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Change of Tack

Welcome to Change of Tack, The equestrian podcast that shines a light on the positive changes we are seeing in the industry, by showcasing the many ways horse owners and professionals can use ethical and evidence based methods to improve horse welfare. Closing the door on abusive management and training practices. Join me as I talk to professionals from around the world, who have focussed their careers on helping horses and educating owners.

info_outline Episode 14. Amanda Barton - Tilefield Equestrian 02/18/2025
info_outline Episode 13. Jenni Nellist - Clinical Animal Behaviourist 01/29/2025
info_outline Episode 12. Kate Blackmore - Equischolars 01/03/2025
info_outline Episode 11. Vikki Fear - Equine Podiatrist 12/21/2024
info_outline Episode 10. Melissa Deal - Compasionate Horse Click 12/11/2024
info_outline Episode 9. Yasmin Stuart - Equine Physiotherapist 11/28/2024
info_outline Episode 8. Phillippa Christie - Equine Partnership, Bitless Boutique, Hoof Boots Ireland 11/20/2024
info_outline Episode 7. The NAC - Alex Le Grand and Aliyah Woodland 11/09/2024
info_outline Episode 6. Trudi Dempsey, Equine Trainer and Behaviour Consultant 11/01/2024
info_outline Episode 5. Gabriel Lencioni - Cooperative Care 10/26/2024
info_outline Episode 4. Alice Short - Equine Elements 10/19/2024
info_outline Episode 3. El Brewer - Maggie's Voice 10/12/2024
info_outline Episode 2. Caroline Hegarty - Equitopia 10/07/2024
info_outline Episode 1 - Aliyah Woodland / Equine Thoughts 09/30/2024
info_outline CHANGE OF TACK - Intro to the podcast 09/30/2024