Steel and Shooter are just your everyday guys that begrudgingly fell into the Bravo world only to be entranced by the allure that is Bravo TV. On this show you’ll hear their takes on the hot topics from all things Bravo. A podcast by dudes for everyone!
Secret Lives of Mormon Wives Episode 5 Full Recap
Secret Lives of Mormon Wives Episode 5 Full Recap
Whats up Bros? Its back to the Mormon Wives this week and can we just say... we love this show. We also wish they would do this in a weekly drop instead of all at once but hey, we're just glad we get to watch it. In this episode, Whitney has pulled away from the group entirely. After leaving the group chat, she is upset that no one in the group has reached out or seems to even care. Layla is planning her divorce party to celebrate her newly single life. Taylor and Dakota continue to have problems as her due date gets closer and closer. Mayci continues to allude to issues trusting Dakota, and he does himself no favors when he hijacks her photoshoot for her new natal vitamin brand. Whitney reunites with the group at the divorce party and decides to discuss things with Jessi, only to find out that the majority of the group has an issue with her, so now she's fully leaning into the victim narrative. Mayci sits down with Dakota to hash out their issues and it ends up turning into Taylor voicing her issues to Dakota, and instead of hearing her out, Dakota makes it all about himself... Shocker. Want more content?? Join BravBros Members for weekly exclusive episodes, housewives rewatch, community zooms and more! Click the link below to sign up!
Secret Lives of Mormon Wives Episode 6 Full Recap
Secret Lives of Mormon Wives Episode 6 Full Recap
What's up Elder Bros? We are back with episode 6 of Mormon Wives and the gang is headed to Vegas! But before we head out, we got some issues to clear up. Dakota and Taylor are fighting. Again. And Taylor's mom gets involved pleading with the both of them to figure it out for the baby's sake. Meanwhile, Jessi is pissed because Dakota and Zak invited themselves on the trip 'in case Taylor goes in to labor' aka to keep on eye on their wives and girlfriends. Taylor and Dakota get into it as they're packing for the trip which leads to her kicking him out of the car. They try to hash things out at Zac and Jen Affleck's house but whats more alarming is that Zac and Jen can relate to all of the toxic issues going on in Taylor and Dakota's relationship... Everyone arrives in Vegas, the MomTok crew is pissed to hear that the boys have made the trip since it was supposed to be a girls trip. Jessi has a surprise for the group... and its Chippendales. Most of the crew is fine with it, but Jen, Mikayla and Taylor leave in an attempt to avoid the drama from their husbands. But it does not go well as Zac loses his mind over the girls being there (even though he's gambling with Jen's money whilst complaining) and Jen breaks down. Another instance of a double standard and the insecurity of some of these men is ridiculous. Let the ladies have some fun with some strippers for gods sakes. Want more BravBros content? Join BravBros Members for exclusive weekly episodes, community zooms, housewives rewatches and more! Click the link below to sign up!
Alexis Backtracks, Heather Deflects, Tamra Pees (RHOC Full Recap)
Alexis Backtracks, Heather Deflects, Tamra Pees (RHOC Full Recap)
What's up Bros? Its OC time and what else can we say? This has been a great season. This episode dives into some of the family dynamics of Katie and her daughter as well as Tamra and Sophia. Emily is upset by how Heather's fashion show went and feels like she was unintentionally singled out because of her size. Dealing with body image issues, she wants Heather to understand why the experience was upsetting to her. But SHOCKER, Heather gets defensive and is incapable of hearing why it was upsetting. Despite Emily reiterating she doesn't believe it was malicious. Jenn is having a tough time with Dawson her oldest. But hats off to Jenn this season for providing us with a great storyline and a real look into her life. She is certainly not perfect but the self awareness shes shown throughout the season is impressive. Tamra continues to bring up Simon in front of Sophia which is baffling to us. Things come to a head at Ryan's house when Jenn has the girls over. Alexis comes in like shes from another planet and she has now taken it upon herself to play the victim card. She's attempting to pull at the groups heartstrings with "i didnt sign up for Johnny's ex baggage". You brought all of the smoke on yourself, pal... Emily and Heather get into it, Alexis forces herself into it, and Tamra pees on the patio (insane to us that this was on TV). All in all, this show continues to deliver and we are thoroughly hoping that this is the route that all housewives shows are going to take because bravo, Bravo. Want more access to the Bros? Weekly exclusive episodes, monthly community zooms and so much more! Click the link below to sign up for BravBros members!
