy organizations. Through these relationships, AZBio has access to information, contacts, resources, cost saving programs, and the global bioscience and medtech community. Arizona’s bioscience industry is growing rapidly and reached nearly 30,000 jobs spanning 2,160 business establishments in 2018. Industry employment has grown by 15 percent since 2016—twice the growth rate of the nation—with each of the five major subsectors adding jobs during the period. Arizona’s universities conducted nearly $580 million in R&D activities in bioscience-related fields in 2018, fueled in part by steadily increasing NIH awards to Arizona institutions since 2016. Venture capital investments in Arizona bioscience companies increased in 2019, and during the 2016-19 period totaled $349 million. Arizona inventors have been awarded 2,178 bioscience-related patents since 2016, among the second quintile of states in patent activity. Notes: Seg 1 Biotech and life sciences industry in Arizona, has 3000 businesses and 36,000 employees. The economic impact in 2021 was $38.5 billion. AZ Bio would like to double, so by 2033, the impact would be $78 billion. Examples of biotech companies in Arizona are Medtronic that makes medical devices, WL Gore, material sciences. Other companies in diagnostics, there are Sonoran Quest which does testing. This also Castle Bio Sciences, deals in cancer treatment. Some medicine companies are Bristol, Myers, and Calvari who deals in cancer drugs. Calvari is the bio science company of the year in 2024. AZ Bio Science Week started in 2017. AZ Bio week starts September 16 and has events daily from Monday to Friday. Seg 2 Neo clinical stage company dealing in heart health with aortic artery for the abdomen. Another new company is prim dealing in MCT deficiency, compound growth and they are in clinical and testing stages. Drugs get tested through computer models, and then on animals. Always have to worry about safety and ethics. FDA has very strict rules. You do not put people at risk, after monitor, during test and post monitoring. There’s high-level quality control. Events Summary: Monday - Women in Biotech Leading Women: Biotech & Beyond Join us for an evening of conversation and connections with our community's leading women as we kick off Arizona Bioscience Week in style! Tuesday - Fundraising Fundraising Strategies for Life Science Startups A compelling narrative is crucial when you are fundraising and communicating with life science investors. (LSN) Global Fundraising Bootcamp covers topics related to executing a successful fundraise for your startup. Wednesday – AZ Bio awards, philanthropy, entertainment, and AZ Advances The 20th Annual AZBio Awards & AZAdvances After Party Celebrate with the Educators, Researchers, and Organizations that are making life better for people in Arizona and around the world. Join us at the Phoenix Convention Center as we honor the 2024 AZBio Award Winners. Hundreds of health innovators and business leaders will be celebrating at the 20th Annual AZBio Awards. Thursday- White Hat Investor White Hat Life Science Investor Conference White Hat Investors 2024 showcases exciting biotech and medtech companies from across the Rocky Mountain & Southwest Region. Friday - Voice of the Patient, Bridge Cures Event Voice of the Patient Patients are the reason we do what we do. Join the conversation on life science innovation from the patient perspective. Ponte Cura: The Bridge to Cures Ponte Cura is a special donor appreciation event for the people and organizations supporting the Opportunity Through Entrepreneurship Foundation AZ Advances: Arizonans are advancing life changing and life saving innovations along the path from discovery to development to delivery. AZAdvances is developing the funding that will help advance health innovations in Arizona today and for generations to come. Charitable donations to the AZAdvances fund at the Opportunity Through Entrepreneurship Foundation, an Arizona based 501c3 public charity, are a way to support the creation of tomorrow's medical innovations. Seg. 3 Replay Clips from: Preventing Cancer with a Vaccine w/ Stephen Johnston of Calviri - AZ TRT S04 EP17 (179) 4-23-2023 Things We Learned This Week Calviri is working on a Vaccine to PREVENT Cancer, currently largest animal clinical trial Inflammation - starting points of bad cells Cancer - bad cells replicate Could Prevent other diseases & extend longevity of people's lives - ex.- help w/ dementia Tumors make bad proteins Calviri vaccine works on RNA (proteins) kills tumor, & arms immune system Full Show: Best of Biotech from AZ Bio & Life Sciences to Jellatech: Biotech Shows: AZ Tech Council Shows: *Includes show from 2/12/2023 ‘Best Of’ Topic: Thanks for Listening. Please Subscribe to the BRT Podcast. AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0 with Matt Battaglia The show where Entrepreneurs, Top Executives, Founders, and Investors come to share insights about the future of business. AZ TRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, & how classic industries are evolving. Common Topics Discussed: Startups, Founders, Funds & Venture Capital, Business, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Blockchain / Crypto, Executive Comp, Investing, Stocks, Real Estate + Alternative Investments, and more… AZ TRT Podcast Home Page: ‘Best Of’ AZ TRT Podcast: Podcast on Google: Podcast on Spotify: More Info: KFNX Info: Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the Hosts, Guests and Speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent (or affiliates, members, managers, employees or partners), or any Station, Podcast Platform, Website or Social Media that this show may air on. All information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes. Nothing said on this program should be considered advice or recommendations in: business, legal, real estate, crypto, tax accounting, investment, etc. Always seek the advice of a professional in all business ventures, including but not limited to: investments, tax, loans, legal, accounting, real estate, crypto, contracts, sales, marketing, other business arrangements, etc.
THE PRICE: What It Takes to Win in College Football’s Era of Chaos w/ Sports Writer John Talty - AZ TRT - S05 EP35 (251) 9-8-2024
THE PRICE: What It Takes to Win in College Football’s Era of Chaos w/ Sports Writer John Talty - AZ TRT - S05 EP35 (251) 9-8-2024
THE PRICE: What It Takes to Win in College Football’s Era of Chaos w/ Sports Writer John Talty AZ TRT - S05 EP35 (251) 9-8-2024 What We Learned This Week NCAA fought lawsuits for years to avoid paying the players, had chance to solve the issue Sonny Vacarro (Nike fame) convinced Ed O’Bannon of UCLA to sue, led to NIL NCAA cannot enforce rules on NIL, free for all Transfer Portal happens 2x / year, can change teams 2x in the same year! Nick Saban quit at Alabama because of the chaos Likely resolution is a Salary Cap in College Football Guest: John Talty, CBS Sports College Football Writer College Football Segment with John Talty on What It Takes to Win in This Era of Chaos in College Football and Their New Book THE PRICE “THE PRICE: What It Takes to Win in College Football’s Era of Chaos” (Harper, August 27, 2024) by six-time New York Times best-selling author Armen Keteyian and award-winning national college football reporter John Talty, is an in-depth and revealing investigation into the tumultuous state of college football—and the financial, physical, emotional, and psychological toll taken on everyone involved. Keteyian and Talty pull from over 200 interviews to exposes everything from the fall of the Pac-12 to the exploitation of underprivileged young athletes. Their research culminates into a meticulously constructed portrait of the NCAA’s crumbling foundations and new inside information on college football’s biggest names—Nick Saban, Jim Harbaugh, Kirby Smart, Jimbo Fisher, and Lane Kiffin. Two of the nation’s most respected sports journalists team up for a vital, hard-hitting investigation into the tumultuous state of big-time college football. We are living in the Wild West of college sports. Name, Image and Likeness endorsements, the transfer portal, collectives, conference realignment, the powerful influence of media companies have all rendered the notion of amateur athletics a quaint relic of the past, replaced by a Brave New World where money and self-interest rule. About the Authors Armen Keteyian is an eleven-time Emmy Award-winning journalist and the author or coauthor of six New York Times bestsellers, including The System and Tiger Woods. He lives in Connecticut. John Talty is the national college football writer for CBS Sports and 247Sports and the author of the Wall Street Journal bestseller The Leadership Secrets of Nick Saban. He lives in Alabama. Here are some of the reveals in THE PRICE: Exclusive behind-the-scenes reporting on the bitter legal battle between University of Michigan head football coach Jim Harbaugh and the NCAA, and his chilly relationship with athletic director Warde Manuel An inside look at Nick Saban’s final year in college football and what ultimately drove him away from the sport New detailed, behind-the-scenes reporting surrounding the shocking demise of the Pac-12 Inside the feud between Nick Saban and Jimbo Fisher The bombshell details behind a top college quarterback demanding tens of thousands of dollars from his head coach in order for him to play in an important game Exclusive reporting on the rise of Arizona football under head coach Jedd Fisch The behind-the-scenes story of Julian Sayin, a top-rated quarterback in the Class of 2024 and his decision to play for Nick Saban and the University of Alabama – a decision gone wrong when Saban suddenly retired A major profile on quite possibly the sport’s biggest power broker: The uber successful yet mysterious agent Jimmy Sexton A rare interview with controversial Auburn University trustee and mega-booster Jimmy Rane, the only billionaire in the state of Alabama Behind-the-scenes reporting on the rise and fall of Jimbo Fisher in College Station Unique access to and interviews with high-ranking members of the NCAA Enforcement staff, including Vice President Jon Duncan The inside story on Jaden Rashada and his college-aged agent who sent the sport into a tizzy when his $13.8 million deal to Florida blew up spectacularly Exclusive interviews with former NCAA president Mark Emmert who describes a broken system, assesses the mistakes he made during twelve-plus years guiding the organization, and his surprising predictions on where it’s all headed. Notes: Seg 1 The book is a deep dive into college football, the NIL and paying players. John got into sports at age 14 writing for He has been in the business 20 years already, and covering college football for the last 15 years. NCAA had their chance to change the system about playing paying players, but fought it for years. NCAA had beat prior lawsuits for years, where they would either win or pay very small amounts. Sonny Vaccaro of Nike shoe fame had a moral reckoning. In the early 2000s he convinced UCLA basketball player Ed O’Bannon to sue. Ultimately this partially led to the NIL - multiple lawsuits, and eventually California overturned the rule that the players need to be paid. Ed O’Bannon was the face of the lawsuit. NCAA does not make money off football. They do make $ billions off of basketball and other sports. A school might make $200 million in a year. Problem with the NIL - now that you have to pay players, lesser or non-revenue producing sports could be canceled. Example: women’s sports like softball or volleyball. NCAA cannot enforce rules on NIL, it’s a total free-for-all, wild west with kids switching schools for paychecks. Seg 2 The transfer portal is two times a year. A player can literally change schools every year, and even two times in the same year. Currently colleges are pushing for a salary cap, and this could be the likely solution. Coach Nick, Sabin of Alabama quit after the 2023 season because of the chaos. Saban is someone who is all about control and likes to have his day planned to the minute. Part of the reason he quit was because of the breakdown structure and players jumping ship. Saban worked on agreements, no promises, the players he recruited must work hard. Money portion blows out that plan.Game is changing rapidly and he decided to get out before it got bad. He did not want to leave Alabama Football in a bad position. Jim Harbaugh of Michigan was busted on NCAA rules during 2019 in Covid. He received a multi-year penalty because they felt he was lying and denied the cover-up. Similar situation for Bruce Pearl of Tennessee, basketball coach busted for lying about a barbecue with athletes. Boosters spend $ millions currently on college programs. Unsure to see the future of where boosters will be in the new NIL or salary cap system. Salary Cap system may be coming in the next one or two years, 2025 or 2026 and a revenue sharing plan also. Currently there is a potential settlement in legal action dealing with the whole issue as well as Title IV. Related Article – How Sonny Vaccaro accidentally created the Ed O'Bannon case Jon Solomon explores the genesis of the Ed O'Bannon trial Football Done Right, History of the NFL with Ex GM Mike Lombardi + Rick Horrow on Stadiums - AZ TRT S04 EP38 (201) 9-24-2023 What We Learned This Week · You don’t work in the NFL. You live in the NFL. – Al Davis, Raiders Owner White Oaks of Football – 5 Coaches who revolutionized how the game is played Paul Brown’s Operating System – responsible for so many of the ways football teams are run, from headsets, to play calling & playbooks, to scouting systems West Coast Bill Walsh – created an offensive philosophy by passing early to get the lead, and running late to keep the lead Pete Rozelle (former NFL Commissioner) propelled football into the #1 sport thru Television, starting with Monday Night Football in 1970 Scouting for players is about elimination, never about finding. Need a Profile to know what you are looking for. Full Show: Sports Themed Show: ‘Best Of’ Topic: Thanks for Listening. Please Subscribe to the BRT Podcast. AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0 with Matt Battaglia The show where Entrepreneurs, Top Executives, Founders, and Investors come to share insights about the future of business. AZ TRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, & how classic industries are evolving. Common Topics Discussed: Startups, Founders, Funds & Venture Capital, Business, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Blockchain / Crypto, Executive Comp, Investing, Stocks, Real Estate + Alternative Investments, and more… AZ TRT Podcast Home Page: ‘Best Of’ AZ TRT Podcast: Podcast on Google: Podcast on Spotify: More Info: KFNX Info: Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the Hosts, Guests and Speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent (or affiliates, members, managers, employees or partners), or any Station, Podcast Platform, Website or Social Media that this show may air on. All information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes. Nothing said on this program should be considered advice or recommendations in: business, legal, real estate, crypto, tax accounting, investment, etc. Always seek the advice of a professional
Intelligent Investor, Market Cycles, Supply & Demand - Best of Host Matt on Investing & Economics - AZ TRT - S05 EP34 (250) 9-1-2024
Intelligent Investor, Market Cycles, Supply & Demand - Best of Host Matt on Investing & Economics - AZ TRT - S05 EP34 (250) 9-1-2024
Intelligent Investor, Market Cycles, Supply & Demand - Best of Host Matt on Investing & Economics AZ TRT - S05 EP34 (250) 9-1-2024 What We Learned This Week: The Intelligent Investor Ben Graham's teaching, and seminal investing book - Ch. 8 on Mr. Market, & Ch. 20 on Margin of Safety Market Cycles – importance of identifying them, to know where you are at when investing to avoid Bubbles and Mania - Economics Simplified - What is the Opportunity of your Business Investment? - What is the Probability of the Next Die Roll? - Dr. Nash’s Plan to Pickup Women Notes: Seg 1. MB on Ben Graham's teaching and seminal investing book, The Intelligent Investor (c 1949), & review of the 2 main chapters - Ch. 8 on Mr. Market, and Ch. 20 on Margin of Safety Ben Graham was an economist, professor, and investor. He is also known as the Father of Value Investing, and the author of Security Analysis, and The Intelligent Investor. He stressed fundamental analysis of securities (stocks), investor mindset, focused investing, and ‘buy and hold’. He was Warren Buffet’s professor, one time boss, friend and mentor. More: Buffet – Rule #1 Never Lose Money, Rule #2 Remember Rule #1 Ch. 8 - The Investor and Market Fluctuations / aka – Mr. Market Parable Ch. 20 - Margin of Safety as the Central Concept of Investment Stocks are a piece of ownership of a company, not just some piece of paper. You have to be able to value the company to determine if the market is selling you the stock at a discount, or if it is over-valued. A good investment is based on the price you pay for it. A good stock can be over-priced, and a bad stock can be a good buy if the price is depressed enough. You make money when you buy (what you pay). Mr. Market is very emotional, and changes his mind daily. Sometimes he makes you an offer on a stock that is silly, and other times he offers a stock at a deep value, at a low price. This is when you should buy. It is all about psychology, discipline and patience. Margin of Safety is the idea to buy stocks with a defensive mindset. Buy it cheaper than the value, so if your valuation was off, you give yourself room for error. You have to do detailed fundamental analysis to determine if a stock is over or under valued. Then you hold until the stock, ride out the fluctuations until it rises to its true value. Full Show: Seg. 2 MB on legendary investor, Howard Marks of Oaktree and his Memos, in particular, Market Cycles. The importance of understanding Cycles, and how to identify them in investing. A look at market history, and investor psychology all connected to Market Cycles. Per Investopedia – Market Cycle The four stages of a market cycle include the accumulation, uptrend or markup, distribution, and downtrend or markdown phases. Accumulation Phase: Accumulation occurs after the market has bottomed and the innovators and early adopters begin to buy, figuring the worst is over. Markup Phase: This occurs when the market has been stable for a while and moves higher in price. Distribution Phase: Sellers begin to dominate as the stock reaches its peak. Downtrend: Downtrend occurs when the stock price is tumbling down. Examples – Tech Stock Bubble of 2000, Financial Crisis of 2008 (Housing Bubble), Pandemic of March 2020, Railroad Speculation mid-1800s, Great Depression 1929 Howard Marks quotes overheard in a Bubble: ‘This time it is different.’ ‘The market can’t fail.’ The market does not always go up, there is Regression to the Mean – prices will eventually go down and even out. Be leery when there is euphoria in the market (be fearful), and maybe sell. Then buy after, post crash at depressed pricing levels. Buy Low, Sell High. Even a depressed asset can be attractive at the right (low) price. Michael Lewis book – Big Short on the Financial Crisis of 2008 Howard Marks Memos: Books: (The Most Important Thing, Mastering the Market Cycle) Bio (c/o Wikipedia) - Howard Stanley Marks (born April 23, 1946) is an American investor and writer. He is the co-founder and co-chairman of , the largest investor in worldwide. In 2020, with a net worth of $2.1 billion, Marks was ranked No. 391 on the rankings of the wealthiest Americans. Marks is admired in the investment community for his "memos", which detail his investment strategies and insight into the economy and are posted publicly on the Oaktree website. He has also published 3 books on investing. According to , "When I see memos from Howard Marks in my mail, they're the first thing I open and read. I always learn something, and that goes double for his book." Funds led by Marks have produced long term returns net of fees of 19% per year. Investors are primarily and . Seg. 3 & 4 Economics 101 for Real World Business Full Show: Supply & Demand Supply is the amount of a specific good or service that's available in the market. Demand is the amount of the good or service that customers want to buy. Supply and demand are both influenced by the price of goods and services. If there was only one pizza restaurant in a town and then a new pizza place opened, the demand for pizza from the first restaurant would drop. The price of gasoline often changes with the demand throughout the year. As people drive more in the summer, gasoline prices tend to rise. In professional football, owners sell entertainment (supply) and spectators buy the opportunity to view or display the game (demand). Meanwhile, owners also buy the services of athletes who wish to play (demand) and trained athletes make themselves available for a price (supply). Marginal Utility What Is Marginal Utility? Marginal utility is the added satisfaction that a consumer gets from having one more unit of a good or service. The concept of marginal utility is used by economists to determine how much of an item consumers are willing to purchase. Sports David Beckham signed $250 mil contract in 2007 w LA Galaxy Galaxy willing to overpay to get the attention, ticket and merchandize sales What we will pay at the margin? There is only 1 Beckham, rare commodity, like a diamond – subjective on the value What is the value of a bottle of water in the desert? If only 1, then pay a lot, if there are 50 available, then pay less Capital Allocation – Capital Allocation is the process of distributing financial resources to different areas of a business to increase efficiency and maximize profits. A Sunk Cost refers to money that has already been spent and which cannot be recovered. In business, the axiom that one has to “spend money to make money” is reflected in the phenomenon of the sunk cost. A sunk cost differs from future (or regular) costs that a business may face, such as decisions about inventory purchase costs or product pricing. Sunk Costs also mean that the Money $ used on a bad investment is lost. Don’t try to ‘chase it’ to somehow recover and get even. Instead, just write it off, and move on. It is better to use the New Money $ on better investments. Where to Invest your money $ is pivital to Capital Allocation. Simply put, learn to Control Your Capital and decide wisely what Opportunity (Cost) it should go to be as efficient as possible. This is the intersection of scarcity and choice. Opportunity Cost is the loss or gain of making a decision, the forgone benefit that would have been derived by an option not chosen. To properly evaluate opportunity costs, the costs and benefits of every option available must be considered and weighed against the others. Famous Phrase – “idle cash balances represent an opportunity cost in terms of lost interest” Whether your time or money can be better spent on something else Should you mow your own lawn, or hire someone and concentrate on your job to make more $ Division of Labor We do not cut our own hair, or drill our own teeth – we go to a dental specialist, saves time & $ over long term Concentrate on your specialties Pencil example – one co make wood, one makes eraser, one mines the graphite, and one co assemblies – we all benefit as it would be harder and cost more if same company did it all, suppliers w/ specialty help keep costs down In Stock Investing – Beware the Zombie Co.s in the S&P Index. These are companies that are not profitable, or growing (may even need a Bailout). They are just treading water, and paying their interest on debt, but not their principal. In the current S&P index, it is estimated that about 20% of companies are Zombie Co’s whose main investment comes from people buying the whole Index. Unfortunately another 30% of the Index are bad companies that are either are stagnant, or on their way to Zombie status. Maybe 10 – 15% of the Companies (Stocks) in the Index (50 – 75 Co’s) are really good to exceptional and should get your Capital. Do you want to own the best house on the block? Or all of them? Gamblers Fallacy each roll of the die is separate from the last, no effect The gambler's fallacy, also known as the Monte Carlo fallacy, occurs when an individual erroneously believes that a certain random event is less likely or more likely to happen based on the outcome of a previous event or series of events. For example, the gambler's fallacy might cause someone to believe that if a coin just landed on heads twice in a row, then it's “due” to land on tails on the next toss. Monte Carlo Simulation – use for modeling scenarios One simple example of a Monte Carlo Simulation is to consider calculating the probability of rolling two standard dice. There are 36 combinations of dice rolls. Based on this, you can manually compute the probability of a particular outcome. Monte Carlo Simulation is a mathematical method for calculating the odds of multiple possible outcomes occurring in an uncertain process through repeated random sampling. This computational algorithm makes assessing risks associated with a particular process convenient, thereby enabling better decision-making. Probabilities Probability is simply how likely something is to happen. Whenever we're unsure about the outcome of an event, we can talk about the probabilities of certain outcomes—how likely they are. The analysis of events governed by probability is called statistics. Sports analytics is a more recent field that uses data to measure areas like athletic performance and business health to of a sports organization as a whole. On-field data metrics help teams decide how to improve in-game strategies, nutrition plans and other methods for raising their athletes’ level of performance. Off the field, organizations can leverage data to monitor ticket sales, craft marketing campaigns and reduce operational costs. Data lets teams and organizations track performance, make predictions and make smarter decisions on the field. Want to figure out what play is best to run on fourth down in a football game? . Wondering whether or not your pitcher should throw another inning? Check the analytics. Players still win games, but data allows coaches to put them in the best position to succeed. Game Theory – science of human strategy, people behave differently in games Dr. Nash – A Beautiful Mind If they all go for the same girl in the bar, competition and no one gets her, but if they work together and pair off with the group of girls, they all may win As Nash explains it, if all the men approach the blonde first, none of the men will pair off: The blonde will reject them all as a crowd, and her brunette friends will reject them all individually because none of the women will accept being second choice to her friend. While used in several disciplines, game theory is most notably used as a tool within the study of business and economics. The "games" may involve how two competitor firms will react to price cuts by the other, whether a firm should acquire another, or how traders in a stock market may react to price changes. Prisoners Dilemma The prisoner's dilemma presents a situation where two parties, separated and unable to communicate, must each choose between cooperating with the other or not. The highest reward for each party occurs when both parties choose to co-operate. Keep your mouth shut and tell the cops nothing, both walk Cold War Example If both combatants do nothing, everyone lives, or mutual destruction with nuclear war War Games movie – no winner in hundreds of simulated games Related Show: Market Cycles, Risk, & Ben Graham’s Intelligent Investor - Finance Lessons from BRT BRT S04 EP29 (192) 7-23-2023 What We Learned This Week: Mean Reversion & Market Cycles – Asset prices do not go up forever, but rather fluctuate Assets – Valuations have gone down, forces Investors to evaluate the worth of an Asset, Risk / Reward analysis, no more ‘free’ money Interest Rates – Don’t Fight The Fed, raising rates to lower value of assets Market Risk – can get Treasury Bills at 4 – 5%, risk-free, need good ROI to invest in stocks with 10 – 20% downside risk Wealthy own Assets, Business, Real Estate, Stocks are the best and most popular The Intelligent Investor Ben Graham's teaching, and seminal investing book - Ch. 8 on Mr. Market, & Ch. 20 on Margin of Safety Full Show: Business Topic: Investing Topic: More - BRT Best of: Thanks for Listening. Please Subscribe to the BRT Podcast. AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0 with Matt Battaglia The show where Entrepreneurs, Top Executives, Founders, and Investors come to share insights about the future of business. AZ TRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, & how classic industries are evolving. Common Topics Discussed: Startups, Founders, Funds & Venture Capital, Business, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Blockchain / Crypto, Executive Comp, Investing, Stocks, Real Estate + Alternative Investments, and more… AZ TRT Podcast Home Page: ‘Best Of’ AZ TRT Podcast: Podcast on Google: Podcast on Spotify: More Info: KFNX Info: Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the Hosts, Guests and Speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent (or affiliates, members, managers, employees or partners), or any Station, Podcast Platform, Website or Social Media that this show may air on. All information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes. Nothing said on this program should be considered advice or recommendations in: business, legal, real estate, crypto, tax accounting, investment, etc. Always seek the advice of a professional in all business ventures, including but not limited to: investments, tax, loans, legal, accounting, real estate, crypto, contracts, sales, marketing, other business arrangements, etc.
