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The American Legal Record Podcast

Interviews with legal reporters and editors about the top headlines concerning America’s civil justice system.

info_outline 15: LegalNewsline's Daniel Fisher on the SC Asbestos Litigation Docket 10/09/2024
info_outline 14: Dan Savickas, Director of Policy, Taxpayers Protection Alliance. 09/05/2024
info_outline 13: Whit Kennedy Discusses His Watchdog Series 07/31/2024
info_outline 12: Wayne Winegarden, Senior Fellow at the Pacific Research Institute (PRI) 07/18/2024
info_outline 11: Patrick M. Brenner, Founder and President of the Southwest Public Policy Institute (SPPI) 05/09/2024
info_outline 10: AFSA President Bill Himpler on the State of Consumer Credit and Regulation by the CFBP 04/25/2024
info_outline 9: Public Interest Legal Foundation’s brief to keep former President Donald Trump on the ballot 04/11/2024
info_outline 8: Chris Dickerson on the Reduction in Online Access to West Virginia Court Records 03/21/2024
info_outline 7: David Williams of the Taxpayers Protection Alliance on “Mission Creep” by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau 03/07/2024
info_outline 6: West Virginia’s Proposed Constitutional Amendment to Add U.S. Citizenship as a Voting Requirement 02/22/2024
info_outline 5: Woman Uses Ricola Cough Drops For 20 years, Sues After Lawyer Posts Facebook Ad For Plaintiffs 02/07/2024
info_outline 4: River Forest, Illinois, Man Spent Almost a Month in Jail Over Unpaid Divorce Legal Bills 01/25/2024
info_outline 3: Part II: Michigan-based Forge Industrial Staffing 'crushed under the weight' of federal child labor probe 01/03/2024
info_outline 2: Michigan-based Forge Industrial Staffing 'crushed under the weight' of federal child labor probe 12/01/2023
info_outline 1: The High Volume of Lawsuits Against the Cruise Line Industry  11/23/2023