It's Not A Theme Party. It's High Fashion. (RHOSLC Premier Full Recap)
It's Not A Theme Party. It's High Fashion. (RHOSLC Premier Full Recap)
What's up Bros?? We are bringing you our premier recap ON PREMIER NIGHT! The ladies of Salt Lake kicked off the season with a great episode! Lisa throws a Besos (not Bezos) party for everyone and it is high fashion above all else. We learn what the gangs been up to. Lisa and Whitney have some beef to settle due to Whitney talking some smack on the Viall Files. It appears that Mary Cosby and Angie K. have become besties and it may simply be because Angie pointed out some lipstick on Mary's teeth at the reunion. It's the simple things, amiright? Meredith has issues about Bermuda and the reunion... but none of it has to do with Monica, in fact she is upset because she still hasnt recieved any apologies from anyone. On top of that, Whitney had the audacity to create a bath bomb line. Who cares if she sold bath bombs for years?! Not Meredith. Because between the bath bombs and the jewelry line, it's clear to Meredith that Whitney is attacking her... Angie K. pulls out a scroll of greivences to air out with Meredith. Dinner blows up when Lisa and Whitney get into it, and it appears as though Whitney may be on the outs with pretty much everyone. Last but not least, the newbies in the group (Bronwyn and Britani) performed extremely well in their first showing. Bronwyn seems like a high fashion, socialite while Britani is a genuine wild card. Both did a fantastic job in this first episode and we could not be more excited about whats to come! Want more BravBros content? Join BravBros members for access to weekly exclusive episodes, community zooms with the Bros and more! Click the link below to sign up!
Shannon Shuts Down Alexis (RHOC Full Recap)
Shannon Shuts Down Alexis (RHOC Full Recap)
What's up Bros? We are still away on Heather's trip for her fashion show. Gina and Katie's drama with Heather isn't over yet as Katie feels like she still should be allowed to say her peace. Shannon continues to get beat up by Alexis and John with more mention of the videos and the rest of the group is starting to get more and more concerned. Emily has a chat with Alexis about lightening up and Alexis turns into the victim... Heather doesn't have the time of day for Katie and then Tamra intervenes. She lets Heather know that apparently Gina is only close to Heather "for her real estate connections" according to Katie. Alexis wants to have a conversation with Shannon because she 'feels bad' for dragging the group into 'their' (John's) B.S. Shannon has clearly hit a breaking point with it all and instead of giving Alexis the time of day, Shannon stiff arms her on the way to the airport. The group finally hashes out the paparazzi nonsense and it appears that Gina and Heather are cool, Katie and Gina are cool but are Katie and Heather cool???? Want more access to the Bros? Exclusive weekly episodes and Housewife rewatch recaps? Click the link below to joing BravBros Members!
The Sinners, The Saints and Zak Affleck Stinks. (Secret Lives of Mormon Wives Episode 3 Full Recap)
The Sinners, The Saints and Zak Affleck Stinks. (Secret Lives of Mormon Wives Episode 3 Full Recap)
What's up Bros? We're back with ep 3 of Secret Lives and this show gets better and better. In this episode we get to know Jen Affleck and her husband Zak a little bit more. It starts with a graduation party for Zac who just graduated from BYU with aspirations to be a surgeon just like his dad. Jessi and Jordan break out some vodka in a flask in the hot tub and it rubs Jen and Zak the wrong way as they live in an alcohol free house. The group is beginning to fracture as we have two groups taking shape. Aptly named "The Sinners" and "The Saints". The irony of course being that the "Saints" are about as hypocritical as you can be. Booze and coffee are bad but laughing gas is fine. Fruity Pebble experiments with your husband are bad but promoting vibrators on your instagram is fine? Seems like a lot of double standards being put forward by Whitney and her crew. Half of the crew is invited to Jen's baby blessing while the Sinners head to go bowling as there is a clear line in the sand being drawn. The battle for HBIC of MomTok is beginning as the rest of the crew sees a power struggle between Whitney and Taylor and we can't wait to see where it goes. Want more access and exclusive content from the Bros? From weekly news updates to exclusive members only Zoom's and much more, BravBros Members offers all that and more! Click the link below to sign up!
