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Computing Up

Conversations about computation writ large, with Michael Littman and Dave Ackley.

info_outline Collecting Cognition with Steve Sloman - 75th Conversation 12/01/2024
info_outline Manon Revel: Is Democracy a Comma in History? - 74th Conversation 06/23/2024
info_outline Martha White: Sparse is Rich - 73rd Conversation 03/02/2024
info_outline Rich Sutton Brings Reinforcements - 72nd Conversation 12/31/2023
info_outline The Living Computation Theory of Everything - 71st Conversation 11/28/2023
info_outline Oren Etzioni All Over - 70th Conversation 10/22/2023
info_outline Beautiful Messiness with Jonathan Frankle - 69th Conversation 09/02/2023
info_outline Love Hate Writing - 68th Conversation 07/02/2023
info_outline Busy Busy / Let's Blame AI - 67th Conversation 06/08/2023
info_outline Michael Levin TAMEs Life - 66th Conversation 03/05/2023
info_outline The Understandable Cynthia Rudin - 65th Conversation 02/18/2023
info_outline Vukosi Marivate: Deep Learning Africa - 64th Conversation 01/08/2023
info_outline Andrew Davison's grand SLAM - 63rd Conversation 11/05/2022
info_outline John Twelve Hawks - 62nd Conversation 10/02/2022
info_outline Peter Norvig: AI Then And Now - 61st Conversation 09/05/2022
info_outline Minds, Brains, & Morals with Oriel FeldmanHall - 60th Conversation 08/01/2022
info_outline Agency IoT Loyalty - 59th Conversation 07/01/2022
info_outline James Tompkin Does Visual Computing Research - 58th Conversation 06/04/2022
info_outline Ellie Pavlick: As Artificial Intelligence Meets Natural Language - 57th Conversation 05/01/2022
info_outline Andrew Critch on AI - 56th Conversation 04/02/2022
info_outline What is the Self Image? - 55th Conversation 03/02/2022
info_outline Bad Ideas and Dangerous Thoughts with Fiery Cushman - 54th Conversation 02/07/2022
info_outline Neil Lawrence All Over the Map - 53rd Conversation 01/01/2022
info_outline Carla Brodley: From Machine Learning to Inclusive Computing - 52nd Conversation 12/04/2021
info_outline Karen Levy Keeps On Trucking - 51st Conversation 11/01/2021
info_outline Anita Nikolich: From Three Letter Agency to AI Security - 50th Conversation 10/02/2021
info_outline More than Games with Michael Bowling - 49th Conversation 09/06/2021
info_outline The Embodied George Konidaris - 48th Conversation 07/05/2021
info_outline Mike Lesk: Data Scientist OG - 47th Conversation 06/05/2021
info_outline Closing Triangles with Tina Eliassi-Rad - 46th Conversation 05/01/2021