Episode 4: BJJ Benefits and ObservationsRob and Steve talk about the physical and mental benefits they've found from practicing BJJ, and some life lessons they've learned along the way. /episode/index/show/c2343641-c9d8-43cd-8a20-61749bab6302/id/28514936
Episode 3: Gracie University Pt. 2 - Student To Master CycleRob and Steve discuss further about their experience as members of a Gracie University Certified Training Center, Gracie University's Master Cycle course, how the Gracie University system recognizes higher belts, and more (including some jokes and poignant statements)! /episode/index/show/c2343641-c9d8-43cd-8a20-61749bab6302/id/27926184
Episode 2: Gracie University Pt. 1 - Trials and TribulationsRob and Steve discuss their experience as members of a Gracie University Certified Training Center, and some of the controversies surrounding Gracie University, their system, belt rankings, and more./episode/index/show/c2343641-c9d8-43cd-8a20-61749bab6302/id/27689274
Episode 1 - Welcome to Armbar ClubRob and Steve introduce themselves and their martial arts history. /episode/index/show/c2343641-c9d8-43cd-8a20-61749bab6302/id/27568986