Be The Change -
Government needs to get out of the way and let personally responsible entrepreneurs be the change we want to see in the world. That’s the message on the Be The Change Podcast, by, hosted by political analyst and author Kristin Tate. Each week, Kristin connects with politicians, pundits and entrepreneurs who agree that we need a strong economy, clean environment, prosperity, health and happiness—and debates why personal responsibility is the key to getting what we all want.
How to Monetize An Audience With Physical Products and Crush Your Competition with this 4-Part Formula - Ryan Daniel Moran
How to Monetize An Audience With Physical Products and Crush Your Competition with this 4-Part Formula - Ryan Daniel Moran
In this episode, Ryan shares his “12 Months to 1 Million” strategy, the two functions every business should have, and great customer management techniques.
What Is Bitcoin? A Conversation With Singer-Songwriter Tatiana Moroz
What Is Bitcoin? A Conversation With Singer-Songwriter Tatiana Moroz
What is Bitcoin? That’s become one of the most common internet searches lately due to some high profile court cases that have shown that the idea of cryptocurrency is not a passing fad. But the question still remains and it’s important to understand this new digital participant in the global economy. On this episode of the podcast, I’ve got a great guest who’s going to shed a lot of light on what Bitcoin is and why it’s a great way to not only safeguard transactions but also have greater accountability in them. You’ll want to hear this one if you’re at all interested in the digital future of the global economy. If you don’t know what Bitcoin is, here’s your chance to get a condensed understanding. Tatiana Moroz is a singer-songwriter, so you might wonder why I’m doing an episode of the Be The Change podcast with her about a topic like Bitcoin. The reason is that Tatiana is not only using Bitcoin as a form of currency in relation to her albums and other endeavors, she’s also become one of the leading voices supporting the use of the currency. In fact, she’s created a “Bitcoin 101” video series to help people new to the concept understand what it is and how it’s being used. I found this conversation very interesting and a tantalizing little taste of what might be ahead for us in terms of cryptocurrency. You can get a good peek into the idea of digital currency on this episode of Be The Change. What would it be like to have every financial transaction automatically monitored for legitimacy? Digital forms of currency make it possible. With Bitcoin, every transaction of any kind is filed in a public record that makes it impossible to keep unethical or illegal transactions hidden. It also has safeguards built in to ensure that the products or services being received are of the quality they are purported to be. Tatiana Moroz has a good deal of understanding of these issues since she uses Bitcoin every day for transactions related to her work as a recording artist. You can hear her perspective on Bitcoin and the future of cryptocurrency on this episode of Be The Change. What is Bitcoin’s connection to drug trafficking and other illegal activities? The high profile court case surrounding Ross Ulbricht is one of the main things that has connected the use of Bitcoin to drug trafficking. The use of Bitcoin in the things Ross was doing on the internet brought its use into question by legal authorities. But my guest today, Tatiana Moroz feels that much of the case against Ross is based on very circumstantial evidence and that the things shown in the court documents demonstrate that Bitcoin was not at fault in the way things shook out. It’s an intriguing case study in the use of cryptocurrency and a great way to learn lessons about the safety and future applications of the technology. You can hear how Tatiana sees Ross’ case and what she thinks it shows, on this episode. What is Bitcoin’s future? While there are many pundits and critics out there who say that Bitcoin is a hopeless endeavor there are just as many people who believe it, and digital currencies like it, are the wave and hope of the future. As I chat with Tatiana Moroz about Bitcoin on this episode you’ll get to hear perspectives about the cryptocurrency movement that you don’t get to hear on mainstream media outlets very often and you’ll have the opportunity to make up your own mind about this promising technology. I invite you to listen to this great conversation. Outline of This Episode [0:08] My introduction of Tatiana Moroz, her story, and why she’s excited about . [4:00] How artists can benefit from crypto-currency. [6:50] The main thing that separates Bitcoin from governmental currencies. [9:35] How the Bitcoin system helps people from both sides of the political aisle. [12:29] Why Tatiana believes Bitcoin makes the world safer. [19:23] Tatiana’s main concerns about crypto-currency. [21:03] How the federal government is trying to regulate Bitcoin. [23:08] The future of cryptocurrency. [25:30] If you want to get into Bitcoin, what should you do? [27:42] Tatiana’s upcoming album. Resources & People Mentioned of The ’s Tatiana’s