Built to Fail: The Inside Story of Blockbuster's Inevitable Bust w/ Alan Payne - AZ TRT Flashback - S05 EP33 (249) 8-28-2024
Built to Fail: The Inside Story of Blockbuster's Inevitable Bust w/ Alan Payne - AZ TRT Flashback - S05 EP33 (249) 8-28-2024
Built to Fail: The Inside Story of Blockbuster's Inevitable Bust w/ Alan Payne AZ TRT Flashback - S05 EP33 (249) 8-28-2024 What We Learned This Week: · Blockbuster started in 1985, and scaled quickly after Wayne Huizenga purchased it in 1987, 10,000 stores at its height, dominant video rental co. · Alan Payne instituted the Video Rental model of HEB to the Blockbuster franchises he ran – segmented movies to rent new ones for more · Wayne Huizenga was a stellar Founder who built 3 fortune 500 companies – Waste Mgmt, Blockbuster, and Auto Nation · Viacom purchased Blockbuster in 1994 for $8.4 billion, and went on to lose 75% of the value over the next decade + · Competition was fierce from Hollywood Video, Redbox and then in 1997 by a new DVD rental by mail company called Netflix · Netflix scaled into the internet company it always wanted to be with streaming in 2009 Guest: Alan Payne Alan Payne spent thirty-one years in the movie rental business, the last twenty-five of those as a Blockbuster retail franchisee. He took over a small group of Blockbuster stores in 1993 and grew it into one of the largest and most successful chains in the company. He finally closed his last store in 2018, more than eight years after Blockbuster filed for bankruptcy. Book: Built to Fail: The Inside Story of Blockbuster's Inevitable Bust From the Back Cover Blockbuster was phenomenally successful in its early years and made thousands rich beyond their wildest dreams. But it was consistently outsmarted and outmanaged by smaller companies. And the challenges began earlier than you think--long before Netflix was even an idea in the minds of founders Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph. Blockbuster became one of the most iconic brands in the history of American business, but it cracked at the first sign of a challenge. From its founding, Blockbuster was a company built to fail. Link: Alan Payne Bio: Border Entertainment, LLC - 2000 to 2018 Founded a $34.2M franchise group with 41 independently owned Blockbuster stores. President & Chief Executive Officer Held complete P&L responsibility while managing executive team (CFO, VP of Product Management, VP and GM Alaska Division, VP and GM El Paso Division, VP and GM South Texas Division) with 750 employees. · Grew revenue to $34.2M with 41 stores located in Texas and Alaska. · Capitalized business with $14M debt and $3M in private equity investment. Investors received over 35% internal rate of return. Fully retired debt in 2012. · Grew sales 140% and profitability 190% during industry decline from 2000 to 2007. Expanded through same store sales increases, new store openings, relocations, and acquisitions. · Created proprietary management systems by gathering and analyzing data around financial and inventory performance. · Developed and implemented an aggressive real estate strategy, identifying heavily trafficked, high-volume locations. · Cultivated culture of loyalty, retaining employees during wind down. Alan Full Bio: Blockbuster Video was an American video rental . It was founded by David Cook in 1985 as a stand-alone , but later grew into a national store chain featuring video game rentals, , , , and cinema theater. The company expanded internationally throughout the 1990s. At its peak in 2004, Blockbuster consisted of 9,094 stores and employed approximately 84,300 people: 58,500 in the United States and 25,800 in other countries. Blockbuster – c/o Wikipedia: Harry Wayne Huizenga Sr. (; December 29, 1937 – March 22, 2018) was an American businessman. He founded and , and was the owner or co-owner of , the of the (NFL), the of the (NHL), and the (now Miami Marlins) of (MLB). Wayne Huizenga – c/o Wikipedia: Notes: Seg 1 Blockbuster was the premier video rental company in the 1990s. To put it in perspective how big they were, they brought in more revenue than theater ticket sales. To add to that, if a movie bombed in the theater, it could be saved by video rental. Also with the introduction of DVDs in the late 1990s, movie studios started doing direct to video movies that would be released in rental stores like Blockbuster. Pre-Internet was a different era for retail sales. In the 1990s you had huge retail companies like Blockbuster for rental movies, Tower records for CDs and music, and Borders for books. In the 2000s with the rise of the Internet, these businesses were all under attack. Netflix was growing with streaming, iTunes add streaming music, and Amazon was out selling borders with book sales. In the mid-1990s Blockbuster at its height was the dominant video rental store with 40% market share. Hollywood Video is their main competitor with 20% market share. Per Alan, half the weekly rental business was done on Friday and Saturday night from 7 to 10 PM. Blockbuster on weekends was the place to be, where the community was literally gathering for family night in movie rentals. There were new releases that came out every week and this section of the store was usually the most popular. With the introduction of the VCR circa 1985 the video rental business took off. There were tons of small mom and pop video rental stores. The business didn’t really have to be run that well as the industry was exploding. Prior to this it was very difficult to see old movies. You had to have seen them in the past in the theater or wait for Network TV to air them. There was no control and very limited choices. With the onset of Blockbuster in 1985, the video industry became more organized and professional. Blockbuster also had 6000 movie titles to rent, and scaled fast, opening stores by the dozen+. Cost for Blockbuster to buy a movie was $70 per movie. They needed to rent the movie 20 times just to break even. Blockbuster stores count were 5500 stores in the US, 1000 were franchisees and then corporate owned 4500. Corporate stores were typically in the larger markets, while the franchises were in the mid and smaller markets. Seg 2 Alan bio, in the 1980s straight out of school he went to work for HEB grocery, the second largest grocery company in Texas and privately held. It was a $25 billion company run by CEO Charles Burt In 1986, with the rise of Blockbuster started with just 30 to 40 stores. In 1987 HEB grocery started in the video business using Blockbuster as a model. They would own single location stores that were about 5 to 7000 ft.² in size. H-E-B eventually opened 35 stores and was beating Blockbuster in sales had to head in the markets in Texas like San Antonio for example. A few years later HEB sold out to Hollywood Video and Hollywood Video went public. In 1993 Alan got into franchises of Blockbuster working with Prime Cable. The business was struggling as Prime was not a retail company. They had 8 stores in Alaska and 10 stores in El Paso, Texas. Alan instituted the H-E-B model and was able to turn the stores around. Blockbuster Business Model - Blockbuster legitimized the video business, and made it more professional than the original mom and pop stores that were not run well. Wayne Huizenga had bought Blockbuster early on when it just had 20 stores and he grew it fast. The formula was simple - all movies regardless of whether they were new or old or rented for three day at $3. The demand for new movies was huge. Blockbuster could’ve charged more renting new movies. Alan used the H-E-B grocery video model that was developed. Rent movies by the day and charge more for new releases. Older movie you could charge a $1 a day and people could keep the movie for 3 to 5 days. There was actually a lot of demand for older movies, and they were 15,000 movie titles of older movies in demand. Seg 3 Wayne Huizenga is a great CEO and businessman. He was the only man to build three fortune 500 companies, Waste Management, Blockbuster, and Auto Nation. Auto Nation was run by CEO Mark Jackson, and is the premier car dealership. Wayne admitted he was more interested in building the thing, not running things. He also went on to buy the Miami Dolphins in football in the 1990s, and start the Florida Marlins baseball franchise. Blockbuster stores were well run, attractive, and demand was high. Their franchise colors of blue black background and yellow Blockbuster writing on the sign were easily visible. They also picked very good real estate locations for their stores. In 1994, Wayne sold Blockbuster to Viacom for $8.4 billion. In just seven years, built valuation from 1987 to 1994 when built up the business for a return of hundreds of percent. He paid $15 million, and sold it for $8.4 billion. Viacom rolled the business into its total corporate structure and six years later they spun it off at a $1.5 billion valuation in six years, they lost 75% of the value of the business, it was poorly run. Viacom was a TV company with major networks like Nickelodeon run by Sumner Redstone. He wanted to get involved in the movie business and use the Blockbuster purchase eventually to get Paramont studios. Blockbuster when purchased was cash flowing $1 billion a year, it was making lots of money. Steve Berrard was named the CEO of Blockbuster after the Viacom purchase, and only lasted one year. Then Bill Fields was brought in as the second Viacom CEO of Blockbuster. Fields had a Walmart background, so he was hired for his experience in retail. He had no clue though how to run the video business. He also lasted less than one year, and the cash flow was starting to go negative. Seg 4 1997 the DVD was introduced and this would change the movie and rental business. DVDs were created to be sold direct to consumer. 1997 is also the year that Netflix started with their DVD rental business through the mail. In 1999, the video rental business peaked at $10 billion a year in revenues. Post 1999 thru 2006 sales were flat to small growth. 1997 Blockbuster got their 3rd CEO, John Antioco, who served as Blockbuster CEO from 1997 through 2007. He also had a retail background and marketing. He had been at Taco Bell briefly, and prior to that he spent 20 years at 7-Eleven. 7-Eleven is a huge retail store that’s really about location and real estate. They sell gas soda beer and cigarettes. They are not known for being great in retail. One thing John did as the new blockbuster CEO which was good, he started to engage with the franchisees. In the late 1990s you were starting to see technology in the Internet slowly affect new businesses. When Netflix was created they always intended to be an Internet company, it just took them 10 years to get where they wanted to be. John running Blockbuster that stable to slow growth. He doubled top line revenue and doubled the amount of stores blockbuster had but the profit margins went down. Had its height in the early 2000s blockbuster at 5500 US stores and 3 to 4000 stores outside the US. Blockbuster at the typical business fix cost of rent labor and taxes, which were slowly increasing year after year. Gross margin is just the rental revenue minus the cost of the product. The cost of the DVD product have been cut in half by the early 2000s. DVDs were made cheaper as the movie business was trying to sell direct to consumer, and kill the rental business if possible. The rental business revenues started flattening out post 2005. Sell through business for DVDs from movie studios was increasing every year, and had tripled in just a few years in sales. In theory, Blockbusters gross margin should’ve gone up but instead was declining. They had the Proto typical business math problem of high costs and not enough sales. The Great Recession of 2008 was really the beginning of the end for Blockbuster. By 2010 blockbuster and filed bankruptcy. It was the end of an era of a very strong stable business at one point for video sales rental. Seg 5 – Bonus Netflix started in 1997, with a business model of DVD rental via the mail. Even though Netflix only had a small portion of market share, by 2004 blockbuster felt compelled to compete with Netflix on the video rental via sales but failed. Netflix originally did not have their subscription model. That model was added a few years in, circa 2007. In 2010, Netflix started adjusting their business model and experimenting heavily with streaming. The streaming business model for Netflix really didn’t take off until post 2010. Netflix created their AI recommendation model. This taught their subscriber base how to enjoy titles. Netflix overall model was customer centric. If a customer liked comedy Netflix could recommend 10 more comedies to them. Another thing the customers loved was Netflix would release the full season of the TV series at one time. This created the streaming binge watch phenomenon. By contrast Blockbuster had tons of customer data but never did anything with that data. In theory Blockbuster could’ve been Netflix, and at one point almost bought Netflix. Netflix original niche was renting older movies with the recommendation model. Netflix also created the queue system. Netflix sent titles in a customer’s queue of 20 movies and would control what movies the customer would get sent in the mail. In 1998, Blockbuster had to start a revenue sharing of profits with movie studios and this really hurt gross margin in the video rental business. Unit volume sales were not stable as time went on. Overall top line volume sounds was inconsistent. Blockbuster at one point tried the subscription model, but physically in stores. It failed for it did not work in an actual brick and mortar retail store. Blockbuster in the mid-2000s used gimmick solutions which never really addressed the fundamental problems that were happening. Reed Hastings of Netflix offered to sell the company to Blockbuster in 2000 for $50 million. Netflix wanted to join forces. Reed Hastings goal from day one, was to be an Internet company. Blockbuster was not able to work out the deal, so it never materialized. Reed Hastings of Netflix was a true founder and original. He had vision. Founders may not be the best operators all the time, but they must have vision. There are some founders though who not only have vision, but also can be an operator. Examples are Reed Hastings of Netflix, Steve Jobs of Apple, Mark Zuckerberg with Facebook. Wayne Huizenga was a founder, but not an operator. You go from the founder mentality to the operator mentality, but this never materialized in the history of Blockbuster. Overall, Blockbuster management never really understood the business they were in. They were in the customer business, but never really focused on the customer. This is how over the long term they were beat out by companies like Netflix, and even Amazon. Peter Drucker (famous business consultant) would ask the important question: ‘What business are you in?’ – to understand who your customers are, what they need, and how to market and sell to your customer Postscript: Alan Payne closed his last blockbuster store in 2018, and then wrote the Built to Fail Blockbuster book. He does not know what his next endeavor is…. If you enjoyed this show, you may like: BRT Marketing: BRT Business: Investing Topic: ‘Best Of’ Topic: Thanks for Listening. Please Subscribe to the BRT Podcast. AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0 with Matt Battaglia The show where Entrepreneurs, Top Executives, Founders, and Investors come to share insights about the future of business. AZ TRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, & how classic industries are evolving. Common Topics Discussed: Startups, Founders, Funds & Venture Capital, Business, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Blockchain / Crypto, Executive Comp, Investing, Stocks, Real Estate + Alternative Investments, and more… AZ TRT Podcast Home Page: ‘Best Of’ AZ TRT Podcast: Podcast on Google: Podcast on Spotify: More Info: KFNX Info: Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the Hosts, Guests and Speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent (or affiliates, members, managers, employees or partners), or any Station, Podcast Platform, Website or Social Media that this show may air on. All information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes. Nothing said on this program should be considered advice or recommendations in: business, legal, real estate, crypto, tax accounting, investment, etc. Always seek the advice of a professional in all business ventures, including but not limited to: investments, tax, loans, legal, accounting, real estate, crypto, contracts, sales, marketing, other business arrangements, etc.
