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Creative Tension

The Creative Tension podcast explores the history and legacy of Jim Crow segregation. Host, Elliott Robinson provides the missing chapters from American History class, through a mixture of interviews, archival audio and roundtable discussions. Creative Tension also uses open and frank discussions, to dissect how the legacy of Jim Crow is still impacting our world today. Creative Tension explores topics like: Confederate monuments; “The Talk;” Black caricatures (Mammy, Aunt Jemima and JJ Evans); the Great Migration; racialized food (watermelon, fried chicken); and, many others. We also discuss modern means of resisting the legacy of Jim Crow with guests like: The Nap Bishop, Tricia Hersey (The Nap Ministry); Carlton Mackey (Black Men Smile); and, Allison Bantimba (Equal Justice Initiative’s Fulton County Remembrance Project). For a visual companion to the podcast, visit www.creativetension.org. Subscribe. Listen. Share. Leave a Review.

info_outline 24. What to the Slave is the 4th of July? 07/04/2020
info_outline 23. Defending Black Bodies - A Conversation w/ Xaxier Donaldson, Esq. v. 2 06/25/2020
info_outline 22. Policing Black Bodies - A Conversation with Attorney Gilbert Parris. 06/16/2020
info_outline 21. Does the Church Promote “Grind Culture?” 05/29/2020
info_outline 20. Reimagining Rest - A Conversation w/ Tricia Hersey, The Nap Bishop 05/14/2020
info_outline 19. Reclaiming Rest in a Grind Culture - A Conversation w/ The Nap Bishop, Tricia Hersey 06/21/2019
info_outline 18. Watermelon - Why African-Americans Rarely Eat it in Public 05/31/2019
info_outline 17. The Coon Caricature: From Stepin' Fetchit' to Modern Urban Radio 05/17/2019
info_outline 16. How Can Black Men Reclaim Their Smile? - A Conversation w/ Carlton Mackey 05/03/2019
info_outline 15. Remembering the Dead: A Conversation with EJI Fulton County Remberance's Allison Bantimba 04/19/2019
info_outline 14. The Black Brute Caricature - Black Male Violence & Athletics 04/04/2019
info_outline 13. Banished from Sumter - Run Out of Town During Jim Crow 03/15/2019
info_outline 12. Mammy, Movies and Madea - The Mammy Caricature in Film 02/28/2019
info_outline 11. Blackface - A Racist Practice that Won't Die 02/21/2019
info_outline Creative Tension Returns March 1st!!! 01/23/2019
info_outline 10. The Legend of Aunt Jemima and the Monetizing of Mammy 03/20/2018
info_outline 9. The Mammification of a Nation - Making Mammy a National Treasure 01/31/2018
info_outline 8. Is Oprah's Linking #MeToo to Jim Crow Sexual Violence Accurate? 01/16/2018
info_outline 7. We Dissect the Myth of the Merry Black Mammy 01/08/2018
info_outline 6. Exploring Black Caricatures and Stereotypes 12/15/2017
info_outline Major Announcement - CreativeTension.org is HERE!! 11/17/2017
info_outline 5. African American Men & the Legacy of Jim Crow Racial Etiquette 10/26/2017
info_outline 4. Roundtable Discussion on "The Talk" and Racial Etiquette 10/10/2017
info_outline 3. Why African Americans Still Have, "The Talk" and Where Did it Come From? 09/22/2017
info_outline 2. Are Confederate Monuments: Heritage, History or Hate? 09/10/2017
info_outline 1. Are Confederate Monuments Beautiful Statues or Sites of Terror? 08/24/2017
info_outline Introducing Creative Tension: The Jim Crow Years 08/10/2017