Disrupt Your Pattern
Disrupt Your Pattern
Have you ever found yourself having to go around the same Mountain, Having to deal with the same, Or similar situation time and time again? I know that I have at some point in my life. Going around the same mountain, May mean us having to try doing something different, Such as taking a look at other options available to us, Options that can help us to move on. And asking God to help us choose a different option that would produce a different result. A good result that can get us to move on. Going over the same circle can actually be very exhausting, frustrating and can also produce in us a sense of hopelessness. In the book of Deuteronomy, we are told about the Israelites who kept going around the same mountain for forty years. A journey that would have only taken eleven days. Which according to scripture was due to unbelief and disobedience. Realization and acknowledgement of the lack of movement is the first step to acknowledging were we are. Find out the more on today's podcast episode.