Think Globally When Looking for Stocks to Invest In w/ Meb Faber - AZ TRT 2.0 Flashback - S05 EP32 8-18-2024
Think Globally When Looking for Stocks to Invest In w/ Meb Faber - AZ TRT 2.0 Flashback - S05 EP32 8-18-2024
Think Globally When Looking for Stocks to Invest In w/ Meb Faber AZ TRT 2.0 Flashback S05 EP32 8-18-2024 Things We Learned This Week Investment Plan – write it down and stick to it, give yourself rules and guard rails Allocation – Global Stocks, Global Bonds, Global Assets (Real Estate, Commodities, etc) Talmud Portfolio – 2000 year old strategy – 1/3 of $ in land, business, reserves Invest With the House – monitor the 13F of big investors to get ideas Market Cycles – importance of identifying them, to know where you are at when investing to avoid Bubbles and Mania Guest: Meb Faber at Cambria Investments Website / Blog / Books: Twitter: Book Recs / Investing Info: Meb Faber takes us on an in depth discussion on investing, doing your research, Quant investing, and looking at stocks outside the US to diversify your portfolio. Why following the big investors 13Fs, aka Invest with the House, can reap benefits and ideas. He is a historian on investing and always crunches the numbers and data. Mr. Faber is a co-founder and the Chief Investment Officer of Cambria Investment Management. Faber is the manager of Cambria’s ETFs and separate accounts. Mr. Faber is the host of The Meb Faber Show podcast and has authored numerous white papers and leather-bound books. He is a frequent speaker and writer on investment strategies and has been featured in Barron’s, The New York Times, and The New Yorker. Mr. Faber graduated from the University of Virginia with a double major in Engineering Science and Biology. He has written multiple Books on Investing – Global Asset Allocation, Global Value, Invest With the House, Shareholder Yield, Ivy League Portfolio, The Best Investment Writing You can Download some for Free here: Notes: Written Investment Plan, and stick to that plan Learn thru experience what your real risk tolerance is when you actually lose $ Do you have the fortitude to stick to your investing plan, when the stock has a 50% draw down Investment Market History – over a 200 year period to give you guide posts Expectations of returns that are more realistic, to avoid disappointment Market Cycles – living thru cycles to identify them Long Term Investment Horizon - 10 to 20 years, downturns in stocks, bonds, gold can last years Example – you expect to stay in your house for 10 – 20 years Short term leads to chasing returns and bad behaviors Deep Research on Investments, Quant analysis and review the numbers to avoid biases Allocation – Global Stocks, Global Bonds, Global Assets (Real Estate, Commodities, etc) Meb book rec: Triumph of the Optimists – historical review of market returns, also Jim Rogers books Home Country Bias – most people in US invest 80% in US stocks, look globally ( and allot 50% to US) Diversify Worldwide – research European or Japanese stock market for ideas Biggest Stocks hit a size that will have trouble going forward growing bigger (got from $1 tril, to $10 tril size), also have a target on your back, biggest stocks over time will underperform the index ETFs – worldwide and foreign markets Invest with the House – monitor the 13F of big investors for ideas, institutional investors with $100 mil in assets must do a quarterly filing of stocks they hold (45 days after) Analysis Paralysis – Simplicity is important, have an easy strategy Talmud Portfolio – 2000 year old strategy – let every man invest 1/3 of $ in land, business, reserves Meb modern translation – stocks, real assets, cash & bonds Hard to beat strategy, can buy ETFs at low cost, and re-balance Monitor details of taxes and fees, be defensive - Diversify your net worth to business, land, etc. Start investing at a young age, save $ and stay invested, focus on low fees Then Advanced Strategies of Value Investing, Trend Following, Tail Risk, etc. Investing Topic: ‘Best Of’ Topic: Thanks for Listening. Please Subscribe to the BRT Podcast. AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0 with Matt Battaglia The show where Entrepreneurs, Top Executives, Founders, and Investors come to share insights about the future of business. AZ TRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, & how classic industries are evolving. Common Topics Discussed: Startups, Founders, Funds & Venture Capital, Business, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Blockchain / Crypto, Executive Comp, Investing, Stocks, Real Estate + Alternative Investments, and more… AZ TRT Podcast Home Page: ‘Best Of’ AZ TRT Podcast: Podcast on Google: Podcast on Spotify: More Info: KFNX Info: Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the Hosts, Guests and Speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent (or affiliates, members, managers, employees or partners), or any Station, Podcast Platform, Website or Social Media that this show may air on. All information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes. Nothing said on this program should be considered advice or recommendations in: business, legal, real estate, crypto, tax accounting, investment, etc. Always seek the advice of a professional in all business ventures, including but not limited to: investments, tax, loans, legal, accounting, real estate, crypto, contracts, sales, marketing, other business arrangements, etc.
Investing in Real Estate Opportunity Zones Revisited w/ Greg Talcott of Caliber Funds - AZ TRT S05 EP31 (247) 8-11-2024
Investing in Real Estate Opportunity Zones Revisited w/ Greg Talcott of Caliber Funds - AZ TRT S05 EP31 (247) 8-11-2024
Investing in Real Estate Opportunity Zones Revisited w/ Greg Talcott of Caliber Funds AZ TRT S05 EP31 (247) 8-11-2024 What We Learned This Week Caliber Co is an integrated real estate company from service to construction to investment funds The biggest idea in funds right now is Opportunity Zones - investing in below medium income areas Caliber deals can last 5+ years, with an IRR of 17% Caliber has great lenders to get good interest rates, they fund deals 50/50 - loan to equity Location - always looking for great properties w/ community to support biz + other real estate building Clips from: Investing in Real Estate Opportunity Zones w/ Greg Talcott of Caliber Funds AZ TRT S04 EP42 (205) 10-22-2023 Full Show: Guest: Greg Talcott, Managing Director of Sales LKIN: Greg Bio: Experienced sales executive with a demonstrated history of working in the venture capital and private equity industry. Skilled in Securities, Asset Management, Investment Strategies, Equities, Real Estate, and Financial Advisory. Strong media and communications professional, expertise in digital marketing to niche networks such as ultra high net worth individuals. BS focused in Law & Political Science from Arizona State University. Real Estate Investment Experts Caliber is a leading vertically integrated asset management firm whose primary goal is to enhance the wealth of investors seeking to make investments in middle-market assets. We strive to build wealth for our investor clients by creating, managing, and servicing proprietary products, including middle-market investment funds, private syndications, and direct investments. Our funds include investment vehicles focused primarily on real estate, private equity, and debt facilities. We market our services through direct sales to private investors, wholesaling to investment advisers, direct sales to family offices and institutions, and through in-house client services. Caliber’s middle-market specialty allows the Company to compete with agility and speed in an evolving arena of alternative investments. Notes: Seg 1 Preview clip of Caliber Funds Real Estate Investing - Many ways to invest in real estate. You could do the DYI method, you buy a property and then manage it yourself as the landlord. You could fix and flip, where you buy a property invest in it do some upgrades, and then flip it for a profit in the short term. You could buy tax liens and get paid when the property taxes are paid off. You can invest in REITs, real estate investment trust. Similar to a Dividends stock you make money off the cash flow income to properties. There are major real estate investment funds, and this is what Caliber does. When investing in real estate there are a number of terms you should understand. Analyzing any property you on you need to know what your net operating income is. To do the calculation you take the total revenue generated by the property minus the operating expenses. Examples of operating expenses are property management fees utilities property taxes, maintenance, marketing and upkeep. Other terms of note – Cap Rate - Calculated by dividing a property's net operating income by its asset value, the cap rate is an assessment of the yield of a property over one year. For example, a property worth $14 million generating $600,000 of NOI would have a cap rate of 4.3%. ROI – return on investment Tax write offs like Depreciation, or expenses Interest rates for loans, and Refinances Valuation of property - Net operating income divided by the cap rate equals the valuation Seg 2 Greg with Caliber Funds Caliber is an integrated real estate company, that has multiple divisions - dealing from service to construction to investment funds. The company was started 15 years ago by Chris Loeffler out of Phoenix Arizona, and has since gone public. Greg works in the capital raising division, works with accredited investors, people with high net worth, institutions and family offices. Caliber has different types of funds, from growth, to income, to a balance of both. Caliber has 2000 Limited partners or LPs investing in their company. Caliber is considered the GP or general partner, the manager of the deal. Caliber takes on the management of the deal, negotiation, paperwork and bigger risk. For limited partners or LP (the investors), total risk is the capital they invested. The biggest opportunity in funds right now is opportunity zones. Income fund deals you invest for 12 to 24 months with an 11% return. More common deals are 3 to 5 years looking for a preferred return where the investor keeps the first 8% then it is an 80/20 split. Caliber has profit carried interest - Carried interest, or “carry” for short, is the percentage of a private fund's investment profits that a fund manager receives as compensation. Used primarily by private equity funds, including venture capital funds, carry is one of the primary ways fund managers are paid. Caliber shoots for deals that have a 5-year hold, with an internal rate of return or an IIR of 17%. Part of that is pass-through losses and depreciation, and tax write offs. Each investor in a 5 year deal receives a K-1 each year for their tax return. Fixed income, or note funds investors receive a standard 1099 for their tax return. Most real estate investments want to get a high return as it is an illiquidity premium. Your money could be tied up for 5 to 10 years so you should get a higher return. For investments that have a lot of liquidity like stocks, you may not expect the same type of return. Not uncommon after 3 years in a fund, there’s a liquidity event where there’s a refinance and then a capital distribution back to investors. Opportunity zones were created in 2017 with the passing of the Tax and Jobs Cut Act. These were real estate areas where there was below medium income, based on 2010 data. There are about 8700 of the zones in the US. An example could be a distressed part of town or even a college area. One of the locations that Caliber is targeting in Arizona is 80 acres, in and around the Talking Stick location by the 101. There are many tax benefits to investing in real estate. What the opportunity zones offer is to defer or possibly even eliminate capital gains over the long term. The way capital gains works with real estate, you have 180 days from a sale to put the sale proceeds somewhere or you need to pay taxes on it. Currently with the law, opportunity zones allow you to defer taxes to April 2027. There is also talk of extending this law to 2029. Seg 3 Capital gains works like this - long term capital gains is 12 months plus, and it’s at a 20% fixed federal rate. Short term capital gains work at 12 months or less, and then you pay your standard income tax rate. An Accredited Investor is someone who earns $200,000+ per year or has a net worth of investable assets of $1,000,000+. This is defined by the SEC. Caliber does a lot of education events to teach their investors about their private equity structure deals and how private equity real estate works. They often have webinars, different live events, classes and online videos. Investing in opportunity zones have many benefits. No. 1 is being able to defer the capital gains. No. 2 is there’s a 10 year hold on the investment, and then after that all appreciation is tax free. No. 3 as a limited partner you get the K-1 with the pass-through tax depreciation and other potential benefits. Caliber is the GP general partner or sponsor of the deal. The way a deal will break out as in the first 5 years you might earn zero, but in the second 5 years with a distribution in a refinance you could earn 50% plus. An example of a recent Caliber deal is they are working on a downtown revitalization of Mesa. With growth funds you can get the ROI and the tax benefits. Caliber shoots for high internal rate of return (IRR) of 15% plus where you can double your equity every 5 years. After year 5, then an 8% distribution. The goal is a 2.5x return multiple over 10 years in an investment. Typically a refinance is going to be the largest form of distribution. Another example of a recent caliber deal was a Shopping Center in north Scottsdale at Northsite & Raintree corner. A high occupancy property (strip mall) which they were able to improve on and get a return of 30+ percent after 2 years. They bought, increased tenants and amenities - then resold the property Seg 4 Interest rates always matter in real estate deals. Last 10+ years interest rates have been near zero, which has been great for real estate. Now with interest rates going up, you have to structure deals differently. Caliber brokers their deals very carefully with a 50/50 loan to value. No one deal is over levered. With more equity in a deal, you can get a lower interest rate on a loan. Caliber has a debt load of 33%. Caliber also has good relationships with specialty lenders and banks. Given the current interest rate environment, a refinance will not be as good as they were pre 2022. A sale of a good property with cash flow, is always a possibility. Especially, if you get a good enough offer. Example: Caliber bought a big property at $21 million, then 2 years later they were able to sell it at $27 million - after upgrades lease renewals etc. Anytime you own a commercial piece of real estate, there’s always the risk of no tenants. You want to de-risk the deal and buy a property with a high occupancy rate (tenants). You also get the depreciation and the steady income after the deal is closed. Rule # 1 - location, location, location. You’re always looking for a great neighborhood and the support the local businesses. This provides tailwinds to any real estate deal. You’re also looking for any other construction building in the area, for example apartment homes. Caliber has a few different funds to offer - fixed income, growth fund, core growth and income fund, opportunity zones, and syndication deals. Syndication Deals are large real estate investor deals that typically are going after bigger properties. Examples of this could be hotels being converted to apartments, or hospitals or hospitality trusts. Real Estate Topic: Investing Topic: More - BRT Best of: Thanks for Listening. Please Subscribe to the BRT Podcast. AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0 with Matt Battaglia The show where Entrepreneurs, Top Executives, Founders, and Investors come to share insights about the future of business. AZ TRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, & how classic industries are evolving. Common Topics Discussed: Startups, Founders, Funds & Venture Capital, Business, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Blockchain / Crypto, Executive Comp, Investing, Stocks, Real Estate + Alternative Investments, and more… AZ TRT Podcast Home Page: ‘Best Of’ AZ TRT Podcast: Podcast on Google: Podcast on Spotify: More Info: KFNX Info: Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the Hosts, Guests and Speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent (or affiliates, members, managers, employees or partners), or any Station, Podcast Platform, Website or Social Media that this show may air on. All information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes. Nothing said on this program should be considered advice or recommendations in: business, legal, real estate, crypto, tax accounting, investment, etc. Always seek the advice of a professional in all business ventures, including but not limited to: investments, tax, loans, legal, accounting, real estate, crypto, contracts, sales, marketing, other business arrangements, etc.
AI Autonomous CRM to Help Sales w/ Vitaly Golomb of Sofielabs - AZ TRT S05 EP30 (246) 8-4-2024
AI Autonomous CRM to Help Sales w/ Vitaly Golomb of Sofielabs - AZ TRT S05 EP30 (246) 8-4-2024
AI Autonomous CRM to Help Sales w/ Vitaly Golomb of Sofielabs AZ TRT S05 EP30 (246) 8-4-2024 What We Learned This Week: AI Autonomous CRM to help sales handle repetitive tasks, so they can focus on talking with clients Accelerate Growth with Instant AI-Driven Lead Engagement Sofie Labs can disrupt the big players in the CRM industry as they are starting with AI on day one Each Phase of Tech gives new tools & opportunities to solve old problems faster, more efficiency Guest: Vitaly Golomb, CEO, serial entrepreneur, author and market challenger for AI CRM. Website: The Problem For the last two decades, much attention has been paid to data organization in CRM systems to eke out incremental improvements in sales. According to SaaS Capital, sales has been the second biggest cost center after R&D. A revolution of AI automation has begun, and the focus is shifting from software features to streamlining and replacing inefficient human processes. Sofie seamlessly integrates with existing sales operations and starts by addressing the weakest link in the process: the SDRs. These entry-level salespeople are notoriously expensive to recruit, train, and retain. They typically lose 50% of qualifiable inbound leads by taking too long to respond or not following up. They also tend to pass through unqualified prospects to the next stage of the sales process at a high rate, wasting Account Executives’ time. The Future of CRM/AI/People Salesforce’s and HubSpot’s grips on CRM show signs of cracking in the face of rapidly evolving AI tools changing how companies sell. Enterprises spend 48% of their OPEX on marketing and sales. The weakest link is not software functionality or data but sales development personnel – a massive 35-billion-dollar labor cost. “The arms race in sales has shifted from cumbersome CRMs to AI automation,” said CEO and co-founder Vitaly M. Golomb. “With Sofie, sales organizations can dramatically improve their return on marketing spend using cutting-edge technology without gimmicks in a very practical way.” He has also played every role as an entrepreneur, investor and coached many to success as a banker too. Book Notes: Seg 1 Sofie Labs AI CRM, autonomous assistant to drive lead engagement CRM is the heartbeat of sales the last 20 years. Can use some as simple as an excel doc or some advanced software like a Salesforce or HubSpot. Sales people have to be able to manage their leads, clients and their sales reports. Marketing creates demand and awareness, to have people request info. Then a sales assistant or SDR would qualify the lead and then pass a good lead to a sales account rep. The sales rep then would present the product, do a proposal and ultimately close the deal. This entire process would be tracked in a CRM. AI is a tool, not an item. Each phase of the technology wave through history gives opportunities. Technology creates new tools and new ways to do something faster. It has always been a Tech arms race. Companies need to adopt technology fast and use the new tech or be left behind the competition. AI has autonomous agents that do things for you. In theory, this should make your business more efficient, efficiencies gained by the assistance of AI. They can handle complex tasks like AI search. In the future, you’ll be able to use AI for research in seconds, as opposed to the past using an intern and it would take hours or days. AI CRM will make the sales people better, by taking away the repetitive work. Can automate processes like, the FAQ of a sales process Junior sales people, or SDR usually make the initial contacts to qualify prospects. SDR stands for sales development rep, and entry-level sales position. Then you have the higher up levels like an enterprise rep or an account rep. Sofie labs is providing you an AI sales assistant who works 24 hours a day. The AI program can set up appointments and track leads. Follow up and sales could take anywhere from 30 days to a year. SDR is costly, lots of training and recruiting. What typically happens with an SDR is either quit the job at a frustration or get promoted to be an account rep. Much of Sales op and Cap spend is on sales marketing and the sales process overall. You need sales to create scale in your company and grow. Seg 2 Sofie Labs is running a pilot program inviting sales companies to test their software. Typically looking for a startup company that has a sales process. There are many ways they can benefit companies, including startups with automated building of the sales organization. For example, a small company could have one SDR vs 10. The SDR would manage the virtual SDRs. Ask the question what CRM should look like with AI? Use the first principles process. Scientific process created by Richard Fineman, and made popular by Elon Musk of Tesla. Basically step back and look at the problem with a fresh set of eyes and review the facts in front of you. First principal process comes from science and engineering, find the truth, breakdown the problem, analyze elements, and reconstruct the problem. The rush by many companies to add AI is not always organized. AI is one more tool in the new tech that provides an opportunity to solve the same old problems. What are CRM supposed to do? How can Sofie compete with big players in the industry like salesforce and HubSpot. The answer is disruption of the old business model. It is tough for a large company like Salesforce to cannibalize their current business model and switch to an AI model. It is rare to see big companies like FB / Meta who are able to pivot to AI in the virtual world. Will Salesforce be able to? It is the Innovator’s Dilemma where large company needs to figure out how to pivot and build a business side-by-side. Amazon was able to do this with AWS. Building the true AI will be the next tech era. This is not a temporary shiny object. There have been three big errors in tech the Internet, mobile, social media, and now the newest one AI. Every new wave of technology gives a better way to solve the same problems. A lot of times large companies will acquire startups and the IP technology they’ve created vs trying to pivot their current business model. Old business question, buy or build? Many companies have to decide whether they should build in house or use M&A and just buy the best winner. There’s no guarantee if you build in house it will succeed. Seg 3 AI CRM Sofie labs is the disruptor, building a business from the ground up with AI. Marketing and sales is life blood of business. A business has to know how to create awareness to generate leads. B2B business process is, you create demand and lead generation. People need the product, and because of the awareness, they think of your business. You have to analyze traffic flow and see what converts. This is a lot of busy work. Tools and tracking on your ad spend. What is the efficient use of these tools and ad spend tracking. Create a customer profile, and customize a template for the CRM. Using AI you describe the custom and set up you want. It’s like an onboard wizard with no more sequences. You don’t have to go through the cumbersome process of a Salesforce. You’re using the best practices, like the Michael Jordan no CRM. It also has marketing approaches built-in, and the sales playbook. Can do your lead generation and contact list. Get to the right person and set up the meeting. The comparison is like a World War II B2 bomber vs a modern day drone. Also, the email processes are correct, not spam. Do your best to catch people in the buying cycle, and reach out effectively. Inbound engagement process, if no response in the first 5 minutes from an inbound lead then 90% chance they go somewhere else and you lose that lead. Speed matters for contact and potential demo process. With a virtual AI CRM it can automatically respond to incoming leads. The AI can also give a custom response to leads, depending on what part of the sales cycle the lead is in. Sales need the human touch, more complex the product, more of a need for the human touch. AI assistant from Sofie Labs is just here to make sales easier, automate the processes and get rid of the menial tasks. Make the whole process more efficient with tools like automated proposal writing. Steve Jobs had a classic quote, ‘Computer is the bicycle of the mind’. If that is so, then AI is the 3-D printer - speeds the process up. These are new tools for sales, infrastructure, and the sales person has less chores. Create documents like contracts with prefilled process. Helps you with follow-ups to get signatures. In the future, it will deal with account management, invoices, and a follow up process for reviews and renewals. Customer relationship is always ongoing in sales, referrals, and then new sales. All relationships need the human touch, the AI assistant from Sofie Labs helps you with your CRM to lesson and repetitive chores. Sofie Labs is doing a pilot for the sales test, a sales playbook and process would be needed for all applicants. Related Show: Zero to One - Peter Thiel Contrarian Thinker + Disruption AZ TRT S04 EP50 (213) 12-17-2023 What We Learned This Week Contrarian Thinking – think for yourself and differently than everyone else Innovation great companies have unique products that go from Zero to one, vertical Founders are important and challenge the Status Quo to change the world Competition is for losers, strive for a Monopoly Secrets – What Great Company is No One Building? Disruption in Business & Tech World - How to Handle The Innovator's Dilemma Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future (c- 2014) Show Link: Biotech Shows: AZ Tech Council Shows: *Includes show from 2/12/2023 Tech Topic: Best of Tech: ‘Best Of’ Topic: Thanks for Listening. Please Subscribe to the BRT Podcast. AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0 with Matt Battaglia The show where Entrepreneurs, Top Executives, Founders, and Investors come to share insights about the future of business. AZ TRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, & how classic industries are evolving. Common Topics Discussed: Startups, Founders, Funds & Venture Capital, Business, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Blockchain / Crypto, Executive Comp, Investing, Stocks, Real Estate + Alternative Investments, and more… AZ TRT Podcast Home Page: ‘Best Of’ AZ TRT Podcast: Podcast on Google: Podcast on Spotify: More Info: KFNX Info: Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the Hosts, Guests and Speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent (or affiliates, members, managers, employees or partners), or any Station, Podcast Platform, Website or Social Media that this show may air on. All information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes. Nothing said on this program should be considered advice or recommendations in: business, legal, real estate, crypto, tax accounting, investment, etc. Always seek the advice of a professional in all business ventures, including but not limited to: investments, tax, loans, legal, accounting, real estate, crypto, contracts, sales, marketing, other business arrangements, etc.
