Leading on Purpose Live - Walt Rakowich
Leading on Purpose Live - Walt Rakowich
Our conference Leading on Purpose Live took place a few weeks ago to celebrate leaderships and to explore the season topic: leaders and their engagement with their communities. In today´s episode, we share our first keynote speaker for the conference Walt Rakowich, chairman of the board for Colorado Uplift and former CEO of Prologis, a global real estate company. Walt Rakowich talks about his experience in Prologis as CEO, in one of the most challenging times in the economy, to explain the importance of outstanding leadership to improve transformation in companies. Without authentic and transparent leadership, companies could crack. Walt explains what great leaders do to make a company great (sometimes great again) and the two biggest demons any leader has to deal with through examples. In his intervention explains what leadership mean to him and the importance of leading with transformative influence, a topic that he explores in his book Transfluence: How To Lead With Transformative Influence In Today’s Climates Of Change Walt Rakowich shares his leadership lessons for day-to-day related to the three essential virtues that best leaders have: humility, honesty, and heart; that can be applied for all people leading a big corporate, a business, or leading at home. For Walt Rakowich, leadership is about humanizing your approach. Learn more about Walt Rakowich: