Rooming Houses: How To Build A Portfolio of 5 Or More
Rooming Houses: How To Build A Portfolio of 5 Or More
Viv Halliday from Property Possibilities is a renovator extraordinaire and also a property magnate where she's collecting properties and ~20 tenants over a relatively short period of time. She's got a handful of properties that she's built and rented as well as she’s got two on the go, right at this point in time. There's a lot to cover there so if you're interested in learning how to do rooming accommodation, renovation, conversions into rooming accommodation, this is the episode to listen to. So get ready, gear up. Let's go. Topic highlights: * Advantages and Disadvantages of Mini Boarding Houses * Should you renovate and convert your house into a mini boarding house? * What you know what is rooming accommodation or mini boarding houses, as we call it. * The advantages of using mainstream banks versus other specialized banks. * How she's been able to transition from renovating and land subdivision to being able to build a Mini Boarding House portfolio Download This FREE Video of How I Made $215,031 Dollars In An “OVERPRICED SUBURB” Subdividing One Lot Into Five Miniature Ones! -->> “How I Made $215,031 Dollars Subdividing A 1000m2 Lot Into Five Miniature Ones!” They told me “no good deals left in this suburb”… But $215,031 profit in 12 months proved them wrong!!!! Now for the first time ever, I’m spilling the beans about ‘Miniature Subdivisions’: Where to find them, how to get them approved, and how to profit from them big time… even in “overpriced” suburbs! Follow Vivienne Halliday: Instagram: property_possibilities Facebook: Website: