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Busted Halo Cast

Answering your questions of faith

info_outline Distractions at Mass 08/03/2016
info_outline #467 What is the spiritual benefit of not eating meat on Fridays and Ash Wednesday during Lent? 02/08/2016
info_outline #466 Should you celebrate the civil wedding anniversary date or the wedding anniversary date in the Catholic Church? 02/01/2016
info_outline #465 Can you change who your godparents are? 01/25/2016
info_outline #464 How do you say yes to God when you can't hear God calling? 01/19/2016
info_outline #463 Why did Pope Francis open the "Holy Doors" to begin the Jubilee Year of Mercy? 12/14/2015
info_outline #462 How do I respond to my niece saying she is an Atheist? 11/30/2015
info_outline #461 Why are there two versions of the creation story in Genesis? 11/16/2015
info_outline #460 Can you disagree with church teaching and still be a faithful Catholic? 10/16/2015
info_outline #459 Should I try to reconnect with someone who I chose to no longer have contact with? 10/05/2015
info_outline #458 Can you attend a wedding mass you weren't invited to? 09/21/2015
info_outline #457 Wait -- I thought priests already could forgive the sin of abortion?! 09/08/2015
info_outline #456 How do I talk to my kids about creation? 08/24/2015
info_outline #455 Do I have to go to Sunday Mass when I visit China? 08/17/2015
info_outline #454 Does my husband who is Christian but not Catholic get to skip Purgatory? 07/27/2015
info_outline #453 What is the relationship between penance and absolution for sins? 07/20/2015
info_outline #452 Why is the age of confirmation being lowered? 06/29/2015
info_outline #451 If Mary of Bethany is not Mary Magdalen then why is she not at the foot of the cross but Mary Magdalen is? 06/08/2015
info_outline #450 Do I have to wait for a deceased Christian to be sainted before involving them in my prayers? 06/01/2015
info_outline #449 Why can Baptism be performed by anyone in extreme situations but Anointing of the Sick can't? 05/18/2015
info_outline #448 How do I help my friends understand that celebrating First Communion is a big deal? 05/11/2015
info_outline #447 How would you describe the concept of "hell"? Is it really a biblical concept? 05/04/2015
info_outline #446 Where in the Bible does it authorize the use of a pope? 04/27/2015
info_outline #445 Is misleading your opponent in a game a sin? / Are you only forgiven for sins you verbally confessed? 04/20/2015
info_outline #444 Where was Saint Joseph during the Crucifixion? 04/13/2015
info_outline #443 Should I attend the rehearsal dinner on Good Friday for my daughter's wedding? 03/23/2015
info_outline #442 - What is the protocol for disposing of a host that hit the floor?  03/16/2015
info_outline #441 - What should I do if I made plans that could affect my Lenten promise? 03/09/2015
info_outline #440 - Who is Melchizedek? What is his significance to the Jewish people?  03/02/2015
info_outline #439 - Where in the Bible does Christ institute the Sacrament of Marriage? 02/23/2015