All in One Connect Plus + Virtual Office for Non-Profits by NEP Services w/ Stacey Yudin - AZ TRT S05 EP29 (245) 7-28-2024
All in One Connect Plus + Virtual Office for Non-Profits by NEP Services w/ Stacey Yudin - AZ TRT S05 EP29 (245) 7-28-2024
All in One Connect Plus + Virtual Office for Non-Profits by NEP Services w/ Stacey Yudin AZ TRT S05 EP29 (245) 7-28-2024 What We Learned This Week: Non-Profits and Union type orgs need to upgrade their use of tech to connect with members & donors Connect Plus + offers an All-in-One Virtual Office Control distribution of Marketing & Message Need operational efficiency to scale a business Traditional Non-Profits not always run like a business, good on raising $, need more structure Guest: Stacey Yudin Website: Connect Plus - CEO Stacey Yudin, CEO of is leading a new era of digital transformation for nonprofits and was recently named …in the company of Amazon and other global leaders. NEP Services provides innovative communications solutions for nonprofit organizations including an array of markets such as unions, education, essential services, regional non-profits and even Cal Fires. Its proprietary communications platform is an all-in-one solution for seamless community management, communication and empowerment. So, think of it as one part Go Fund Me and one part Facebook and one HUGE give back to the community. To date, the company has helped its clients raise $65M to give to the community and $7M for its “” crowdfunding platform that raises money for community heroes in need. Stacey Yudin is chief executive officer of NEP Services and a champion of change. As a tech trailblazer, Stacey is known for her unstoppable drive and creating transformative technology to advance unions and non-profit communities securely. Stacey spearheaded the launch of NEP Connect and Connect Plus+ mobile app, NEP’s proprietary employee management and empowerment solution, and has been instrumental in creating a world-class team that celebrates gender diversity and female empowerment. In fact, under her leadership the company was named aFast Company Most Innovative Company in 2024. Prior to NEP Services, Stacey was in the healthcare sector as well as a consumer products entrepreneur. She actively supports numerous charities and served as Collegiate President for Face Aids and UNICEF at UCLA and is an active speaker at events. Stacey earned her bachelor’s degree in Science, History and Public Health from the University of California, Los Angeles. Industries - , , , Platform – Fundraising, Recruitment, Marketing, Community, Communication, Web Dev’t Notes: Seg 2 NEP services is a software company. They are an all in one hub for remote work. They can help you handle communication, data, and software interface. Helping you to run an organization remotely. They have added features so you can keep in contact with members and donors. The hybrid workspace is here to stay. It’s not uncommon that you have remote staff that’s in multiple states that needs to share data or have online meetings. Traditional nonprofits have had issues in the past because they don’t run like a business. You need to run your organization like any normal business, working on cash flow and managing a staff. With remote workers it’s harder to manage data, documents, and the Calendar. You need the right software so you can schedule events meetings meet ups. NEP Services is an Omni channel, all in one. Control distribution of your marketing and messaging. You also want to do your best to have engagement with members and donors. You build your brand internally to members and employees. Then you have your public brand for customers and donors. How to manage a software platform? Do you want to consult with clients, communicate with members and survey how it is working. What is helping and what is not helping? Then you do need to measure your feedback with data. Analyze the data to see what analytics matter. You make part of the decision with data. You can segment your Execs and VIP donors in different groups. You chat with them and get feedback. See about the delivery, the open rate, click through rates, check who filled out a survey. Seg 3 NEP services was founded in 1997 by Drew H. He was building a CRM for nonprofits to help with fundraising, Geo sensing and heat mapping. Build programs to bring in dollars. Staci joined 10 years ago. Initially, she was working in day-to-day ops of the nonprofit. Had to build the internal ops and make it more of a community focused organization. Still needs to be a business, with business structure. You have to grow operational efficiency, which is the key to scaling and growing a business. There are plenty of marketing and fundraising tools and software in the marketplace. But there are a few tools to help actually manage the business. Building a good operation you have to listen and build backwards. Ask the question, what features are needed? Communicate with members, as part of any nonprofit. Normal business, like collecting dues, invoicing, storage of documents. Also want to work with third-party tools to integrate with software you use. Cost benefit analysis for the software that have the API’s for connect with third-party tools and ease of use for small business. NEP services provides an easy on ramp to engage with your audience and build a brand. All companies are technology companies now. You need to have IT involved in your business and know how to use technology. UX features which are accessible and easy to do to non-tech type people. Drag and drop features to make it easy. Reduce the technology required, and encourage that step into the future. Making it easy, and non-threatening for non-tech people to adopt. If a current nonprofit has 50 K members, that’s a huge data set. If you add onto that another 50 K donor list, it’s lots of data. Some handholding may be needed as there could be hesitation moving from an old system to a new system like NEP. The tech revolution is here and businesses need to adapt to survive. It’s always a challenge by tech companies that they need to listen more and help customers. Customer service part needs to be better. NEP services answers the phone you’ll always talk with people in customer service. Seg 4 Staci‘s on the road often meeting with customers. Emotional challenge of older businesses to adopt new technology. Room for improvement with the customer service model in Big tech. Often there is little onboarding support with software companies. NEP services is proud of their 97% retention rate. They have a listening culture and are customer obsessed. Most businesses have different audience demos that they need to put messages in front of. This could be 3 to 4. How do you reach your core audience? For example, audience demos can change. Members of unions are actually getting younger. They need a different message than the past. Work on your current systems to upgrade. NEP services offers communication with Connect Plus. Can buy in pieces and adopt slower. People adopting technology need to be honest about where they’re at and where their brand is. Determine what tools are needed in the next 5 years. Typically it’s a 1 to 2 month transition with the Connect Plus and NEP products. You have to organize your data sets, your member list, and your donor list. Good data in, equals good results. Opposite is true if you put bad data in. Customer support with a SaaS platform Seg. 1 – talking Tech Adoption with clips from: Crossing the Chasm & Tech Adoption Revisited w/ Geoffrey Moore AZ TRT S05 EP11 (226) 3-17-2024 Things We Learned This Week • Crossing the Chasm book (1990) has become part of the lexicon for Tech Industry knowledge, mass influence on Tech CEOs last 25 years, constant references • Chasm – early market vs. mainstream market • 5 Stages of Adoption – Innovators, Early Adopters, Early Market Pragmatists, Late Majority, Laggards • Win tech ‘primaries’, win some ‘beachheads’ & create whole niche market – get mainstream market to create momentum to the point everyone wants the product • Legacy Co’s fail to make tech turn, because they lose money in short term shifting to new disruptive tech away from mature industry that brings in bulk of profits $ Guest: Geoffrey Moore Full Show: Biotech Shows: AZ Tech Council Shows: *Includes show from 2/12/2023 Tech Topic: Best of Tech: ‘Best Of’ Topic: Thanks for Listening. Please Subscribe to the BRT Podcast. AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0 with Matt Battaglia The show where Entrepreneurs, Top Executives, Founders, and Investors come to share insights about the future of business. AZ TRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, & how classic industries are evolving. Common Topics Discussed: Startups, Founders, Funds & Venture Capital, Business, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Blockchain / Crypto, Executive Comp, Investing, Stocks, Real Estate + Alternative Investments, and more… AZ TRT Podcast Home Page: ‘Best Of’ AZ TRT Podcast: Podcast on Google: Podcast on Spotify: More Info: KFNX Info: Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the Hosts, Guests and Speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent (or affiliates, members, managers, employees or partners), or any Station, Podcast Platform, Website or Social Media that this show may air on. All information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes. Nothing said on this program should be considered advice or recommendations in: business, legal, real estate, crypto, tax accounting, investment, etc. Always seek the advice of a professional in all business ventures, including but not limited to: investments, tax, loans, legal, accounting, real estate, crypto, contracts, sales, marketing, other business arrangements, etc.
Tech Stocks in the NASDAQ Continue to Show Growth despite Inflation - AZ TRT S05 EP28 (244) 7-21-2024
Tech Stocks in the NASDAQ Continue to Show Growth despite Inflation - AZ TRT S05 EP28 (244) 7-21-2024
Tech Stocks in the NASDAQ Continue to Show Growth despite Inflation AZ TRT S05 EP28 (244) 7-21-2024 What We Learned This Week: · Tech Stocks are considered Growth Stocks because they outpace the market traditionally · NASDAQ average return the last 10 years is 20%, and up 599% overall · Magnificent 7 Tech Stocks have continued to carry the market, just like FAANG Stocks a few years back · Tech Stocks are negatively impacted by rising interest rates + inflation historically, but have been quite resilient since late 2023 Notes: NASDAQ has been very resilient since late 2023 NASDAQ 10 year average return is 20%, and overall up 599% in last 10 years Magnificent 7 stocks still carrying both the S&P and QQQ Index Tech Stocks are Growth stocks that outpace the market Vix – Volatility Index near 15, vs. high volatility of Covid at 25 to 30 Interest rates and Inflation hurt Tech Stocks earnings historically Less money for investment in R&D, less growth cost more to borrow money, VC invest less Average consumer also may not buy the latest tech device, and profits are down Related Shows on Tech Stocks: Magnificent 7 & Tech Stocks – Wealth for Life AZ TRT S05 EP03 (218) 1-21-2024 What We Learned This Week: Magnificent 7 - new hottest tech stocks all should own: FB, APPL, AMZN, NVDA, TSLA, MSFT, GOOG FAANG Stocks - *past hot list: FB, Apple, Amazon, Netflix & Google Top Tech Stocks were 30% of the S&P Index Weighted Average Tech Stocks - AI, Cloud, Chips Zombie Co‘s - too much debt service, no growth Interest Rates - how this affects stock prices Full Show: How Big Tech Co’s Make Money - Magnificent 7 - MSFT, FB, NVDA, Apple, Google, Amzn, Tesla AZ TRT S05 EP19 (234) 5-12-2024 What We Learned This Week: Tech Stocks - 7 Big Market Cap Stocks make up 29% of S&P Google, Microsoft & Amazon are biggest Co‘s in Cloud Service Tesla is the biggest EV Car Co,, & Apple biggest in Smart Phones Nvidia is the AI Superchip tech company Google & Meta / FB are the biggest advertising co‘s in the world Full Show: Tech Topic: Best of Tech: Investing Topic: ‘Best Of’ Topic: Thanks for Listening. Please Subscribe to the BRT Podcast. AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0 with Matt Battaglia The show where Entrepreneurs, Top Executives, Founders, and Investors come to share insights about the future of business. AZ TRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, & how classic industries are evolving. Common Topics Discussed: Startups, Founders, Funds & Venture Capital, Business, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Blockchain / Crypto, Executive Comp, Investing, Stocks, Real Estate + Alternative Investments, and more… AZ TRT Podcast Home Page: ‘Best Of’ AZ TRT Podcast: Podcast on Google: Podcast on Spotify: More Info: KFNX Info: Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the Hosts, Guests and Speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent (or affiliates, members, managers, employees or partners), or any Station, Podcast Platform, Website or Social Media that this show may air on. All information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes. Nothing said on this program should be considered advice or recommendations in: business, legal, real estate, crypto, tax accounting, investment, etc. Always seek the advice of a professional in all business ventures, including but not limited to: investments, tax, loans, legal, accounting, real estate, crypto, contracts, sales, marketing, other business arrangements, etc.
AI Assisted Healthcare Can Help Patients & Reduce Costs by AdviNow w/ James Bates - AZ TRT S05 EP27 (243) 7-14-2024
AI Assisted Healthcare Can Help Patients & Reduce Costs by AdviNow w/ James Bates - AZ TRT S05 EP27 (243) 7-14-2024
AI Assisted Healthcare Can Help Patients & Reduce Costs by AdviNow w/ James Bates AZ TRT S05 EP27 (243) 7-14-2024 What We Learned This Week: AI Assisted Healthcare by AdviNOW - the future is now Goal is to reduce costs, help patients, streamline paperwork, & give the Dr more time to treat patients Software, AI, Coding = Tech Healthcare Healthcare industry is slow to change to adopt new systems for billing & paperwork Change the Healthcare industry with adoption by Big Providers Guest: James Bates, CEO AdviNow Medical James Bates is an accomplished CEO, entrepreneur, and board member who has created and led high-growth results for several technology companies. Presently, Bates is CEO and Founder of AdviNow Medical, the world’s first Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality driven patient journey platform that nearly eliminates the administrative burden of physicians and reduces the cost of healthcare by 65%. James conceptualized the idea, wrote the fundamental patents, raised the capital, recruited the team, and launched the company. Previously, James was an officer at Freescale / NXP responsible for the ~$1 billion revenues Analog and Sensor Group the world leader in self driving vehicle technologies. Earlier in his career, James founded the Asia Pacific region for Silicon Labs where he was responsible for driving growth that eclipsed $500M in just 3 short years. James serves on multiple boards and advisory boards. Among them is Position Universal a market leader in fleet tracking hardware and software systems where James serves as a fiduciary board member. is a market leading volatility predicting AI that automatically trading hedge fund that delivers above market returns where he is a general partner. James also serves on the advisory board for Arizona State Universities College of Nursing and Health Innovation. James earned his Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering, from Brigham Young University. He is fluent in Japanese, lived in Tokyo for twelve years, holds nine patents, has written for publications and been a speaker at many conferences. He resides in the Paradise Valley, Arizona, and enjoys family, sports, and particularly hiking. Company - Augmented Reality and AI – Software for patient experience Central AI Assistant Helps Before, During, and After the Visit A single vendor to collect, transform, and action all encounter data with the power of AI. We are on a mission to make healthcare accessible and affordable to all by eliminating clerical burden throughout the entire patient encounter Patient Intake – for healthcare, hospitals, urgent care, Dr office triage, etc Founded in 2016 to revolutionize healthcare through automation and artificial intelligence (AI), bringing top-tier technology and process design to patient engagement and provider consultation. Our mission is to enable providers to deliver the best on-demand experience while accelerating operations, and are focused on urgent care – an industry that does the same thing millions of times over, and arguably not very efficiently. AdviNOW started in fully automated retail clinics with a medical assistant and remote providers, and built the platform as a digital-first in-person or virtual care that eliminated any steps that AI could augment; however, the “digital front door” is the true problem to solve first. Expanded to a suite of products that work closely together, or work fine as standalone modules – both patient facing white-label solutions and care team-facing. Headquartered in Scottsdale, AZ, and part of the Mayo Clinic Innovation Exchange incubator. Notes: Seg 1 Healthcare cost are too high. There are opportunities to reduce cost using technology and software, as much as 50%. Why are the cost so expensive? There’s a large burden on the healthcare system with cost, and this problem has been going on for 30 years.Go back to 1990 and clerical work was 20% of a doctors job. Now it is 70% of their time. This is a massive burden and cost on healthcare overall. Talking efficiency, the number one way to reduce cost is to reduce the administrative burden and let the doctor get back to working with patients. To help patient stay healthy longer you need to document, what is going on with their health. Currently the doctor has to collect the data. There is much Admin bureaucracy with the coding for billing, and tracking for insurance companies. To pay the health bills, lots of admin paperwork and over 100,000 billing codes. Where is the money being spent? Insurance companies only want to pay certain codes. Healthcare industry has been slow to adopt technology. It is a simple problem that can be solved with a digital front door. Doctor offices do not communicate with each other. Systems like EMR or electronic medical records, are large databases with patients information. AI could be the solution. AdviNow has AI software to collect the admin data for patients. Keep health records up-to-date with current health literature, treatments, and outcomes. Easier to know the patient history, what labs they need, what imaging they need to get, sometimes even before they meet with the doctor. Then the doctor would do the consultation with the patient and confirm the data. Doctors can then suggest a treatment plan, and also use the AI software for recommendations. Can also do auto coding and notes for the medical records. Seg 2 James Bates is the soul founder of AdviNow. In the past, he ran a technology company on self driving cars. The business was sold. In 2016 James was looking into healthcare companies to acquire. As he reviewed the financials, he learned that the profit margins are very thin in healthcare. He reviewed a number of urgent care centers for a business contact. He did time studies and cost analysis. Measure how long parts of the business took to take care of and where the physician spent their time. Overall, the physician was 70% of the cost of the urgent care, but spent 60% of their time doing clerical activities. Very inefficient. AdviNow was created with the mission to use AI to streamline the healthcare industry. Doctor sees 2 to 3 patients in a day, and could theoretically see a lot more.AdviNow is an AI assistant. Doctor should analyze and document data, but not collect it. Lots of clerical work, needs to be streamlined. Understanding AI and how ChatGPT was built. Read the whole Internet and did a word count to remember all pages in the Internet and associate with words and data. AdviNowis an AI software program created different. Learns by natural language, interpret words and sentences from medical text and papers. Determine the relationship between medical literature. what are the relationships between words. They also hired a team of physicians to add an human element to the software. AdviNow right code, no prompt and this was created pre-ChatGPT. It is generative AI that was also trained on peer review literature.Use the AI assistant to ask questions to the patient. It is not the AI that asks the questions. Seg 3 Patient journey starts from home. Scenario 1 Analyze the different scenarios. Does the patient need to go to urgent care or doctor? If the patient needs to go to a doctor schedule an appointment and AI asks questions and does diagnosis at home to determine the severity. It’s a triage at home. what labs or imaging might be needed pre-doctor appointment. Then the doctor visit the patient is already available to the doctor. The doctor has all the info on visit one. AI would default to ER if emergency or patient does not like the AI process or needs to call 911. Scenario 2 Not urgent or upcoming visit could cut down long waits at ER. See a doctor at less cost and more efficient. Insurance companies benefit from the system and can increase premiums prior to cost rising. US government cannot keep cost from going up. You’re dealing with things like population health, demographics and different risk factors. There’s a fixed amount of money to treat patients and then the doctors office keeps the difference. Data and healthcare system to keep patients healthy vs sick. All the healthcare industry could benefit from AdviNow. Lower cost overall, and the process would be faster.Communication of patient records in the system, as doctor and specialist sometimes are in the same healthcare group and system. For example, United healthcare wants to tell you what specialist to go to and may be the cheapest vs Banner health may want you to send you to the most expensive. The system is not even how the healthcare companies work their process. Seg 4 Future of AdviNow if all healthcare used it, it would cost cut costs and make healthcare free per James. People like the old system, but could use AI to automate the process. This would get us back to the doctor and patient relationship improving while cost and administration go down. Healthcare is slow to adopt tech. Payers and healthcare demand efficiency. Cost and efficiency can be different. Question is if you have to invest and spend money to make money. Mayo clinic is currently an incubator with AdviNow working on a fall automation platform. HCA or Dignity Health are large companies that are losing billions $ a year. Need to invest now and tech and save money in the long term. Federal government could mandate doctors offices to adopt the tech. You don’t lose jobs in the short term, over the long term you certainly could lose some admin positions. Hospitals do not make money. Adoption of tech and software by large healthcare companies is a long-term solution. Not all companies are AI scribe. What is the ROI of the investment? AI does coding. Dr. sees more patients. Patient see Dr. faster. There is a better outcomes and the doctors office gets paid sooner. Biotech Shows: AZ Tech Council Shows: *Includes show from 2/12/2023 Tech Topic: Best of Tech: ‘Best Of’ Topic: Thanks for Listening. Please Subscribe to the BRT Podcast. AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0 with Matt Battaglia The show where Entrepreneurs, Top Executives, Founders, and Investors come to share insights about the future of business. AZ TRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, & how classic industries are evolving. Common Topics Discussed: Startups, Founders, Funds & Venture Capital, Business, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Blockchain / Crypto, Executive Comp, Investing, Stocks, Real Estate + Alternative Investments, and more… AZ TRT Podcast Home Page: ‘Best Of’ AZ TRT Podcast: Podcast on Google: Podcast on Spotify: More Info: KFNX Info: Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the Hosts, Guests and Speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent (or affiliates, members, managers, employees or partners), or any Station, Podcast Platform, Website or Social Media that this show may air on. All information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes. Nothing said on this program should be considered advice or recommendations in: business, legal, real estate, crypto, tax accounting, investment, etc. Always seek the advice of a professional in all business ventures, including but not limited to: investments, tax, loans, legal, accounting, real estate, crypto, contracts, sales, marketing, other business arrangements, etc.
