Vale Barry 'Sleepy' Grimson
Vale Barry 'Sleepy' Grimson
Copy Southbound has opened doors that we never imagined, but by far, the greatest gift has been the amazing people we’ve come to connect with. One amazing man was Barry Grimson, who became a great mate to Bruce and I, and as we soon discovered, was admired by all who knew him. His passing last week following a long battle with cancer cut deep and as tributes flowed across social media, the values and pride Sleepy had in the transport industry resonated with every heartfelt comment. As a small tribute to Barry, we decided to go back and have another listen to the interview that was recorded back in 2021. This special episode of Copy Southbound is dedicated to mateship, pride, dedication, survival and honour, all attributes that Sleepy fought for to keep the industry alive as he knew it. Rest easy Good Buddy and thank you for making what we do so worthwhile, we’ll miss you.