Episode 399 - The Penultimate Episode
Episode 399 - The Penultimate Episode
Hey True Believers, This was a fun episode that the three of us did remotely. I've talked about this before and I will again: the next episode; number 400 will be the last episode of the show...for a while? forever? I'm not really sure to be honest. I really need a break and IF we come back it will be a recalibrated, refocused, and reconfigured show. Chris is planning on doing his own thing and that's great! I imagine it will be similar to this show and Martin will probably continue to be Martin, just not publically. I am going to be very busy for a while. Work is picking up, my son will be back in school, I'm recording with two bands and I just really need a break. We live in very different times from when I started the show nine years ago. I feel like we've been spinning our wheels for a while now also so if we come back it will not look, sound or be what we're doing now. It will be similar but not the same. Episode 400 will take some time to get together because what I'd like to do is do it in person and have Todd and Jesse in the studio with us and go out on a high note. It's possible that can't or won't happen but it would be nice for us to go out or take a long hiatus on an episode like that. In any case have a great weekend and hopefully we'll have Episode 400 out in the next several weeks. - Kevin HTH