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AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0

AZ Tech Roundtable 2.0 with Matt Battaglia The show where Entrepreneurs, Top Executives, Founders, and Investors come to share insights about the future of business. AZ TRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, & how classic industries are evolving. Common Topics Discussed: Startups, Founders, Funds & Venture Capital, Business, Entrepreneurship, Biotech, Blockchain / Crypto, Executive Comp, Investing, Stocks, Real Estate + Alternative Investments, and more… AZ TRT Podcast Home Page: http://aztrtshow.com/ Please Subscribe. Thanks for Listening. - More Info: https://www.economicknight.com/azpodcast/

info_outline Cybersecurity Response Plan w/ Frank Grimmelmann of ACTRA - AZ TRT S06 EP03 (264) 2-9-2025 02/25/2025
info_outline Futuristic EV Designer Sports Car w/ Nikita Bridan of Oilstainlab - AZ TRT S06 EP02 (263) 1-26-2025 02/17/2025
info_outline Machine Learning (AI) Onsite w/ Eddi Weinwurm of Obvious Future - AZ TRT S06 EP01 (262) 1-5-2025 01/24/2025
info_outline EV Trucks for Commercial Use w/ George Gebhart of Voltu Motor - AZ TRT S05 EP45 (261) 12-30-2024 01/10/2025
info_outline Best of Bitcoin, Blockchain & Crypto Revisited - AZ TRT S05 EP44 (260) 12-1-2024 12/12/2024
info_outline Tech Marketing - Build a Brand like Steve Jobs & Apple to Elon Musk & Tesla + PT Barnum’s Impact - AZ TRT S05 EP43 (259) 11-17-2024 11/22/2024
info_outline AZ Tech Council on 2024 Innovation & Governors Celebration w/ Steve Zylstra - AZ TRT S05 EP42 (258) 11-10-2024 11/13/2024
info_outline Best of Tech Investing - Venture Capital & Angel Investing - AZ TRT S05 EP41 (257) 11-3-2024 11/11/2024
info_outline Ford Power Promise for EV Cars w/ Becca Anderson - AZ TRT - S05 EP40 (256) 10-13-2024 10/30/2024
info_outline Deep Value Investing Using The Acquirer’s Multiple Revisited w/ Tobias Carlisle - AZ TRT S05 EP 39 (255) 10-6-2024 10/25/2024
info_outline Taxes Are Going Up - How to Grow Your Wealth using the Right Tax Buckets - AZ TRT S05 EP38 (254) 9-29-2024 10/11/2024
info_outline Rockin’ the Kremlin - Russian Music Industry w/ David Junk - AZ TRT S05 EP37 (253) 9-22-2024 09/28/2024
info_outline AZ Bio Week & Life Sciences Innovation w/ Joan Koerber-Walker - AZ TRT S05 EP36 (252) 9-16-2024 09/19/2024
info_outline THE PRICE: What It Takes to Win in College Football’s Era of Chaos w/ Sports Writer John Talty - AZ TRT - S05 EP35 (251) 9-8-2024 09/14/2024
info_outline Intelligent Investor, Market Cycles, Supply & Demand - Best of Host Matt on Investing & Economics - AZ TRT - S05 EP34 (250) 9-1-2024 09/06/2024
info_outline Built to Fail: The Inside Story of Blockbuster's Inevitable Bust w/ Alan Payne - AZ TRT Flashback - S05 EP33 (249) 8-28-2024 08/30/2024
info_outline Think Globally When Looking for Stocks to Invest In w/ Meb Faber - AZ TRT 2.0 Flashback - S05 EP32 8-18-2024 08/27/2024
info_outline Investing in Real Estate Opportunity Zones Revisited w/ Greg Talcott of Caliber Funds - AZ TRT S05 EP31 (247) 8-11-2024 08/16/2024
info_outline AI Autonomous CRM to Help Sales w/ Vitaly Golomb of Sofielabs - AZ TRT S05 EP30 (246) 8-4-2024 08/09/2024
info_outline All in One Connect Plus + Virtual Office for Non-Profits by NEP Services w/ Stacey Yudin - AZ TRT S05 EP29 (245) 7-28-2024 08/01/2024
info_outline Tech Stocks in the NASDAQ Continue to Show Growth despite Inflation - AZ TRT S05 EP28 (244) 7-21-2024 07/31/2024
info_outline AI Assisted Healthcare Can Help Patients & Reduce Costs by AdviNow w/ James Bates - AZ TRT S05 EP27 (243) 7-14-2024 07/24/2024
info_outline Options vs Stocks & Trading vs Investing w Tom Sosnoff of tastytrade Revisited - AZ TRT S05 EP26 (242) 7-7-2024 07/19/2024
info_outline Composting Helps the Environment, The Palm Bin w/ Manali Yavatkar - AZ TRT S05 EP26 (241) 6-30-2024 07/06/2024
info_outline Space & Satellite Business Tourism, Communications, & Rockets - AZ TRT S05 EP25 (240) 6-23-2024 07/03/2024
info_outline Stock Investing Info from Earnings Hub w/ Hamid Shojaee – Part 2 - AZ TRT S05 EP24 (239) 6-16-2024 06/21/2024
info_outline Stock Investing Info from Earnings Hub w/ Hamid Shojaee - AZ TRT S05 EP23 (238) 6-9-2024 06/13/2024
info_outline Reclaimed Minerals, Extracting Lithium + Iodine w/ Dr. Nick Sakharav - AZ TRT S05 EP22 (237) 6-2-2024 06/06/2024
info_outline AZ TRT 2.0 - Best of Tech Part 1 - Data Centers, IT, EV Charging, Minerals & AI Software - AZ TRT S05 EP21 (236) 5-26-2024 06/01/2024
info_outline Data Centers + AI Growth Requires More Energy, is Nuclear an Option? - AZ TRT S05 EP20 (235) 5-19-2024 05/24/2024