205 - Bumblebee [2018]
205 - Bumblebee [2018]
Trying something new this week: You'll notice this episode has a cold open, where Stew and Justin have a bit of small talk before the episode begins. What do you think? Do you like it or should we just get right into it like we usually do? Let us know! Continuing with the Transformers franchise, the guys dive into the prequel/reboot starring everyone's favorite loveable mute Transformer, Bumblebee! Following on the heels of the disastrously bad Transformers: The Last Knight, Bumblebee reinvigorated the franchise by focusing on less Transformers and making the whole thing a bit more small scale (Chicago doesn't get destroyed again!). With a new cast and new, more classic, designs for the Transformers (and a new director), Bumblebee made Transformers fans happy, but is it truly the best Transformers film? Check out what the guys think and let us know what you think of Bumblebee!