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Arizona Divorce Podcast

Thinking about divorce or know someone who is in Arizona? This podcast is for you. We cover legal updates and analysis on Arizona family laws, focusing on divorce. Listen and learn: must know topics pertinent to all divorce cases, how your case might be impacted by the latest case law from the higher courts, and how to engage with the legal system, including lawyers and more.

info_outline 10: Temporary Orders 07/05/2023
info_outline 9: How to File for Divorce 06/28/2023
info_outline 8: Five Reasons You will LOSE your Divorce 06/21/2023
info_outline 7: Spousal Maintenance changes 06/18/2023
info_outline 6: Affidavit of Financial Information 06/18/2023
info_outline 5: Community Property and Separate Property 06/17/2023
info_outline 4: Tips to Hiring a Great Divorce Attorney for You 11/27/2022
info_outline 3 Part B: Tie Breakers and Courts versus Parents 11/27/2022
info_outline 3 Part A: Final Say for Joint Legal Decision-Making 11/27/2022
info_outline 2: Domestic Violence and Drug Abuse Impacts on LDM 11/24/2022
info_outline 1: Intro to Legal Decision-Making 11/24/2022