Secret Lives of Mormon Wives Episode 2 Full Recap
Secret Lives of Mormon Wives Episode 2 Full Recap
What's up Bros? We watched episode 2 of Secret Lives and this show is incredible. In this episode, we are about 6-7 months ahead from where we left off in episode 1. Taylor is pregnant and throwing a baby shower. Her and Dakota seem to be taking steps forward in there relationship via Dakota moving into her house. Despite her parents not agreeing with it. Taylor is planning a baby shower and plans to invite the entire MomTok crew. Whitney claims shes not going because her and Taylor have never been friends... Whitney also toys with the idea of a new brand deal but isnt sure if it would be morally acceptable or from a religious standpoint becuase the brand deal is with a sex toy company. Tensions escalate when Whitney doesn't show to the shower and Taylor's mom calls her out, literally, on the phone. Will MomTok survive this? All that and more! To hear more exclusive content and have more access to The Bros, sign up for BravBros members! Click the link below to join: -
How Will MomTok Survive This? (Secret Lives of Mormon Wives Ep 1 Full Recap)
How Will MomTok Survive This? (Secret Lives of Mormon Wives Ep 1 Full Recap)
What's up Bros? This was one of, if not the greatest premier of a reality show ever. We watched Secret Lives of Mormon Wives and my goodness... this show is amazing. In the premier episode we get to know the cast. We meet Taylor Frankie Paul, the creator of MomTok as well as Whitney and the rest of the crew. The group is still estranged following the swinging scandal that Taylor broke on a TikTok live, but it appears that they're all ready to make amends. Whitney moved to Hawaii to get out of dodge due to the scandalous TikTok, or at least thats what she told people... Maybe it had something to with his secret Tinder account but who's to say.. Taylor has another secret to unveil to the group as she might be pregnant with Dakota's child, her new boyfriend. Whitney feels betrayed by Taylor following the TikTok incident but does want to make amends with her for the sake of MomTok. The other women in the crew appear to want the same things as the whole group is ready to jumpstart MomTok. The entire group by the way, denies any involvment in the "soft" swinging that took place so either the swingers arent on the show, or we got some liars in the group. But just when it appears MomTok may be making a comeback, another scandal hits the group as Taylor has the police called on her and Dakota for a domestic violence dispute that lands her in handcuffs and charged with assault and battery...
Shannon Gets Extorted in Sonoma (RHOC Full Recap)
Shannon Gets Extorted in Sonoma (RHOC Full Recap)
What's up Bros? Its OC time and this weeks episode was a doozie. Heather invites all of the ladies to Sonoma for the weekend to participate in a fashion show for Family Equality. Shannon has a deadline to respond to John Janssen in regards to the 75k. She offers half, he says no ultimately sending them to trial. The whole group is dancing around the fact that John and Alexis are threatening with videos, and while we are no legal experts it certainly seems like extortion to us. GIna lets it slip 'accidentally' and it sends Shannon into a spiral. Meanwhile, Alexis maintains her firm stance with Johnny J of Shannon needs to pay up to vindicate John because 'Shannon ruined his reputation'. Nah, Johnny J and Lexi ruined his reputation. Shannon clearly is not doing well and this news of a potential video leak really seems to have gotten to her. Katie mentions to Emily that its time for someone to speak up on Shannons behalf to Alexis. We're just hoping that they can get her to back off a little bit because at this point the Shannon bullying is becoming difficult to watch. All that and more on today's episode!
