Magical Ninja Situation (FF1 Part 3)
Magical Ninja Situation (FF1 Part 3)
Let's play the Cave of Trials through defeating the Kraken. Mike vents his spleen about FF16. Remy vents their spleen about memorization puzzles. Mike encounters his very first time loop and has to replay the first game thus far. We have our first airship sighting in the series, our characters evolve like Pokemon, and we chill with our new bestie, Bahamut. What do the Black Mage and the Invisible Man from Hotel Transylvania have in common? Let’s think too hard about what oxy-ale is and how it works. Fairy slavery is very bad, actually. Don’t do it. Mike attains a surprising new credentials after being quizzed on dia-bility. Then we'll get our James Cameron on and take this submarine for a spin. Finally, Remy forgets an important step in completing the Sunken Temple and Mike as attakced by Harry Potter slash fic.