Chalcedon Podcast Ep. 28 - Humanism & The Decline
Chalcedon Podcast Ep. 28 - Humanism & The Decline
For well over 500 years now, Western civilization has been in a state of civil war, with two aspects thereof in a growing conflict with one another. These two contending forces are humanism and Christianity. Humanism began its rise to power in the medieval era, and its strength was such that it captured the church, much of the academic world, and the state as well. At the same time, however, the growing bankruptcy and imminent collapse of humanism has been increasingly in evidence. By replacing God with man as the new ultimate and absolute, humanism has introduced moral anarchy into the world. If every man is his own god and law, then no order is rationally possible. Humanism, having deified rationality, must now use the irrational and coercive power of the socialist state to hold society together. This is the subject of Episode 28 of the Chalcedon Podcast. Hosted by Mark Rushdoony, Martin Selbrede, and Andrea Schwartz 🎧The audio version of this podcast is also available on iTunes, Spotify, and Stitcher. Just visit our website for more information.​ #rjrushdoony #chalcedonfoundation #humanism #theonomy #christianreconstruction