JUSTICE FOR JENN! DOWN WITH DEVIN! (Bachelorette Finale Full Recap)
JUSTICE FOR JENN! DOWN WITH DEVIN! (Bachelorette Finale Full Recap)
What's up Brose? We had quite the finale of this season. What we thought was a sure thing for Devin and Jenn to ride off into the sunset quickly took a turn. In this episode, the remaining contestants meet Jenn's family as they put them through a round of questioning to make sure they are the right fit for Jenn. Devin seems to say the right things, preaches about love and how important Jenn is to him. Marcus continues to say that he 'cares about her a lot' but is unable to say the L word. Although when backed into a corner he lets love slip... Meanwhile at the live taping, there is an uneasy feeling throughout the room. Jenn's family is visibly upset and after Marcus is sent home early we are still waiting for the bomb to drop. It seems as though Jenn and Devin are destined to be together after hearing him proclaim his love to her the entire season. Jenn breaks records in Bachelor nation and decides shes going to propose to Devin and it all seems great until we cut back to a Jenn at the live studio in tears... Little did we know that Devin is not who she thought he was, not who we thought he was and he proceeded to not only break Jenn's heart but he broke our hearts as well... Justice for Jenn. Down with Devin.
Teddi and Traitors w/ Taryn Hatcher (RHOC Full Recap)
Teddi and Traitors w/ Taryn Hatcher (RHOC Full Recap)
What's up Bros?? We are recapping RHOC and we are joined by a VERY special guest. If you live in Philly and watch any sports you have seen her reporting from the sidelines, in the studios and all across TV. Philly's own Taryn Hatcher joins us to break down this episode. We start off with how the season has gone before diving into this weeks episode. Emily apologizes to Jenn for lashing out at her. Jenn and Katie bond over their similar family situations. More of the housewives begin to talk about the alleged videos of Shannon on the night of her DUI. Gina and Tamra both discuss whether or not to bring up the videos to Shannon or to leave it alone. Tamra is seeemingly playing the mediator between Johnny J Jan Man Janssen and Lexi Lex Alexis Bellino saying that all they want is for Shannon to 'clear his name'... Teddi makes her triumphant return which was not met with the warmest response. And Vicki joins as well for a little traitors reenactment. All that and more on today's episode!
The Bachelorette Boys Tell All (Bachelorette Full Recap)
The Bachelorette Boys Tell All (Bachelorette Full Recap)
What's up Brose? We had back to back Bachelorette episodes and we had ourselves a little tell all. In this episode, the majority of the contestants are back to tell their side of the story. Before we get there, we get the conclusion of the previous episode and Jenn confesses that she is in love with Devin, allowing him to stay in the game. Most of them are just happy to be there and Jenn is happy to see them. Johnathon snags the first invite to Bachelor in Paradise. Hakeem follows suit after having the worlds largest spider placed on him, securing his ticket to the beach. We get to hear from some fan favs, Sam N. the love virgin makes his triumphant return. Tomas N (nobody needed to see him again) comes to the realization that maybe he shouldve kept Jenn the main thing and not Devin. The whole crew agrees that the drama was ridiculous and primarily rooted in Sam M. who gets called to the hot seat. Although his performance wasn't the worst, Jenn ROASTS him in front of everyone and says while he's saying he's taken accountability and learned from his mistakes, its quite clear that he hasn't. She goes as far to say she feels sorry for whoever he ends up with. This was such a fun episode to watch and once again, we love recapping these shows. Just having ourselves a silly goose time.
Devin Loves Jenn, Jenn Loves Marcus. (Bachelorette Full Recap)
Devin Loves Jenn, Jenn Loves Marcus. (Bachelorette Full Recap)
What's up Brose? We are getting to the end of The Bachelorette and things are heating up. Literally. Because its Conjugal Vis... Fantasy Suite week! Devin has dropped the L word but Jenn has yet to say it back. While Devin has been open about his feelings for awhile now, the lack of reciprocation from Jenn is starting to wear him down. After their night together things seem even more uncertain for their future. Johnathon and Jenn seem like they are on the same page. While theyre not yet in love, they both can see a future. Marcus however... Jenn is in love with Marcus, but Marcus is still unable to say love, or even to see if they do have a future together. We have multiple dynamics at play here which is interesting as the show comes to an end. Will it be the lovesick Devin? Play it cool Johnathon? Or uncertain Marcus? Only time will tell... but Bros, will you accept this Rose?