Options vs Stocks & Trading vs Investing w Tom Sosnoff of tastytrade Revisited - AZ TRT S05 EP26 (242) 7-7-2024
Options vs Stocks & Trading vs Investing w Tom Sosnoff of tastytrade Revisited - AZ TRT S05 EP26 (242) 7-7-2024
Options vs Stocks & Trading vs Investing w Tom Sosnoff of tastytrade Revisited AZ TRT S05 EP26 (242) 7-7-2024 Things We Learned This Week · Implied Volatility & Time Decay – options begins with volatility, on a clock so Mechanics (forget mind set) on how to setup a trade is key · tastytrade is a media network based on Math (Probability & Statistics - Look at the Math), trading & focus on markets · Limited Profitability & Unlimited Risk when you Sell Puts w/ 80% chance of success - Be a Seller of Options – let Market beat you, slight edge · Trade Small, Trade Often - Law of Large Numbers w/ 45 DTE Strike Price of 1 SD – Exit or Roll at 21 DTE · Options Trading Teaches Life Lessons – Important to: take risks, learn to take risks, make quick decisions, be decisive about those decisions. Guests: Tom Sosnoff of tastytrade Tom Sosnoff, founder and co-CEO of tastytrade Tom Sosnoff is an online brokerage innovator and financial educator. Tom is a serial entrepreneur who co-founded thinkorswim in 1999, in 2011, in 2017, helped to launch the award- winning in 2019, and in 2020 he created the first new futures exchange in 20 years, Leveraging over 20 years of experience as a CBOE market maker, Tom is driven by the passion to educate self-directed investors. A true visionary, after his years on the floor he saw the need to build and design superior software platforms and brokerage firms that specialized in complex financial strategies. His efforts ultimately changed the way options and futures are traded and how digital financial media is produced and consumed. Currently, Tom hosts tastytrade LIVE and continues to drive innovation and know-how for the do-it-yourself investor. Tom has been named to Techweek’s Tech 100 list, Crain’s Chicago’s Tech 50, and has spoken at over 500 events across the globe. Tom received the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award and was been featured by prominent publications such as WSJ, IBD, Chicago Tribune, Crain’s Chicago, Traders Magazine, and Barron’s. --- About tastytrade, Inc. tastytrade is one of the most-watched online financial networks, engaging investors and traders across 165 countries with daily, live, cost-free and commercial-free programming with over 100 million hours viewed. tastytrade offers over 50 original segments for all levels of traders. tastytrade’s data-driven research-based content teaches a logical, mechanical approach to investing and identifying opportunities based on probability and volatility. Investors are continually challenged with financial math, humor, and new market perspectives. tastytrade and its companies focus on empowering the individual investor through content, technology, and know-how. tastytrade is the parent company to several innovative financial companies. tastyworks, a brokerage firm creating and leading a financial revolution for the do-it-yourself investor Notes: Bio – options trading in 1980s, CBOE market maker, then built 2 co’s tastytrade & tastyworks (broker platform), history c 2011 – media platform sold 2021, $1 billion bought by IG Group 2021, Tom stayed on, runs tastytrade. TD Ameritrade, and 2012 purchase of Think or Swim (was IPO, public) Partners – Tony Battista, Kristi Ross, Scott Sheridan Think or Swim – started in 2001 w/ 7 people and 5 still with Tom. 10 years, went public, purchased by TD in 2009, $1 billion stayed 2 years, then started tastytrade with TD CEO as investor. Think or Swim – learned as they went, education, content. Finance is missing good content, does not understand financial media and technical analysis. Efficient Market Theorist & efficient market pricing Media Network all math – quantitative and statistical logic. tastytrade 10 hours a day – live content. Focus on markets, math related and trading. Morning radio show about people working to make money, having fun, talks trading and Financial Mechanics Tony Battista, Tom Preston, are some of the 30 personalities total on-air. Talking math a lot, but Tom just ok at math. Jacob Perlman – math genius, Phd. tastytrade research team Audience is smart, challenge them don’t dumb it down. Capital Efficiency - Derivative (Options) Markets very efficient. Buffet Options Strategy – selling Puts, profit of $ billions, rarely discussed Markets are 50/50, generally. S/T markets are emotional, can be over bought or oversold, but Tom trusts prices over L/T. No one knows direction of market and where price is going on stocks and market direction , 50/50 is a guess. Market is random with side of emotion, not a perfect distribution curve. Positive drift in market, market goes up over Long Term L/T More deviations vs. a model. Does not believe in traditional investor education Empower power with lots of info, not teaching people Content marketing in house, media to masses Stocks can go down, have to experience it Fear size (of a trade) - one thing Tom fears is size, bet big and wrong, large failure When Genius Failed (a book) - trades too big (leverage), collapsed the company Law of large numbers – do something enough times, end up with expectation. Trade a lot with 70 - 80% probability outcome. Learn options by doing options Casino games have negative edge – can’t win, can never get ahead. Just for fun. Options trading teaches life lessons – Important to: take risks, learn to take risks, make quick decisions, be decisive about those decisions. Take risks to do something special Brain processing, faster than competition Working hard not enough Make a lot of decisions, learn to take risk and increase brain processing speed. Manage risk in life, finance and work probabilities, hard to predict things Day 1 in Options – Mechanics most important thing to understand Mindset is BS, no emotional side to trading, no mindset to math. Mindset just a sales tool, that Financial world sells. Mechanics has strategy within it. Cannot manage positions or risk post trade. Need mechanics to set up trade right. Traders could be nice or mean, but all good ones make fast decisions before you even heard question. Trade plan – if goes this way, I will do this. Options – learn by doing; learn mechanics by doing a little at a time. Volatility – majority starts and ends with volatility with few exceptions. Implied volatility & Time Decay – always on a clock, option will expire Stock Trader - out wait your enemy, patience. Trader plays short volatility game. Enter trade – implied volatility rank is high Trade favorable, expected volatility move is high. Rank relative to itself, it’s inflated and has potential to contract. Volatility is a math equation and will mean revert. Price is not a math equation, does not need to revert to some number or average. Tom would rather be a seller of options vs a seller, small advantage, likelihood of contraction after expansion. Fear has expanded, better chance to contract vs expand more. Analogy: own stock, own the asset. Sell options, collecting income (rent) on the assets. Sell covered calls, or out of the money put. Put – limited upside, unlimited downside, but 70% chance of profit. Put up $200 for $100 profit with 70% chance Put up $1000 for unlimited profit with 50/50 chance Have a choice – think through probabilities and bank roll. No math equation can tell you the right answers for sure. Tom back tests – selling out of money puts of S&P index out performs buying index with dividends, Use less capital, lower volatility in your P&L, make more money. More conservative strategy Trade more, and small with higher percentage of success. 45 day position – DTE Days to Expiration. 21 day DTE is exit day per Tom, exit early after 24 days. Adjust, roll or close position. Increase probability to be profitable. Reduce outlier risk almost to 0. tastytrade spent millions on research Manage trades and exit early is mechanics, can always exit at 21 DTE 45 day position, 24 days in (21 DTE), make a decision – adjust, roll, close, extend contract (add duration) –roll Start new position 45DTE, buy more time at 21 DTE, move it no matter what work to be close to 50% at 21 DTE Casino Analogy – bet $100, won $50, take money and end bet. tastytrade content goal is: create methodology and strategies to have positive environment for self directed investor, requires time and resources. Learning curve faster now, can learn in a few months or a few years. 6-10 strategies Tom likes, short strangle – simultaneous sale of a call and a put. No tech analysis or charts, just watch screen. Price Action / Liquidity – trading hundreds of millions per day. Very liquid assets, very liquid underlyings (ir – Apple, Tesla, Indexes) does not trade non-liquid (microcap) Tom could do 60 trades a day (had 14K trades in 2021) On day of interview, did 110 trades. Self described “Trading Junkie” Account size in tastytrade - $25K average . Reserves – 50%, $12.5K in reserve. 1-3% of account size on a particular trade ($250 per trade), 5% on high and 1/5 size of a stock. Tom does not believe in option levels of industry. No noise, no CNBC or Bloomberg news. No (zero) belief in newsletters or trading bots, trading education is over rated. All tastytrade content is free, videos, newsletter, etc. Trade fees are low, $1 per, Tom does factor fees or taxes. Most options income is ordinary income - 1256 B tax – max of 25%. L/T 40%, S/T 60% Stocks are usually capital gains (20%) in taxes Trades – 80% of business in under-lyings (standard big stocks / indexes) 1 STD – 16% of getting to that level, 2 STD - 5%, 3 STD – 1% 1 STD is Delta, Tom likes 16 – 22% Greeks – know Delta & Theta (can also learn Gamma, Vega) Directional Risk – rate of decline or time decay – Theta Change in price of option vs. stock – Delta, premium making or losing daily. Per Tom – need to trade more. Trade small, trade often. Counter thinking to stock trading of buy & hold. Per Tom, stock trader can evolve to an options trader with 1 downturn in market. Buy & Hold stock investor (passive) is a ‘knuckle dragger’, does not have the appreciation for capital efficiency - Stock investor ‘just hasn’t evolved yet’ – gotten to next level. Casino Games analogy – enter a casino, we have all these games, but you can just play the slots (buy stocks) Grow and realize capital efficiency of options indifferent to products and strategy. Tom owns stocks but trades options, crypto, stocks Facilitate opportunity. No limits, no fences. House Analogy - big meter in front of house, with home price & appreciation shown daily on the side of the house, no one would own a home. We don’t teach our kids to be passive, follow crowd and not think – don’t be passive with your money. Financial service firms and media convinced masses ‘buy & hold’ and we’ll handle the rest - Don’t be ‘only passive’ Future of investing is more than check a few boxes. Differences in asset classes Final takeaway – life is short and goes by fast. Get comfortable taking risks and experiencing risks. Good Luck to Tom with his 500 trades this week. Clips from: Options vs Stocks & Trading vs Investing w Tom Sosnoff of tastytrade - BRT S03 EP14 (113) 4-3-2022 Full Show: Tech Topic: Best of Tech: Investing Topic: ‘Best Of’ Topic: Thanks for Listening. Please Subscribe to the BRT Podcast. AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0 with Matt Battaglia The show where Entrepreneurs, Top Executives, Founders, and Investors come to share insights about the future of business. AZ TRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, & how classic industries are evolving. Common Topics Discussed: Startups, Founders, Funds & Venture Capital, Business, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Blockchain / Crypto, Executive Comp, Investing, Stocks, Real Estate + Alternative Investments, and more… AZ TRT Podcast Home Page: ‘Best Of’ AZ TRT Podcast: Podcast on Google: Podcast on Spotify: More Info: KFNX Info: Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the Hosts, Guests and Speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent (or affiliates, members, managers, employees or partners), or any Station, Podcast Platform, Website or Social Media that this show may air on. All information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes. Nothing said on this program should be considered advice or recommendations in: business, legal, real estate, crypto, tax accounting, investment, etc. Always seek the advice of a professional in all business ventures, including but not limited to: investments, tax, loans, legal, accounting, real estate, crypto, contracts, sales, marketing, other business arrangements, etc.
Composting Helps the Environment, The Palm Bin w/ Manali Yavatkar - AZ TRT S05 EP26 (241) 6-30-2024
Composting Helps the Environment, The Palm Bin w/ Manali Yavatkar - AZ TRT S05 EP26 (241) 6-30-2024
Composting Helps the Environment, The Palm Bin w/ Manali Yavatkar AZ TRT S05 EP26 (241) 6-30-2024 What We Learned This Week: · Composting is good for the environment, providing nutrients for soil. · The daily process of collecting your food waste for composting is difficult, messy, & stinky. · Palm Bin is a refrigerated composting appliance that makes the process easy, & looks nice on your counter. · Long-term the composting process can be as simple as putting out your trash or recycling Guest: Manali Yavatkar Website: California conscious entrepreneur Manali Yavatkar is leading a new Gold Rush with . A smart appliance for compost collection, Palm Bin preps food waste for nutrient rich “Black Gold compost.” It easily prepares the food waste for residential city curbside collections, recycling centers and private community compost groups. This breakthrough appliance was created to target the 93,200,000,000 pounds of food waste that are sent to landfills from our homes each year, where it produces 20 billion pounds of methane. A Greener Bin from Initial Design to Purpose Palm Bin allows users to collect food scraps for composting without the smell and mess, while maintaining the moisture and microbes in food. Its innovative cooling tech uses thermoelectric semiconductors to keep food scraps cold and stop the growth of odor-causing bacteria. Ultimately, Palm Bin eliminates those nuisances associated with food waste recycling including: Odor and mess Fruit flies and other pests Need for frequent cleaning High energy usage required to grind and dehydrate food scraps Notes: Seg 1 Food waste is common problem. Where does it go? It’s delivered to a landfill which is very compact. The breakdown of the food waste makes methane. This enhances the climate change problem. Composting breaks down food, and you divert the waste from a landfill to use in soil. There’s a potential issue where we could run out of potting soil in the next decade plus. Compost can be an additive to potting soil. It adds nutrients and helps reduce erosion. It also helps keep water in the soil, so then you could use less water for plants. It is common to see curbside compost collection, especially on the west coast. Just like recycle or trash pick up, a separate green bin is provided by the city to pick up once a week Currently when people are doing composting, they put their food in a separate bin which sits at room temperature. It stays warm and then you grow fruit flies. It also does not smell good. Palm Bin is a composting appliance product, which sits on your countertop. It looks good plus holds all organics. It keeps them cool and comes with a liner for the bin. Easy to clean and maintain. Composting process is a weekly pick up and is taken to a facility to be composted at scale. They create massive piles of food, waste and brown matter. Food waste creates nitrogen. You’re looking to use the brown matter for the carbon part, this could be sawdust, cardboard, or leaves. You also need 40 to 60% moisture so microbes break down the compost. Heated up during the process and it takes about 2 weeks. You also need venting for oxygen air rating. Seg 2 Manali Bio: she’s from Portland, Oregon, and a Columbia grad in biomedical engineering. She studied equipment and products. Out of college she became a data scientist for a healthcare startup. When she was a San Francisco resident, she was first introduced to composting. It was a messy smelly process, so she was looking for a solution and could not find one. Typically people kept their food waste in the fridge, which is not a great plan. Manali built a prototype and tested it with lots of stinky food like fish Palm Bin is very well designed, and easy to empty. Has a removable caddy. The interior holds the liner and the caddy. You just carry the caddy to an outside bin. You can clean in a dishwasher. Has removable parts like the lid, to be easy to clean. There are two groups of people trying composting. It’s either too smelly and a bad experience, or they have not tried it yet because they assume the process is a pain. Palm Bin interviewed 80 customers to check the user experience, to confirm it is easy. Is just as easy as putting trash in a bin Cost is $249, like a high-end appliance. They have a good repair program and sustainable parts. Company set up as a team of five, with Manali as the only full-time employee. Currently, it’s a direct to consumer product sold online. Down the road they could go into retail. Other options to work with commercial customers like apartment buildings who have ESG goals, and want to get rid of food waste and do composting. Looking for customers who have a personal experience with the problem and are more prone to want to do composting and work with the environment. Seg 3 Website: They created a prototype in 2023, and have been testing the product in 2024. They did a kickstarter platform. This is good because customers are first to use and test it. April 2024 the kick starter goal was funded. They do pre-orders prior to manufacturer, raising funds. Then you do the manufacturer part where you have to design the product for tooling and prototypes. This is done in the USA, and is quicker with shipping. They’re using sustainable materials and making a high-end product. Expected delivery for the kickstarter customers is December 2024. Currently with kickstarter they’re still doing a late raise of funding so people can still order. They’re also raising funds through friends, family, and some investors. Expectation to move on to Angel Investors, Family Offices and micro venture capital or VC interested in consumer hardware. Palm Bin is building products that help you waste less. Their goal is to reduce waste. When you consume anything, that equals waste. You have products in a lifestyle that track your waste so you can do diversion and lower your waist. You can’t know the numbers if you don’t measure what you’re doing. Palm Bin is a Linked product IOT with an app. It sends data to the cloud to measure waste. Biotech Shows: AZ Tech Council Shows: *Includes show from 2/12/2023 Tech Topic: Best of Tech: ‘Best Of’ Topic: Thanks for Listening. Please Subscribe to the BRT Podcast. AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0 with Matt Battaglia The show where Entrepreneurs, Top Executives, Founders, and Investors come to share insights about the future of business. AZ TRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, & how classic industries are evolving. Common Topics Discussed: Startups, Founders, Funds & Venture Capital, Business, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Blockchain / Crypto, Executive Comp, Investing, Stocks, Real Estate + Alternative Investments, and more… AZ TRT Podcast Home Page: ‘Best Of’ AZ TRT Podcast: Podcast on Google: Podcast on Spotify: More Info: KFNX Info: Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the Hosts, Guests and Speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent (or affiliates, members, managers, employees or partners), or any Station, Podcast Platform, Website or Social Media that this show may air on. All information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes. Nothing said on this program should be considered advice or recommendations in: business, legal, real estate, crypto, tax accounting, investment, etc. Always seek the advice of a professional in all business ventures, including but not limited to: investments, tax, loans, legal, accounting, real estate, crypto, contracts, sales, marketing, other business arrangements, etc.
