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Claim Your Excellent Life

Podcast for professional woman to help them achieve happiness through high self-esteem, relaxation tips & good relationships.

info_outline When to get help with emotional issues 11/18/2024
info_outline What is neuro-Linguistic Programming 11/11/2024
info_outline Hypnotism - What you need to know 11/04/2024
info_outline Change your consciousness & the world changes 10/28/2024
info_outline Empaths and Narcissist- What you need to know 10/21/2024
info_outline Maybe you need to reprogram your brain 10/14/2024
info_outline Why Retirement is not for most 10/07/2024
info_outline Creativity is a must in your life 09/30/2024
info_outline How I claimed my excellent life so you can to 09/23/2024
info_outline Why to Never treat your kids like friends till they are adults 01/15/2024
info_outline How to not fear getting older 01/08/2024
info_outline Can your partner stop your career growth 01/01/2024
info_outline Claim Your Excellent Life Already 12/25/2023
info_outline A little about my life choices and choices we can all make 08/28/2023
info_outline How to I speak to my Therapist when it feels uncomfortable 08/21/2023
info_outline Why to use Hypnotism and NLP for healing and how to get trained in doing them both 08/14/2023
info_outline Why Hypnosis and NLP are best to clear emotional trauma 08/07/2023
info_outline Let Go of Overwhelm 07/31/2023
info_outline The Loss of Humanity Through AI 07/24/2023
info_outline Appropriate Uses for Hypnosis and Nuero-Linguistic Programming 07/17/2023
info_outline Hold to your Values and Beliefs 07/10/2023
info_outline How do you deal with people who interupt you when you speak 05/29/2023
info_outline When should you stop helping someone who won't help themselves 05/22/2023
info_outline Why do I pretend to be somebody else 05/15/2023
info_outline Dealing with Non-Compliant Elderly Parents with Health Issues 05/08/2023
info_outline How we dress ourselves does matter 05/01/2023
info_outline How Hypnotists & Therapists are able to listen to Clients Stories without being negatively affected by them 04/24/2023
info_outline Overcoming Fear of Being Truthful with your Hypnotist or Therapist 04/17/2023
info_outline Overcoming the Fear of Being Hypnotized 04/10/2023
info_outline Claim Your Excellent Life #359 - What Exactly is Hypnosis & Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) 02/07/2022