'Tough Love' Tamra and Asinine Alexis: The Duo We Didn't Need. (RHOC Full Recap)
'Tough Love' Tamra and Asinine Alexis: The Duo We Didn't Need. (RHOC Full Recap)
What's up Bros? in todays episode, we are back in Orange County. Gina and Emily still have tension between them as they attempt to work things out in a pickleball game. Alexis seems to be cozying up to Katie in Big Bear. Jenn is playing middle ground between the two groups and trying to get Tamra to sit down with Shannon and clear the air. Alexis gets a 'surprise' phone call from Johnny Jan, John Jan the Jan Man, the Janssenator, captain douchebag, and guess what? The gloves are off Shannon. They threaten to release videos of the night of her DUI which at this point are irrelevant and many could argue this is straight up extortion. Not to mention the potential damage they could cause to Shannon on her journey. All in all, disgusting behavior. Tamra and Shannon sit down and Tamra continues to give 'tough love' which is BS. She just wants to tear Shannon down and its becoming way too apparent. All that and more in what is a very solid season of RHOC thus far. Have you joined BravBros members yet? Sign up to get exclusive episodes, access to community zooms, online events and more! Click the link below to sign up now!
Hometowns Week in Bachelorette Nation! (Bachelorette Full Recap)
Hometowns Week in Bachelorette Nation! (Bachelorette Full Recap)
What's up Brose? Its Hometowns week and we are getting down to our finalists slowly but surely. With only 4 dudes left, each guy takes Jenn to see their families and hometown. Devin takes Jenn on a love run with his run club in Houston. His family seems genuinely open and excited about the premise of Jenn joining the family. Jeremy takes Jenn on a what a normal day in their life could look like. However his family was far less into the idea of Jenn and him getting engaged... Johnathon still has some walls to break down between he and Jenn but his hometown visit seems to go very well. The family presses Jenn a little bit but in the end they all seem to be happy for Johnathon. Marcus takes Jenn to Tacoma and he appears to be the front runner.. If his feelings for Jenn get to the same place that she is currently at. She wants him to fall in love with her but at the moment he "really likes her...". The rose ceremony widdles the contestants down to 3 as we're getting close to the finale!
Hi. My name is Steel. I am an Alcoholic. Today I am 6 years sober (8/18/24)
Hi. My name is Steel. I am an Alcoholic. Today I am 6 years sober (8/18/24)
What's up bros? Sunday 8/18/24 was my 6 years sobriety date. For this milestone I wanted to share some of my story again, and also hopefully shed some light on the topic of sobriety, addiction and recover. I do this not for sympathy or recognition, but in hopes to help erase the stigma that comes with this disease. As always, thank you all for your support. Love youse.
La Quinta Ladies and Big Bear Babes (RHOC Full Recap)
La Quinta Ladies and Big Bear Babes (RHOC Full Recap)
Whats up Bros? The ladies of RHOC take a trip this episode and divide and conquer. One crew heads to Big Bear while the other cozies up in La Quinta. Emily has seemingly taken a big issue with Jenn's financial situation but were not exactly sure why... Gina is on everyones list after her debacle with Katie and Heather goes awry. Now Katie doesnt trust her, Heather feels betrayed and on the other side of the table, Emily is pissed at her too. Shannon lets slip to Emily that Gina said she is 'so far up Tamra's ass that its making her meaner.' Which may be true but shes still pissed at Gina. Tamra and Alexis are BFF's apparently in what can only be seen as an attempted Shannon takedown by the two of them. We get a facetime from Johnny Jan the Jan Man Janssen aka that big douchebag. The episode ends with Alexis threatening to out videos of Shannon on the night of her DUI. What purpose those videos serve is beyond me and it seems like a cruel, calculated and dirty move to simply ruin someones life because youre a petulant child dating a monster... But what do we know?