Making Money is NOT Greedy - Matt Palumbo
Making Money is NOT Greedy - Matt Palumbo
Greedy people are not at the heart of the capitalistic system. People who want to make a difference are. But that’s not what you hear from the liberal and mainstream media most of the time. Today’s guest is an author who’s written about the subject and is a contributor to the “Red Eye” segment on Fox News as well. Matt Palumbo speaks to me on this episode about the power of capitalism to change the culture and the world, why greed is not at the heart of the capitalistic system, and what we can do to help kids who are surrounded by liberal instruction catch the vision for what capitalism can do. Being in favor of capitalism doesn’t mean you are greedy. You’ll hear it again and again in the conversations around the water cooler. People who run corporations and big companies are greedy. No doubt, there are plenty of people who are at the top of the economic food chain who are indeed greedy. But that’s not what fuels most business owners today. The desire to make a difference through a business enterprise is much more common than a "greed" motivation and today’s guest, Matt Palumbo, shares how he became interested in these issues and what’s he’s doing to create an environment where discourse about these issues can happen. What might happen if we could have honest, clear conversations about political and economic issues? That’s one of the questions behind the creation of Unbiased America, a movement Matt Palumbo and his co-founders have begun to encourage dialogue from both sides of the issues that face our nation. They want everyone to be able to hear the arguments from both sides of the aisle and believe that when that happens, truth will win out because the strongest arguments win. You can learn more about Unbiased America including how you can get involved in the discussion, on this episode. Why people who want to make a difference need to learn how to network. Matt Palumbo, my guest on this episode of Be The Change, is convinced that many people who have an idea that could change the world never do so because they don’t know how to effectively network. They don’t know and don’t know how to contact the people who would take great interest in their ideas and have the resources to promote them. For that reason, he believes that everyone needs to learn how to make the contacts with influential and connected people that can help move their ideas forward. You can hear how Matt has learned those skills himself, on this episode. Just teach them that making money is cool, not greedy. When I asked my guest, Matt Palumbo, what we can do to teach kids in high school and college that they can make a difference through capitalism, he had a very clear answer. “Teach them that making money is cool, not greedy.” I totally agree but realize that the “how” part of his approach is the hardest part. Matt has co-founded a community in which political and economic ideas can be freely and openly discussed so that more and more people - kids included - can have the opportunity to hear both sides of the issues. You can find out more about what Matt is doing through Unbiased America, on this episode of Be The Change. Outline of This Episode [0:28] My introduction of this episode with my guest, Matt Palumbo. [2:40] How can we get kids interested in capitalism when they are surrounded by opposing views in school all the time? [5:41] How Matt wrote his first book while he was in high school. [8:49] The biggest hurdles Matt hit when writing his books. [9:49] What is the Unbiased America movement? [12:10] The balance between championing a cause and making a living. [13:18] The art and importance of networking. [16:00] The barrier regulatory burdens can be to business. [17:25] Matt’s advice to anyone who is interested in being an entrepreneur. [18:40] How do we teach kids that making money is cool, not greedy. Resources & People Mentioned BOOK: BOOK: @MattPalumbo12
The Cannabis Industry Supply Chain Solution With Aeron Sullivan of
The Cannabis Industry Supply Chain Solution With Aeron Sullivan of
The cannabis industry is growing by leaps and bounds. And as more and more state move toward legalization or marijuana for both medicinal and recreational use, there will be a growing demand for well-developed companies that can lead the way in the industry. Aeron Sullivan is a co-founder of - the largest cannabis distributor in the United States. In this conversation,I chat with Sullivan about his company’s rise, how he and his co-founder got the idea to build an Amazon-like distribution hub for the cannabis industry, and the particular challenges they’ve faced and overcome to become a leader in the market. There are still many problems in the cannabis industry. It’s still very common for cannabis growers and cannabis retailers to deal with independent brokers to exchange product. The brokers typically build relationships