Jarvis Green: Touchdowns, Turmoil, and Toast Points
Jarvis Green: Touchdowns, Turmoil, and Toast Points
How much confidence does it take to win a Superbowl - not once, but twice? To go from Superbowl champion to non-paid intern? To be a black businessman who is also in law enforcement, now, in our current emotionally-charged climate? In this episode, former Patriots player and Ocean97 CEO Jarvis Green shares his views on the turmoil going on in our country, the future of audience-less sports in a socially-distanced world, and how his biggest challenges didn’t take place on the field - but in the food business! Hear his inspiring story, the shocking truth of what happens to most professional athletes post-retirement, and lessons from his playbook of life that can help you not just stay in the game, but win it! LINKS/RESOURCES Follow along on IG: @suzannesena @therealjarvisgreen @oceans97 Follow on Twitter: @suzannesena @JarvisGreen97 Follow on Facebook: Suzanne Sena LinkedIn: Suzanne Sena, Jarvis Green