Sam M. Keeps the Main Thing the Main Thing... Again... (Bachelorette Full Recap)
Sam M. Keeps the Main Thing the Main Thing... Again... (Bachelorette Full Recap)
Will you accept this Brose? We are back with the bachelorette and the season is starting to wind down. In this episode, Marcus secures his second 1 on 1 date and seems to build more of an emotional connection with Jenn. But will it be enough? Jeremy finally gets his chance at a 1 on 1 date and in a make or break moment for him, he secures a rose. Sam M. Takes center stage this episode and he crashes and burns in monumental fashion. During a group date he shows that he has the emotional depth of a puddle as
RHONJ 'Reunion' is Off The Rails w/ Matt Rogers (RHONJ 'Reunion' Full Recap)
RHONJ 'Reunion' is Off The Rails w/ Matt Rogers (RHONJ 'Reunion' Full Recap)
What's up Bros? We needed to bring together a BravBro summit to discuss whatever that Jersey 'reunion' was, so we called fellow BravBro, Matt Rogers, to help us break it down. In this episode we cover all things Jersey. From the 'reunion' at Rails, to the future of RHONJ, and some of Matt's thoughts from his recent stint on WWHL. Is the new cast of RHONJ just the Marge/ Melissa room at Rails? Could be the right fit rather than starting from scratch. Between the two rooms at the "reunion", you had one room m
Tamra Continues to Tamra. (RHOC Full Recap)
Tamra Continues to Tamra. (RHOC Full Recap)
What's up Bros? This season of RHOC continues to fire on all cylinders. In todays episode, Katie continues to back up her paps claims with 'proof'.. although the picture is pretty sus... Emily and Shane celebrate their 15 year anniversary, congrats to them. Heather is getting fed up with the allegations from Katie. Shannon continues to question the 75k that she allegedly owes Johnny Jan the Janssen Man. Things come to a head at dinner when Tamra takes a horrible approach to comment on Shannon's drinking and
Jenn's Ex, Austin's Stressed and a Hidden Sheep Fence (The Bachelorette Full Recap)
Jenn's Ex, Austin's Stressed and a Hidden Sheep Fence (The Bachelorette Full Recap)
What's up Bros? Its Bachelorette time and this show is just fun to watch. In the episode, we say goodbye to a lot of potential suitors. We also have a new contender entering the ring (ever so briefly) as Jenn's ex flies from Columbia to steal her heart. For 10 minutes before getting the boot. Johnathon has a great 1 on 1 date with Jenn. Grant seemingly moves up the leaderboard as well after a romantic horseback beach date. Austin is fed up with group dates and the lack of one on one time with Jenn leading t
A DRAGGING Dragon Finale... (House of The Dragon Finale Full Recap)
A DRAGGING Dragon Finale... (House of The Dragon Finale Full Recap)
What doth it do brethren? We are back in Westeros with a disappointing finale to say the least. While this wasn't necessarily a bad episode, the fact that they ended the season with more exposition and cliff hangers without an epic battle is unforgivable. We watched an entire lackluster second half of the season in hopes that the finale would bring us what we so craved only to watch 70 minutes of more plot. But don't worry, we have to wait TWO MORE YEARS for the third installment... Had this been episode 6?