Space & Satellite Business Tourism, Communications, & Rockets - AZ TRT S05 EP25 (240) 6-23-2024
Space & Satellite Business Tourism, Communications, & Rockets - AZ TRT S05 EP25 (240) 6-23-2024
Space & Satellite Business Tourism, Communications, & Rockets AZ TRT S05 EP25 (240) 6-23-2024 What We Learned This Week: · Business Model of Space is expanding, from Satellite delivery, to rockets, to space tourism, to future colonies on the Moon & Mars. · Satellite Communication and technology industries, expanding by the day · Long-term, both cell phones and Internet may be delivered worldwide via satellite · Space Aviation companies improving Rocket technology to put more satellites in the orbit at a lower cost Notes: Seg. 1 Rocket Lab Bio US Aerospace company Rocket Lab is developing a world-first launch vehicle to deliver satellites into orbit cheaper and faster than ever before. Rocket Lab announced today its plan to revolutionize the global space industry with the creation of Electron, a lightweight, cost-effective rocket, making it easier for companies to launch small satellites into orbit. Rocket Lab is building the world’s first carbon-composite launch vehicle at its Auckland, New Zealand facility. The development of Electron will reduce the price of delivering a satellite into orbit. At a cost of less than $5 million dollars, this represents a drastic cost reduction compared to existing dedicated launch services[1]. The lead-time for businesses to launch a satellite will also be reduced from years[2] down to weeks through vertical integration with Rocket Lab’s private launch facility. Rocket Lab has already garnered strong commercial demand with commitments for its first 30 launches. Rocket Lab’s principal funder is top-tier Silicon Valley venture firm, Khosla Ventures, which has a long track record of backing breakthrough technologies that revolutionize industries. Vinod Khosla, founder of Khosla Ventures, says it is exciting to see to the technology and innovation coming out of Rocket Lab. “We are thrilled to be investing in the next chapter of Rocket Lab’s development as they drive down the cost of launch vehicles to provide greater access to space,” said Mr. Khosla. “The company’s technical innovations will truly transform the space industry.” About Rocket Lab Rocket Lab is an aerospace company founded in 2006 by New Zealander, Peter Beck. The company is focused on delivering innovative, high quality technologies to the space industry. Rocket Lab was created to cater to the growing requirement within the international market for fast, low cost methods of delivering payloads to space. Since inception, the company has successfully developed a number of leading rocket-based systems, from sounding rockets through to new advanced propulsion technologies. Rocket Lab is an American company with a subsidiary and head office in Auckland, New Zealand. Rocket Lab was the first private company to reach space in the southern hemisphere in 2009 with its Atea 1 suborbital sounding rocket. Following this success the company won contracts with aerospace giants Lockheed Martin, DARPA and Aeroject Rocket-dyne. Who are rocket Labs' competitors? The main competitors of Rocket Lab USA include AST SpaceMobile (ASTS), Hub Group (HUBG), Walker & Dunlop (WD), Matterport (MTTR), Joby Aviation (JOBY), Air Transport Services Group (ATSG), ChargePoint (CHPT), Forward Air (FWRD), Park-Ohio (PKOH), and United Parcel Service (UPS) Market Cap: Rocket Lab $2.2B vs. Hub Group $2.7B SapceX Space Exploration Technologies Corporation, commonly referred to as SpaceX, is an American , and company headquartered in . The company was founded in 2002 by with the goal of reducing space transportation costs and ultimately . The company currently produces and operates the and rockets along with the and spacecraft. The company offers internet service via its subsidiary, which became the largest-ever in January 2020 and, as of April 2024, comprised more than 6,000 in orbit. How does SpaceX make money? SpaceX is an American aerospace manufacturer and space transport services company founded in 2002 by Elon Musk. The company’s mission is to revolutionize space transportation and eventually enable the colonization of Mars. One of the primary ways that SpaceX makes money is through contracts with government agencies and commercial customers for launches of its Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy rockets. SpaceX has a backlog of over 100 launches, with contracts from both government and commercial customers. The company’s contracts with government agencies, such as NASA, have been particularly lucrative, with SpaceX receiving billions of dollars in funding to develop and launch rockets for various missions. In addition to launch services, SpaceX also makes money through the production and sale of satellite hardware. The company manufactures a range of satellite products, including the Starlink satellite constellation, which is designed to provide high-speed internet to remote and underserved areas around the world. The Starlink constellation currently consists of over 1,000 satellites, with plans to eventually have over 12,000 in orbit. SpaceX generates revenue from the sale of hardware and services to customers that use the Starlink system. Another way that SpaceX makes money is through research and development contracts. The company has received funding from the government and private organizations to develop new technologies, such as its Raptor rocket engine and its Starship spacecraft. These contracts provide SpaceX with a steady stream of revenue and help the company advance its goals of developing reusable rockets and enabling human spaceflight. SpaceX also generates revenue from its launch facilities and other assets. The company operates launch sites at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida and at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, as well as a facility in Texas where it tests its rocket engines. SpaceX also owns a number of other assets, including a fleet of cargo ships and recovery vessels that it uses to support its launches and recover rocket boosters. Blue Origin Enterprises, L.P., commonly referred to as Blue Origin is an American , government contractor, and company headquartered in . The company makes for 's and manufactures their own , , , and . The company is the second provider of lunar lander services for 's and was awarded a $3.4 billion contract. The four rocket engines the company has in production are the , , and the . The organization was awarded the in 2016 for demonstrating rocket booster reusability with their Rocket Program. The award is administered by the and is presented to those who have made "the greatest achievement in or in America, with respect to improving the performance, efficiency, and safety of air or space vehicles, the value of which has been thoroughly demonstrated by actual use during the preceding year." Industry forces Here we can analyze our supply chain — the ISS. Not only will other governments be able to take a ride, but anyone with the budget and a business plan, could launch a business from the ISS. Other considerations: Competitors: Governmental Organizations such as NASA, ESA, and more than 9 countries have orbital launch capabilities. New Entrants: Private Companies such as SpaceX, Blue Origin, Virgin Galactic, Bigelow Aerospace, Stratolaunch, Rocket Lab, and Planetary Resources to name a few. Supply Chain: NASA recently announced that the International Space Station will be open for commercial business for an approximate cost of $52M. Starting in 2020, Astro-preneurs with deep pockets can use the ISS for off-earth manufacturing, research or tourism. A rocket company at the core, Relativity Space is on a mission to become the next great commercial launch company. With an ever-growing need for space infrastructure, demand for launch services is continuously outpacing supply. Our reusable rockets can meet this demand, offering customers the right size payload capacity at the right cost. Using an iterative development approach, we are strategically focused on reducing vehicle complexity, cost, and time to market. Our patented technologies enable innovative designs once thought impossible and unlock new value propositions in the booming space economy. Seg. 2 Space Tourism August 10, 2023 TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES, N.M. (AP) — Virgin Galactic rocketed to the edge of space with its first tourists Thursday, a former British Olympian who bought his ticket 18 years ago and a mother-daughter duo from the Caribbean. The space plane glided back to a runway landing at Spaceport America in the New Mexico desert, after a brief flight that gave passengers a few minutes of weightlessness. This first private customer flight had been delayed for years; its success means Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic can now start offering monthly rides, joining Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin and Elon Musk’s SpaceX in the space tourism business. “That was by far the most awesome thing I’ve ever done in my life,” said Jon Goodwin, who competed in canoeing in the 1972 Olympics. Goodwin, 80, was among the first to buy a Virgin Galactic ticket in 2005 and feared, after later being diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, that he’d be out of luck. Since then he’s climbed Mount Kilimanjaro and cycled back down, and said he hopes his spaceflight shows others with Parkinson’s and other illnesses that ”it doesn’t stop you doing things.” Ticket prices were $200,000 when Goodwin signed up. The cost is now $450,000. The 5 space stocks investors need to watch - Mon, Jun 24, 2024 The space industry is counting down to lift off with Many space-related companies have profited off this new space race, giving new avenues for investors to add this sector to their portfolios. So which space related stocks should investors at least be keeping their eye on right now for potential investment here? The first on the list is intuitive machines. LUNR This is an infrastructure play. The company made history back in February, its commercial lander. Odysseus successfully landed on the moon. The stock had skyrocketed leading up to the landing, but subsequently crashed when the lander permanently faded with no chance of waking up on the moon. The landing paved the way for some future missions, including one slated for late this year. number two on the list is Iridium, a commonly viewed company as a satellite phone company with a network built for mobile applications. Iridium Communications Inc NASDAQ: IRDM Whether that be on devices that people are using or the Internet of things, Iridium boasts that it's the only network that has 100% Earth coverage where it's delivered. The company is profitable as it's been around for more than 25 years. Number three on the list is Planet Labs, the company found by three NASA scientists. - Planet Labs PBC It designs, builds and operates the largest earth observation fleet of imaging satellites.It has over 1000 customers, including entities involved with agriculture, forestry, education and government agencies. Heightened security needs, increased sustainability and global climate risk are some of the trends that have been driving demand for their earth imaging. number four is spire global. SPIR This is a Data and Analytics company that uses satellites to collect information from space. Think whether ocean winds, shipping information and anything else that can be observed from space. The company has over 800 customers from about over 50 countries. About half are from governments.The other half come from commercial entities. number five on the list is Rocket Lab. The Rocket launch service company launched its 50th electron rocket in June. Electron has become the landing commercial small launch vehicle in Western countries, and the company remains on track for another year of record electron launches during Rocket Lab UH, it's their May earnings management mentioned. The company was awarded a second mission from the US Space Force for a space test programme that's carrying out research and experiments for the Department of Defence. space ETF UFO started in 2019, and that focuses on companies that are significantly engaged in the space industry. So it includes companies from around the world, not just the US, and its fund invests in at least 80% of its Net assets and those companies that derive at least half of their revenue or profit from space related businesses. Ark Invest Arc X that was started in March 2021 at the height of the market. The fund aims at providing exposure to companies involved in space related businesses like reusable rockets, satellites, drones and other sub or aircrafts. Large cap stocks are the most common holdings of that, ETF represented about 40 42% of the portfolio.Medium cap represents about 31% and the rest are small cap and then you've got the spider, S and P Aerospace and Defence X they are. It is an ETF focus on aerospace and defence, just like the name sounds it launched in 2011. And funds largest holdings include Arrow Environment, for example, a defence company that manufactures drones and unmanned vehicles. LUNR Stock Alert: Intuitive Machines Nabs NASA Contract By , InvestorPlace Contributor Apr 4, 2024 Intuitive Machines () stock is trending after NASA awarded the company a contract. Under the deal, Intuitive will help develop a Lunar Terrain Vehicle for an upcoming trip to the moon. The company successfully landed on the moon back in February, deploying “payloads and commercial cargo” on behalf of NASA. Intuitive Machines (NASDAQ:) is trending on social media and business news websites as LUNR stock moves up today. Shares of the company are up almost 4% as of this writing. This comes after Intuitive Machines won a NASA contract to support the agency’s efforts for a mission to the moon. Intuitive will be a for NASA’s Artemis campaign, which is slated to include human exploration of the moon. Intuitive Machines will receive an initial payment of $30 million as part of the contract. LUNR Stock: Intuitive Machines’ Contract From NASA Under the agreement, Intuitive Machines will help complete a “Lunar Terrain Vehicle Services Feasibility Assessment.” The LTV feasibility roadmap will also utilize Intuitive’s Nova-D cargo-class lunar lander. The company will work on the LTV plans with a number of partners. These include Boeing (NYSE:), auto supplier Michelin (OTCMKTS:) and huge defense contractor Northrop Grumman (NYSE:). NASA plans to spend a max total of on the LTV. More About Intuitive Machines Intuitive Machines reports itself to be the “only United States commercial company to deliver science and technology data from the surface of the Moon.” On Feb. 23, the company and deployed “five NASA payloads and commercial cargo.” Intuitive was first launched in 2012 by co-founder, President and CEO , who was previously the Deputy Director of NASA’s Johnson Space Center. Meanwhile, co-founder and Chairman previously “held numerous technical and management positions” at Lockheed Martin (NYSE:), Ford Aerospace and Loral. Rocket Lab Stock: Weakness Is Opportunity Jun. 25, 2024 When it comes to investing in small companies successfully, investors need to be ready to go through periods where improvements to company fundamentals will yield little to no returns. Rocket Lab's stock has declined despite promising developments, including a $515 million government contract and a new deal with Synspective for 10 Electron launches. Rocket Lab's pipeline is strengthening with new contracts, and the company's Space Systems business is expected to drive growth. Rocket Lab's fundamentals are improving, with revenue expected to accelerate to over $430 million this year and high double-digit growth projected for the next five years, potentially leading to profitability by 2027. Clips used from Past Shows in Seg 1: Stock Investing Info from Earnings Hub w/ Hamid Shojaee AZ TRT S05 EP23 (238) 6-9-2024 What We Learned This Week: Earnings Hub is a platform where you can find all the information on a company, when their earnings are coming out, & quarterly calls Earnings info for Public Co’s is often hard to find, and the income for stocks is crucial to the price Hamid is a long term investor like Buffet, more of buy and hold of good stocks, only owns 8 stocks Concentration Builds Wealth – Diversification Preserves it. Looking for companies that can grow 10x over the next few years, and this is hard with massive companies worth $ trillions like Apple or Microsoft Another company Hamid likes is called Rocket Lab. Stock is $4 and they have a Market Cap of $2 billion vs a competitor like SpaceX valued at $180 billion. Just like SpaceX, Rocket Lab will be putting satellites into orbit. He’s a big fan of Rocket Lab, which is in competition with SpaceX and its subsidiary Starlink providing satellite internet. This is all about putting satellites into space. Curious to see if Amazon Jeff Bezos space company, Blue Origin will be in the mix later. Full Show: BRT S03 EP25 (124) 6-12-2022 – BRT in Space with Satellite Components by Spirit Electronics w/ Marti McCurdy Things We Learned This Week • Spirit Electronics is veteran and women owned tech company providing satellite components to Aerospace and Defense industries • Satellites in Low Earth Orbit – need components built to resist extreme temperatures and still function as expected when built - Radiation Testing – stress test, thermal, pressure • Working with top Defense Contractors, Raytheon, Boeing, Lockhead Martin, helping create products used in Government contracts • Space is on a Comeback – from SpaceX, to Blue Orbit, Space Florida & Kennedy Space Center, now let’s talk Space Junk, Satellite Crash, Launch Ops – launch at right time, right orbit, right space • AZ is becoming a Tech Hub: Semiconductors, Aerospace, Defense, EV, Autonomous, AZ Tech Council to Tech Incubators Guest: Marti McCurdy - CEO of Spirit Electronics Marti McCurdy, owner and CEO of Spirit Electronics, is a veteran not only of the semiconductor business but also of the United States Air Force. Marti’s focus as CEO is to serve the aerospace and defense industry for high reliability components. She exercises her engineering knowledge of space qualified flows and sophisticated testing to deliver flight class devices. Throughout her career as a business owner and most recent position as VP, Marti’s goal is to bring her high standard of customer service and cultivated relationships to serve the aerospace sector she is so familiar with....
Stock Investing Info from Earnings Hub w/ Hamid Shojaee – Part 2 - AZ TRT S05 EP24 (239) 6-16-2024
Stock Investing Info from Earnings Hub w/ Hamid Shojaee – Part 2 - AZ TRT S05 EP24 (239) 6-16-2024
Stock Investing Info from Earnings Hub w/ Hamid Shojaee – Part 2 AZ TRT S05 EP24 (239) 6-16-2024 What We Learned This Week: Earnings Hub is a platform where you can find all the information on a company, when their earnings are coming out, & quarterly calls Earnings info for Public Co’s is often hard to find, and the income for stocks is crucial to the price Hamid is a long term investor like Buffet, more of buy and hold of good stocks, only owns 8 stocks Concentration Builds Wealth – Diversification Preserves it. Looking for companies that can grow 10x over the next few years, and this is hard with massive companies worth $ trillions like Apple or Microsoft Guests: Hamid Shojaee Hamid talks all thing AZ tech, Startups and what the world of an Angel Investor really looks like. His 2 decades + of experience is laid out, from starting and running software companies, plus exited the industry to now an Angel Investor mentoring the next generation of Startups. Hamid (Founder of and ) has always had a passion in helping Arizona's up-and-coming tech talent. Since 2010, Hamid has been involved with various AZ tech initiatives, including bringing tech founder and CEOs together, investing in startups and helping push the #YesPHX community forward. Axosoft – software tools for software development PureChat – live chat software for websites Hamid is a 20 year + software veteran who’s built four different multi-million dollar SaaS products in the last twenty years. He recently sold two software companies, Axosoft and Pure Chat, and has been advising and investing in Arizona-based startups for nearly a decade. He recently announced he’ll be investing $10 million in promising Arizona tech startups. Hamid is also host of the AZ Tech Podcast, where he interviews Arizona’s most successful founders, investors and doers. What is Savvy Trader? Create Create a virtual portfolio of your stocks and crypto. Buy or sell your investments at any time to keep your portfolio up to date. Share Share your portfolio for free, or set a price, for your followers to get access to your portfolio and notified about your trades. Notify Notify your subscribers when you make a trade. Savvy Trader will send a text or email to everyone subscribed to your portfolio. Savvy Trader is on a mission to make investment information more accessible. Learning about stocks and crypto can be intimidating and overwhelming with incredibly high levels of noise and very little signal. Savvy Trader helps solve this problem in two ways: Create and trade stocks and crypto in a safe virtual portfolio environment. The Savvy Trader virtual portfolios work a lot like a real brokerage account, except the trades are not real, allowing users to experiment and learn. Portfolio Creators can also share their virtual portfolios. A great way to learn about stocks and crypto is to see the virtual portfolios of others, see the actual performance of those portfolios as if they were real, and learn about the reasons behind the creators decisions for buying or selling each holding. So go ahead, create a virtual portfolio and share it with the world. Speaking of, I have a Savvy Trader virtual portfolio myself. Truth be told, I wanted to create Savvy Trader for myself as an easy way for me to consolidate my holdings in multiple accounts into a single virtual portfolio that represents my actual investments, and I wanted an easy way to share my portfolio details with friends and family. You can subscribe to my portfolio below - it's free! Notes: Savvy trader a website created by Hamid for portfolio sharing. You can see what stocks other people are buying. You can also create custom portfolio as well as build an audience. They pay creators $25 a month. Under the Savvy Trader brand, they created Earnings Hub, which gives the quarterly earnings reports of Companies and their stocks. You can get a summary of the quarterly calls, analyst expectations, analyst analysis, the actual earnings, and the calendar on when the earnings come out. Hamid is a long-term investor who looks for growth, earnings, and earnings validation. The old mantra of, trust but verify. He is definitely a fundamental investor like Buffet, who looks at the numbers of the company. Also believes in companies who make investments in R&D. Looking for great companies with a growing Market Cap. Part 2 Another company Hamid likes is called Rocket Lab. Stock is $4 and they have a Market Cap of $2 billion vs a competitor like SpaceX valued at $180 billion. Just like SpaceX, Rocket Lab will be putting satellites into orbit. Over speculation on a stock, and making a problem more than it is, can hurt a stock price. This can create opportunities, if it’s a good company, can withstand the short term problems. Investors need to see through those problems, and see how serious it is. What will be the short term cost to the company. You want to buy good companies, at a great price. Stocks in 2022 at a great price, lots of opportunities. In 2024, stock price is high. It’s now just a good price even though the company still good. A good investor can take advantage of short term volatility. An example of this. is Tesla. That has both benefited, and then sometimes been hurt by volatility. The story behind Tesla sometimes is a growth story based around EV cars, and the mystique of its CEO Elon Musk. On the downside, when he does some controversy on Twitter, it can hurt the stock. 2023 into 2024, Tesla is facing some issues with slowing growth. Hamid believes that the story of Tesla is actually helping to prop up the stock. Elon Musk has diversified through the years, not only is their Tesla, now owns Twitter, he owns SpaceX, and has moved into NeuroLink. Savvy trader, you can share your portfolio. Anyone who joins can see her needs portfolio. Once you make a change on a stock, it is shared in real time. Part 2 - OT When do you sell? Try to sell high, when stocks are at prices of euphoria and take some profits. Take money off the table. For example, Hamid has been trimming Netflix stock holdings as the price has gone up. He’s also trimmed some of his Meta-Facebook stock, as it had grown to 30% of his portfolio. He is even trimming Robin Hood, even though he thinks the stock has more potential to run up. Hamid monitors about 20 stocks, and then will buy one or two. He’s a big fan of Rocket Lab, which is in competition with SpaceX and its subsidiary Starlink providing satellite internet. This is all about putting satellites into space. Curious to see if Amazon Jeff Bezos space company, Blue Origin will be in the mix later. One book Hamid likes is Innovators Dilemma by Clayton Christiansen, that discusses the problem of disruption from smaller companies. Culture of successful Company typically is it married to their current business model and technology. Rarely do innovators innovate a second time. They become a prisoner of their current business and cannot see what the next stage is going to be. For example - Kodak originally had the digital camera, but was stuck in their current business model, and did not become a leader in that technology. Have to see what’s going to be the next phase of some big tech companies like Google or Amazon, what do they have on the radar? Amazon seems to be moving into AWS and AI. Google with Bard is also moving into AI to get a better search engine. It’s a lot harder for a $1 trillion company like Microsoft to have massive growth. Hamid is looking for stocks that are worth multi billions versus hundreds of billions. The stocks then have the potential for 5 or 10X growth. A division of SpaceX is Starlink. They are giving satellite Internet feeds to rural areas. This is a disruptive technology versus companies like AMT American Tower and the cell tower business or traditional fiber optic Internet. They are launching 20 satellites per week and growing the business. MB Host on Disruption – Reference Show: Create Your Investing Profile & Share It on Savvy Trader w/ Hamid Shojaee BRT S03 EP58 (157) 11-20-2022 What We Learned This Week Savvy Trader allows you to share your portfolio Investing Track Record - see how people actually invest & their results Why Software is Such a Good Business Model, Build 1x, sell multiple X VCs want to see Traction in Startups Cost of Customer Acquisition (CAC) & Long term Value of a Custer (LTV) are critical in scaling a startup long term, how much does it cost to get a customer, and how long do you keep them Full Show: Hamid of AZ Tech Beat on Technology, Software, Startups & Angel Investing in Arizona - BRT S02 EP 37 (84) 9-12-21 5 Things We Learned This Week... Difference of Angel Investing vs Venture Capital Working With & Advising a Startup Valuations of Tech Co's vs Standard Business Why Software is Such a Good Business Model Importance of Teams in Software Co's Guests: Hamid Shojaee AZ Tech Beat Full Show: Tech Topic: Best of Tech: Investing Topic: ‘Best Of’ Topic: Thanks for Listening. Please Subscribe to the BRT Podcast. AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0 with Matt Battaglia The show where Entrepreneurs, Top Executives, Founders, and Investors come to share insights about the future of business. AZ TRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, & how classic industries are evolving. Common Topics Discussed: Startups, Founders, Funds & Venture Capital, Business, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Blockchain / Crypto, Executive Comp, Investing, Stocks, Real Estate + Alternative Investments, and more… AZ TRT Podcast Home Page: ‘Best Of’ AZ TRT Podcast: Podcast on Google: Podcast on Spotify: More Info: KFNX Info: Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the Hosts, Guests and Speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent (or affiliates, members, managers, employees or partners), or any Station, Podcast Platform, Website or Social Media that this show may air on. All information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes. Nothing said on this program should be considered advice or recommendations in: business, legal, real estate, crypto, tax accounting, investment, etc. Always seek the advice of a professional in all business ventures, including but not limited to: investments, tax, loans, legal, accounting, real estate, crypto, contracts, sales, marketing, other business arrangements, etc.
