Episode 13. Jenni Nellist - Clinical Animal Behaviourist
Episode 13. Jenni Nellist - Clinical Animal Behaviourist
This Episode I speak with Clinical Animal Behaviourist, Jenni Nellist. Based in South Wales UK, Jenni is a Certificated Clinical Animal Behaviourist as well as an Animal Behaviour and Training Council, Registered Clinical Animal Behaviourist for Horses. (These are seperate accreditations and registrations, opperated by seperate governing bodies in the UK.) To acheive these accreditations Jenni has demonstrated a strong level of academic achievement, coupled with passing practical assessments of her clinical skills. Jenni chose the route to becoming a Clinical Animal Behaviourist, as this was most closely aligned with her values, enabling her to put her main driving passion first and foermost - the mental wellness of horses. Jenni's focus on prioritising the horse's experience, ensures welfare is a constant focus in her work, while her ethos of promoting a strong horse-human bond, enables her to create a safe space for horse and human to be together. For more details on Jenni you can visit her website: or find her on facebook: or get in touch via emailing: or Whatsapp: 07974569407 During the conversation Jenni mentions her work with Odisee University of Applied Sciences in Belgium. Their Clinical Animal Behaviourist course can be found here: Jenni also mentions a talk by Hazel Heaton, owner of Nine Acres and Founder of the Fresh Start Scheme for Horses. Her talk and others from the World Horse Welfare Conference, are available to watch here: Jenni has close links with Lluest Horse and Pony Trust, you can find their website here: If you would like to contact me with any feedback, you can visit my website: or visit the podcast facebook page: You can also join the Change of Tack Facebook group or find us on Ticktock and Instagram out theme tune is Calm Background by Yurii-Kohut