The Cantore Show: Ralph Rubio
The Cantore Show: Ralph Rubio
Rubio’s, a chain of more than 150 Mexican eateries known for fish tacos, has filed for bankruptcy protection citing restrictions imposed due to the coronavirus pandemic. "COVID-19 has had a significant impact on Rubio's, like most businesses, and I'm proud of how we have responded to the challenge," co-founder Ralph Rubio said in a statement. "This restructuring plan creates the long-term financial stability we need to continue to serve our communities for years to come." In other words, Rubio's isn't going away. Here to discuss with The Cantore Show, the King of the Fish Taco himself. Ralph Rubio. Still a shareholder, Ralph co-founded Rubio’s in 1983 after trips to Mexico when he was a student at San Diego State University. Also, fine dining power couple Brett Dudley and Cassie Dudley joins the show to discuss . Together they’re taking the food delivery industry to the next level.