Stock Investing Info from Earnings Hub w/ Hamid Shojaee - AZ TRT S05 EP23 (238) 6-9-2024
Stock Investing Info from Earnings Hub w/ Hamid Shojaee - AZ TRT S05 EP23 (238) 6-9-2024
Stock Investing Info from Earnings Hub w/ Hamid Shojaee AZ TRT S05 EP23 (238) 6-9-2024 What We Learned This Week: Earnings Hub is a platform where you can find all the information on a company, when their earnings are coming out, & quarterly calls Earnings info for Public Co’s is often hard to find, and the income for stocks is crucial to the price Hamid is a long term investor like Buffet, more of buy and hold of good stocks, only owns 8 stocks Concentration Builds Wealth – Diversification Preserves it. Looking for companies that can grow 10x over the next few years, and this is hard with massive companies worth $ trillions like Apple or Microsoft Guests: Hamid Shojaee Hamid talks all thing AZ tech, Startups and what the world of an Angel Investor really looks like. His 2 decades + of experience is laid out, from starting and running software companies, plus exited the industry to now an Angel Investor mentoring the next generation of Startups. Hamid (Founder of and ) has always had a passion in helping Arizona's up-and-coming tech talent. Since 2010, Hamid has been involved with various AZ tech initiatives, including bringing tech founder and CEOs together, investing in startups and helping push the #YesPHX community forward. Axosoft – software tools for software development PureChat – live chat software for websites Hamid is a 20 year + software veteran who’s built four different multi-million dollar SaaS products in the last twenty years. He recently sold two software companies, Axosoft and Pure Chat, and has been advising and investing in Arizona-based startups for nearly a decade. He recently announced he’ll be investing $10 million in promising Arizona tech startups. Hamid is also host of the AZ Tech Podcast, where he interviews Arizona’s most successful founders, investors and doers. What is Savvy Trader? Create Create a virtual portfolio of your stocks and crypto. Buy or sell your investments at any time to keep your portfolio up to date. Share Share your portfolio for free, or set a price, for your followers to get access to your portfolio and notified about your trades. Notify Notify your subscribers when you make a trade. Savvy Trader will send a text or email to everyone subscribed to your portfolio. Savvy Trader is on a mission to make investment information more accessible. Learning about stocks and crypto can be intimidating and overwhelming with incredibly high levels of noise and very little signal. Savvy Trader helps solve this problem in two ways: Create and trade stocks and crypto in a safe virtual portfolio environment. The Savvy Trader virtual portfolios work a lot like a real brokerage account, except the trades are not real, allowing users to experiment and learn. Portfolio Creators can also share their virtual portfolios. A great way to learn about stocks and crypto is to see the virtual portfolios of others, see the actual performance of those portfolios as if they were real, and learn about the reasons behind the creators decisions for buying or selling each holding. So go ahead, create a virtual portfolio and share it with the world. Speaking of, I have a Savvy Trader virtual portfolio myself. Truth be told, I wanted to create Savvy Trader for myself as an easy way for me to consolidate my holdings in multiple accounts into a single virtual portfolio that represents my actual investments, and I wanted an easy way to share my portfolio details with friends and family. You can subscribe to my portfolio below - it's free! Notes: Savvy trader a website created by Hamid for portfolio sharing. You can see what stocks other people are buying. You can also create custom portfolio as well as build an audience. They pay creators $25 a month. Under the Savvy Trader brand, they created Earnings Hub, which gives the quarterly earnings reports of Companies and their stocks. You can get a summary of the quarterly calls, analyst expectations, analyst analysis, the actual earnings, and the calendar on when the earnings come out. Hamid is a long-term investor who looks for growth, earnings, and earnings validation. The old mantra of, trust but verify. He is definitely a fundamental investor like Buffet, who looks at the numbers of the company. Also believes in companies who make investments in R&D. Looking for great companies with a growing Market Cap. Part 1 Seg 1 Public companies release earnings on a quarterly basis. Then the CEO has to conduct a call with analyst where they answer questions. This is the only public information available. It’s a chance each quarter to see what’s really going on with the company. Earnings information is tough to find, and you have to search for it in multiple places. They created Earnings Hub where the information is all in one place. Can see the calendar of who’s reporting earnings and when. You also have access to past quarterly calls and a summary of the call. This way you can see the information the public companies are required to file on earnings in the status of the company. Hamid is also an angel investor where you invest in startups Founders. Private investor with no guarantees. The way they typically operate, is they push out financial and sales updates monthly or quarterly. Most startups fail, so Hamid understands anyone he invests in, could lose the money. He is basically a hands off investor. Earnings Hub is set up where traffic on the site will spike when big companies like a Tesla or Amazon are reporting. They also just launched a feature where you can listen to the earnings call live as well as do live chat with other members. Cost for Earnings Hub is $100 a year. Right now they have an intro offer where it’s just $1 - one dollar. Seg 2 They created a joke feature with Earnings Hub logo. Currently the A in the logo is a pyramid. When a stock is down, the logo will change to a 💩. Real estate analogy - you buy the best house in the block, not all of them. You want to have a small portfolio of a few stocks with concentrated investing vs investing in the whole S&P index of 500 stocks. Concentrated investors have a small nest which they watch carefully, as opposed to buying an index, and you can’t really focus on any one stock. Buffett quote - “concentration builds wealth. Diversification preserves wealth.’ Hamid owns 7 to 8 stocks. Those stocks are: Robin Hood, Meta, Rivian, Tesla, Netflix Rocket Lab, and some Bitcoin. You never know what’s going to happen with the stock, even good companies have bad days and bad years. An example - Meta-Facebook peaked in 2021. Stock price was at $400 and the company had a market cap of $1.2 trillion. Then it crashed, going into 2022, the stock lost over 50% of its value and was down to $180 and the market cap was around $600 billion. Now in 2024, the stock is back up over $400 or even $500 per share and it has the highest market cap it’s ever had. The CEO Mark Zuckerberg invested in AI, made improvements to the efficiency of the company, and even cut 25% of the staff. The old Buffet mantra, that you invest in managers who run good companies that have an economic moat with advantages to keep the competition away. This defines Facebook. There was a myth that Facebook was losing market share to TikTok. This turned out to be false and it came roaring back. Seg 3 The ups and the downs of being a long-term investor using Amazon as an example. If you had invested an Amazon in 1999, the logic goes, you would be done as an investor as the stock has gone up tenfold. The catch to that is, if you started in 1999. You had to hold the Amazon stock thru the crash of 2000 where it lost 80% of its value. Stock was worth $50 and 2000 and now worth $20K, 25 years later. Uber it had its IPO the stock took off then the stock crashed. They got a new CEO in 2017 and since then over a 5+ year, the stock has slowly gone up. Stocks like Robin Hood and GameStop have had big rises and big crashes between 2022 and 2023. Robin Hood, everybody was down on the stock in 2022 and you could buy the stock and the company for literally less than the cash they had on hand. Robin Hood has matured. The company is very efficient and has a good customer base. They have expanded into the credit card business with 3% cash-back. Invest in companies that their profits grow10X, so their stock price is up 10X over 10 years. He believes Robin Hood with the market cap of $17 billion has this potential. Currently, they are grabbing customers from competitors like Schwab and Ameritrade using their credit card and account cash backs. Seg 4 Another company Hamid likes is called Rocket Lab. Stock is $4 and they have a Market Cap of $2 billion vs a competitor like SpaceX valued at $180 billion. Just like SpaceX, Rocket Lab will be putting satellites into orbit. Over speculation on a stock, and making a problem more than it is, can hurt a stock price. This can create opportunities, if it’s a good company, can withstand the short term problems. Investors need to see through those problems, and see how serious it is. What will be the short term cost to the company. You want to buy good companies, at a great price. Stocks in 2022 at a great price, lots of opportunities. In 2024, stock price is high. It’s now just a good price even though the company still good. A good investor can take advantage of short term volatility. An example of this. is Tesla. That has both benefited, and then sometimes been hurt by volatility. The story behind Tesla sometimes is a growth story based around EV cars, and the mystique of its CEO Elon Musk. On the downside, when he does some controversy on Twitter, it can hurt the stock. 2023 into 2024, Tesla is facing some issues with slowing growth. Hamid believes that the story of Tesla is actually helping to prop up the stock. Elon Musk has diversified through the years, not only is their Tesla, now owns Twitter, he owns SpaceX, and has moved into NeuroLink. Savvy trader, you can share your portfolio. Anyone who joins can see her needs portfolio. Once you make a change on a stock, it is shared in real time. Reference Show: Create Your Investing Profile & Share It on Savvy Trader w/ Hamid Shojaee BRT S03 EP58 (157) 11-20-2022 What We Learned This Week Savvy Trader allows you to share your portfolio Investing Track Record - see how people actually invest & their results Why Software is Such a Good Business Model, Build 1x, sell multiple X VCs want to see Traction in Startups Cost of Customer Acquisition (CAC) & Long term Value of a Custer (LTV) are critical in scaling a startup long term, how much does it cost to get a customer, and how long do you keep them Full Show: Tech Topic: Best of Tech: Investing Topic: ‘Best Of’ Topic: Thanks for Listening. Please Subscribe to the BRT Podcast. AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0 with Matt Battaglia The show where Entrepreneurs, Top Executives, Founders, and Investors come to share insights about the future of business. AZ TRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, & how classic industries are evolving. Common Topics Discussed: Startups, Founders, Funds & Venture Capital, Business, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Blockchain / Crypto, Executive Comp, Investing, Stocks, Real Estate + Alternative Investments, and more… AZ TRT Podcast Home Page: ‘Best Of’ AZ TRT Podcast: Podcast on Google: Podcast on Spotify: More Info: KFNX Info: Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the Hosts, Guests and Speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent (or affiliates, members, managers, employees or partners), or any Station, Podcast Platform, Website or Social Media that this show may air on. All information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes. Nothing said on this program should be considered advice or recommendations in: business, legal, real estate, crypto, tax accounting, investment, etc. Always seek the advice of a professional in all business ventures, including but not limited to: investments, tax, loans, legal, accounting, real estate, crypto, contracts, sales, marketing, other business arrangements, etc.
Reclaimed Minerals, Extracting Lithium + Iodine w/ Dr. Nick Sakharav - AZ TRT S05 EP22 (237) 6-2-2024
Reclaimed Minerals, Extracting Lithium + Iodine w/ Dr. Nick Sakharav - AZ TRT S05 EP22 (237) 6-2-2024
Reclaimed Minerals, Extracting Lithium + Iodine w/ Dr. Nick Sakharav AZ TRT S05 EP22 (237) 6-2-2024 What We Learned This Week: EV Cars charging is slow and batteries are large & heavy Lithium is main chemical used in EV Batteries Hydrogen Fuel could be the Fuel of the Future vs solely EV Cars Iodine is used in Medical Industry and in large Demand Mineral Extraction, leads to Clean Water + Profit Guest: Dr. Nick Sakharov LKIN: Reclaimed Minerals - Dr. Nick Sakharov, a leading expert in critical minerals extraction (lithium and iodine), hydrogen energy, and saltwater treatment. He is a passionate advocate for a sustainable future, who believes these areas hold immense potential to address crucial challenges facing the USA. Expertise: With over 25 years of experience in global economy, energy, sustainability, mineral mining, a proven track record of strategy Critical Element Extraction: extensive experience in extracting critical minerals like lithium and iodine, vital for clean energy technologies. Hydrogen Energy: the development of hydrogen as a clean and efficient alternative energy storage source (and why it is not a fuel source). Saltwater Treatment: Innovative saltwater treatment methods offer solutions to water scarcity and environmental concerns. Global Economy and Everyday Life: how these scientific breakthroughs, like clean energy and water solutions, affect things we care about in our daily lives, such as jobs, energy costs, and even the price of everyday products. Notes: Nick has a PhD in economics, studies, new technology and strategy. He worked for 10 years in the telecom industry, and then 15 years in energy generation. The last 12 years he’s been in the US working in chemicals. He is based out of Houston, Texas building an iodine and lithium production company - working on chemical extraction from oil waste water. Chemicals they will work on are iodine, lithium, high, hydrogen, bromine. Nick believes blue hydrogen will be the fuel of tomorrow. Nick is working on getting investors to help purchase and refurbish a former Japanese iodine plant in Oklahoma. Potentially could be on line in under one year. Seg 1 Oil companies extract oil and saltwater from the ground in normal production. Then they discard the water and any leftover minerals like iodine or lithium. Iodine is used in the medical industry and also electronics and mattresses. Lithium is used in the energy industry, mainly in batteries for electronic devices, like cell phones or EV cars, or regular batteries. Chemical lithium is responsible for faster, charging and more capacity and batteries. Nick believes lithium will be replaced as the main mineral in 10 to 15 years. There’s lots of lithium available in the world, but you do need to mine it. Lithium batteries for EV cars are very heavy, and takes a long time to charge. The range of the EV battery depends specifically on how heavy the battery is. During the winter, EV battery is less efficient and could lose as much as half of the charge. Lithium batteries for cell phones are not that big of an issue, as typically the batteries were replaced every two years. Elon Musk of Tesla is building a lithium factory. Seg 2 Hard to tell what will replace lithium in the future. Currently, companies are testing 10 to 15 different ideas. He also believes they’ll be different organic materials, which will be used in batteries in the future for a handheld for smaller devices. Nick believes that with the EV and auto industry in the future, there is a renewed interest in hydrogen liquid gas. Electric vehicles would have both motor - an electric motor and Hydro gas fuel part. There would be a minor and smaller battery for storage. Major shift, EV vehicles find electrical outlets in the grid and the build out is difficult. Hydrogen gas would need new gas station refueling set up. Current gas stations cannot do it. It’s easier and cheaper to deliver hydrogen gas to rural areas. You would bring it in with the truck. Cannot use current gas infrastructure for hydrogen fuel as it has a different molecular make up. Per Nick, blue hydrogen, could be the energy of the future for storage for energy and power. Remains to be seen, if it would be used for cars. Currently states like Oklahoma have less energy usage versus consumption. Meaning they make more energy than they use. You have things like brown hydrogen, which could also be used in generation, and cheaper with water and store it better than windmills. Nuclear facilities that are government regulated, use a special iodine. Cities and states need to store energy better. Energy and hydrogen is a great option when consumption is low. Use the electricity, pull the hydrogen out, put, the oxygen back in the atmosphere. You have hydrogenation even in your house in the future. People are skeptical because hydrogen is a gas, but hydrogen is safe. Seg 3 Hydrogen and cities could work resources better and store more energy. Could help to produce more electricity and cheaper. Toyota already has a hydrogen car. Infrastructure for hydrogen being invested in now - over the next 10 years by federal government with a grant of $5 billion. Iodine is used in healthcare. There is major competition with China. China has a stronger hold on iodine producing. They bought a large quantity of a Chilean company that produces iodine and tried to corner the market. China wants to dominate iodine production in the pharmaceutical industry, producing it in China. US currently imports 5000 tons of iodine a year with costs risen tri-fold the last few years. United States and Oklahoma State in particular has storage potential for iodine. Get iodine production in the US, produce locally in the US. The price jump of 3X the last few years. Costing $75,000 per ton now, vs $25,000 per ton a few years ago. Lots of medical development and drug development, and in the process they use iodine. Iodine research has potential for cancer cure and we don’t want to rely on China. Can also clean up the saltwater with iodine. For example, in Texas the drinking water has issues and can be cleaned out of processed water. Iodine is an element to take out of water. Clean the water and get the profit by selling the iodine. Freshwater then becomes the byproduct. This would help farming and the oil and gas industry with more portable water. Bromine is another byproduct of this cleaning extraction and it’s cheap. A bonus in the same water extraction. Bromine is 1/8 the cost of iodine. Broine is used in the chemical industry. Nick is trying to rebuild a Japanese iodine plan in Oklahoma. He needs investors. It could be in production in under a year. You retrofit the older iodine Japanese plant in Oklahoma. Tech Topic: Best of Tech: Investing Topic: ‘Best Of’ Topic: Thanks for Listening. Please Subscribe to the BRT Podcast. AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0 with Matt Battaglia The show where Entrepreneurs, Top Executives, Founders, and Investors come to share insights about the future of business. AZ TRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, & how classic industries are evolving. Common Topics Discussed: Startups, Founders, Funds & Venture Capital, Business, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Blockchain / Crypto, Executive Comp, Investing, Stocks, Real Estate + Alternative Investments, and more… AZ TRT Podcast Home Page: ‘Best Of’ AZ TRT Podcast: Podcast on Google: Podcast on Spotify: More Info: KFNX Info: Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the Hosts, Guests and Speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent (or affiliates, members, managers, employees or partners), or any Station, Podcast Platform, Website or Social Media that this show may air on. All information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes. Nothing said on this program should be considered advice or recommendations in: business, legal, real estate, crypto, tax accounting, investment, etc. Always seek the advice of a professional in all business ventures, including but not limited to: investments, tax, loans, legal, accounting, real estate, crypto, contracts, sales, marketing, other business arrangements, etc.