with a handful of suppliers or growers and then seek out retail outlets through which they can supply the goods of those growers. But the problem is that the retailers can only choose from a limited selection and also may not have any certainty as to the quality level of the products they are receiving. That’s where Sullivan’s company, Tradiv has filled the gap. On this episode of Be The Change you can hear Sullivan as he tells me the story of how he recognized the needs of the cannabis industry and stepped into the gap quickly to build an amazing company and feel a specific need. Imagine Amazon for the cannabis industry. I love Amazon. It’s such a convenient and easy place to find almost any product online. It’s a brilliant business model because it allows consumers and wholesalers to come together in one place, with a wide variety of products to choose from. That is a win-win for everyone involved. Sullivan and his team at Tradiv have done a very similar thing between cannabis suppliers and cannabis retailers. In this conversation, I ask him how his company is both the same as, and different than Amazon, and how his business model benefits both sides of the supply chain. I think you’ll get lots of insight from what he’s got to share. As more states legalize cannabis, what does Sullivan see ahead? Clearly, nobody can predict the future but when a trend as strong and obvious as the legalization of marijuana is happening right before your eyes, you can be pretty sure that the industry as a whole is going to grow. Sullivan believes that there is some rapid growth ahead for his company and for the cannabis industry as a whole. In this episode, he tells me some of the reasons he feels that way and what he sees happening in his industry that are good signs for future success. Advice for would-be entrepreneurs: Look at your vertical markets. When I asked Sullivan what advice he would give to college students or young would-be entrepreneurs he was quick to say that though it’s important to be a student of the niche or market you want to serve, it’s also important to pay attention to those industries and markets that run alongside the one you’re considering. He gives a great example on this episode that illustrates why his advice is so vital to the long-term success of any startup. I hope you’ll take the time to listen. Outline of This Episode [0:57] Sullivan’s description of and how it works. [3:07] Where is marijuana legal recreationally? [4:39] The types of things that require capital for a business model of this type. [6:33] What made Sullivan want to start his business and how did it begin? [8:59] The most significant hurdles the team has faced and how they’ve overcome. [11:20] The possibility of legal issues for companies in the industry. [13:18] How many dispensaries got their inventory before Sullivan’s service started. [16:29] How Sullivan’s team guarantees quality products. [19:42] The competition Sullivan’s team is facing in the cannabis industry. [23:19] Is Tradiv going to stay only in the cannabis market? [25:01] Advice for want-to-be entrepreneurs. Resources & People Mentioned Connect With Website: On On On On On
How Limited Government Can Boost Personal Liberties with Rebekah Bydlak
How Limited Government Can Boost Personal Liberties with Rebekah Bydlak
Is it even possible to go back to a more limited government? Rebekah Bydlak says it is and she’s running for congress in Florida to do her part in seeing that it happens. Rebekah has spent a good deal of time lobbying for reform in the areas of national debt, and fiscal responsibility. Her involvement with the Coalition to Reduce Spending, was one of the ways she fought to reduce federal spending at its source and to fight special interests. On this episode of Be The Change you’re going to hear from a young woman who’s a shining example of a person who isn’t letting her age or inexperience hold her back. Rebekah’s making a stir in Florida and is calling for all fiscal conservatives to join her to create a more limited government that serves the people rather than restrains them.
What IS Crony Capitalism and Why It Must Die, with Nick Sorrentino
What IS Crony Capitalism and Why It Must Die, with Nick Sorrentino
What IS crony capitalism? We’ve all seen it in movies. A behind-closed-doors agreement is made to give a government contract to a business in exchange for throwing votes a certain politician’s way. It makes us sick, but we know it happens. THAT is one example of crony capitalism. It’s at the heart of many of the political and economic decisions that go on in the United States, and today’s guest and his co-founder are out to stop it. Nick Sorrentino is co-founder of Their mission is to enhance freedom, transparency, opportunity, and honest markets by exposing and doing away with crony capitalism once and for all. On this episode you’re going to hear an engaging conversation about what crony capitalism is, steps that can be taken to make people aware of it, and ways the average consumer/voter can make their voice heard.