Heather vs. Katie: The Paparazzi Problem (RHOC Full Recap)
Heather vs. Katie: The Paparazzi Problem (RHOC Full Recap)
What's up Bros? Its OC time and we are continuing to enjoy this season. In todays episode, Katie has set her sights on Heather Dubrow, calling back to the paparazzi debacle last season. Jenn and Ryan take a trip to Vegas that has the other ladies continuing to question Jenn's financial decisions. We get a Coyote Ugly reenactment where Katie spills the paparazzi tea. Tamra is thrilled to have some tea on Heather as Katie continues to push this paparazzi thing. Johnny J, the Jan Man aka Captain Asshat John Ja
What is up Bros? Did we just watch the series finale for RHONJ as we know it? Is a reboot on the horizon? Who knows what's in store for the future, but we will say, the ended on a high note. This was a solid episode and a good finale. It didn't quite pack the punch that we were expecting from all of the build up but it was a great farewell to this cast. Dolo loses it on Marge after Marge claims she invited her to the pre-reunion summit. Dolores calls her a liar and gets more amped up than we've seen her in
R.I.P. RHONJ (RHONJ Full Recap)
R.I.P. RHONJ (RHONJ Full Recap)
What's up bros? It's Jersey time and this was a rough episode... Featuring the husbands more than the wives, it was an interesting direction to go in to say the least. Teresa gets the ladies together with her 'attorney' to discuss some 'bombshells' about Marge's involvement in Louie's case. Spoiler alert, its not a bombshell. At all. Marge is upset at some of the women in the group for participating in Teresa's little meeting. The airbnb for Dolo's retreat burned to the ground (apparently it was just the ga
The Red Sowing: House of The Dragon s02ep07 Full Recap (Part 2 of 2)
The Red Sowing: House of The Dragon s02ep07 Full Recap (Part 2 of 2)
Corlys addresses Allyn and acknowledges that he is in fact his son, and has another interaction with Addam that once again points to him being his father. Larys stays in Aegon's ear to cement himself as a necessary tool for him. Hugh Hammer and Ulf are amongst the bastards that go to Dragonstone and come face to face with Vermithor and Silver Wing... After losing pretty much everyone else that decided to tempt fate to ride a dragon... Rhaenyra attempts to draw Aemond out of Kings Landing on Vhagar only for
The Red Sowing: House of The Dragon s02ep07 Full Recap (Part 1 of 2)
The Red Sowing: House of The Dragon s02ep07 Full Recap (Part 1 of 2)
What doth it do thy Bros? In Part 1 of our 2 part episode. We return to Westeros and the season is finally starting to pick back up. While the last few episodes haven't been terrible, it has been a big lull in a short season and the Bros have some gripes. But, we are glad we get back to some much needed dragon action this week. After finding Addam of Hull to be the rider of Seasmoke, Rhaenyra realizes that those with any lineage to the Targaryens can in fact ride dragons. She calls on a rag tag group of bas
Red Flag Football: Team Love vs Team Destroyer (RHOC Full Recap w/ Real Moms of Bravo)
Red Flag Football: Team Love vs Team Destroyer (RHOC Full Recap w/ Real Moms of Bravo)
Whats up Bros?! It is RHOC time and we are joined by two very special guests, Vanessa and Abby aka The Real Moms of Bravo! We had a blast discussing Shannon and Alexis and whether or not Alexis is planning on having any other storyline than Johnny J. The flag football game is a little anticlimactic but Jenn and Gina hash things out after the game. Gina lets the other ladies know that she's a little overwhelmed with the Travis stuff. Also, What is Emily's beef with Jenn? We get a real time look at Travis pac
Sam M and Tomas N: The Couple We Didn't See Coming (Bachelorette ep03 Full Recap)
Sam M and Tomas N: The Couple We Didn't See Coming (Bachelorette ep03 Full Recap)
What's up Brose? Welcome back to another Bachelorette episode. If youre not following along with this season, you are missing out on some very funny and very easy to watch TV. In this episode, Spencer's stock rises as he gets a one on one date with Jenn. The group date turns into a striptease competition as the boys get lessons from Thunder From Down Under. Jonathon takes home the trophy, Devin takes home the group rose and Sam N. gives an... interesting speech professing his love for Jenn... Sam M and Toma
Tre-less Pajama Party/ The Future of Jersey? (RHONJ Full Recap)
Tre-less Pajama Party/ The Future of Jersey? (RHONJ Full Recap)
What's up Bros? We're in Jersey for the Jammy Jam. In this episode, Jen Aydin is upset with how Teresa doesn't seem to match her energy in their friendship. Danielle and Rachel seem to have become closer as they recap the Namaste Live show. Jen sits down with Tre to air out her grievances. We learn more about Louis and his court case, apparently he is fighting a restraining order from his ex and has been for a few years now. Dolores is concerned about the toll that its taking on Teresa's health. Fessler and