AZ TRT 2.0 - Best of Tech Part 1 - Data Centers, IT, EV Charging, Minerals & AI Software - AZ TRT S05 EP21 (236) 5-26-2024
AZ TRT 2.0 - Best of Tech Part 1 - Data Centers, IT, EV Charging, Minerals & AI Software - AZ TRT S05 EP21 (236) 5-26-2024
AZ TRT 2.0 - Best of Tech Part 1 - Data Centers, IT, EV Charging, Minerals & AI Software AZ TRT S05 EP21 (236) 5-26-2024 What We Learned This Week: Host Matt on Data Centers + Energy Usage Lucian Aguayo of Redgear on IT Infrastructure Broc TenHouten of Intrinsic Power on EV Charging Brian Stevens of Neural Magic on AI Software Dr. Nick Sakharav of Reclaimed Minerals on Energy ‘Best of’ Clips from previous Tech themed aired in the first half of 2024 Notes: Seg 1. - Clips from: Data Centers + AI Growth Requires More Energy, is Nuclear an Option? AZ TRT S05 EP20 (235) 5-19-2024 What We Learned This Week: Data Centers use lots of Energy with demand growing 15% per year AI Models are large software files, and this leads to more data Alternative Ideas like Clean Energy, smaller Data Centers, & Cooling Nuclear SMR (Small Modular Reactor) may be the Future of Energy Stock Investment Ideas - How can you Make Money $ off the increase of Data Centers? AI is poised to drive 160% increase in data center power demand On average, a ChatGPT query needs nearly 10 times as much electricity to process as a Google search. In that difference lies a coming sea change in how the US, Europe, and the world at large will consume power — and how much that will cost. For years, data centers displayed a remarkably stable appetite for power, even as their workloads mounted. Now, as the pace of efficiency gains in electricity use slows and the gathers steam, Goldman Sachs Research estimates that data center power demand will grow 160% by 2030. At present, data centers worldwide consume 1-2% of overall power, but this percentage will likely rise to 3-4% by the end of the decade. In the US and Europe, this increased demand will help drive the kind of electricity growth that hasn’t been seen in a generation. Along the way, the carbon dioxide emissions of data centers may more than double between 2022 and 2030. Goldman Sachs research on AI and power needs Full Show: IT Setup & Cybersecurity w/ Luciano Aguayo of Redgear AZ TRT S05 EP07 (222) 2-18-2024 What We Learned This Week RedGear provides turnkey IT solutions for clients. Outsource IT to shift liability IT often an afterthought, when it should be a major priority - lifestyle of tech in a business Data is lifeblood of a company, need security Cybersecurity is just one part, need to monitor physical location, who has access, email, etc Guest: Luciano Aguayo of Redgear Luciano Aguayo is a Texas native, and an active member and contributor to the Southwest Technology community. His professional career spans a diverse industry portfolio and has held various titles and certifications at the senior engineering and senior management levels. Luciano specializes in designing and implementing turnkey complex infrastructure solutions. For the past 20 years Luciano has designed and implemented numerous infrastructures for regional and local school districts, has a diverse portfolio of local and international businesses, including the federal government, and key Southwest landmarks and attractions. After several years in the private sector and after building a loyal customer base, Luciano launched RedGear in 2016. RedGear is a regional business to business technology solutions company. Since its inception, RedGear has quickly grown to 4 locations, 50+ employees, and recently opened a regional office in Phoenix, Arizona. RedGear RedGear provides professional technology services, equipment, and consulting in the Southwest US region. Our entire culture is built around supporting business infrastructures, while building relationships and delivering an exceptional customer service experience and always keeping our customers best interest a top priority. We’ve built our success by reputation, quality of work, professionalism, and always being there for clients every step of the way whenever they need us. Our services, certifications, experience, and expertise cover the entire spectrum of Information Technology that no other regional technology service provider can match. We manage all aspects of Technology so the customer can focus on running their business. Full Show: Seg 2. - Clips from: EV Charging at Home w/ Broc TenHouten of Intrinsic Power AZ TRT S05 EP05 (220) 2-4-2024 What We Learned This Week Intrinsic Power - Next Gen EV Charger EV Charging in your home will be standard Electrical Panel upgrade to handle new tech Electric Grid not prepared for consumer demand & EV charging needs EV Infrastructure for charging stations as EV Cars w/ longer range are the Future Guest: Broc TenHouten of Intrinsic Power Broc TenHouten, Co-founder and CEO, Intrinsic Power, Inc. Broc is an experienced technical leader with a general management background in the commercialization of EV technology. Broc was COO and chief engineer of Divergent 3D, developer of the 3D-printed 21C hybrid hypercar. He served as director of technology development at EnerSys Advanced Systems and led the engineering and industrialization of multiple electric vehicle and energy storage companies. Broc began his career at General Motors, where he held various positions in vehicle development. Broc has more than 50 vehicle technology patents issued or in process. He holds an MBA from the University of Michigan-Ross and a BS in Mechanical Engineering from UC Berkeley. Intrinsic’s innovation has positioned the company to become the leader in distributed energy management–and one to watch. The compact Intrinsic Power charger is more powerful than the competition, 11kW charging reduces charging time by up to 830%. Perfectly optimized for your current electric vehicle, and your next one Web and mobile apps allow you to review charger use and syncronise useage across a portfolio of charging stations Advanced connectivity enables real-time information and grid demand response, helping to avoid local power outages Machine learning enables automatic time of use management, continuously optimizing to lower power bills over time HISTORY Intrinsic Power was founded in 2015, as a Los Angeles based internally-funded startup dedicated to delivering better EV charging solutions. Today Intrinsic is conducting field demonstrations, collecting data in preparation for mass production. TEAM Managed and staffed by a team of technical leaders in the EV space. The Intrinsic Power team is dedicated to improving residential charging though a combination of improved hardware and machine learning based algorithms for better charging performance. Full Show: Seg 3. - Clips from: Software Delivered AI w/ Brian Stevens of Neural Magic AZ TRT S05 EP08 (223) 2-25-2024 What We Learned This Week Neural Magic Deepsparse software helps B2B Clients incorporate AI into their tech stack Large Language Learning Models of AI can be costly & require massive computing power Their clients now control their AI Model Opensource AI Foundation Models for training AI uses a Recommendation Model Guest: Brian Stevens Chief Executive Officer of Neural Magic Brian Stevens is chief executive officer of Neural Magic. A tech veteran with more than 30 years of experience, Brian has a rich history of building/advising high-impact companies and driving disruptions that transform the industry. In his role at Neural Magic, Brian aims to democratize Generative AI for enterprises and make it more accessible and affordable to all. In his career, Brian has served in a variety of executive roles at world-renowned companies including VP and CTO of Google Cloud, and CTO and EVP of Worldwide Engineering at Red Hat. Brian currently serves on the board of directors of Nutanix and Genpact, and is a former member of the board of directors of the American Red Cross, IEEE, OpenStack Foundation, Data Gravity, and Pentaho. Brian holds a master’s degree in computer systems from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a bachelor’s degree in computer science from the University of New Hampshire. In his personal life, Brian is an accomplished carpenter and woodworker with a passion for refurbishing old homes. NEURAL MAGIC About: Neural Magic is an AI company, born out of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), on a mission to help customers innovate with machine learning, without added complexity or cost. While pursuing research at MIT, founders Nir Shavit and Alexander Matveev launched Neural Magic, a software-delivered AI solution, to address their frustration with the constraints of GPUs and existing hardware. Using Neural Magic’s DeepSparse Inference Runtime, customers can easily deploy deep learning models on commodity CPUs with GPU-class performance. For more information, including all of Neural Magic’s offerings, visit or follow @neuralmagic on Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Open Source AI for Business-2024 Is the Year to On Ramp Brian Stevens, CEO of is at the helm of this growing trillion-dollar industry (proper source) As enterprises prepare for 2024, the growing demand for AI optimization is top of mind. is fulfilling that need with software-delivered AI. Enterprises use Neural Magic's runtime and open-source sparsification tools for maximum CPU speedups of NLP (including LLMs) and computer vision models. “It is my goal to democratize AI using optimized CPUs as the onramp to generative AI, making it faster, affordable and agile for enterprises.” – Brian Stevens, CEO, Neural Magic Full Show: Seg 4. - Clips from: Reclaimed Minerals, Extracting Lithium + Iodine w/ Dr. Nick Sakharav AZ TRT S05 EP22 (237) 6-2-2024 What We Learned This Week: EV Cars charging Lithium batteries weight hydrogen fuel Iodine Mineral extraction, clean water Guest: Dr. Nick Sakharov LKIN: Dr. Nick Sakharov, a leading expert in critical minerals extraction (lithium and iodine), hydrogen energy, and saltwater treatment. As a passionate advocate for a sustainable future, I believe these areas hold immense potential to address crucial challenges facing USA. My Expertise: With over 25 years of experience in global economy, energy, sustainability, mineral mining, I have a proven track record of strategy . Critical Element Extraction: I possess extensive experience in extracting critical minerals like lithium and iodine, vital for clean energy technologies. Hydrogen Energy: I can discuss the development of hydrogen as a clean and efficient alternative energy storage source (and why it is not a fuel source). Saltwater Treatment: Innovative saltwater treatment methods offer solutions to water scarcity and environmental concerns. Global Economy and Everyday Life: I can explain how these scientific breakthroughs, like clean energy and water solutions, affect things we care about in our daily lives, such as jobs, energy costs, and even the price of everyday products. Reclaimed Minerals Tech Topic: Best of Tech: Investing Topic: ‘Best Of’ Topic: Thanks for Listening. Please Subscribe to the BRT Podcast. AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0 with Matt Battaglia The show where Entrepreneurs, Top Executives, Founders, and Investors come to share insights about the future of business. AZ TRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, & how classic industries are evolving. Common Topics Discussed: Startups, Founders, Funds & Venture Capital, Business, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Blockchain / Crypto, Executive Comp, Investing, Stocks, Real Estate + Alternative Investments, and more… AZ TRT Podcast Home Page: ‘Best Of’ AZ TRT Podcast: Podcast on Google: Podcast on Spotify: More Info: KFNX Info: Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the Hosts, Guests and Speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent (or affiliates, members, managers, employees or partners), or any Station, Podcast Platform, Website or Social Media that this show may air on. All information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes. Nothing said on this program should be considered advice or recommendations in: business, legal, real estate, crypto, tax accounting, investment, etc. Always seek the advice of a professional in all business ventures, including but not limited to: investments, tax, loans, legal, accounting, real estate, crypto, contracts, sales, marketing, other business arrangements, etc.
Data Centers + AI Growth Requires More Energy, is Nuclear an Option? - AZ TRT S05 EP20 (235) 5-19-2024
Data Centers + AI Growth Requires More Energy, is Nuclear an Option? - AZ TRT S05 EP20 (235) 5-19-2024
Data Centers + AI Growth Requires More Energy, is Nuclear an Option? AZ TRT S05 EP20 (235) 5-19-2024 What We Learned This Week: Data Centers use lots of Energy with demand growing 15% per year AI Models are large software files, and this leads to more data Alternative Ideas like Clean Energy, smaller Data Centers, & Cooling Nuclear SMR (Small Modular Reactor) may be the Future of Energy Stock Investment Ideas - How can you Make Money $ off the increase of Data Centers? Notes: Seg. 1 Clips about AI from: Software Delivered AI w/ Brian Stevens of Neural Magic AZ TRT S05 EP08 (223) 2-25-2024 What We Learned This Week Neural Magic Deepsparse software helps B2B Clients incorporate AI into their tech stack Large Language Learning Models of AI can be costly & require massive computing power Their clients now control their AI Model Opensource AI Foundation Models for training AI uses a Recommendation Model Guest: Brian Stevens Chief Executive Officer of Neural Magic Brian Stevens is chief executive officer of Neural Magic. A tech veteran with more than 30 years of experience, Brian has a rich history of building/advising high-impact companies and driving disruptions that transform the industry. NEURAL MAGIC About: Neural Magic is an AI company, born out of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), on a mission to help customers innovate with machine learning, without added complexity or cost. While pursuing research at MIT, founders Nir Shavit and Alexander Matveev launched Neural Magic, a software-delivered AI solution, to address their frustration with the constraints of GPUs and existing hardware. Full Show: Clips about Data Centers and Energy from: The New Modular Data Center by Redivider w/ Tom Frazier BRT S04 EP31 (194) 8-6-2023 What We Learned This Week · Redivider Data centers are smaller modular size like a shipping container vs a standard data center which could be a huge warehouse The new data centers are mobile, eco friendly, carbon neutral, plus allow for both scale & cost savings ·Technology will be used to help the growth of the smart city or cloud and edge computing services · The growing use of AI programs like ChatGPT impacts the water supply as the needed cooling for data centers is massive, and not sustainable long term ·Re-divider: Focus on The Three P’s, People, Planet, Profit Guest: Tom Frazier - Co-Founder & CEO Tom Frazier, the co-founder and CEO of Redivider, boasts an impressive 25-year career, driving transformational and disruptive initiatives in future tech, B2B, and public sectors. Committed to prioritizing people, planet, and profits, Tom is devoted to spearheading innovation in the digital economy. Meet Redivider and Tom Frazier Leading with People, Planet and Profits , Tom Frazier and Eric Appelblom are flipping the traditional enterprise data center on its head with hydrogen powered data centers—reducing carbon foot print and increasing jobs. The companies advisory team is a shows who in environmental and ESG. Full Show: Seg. 2 AI is poised to drive 160% increase in data center power demand On average, a ChatGPT query needs nearly 10 times as much electricity to process as a Google search. In that difference lies a coming sea change in how the US, Europe, and the world at large will consume power — and how much that will cost. For years, data centers displayed a remarkably stable appetite for power, even as their workloads mounted. Now, as the pace of efficiency gains in electricity use slows and the gathers steam, Goldman Sachs Research estimates that data center power demand will grow 160% by 2030. At present, data centers worldwide consume 1-2% of overall power, but this percentage will likely rise to 3-4% by the end of the decade. In the US and Europe, this increased demand will help drive the kind of electricity growth that hasn’t been seen in a generation. Along the way, the carbon dioxide emissions of data centers may more than double between 2022 and 2030. Goldman Sachs research on AI and power needs AI DATA CENTERS NEED SO MUCH POWER THEY MAY NEED BUILT-IN NUCLEAR REACTORS "DATA CENTRES ARE POWER HUNGRY THINGS, BUT WITH AI WE'RE MOVING INTO A NEW LEVEL OF POWER REQUIREMENTS." Nuclear Option It's no secret that keeping an AI data center running requires an immense amount of power. To meet those skyrocketing energy demands, experts are now looking for alternative sources, the — including small nuclear reactors that could power individual data centers. "Our industry has to find another source of power," Digital Realty CTO Chris Sharp told the broadcaster. Small and Modular For years, scientists have been developing small modular reactors (SMR), which are scaled-down power plants that can provide power in situ and thereby dramatically reduce companies' dependence on the grid. Despite an entire dedicated to their realization, there still aren't any commercial ones in operation anywhere in the world, as the BBC notes. It's an intriguing idea that has inspired some of the biggest players in the AI field to invest in the idea. Job listings last year suggested was looking to , with the goal of eventually using them to power its AI data centers. Even OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has in a nuclear startup called Oklo, which is working on self-regulating SMRs. (Altman has that AI is so power hungry that it'll require a breakthrough energy source.) "Data centres are power hungry things, but with AI we're moving into a new level of power requirements," director at the Centre for Nuclear Engineering at Imperial College London Michael Bluck told the BBC. But it'll likely be a while before companies start producing SMRs at scale to meet those requirements. "There are about 50 SMR designs out there," Bluck added. "The challenge is to build them in repeatable units, factory style, standardizing production lines." One big hurdle to still overcome is regulation. After all, nuclear energy comes with some obvious risks. The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission has been "engaged in varying degrees of pre-application activities with several SMR designers over the past several years," per its . In 2020, the commission the first SMR design, developed by an Oregon-based startup called NuScale Power. However, despite clear momentum behind the idea, it's unclear if SMRs will end up being the answer to our rapidly rising energy needs. Companies are desperately looking for ways to scale up operations now — and not years from now. More on SMRs: Small modular reactors (SMRs) are advanced nuclear reactors that have a power capacity of up to 300 MW(e) per unit, which is about one-third of the generating capacity of traditional nuclear power reactors. SMRs, which can produce a large amount of low-carbon electricity, are: Small – physically a fraction of the size of a conventional nuclear power reactor. Modular – making it possible for systems and components to be factory-assembled and transported as a unit to a location for installation. Reactors – harnessing nuclear fission to generate heat to produce energy. The AI industry is pushing a nuclear power revival — partly to fuel itself A nuclear startup backed by OpenAI chief Sam Altman wants to power data centers and homes alike. It’s racing against surging demand while working to satisfy regulators. Excerpt: Oklo is one of the nuclear startups backed by Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI who has described AI and cheap, green energy as mutually reinforcing essentials to achieving a future marked by “abundance.” “Fundamentally today in the world, the two limiting commodities you see everywhere are intelligence, which we’re trying to work on with AI, and energy,” he told CNBC in 2021 after , a nuclear fusion startup that Altman chairs. Helion starting in 2028. Oklo, which Altman also chairs, is focused on the opposite reaction, fission, which generates energy by splitting an atom; fusion does so by merging atomic nuclei. Representatives for Altman, through his special acquisition company AltC, didn’t respond to a request for comment. In rural southeastern Idaho, Oklo is working to build a small-scale nuclear powerhouse that could fuel data centers like the ones OpenAI and its competitors need. But the company also wants to supply mixed-use communities and industrial facilities, and is already contracted to build two commercial plants in southern Ohio. Stocks to Review: Best Data Center Stocks to Buy in 2024 Here’s a quick overview of the best data center stocks available today: Equinix: The US-based, large-cap data center real estate investment trust (REIT) rents out server space and provides fast direct internet connections. It operates 260 data centers in 33 countries on five continents. Prologis: The REIT specializes in leasing to logistics companies. It plans to spend more than $25 billion to branch out into building and leasing data centers. It owns 5,613 buildings covering 1.2 billion square feet. Vertiv: The US company provides power, cooling and IT infrastructure and services to data centers. It sells equipment such as embedded computing systems, static transfer switches and data center racks. Eaton Corporation: The Irish company provides power management, electrical components and systems to data centers, as well as to utility, machine building, aerospace, and mobility markets. Digital Realty Trust: The real estate investment trust (REIT) has a big footprint globally, with 300 data centers across 25 countries. It offers data center and colocation services. Oracle Corporation: Its products and platforms are helping drive demand for more data center space. In addition, Oracle said it plans to spend around $10 billion in 2025 on data center expansion. Iron Mountain: The US large-cap REIT specializes in leasing out data center space and secure storage. It owns 21 data centers in North America, Europe and Asia. It serves 225,000 customers. Arista Networks: It delivers cloud-to-cloud networking for large data centers, campus and routing environments, and has more than 8,000 cloud customers worldwide. Its revenue has grown for 15 quarters. American Tower: The REIT, known for owning and leasing cell and communications towers, has expanded into data centers and cloud computing over the past four years after buying CoreSite. Snowflake: The company is a cloud-based data platform that uses the infrastructure of large cloud providers to run its services. Its platform allows companies to securely share data among users. Cramer looks at why enterprise and data tech companies are winning: ‘Follow the money’ · As consumers tighten spending, CNBC’s Jim Cramer told investors to focus on companies that deal with data and have primarily enterprise customers. · “Right now, you have to follow the money, and it’s currently flowing to businesses that cater to other businesses and the ones that need to interrogate the data,” he said. “The rest? Not much there.” · Cramer said the biggest names in tech are part of this data surge, including Amazon, Alphabet, Microsoft, Meta and Apple. Forget Nvidia: Jim Cramer Says This Company Could Be About to Cash In on Artificial Intelligence (AI) Data Centers By – May 20, 2024 at 8:21AM KEY POINTS · Data center services are dominated by tech giants including Nvidia, Advanced Micro Devices, and Vertiv. · Energy companies are a tangential beneficiary of the rising demand in data centers. · Constellation Energy represents a compelling opportunity, given the company's capabilities with nuclear power and its relationships with big tech. Stock – CEG / Constellation Energy – deals in natural Gas and Nuclear Energy Utility Stocks of note for Energy: EQT Corp., Southern Co, PNW Pinnacle West Cap, WEC Energy, Bloom Energy Clean Energy Stock: First Solar Tech Stocks of note for AI & Data Centers: Google, Amazon, Nvida, Oracle, Microsoft Tech Topic: Best of Tech: Investing Topic: ‘Best Of’ Topic: Thanks for Listening. Please Subscribe to the BRT Podcast. AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0 with Matt Battaglia The show where Entrepreneurs, Top Executives, Founders, and Investors come to share insights about the future of business. AZ TRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, & how classic industries are evolving. Common Topics Discussed: Startups, Founders, Funds & Venture Capital, Business, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Blockchain / Crypto, Executive Comp, Investing, Stocks, Real Estate + Alternative Investments, and more… AZ TRT Podcast Home Page: ‘Best Of’ AZ TRT Podcast: Podcast on Google: Podcast on Spotify: More Info: KFNX Info: Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the Hosts, Guests and Speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent (or affiliates, members, managers, employees or partners), or any Station, Podcast Platform, Website or Social Media that this show may air on. All information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes. Nothing said on this program should be considered advice or recommendations in: business, legal, real estate, crypto, tax accounting, investment, etc. Always seek the advice of a professional in all business ventures, including but not limited to: investments, tax, loans, legal, accounting, real estate, crypto, contracts, sales, marketing, other business arrangements, etc.