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The Growth Agenda - Sales & Marketing Podcast

"Where will growth come from?" An old question that increasingly needs new answers, as buyer behaviour is evolving, buyers increasingly self-educate and old sales & marketing tactics are under pressure. This podcast is for sales, growth & marketing professionals that are looking for new and smarter ways of growing. Driven by sales & marketing nerds from Kvadrant Consulting, a growth-focused management consultancy from Copenhagen, we explore topics across the sales & marketing spectrum with a mix of commercial leaders and internal experts. Happy listening and looking forward to put growth on the agenda! - Formerly known as "The CRO Podcast".

info_outline # 42 - Carsten: Navigating the art of growth: Lessons on commercial value, simplicity, and responsiveness to change with Toke Lund, Enterspeed 11/29/2024
info_outline # 41 - Mikkel & Martin: Rethinking Account Management: From Static Plans to Dynamic Client Partnerships 11/15/2024
info_outline # 40 - Martin & Jeppe: A journey from Science to Sales with Alexander Broe, Novonesis 10/25/2024
info_outline # 39 - Oliver & Jeppe: From frontline to Sales Management to Global ComEx with Daniel Mann, VELUX 10/11/2024
info_outline # 38 - Martin & Jeppe: Insights on LUNAR with Camilla Frøsig 09/27/2024
info_outline # 37 - Charlotte & Brian: The Importance of Websites 09/13/2024
info_outline # 36 - Martin & Jeppe: Insights on Teton AI with Claus Ipsen 09/04/2024
info_outline # 35 - Brian & Mikkel - What We Do At Kvadrant Consulting 07/19/2024
info_outline # 34 - Sixten & Martin - Ecosystem Sales and Partner Management 06/21/2024
info_outline # 33. Martin & Mikkel - Why most sales trainings fail and how to fix it 05/29/2024
info_outline # 32. Nils & Mikkel - Nailing your product positioning 05/02/2024
info_outline # 31. Mikkel & Toni - The RevOps revolution and the bowtie funnel 03/22/2024
info_outline #30. Mikkel & Brian - Translate marketing strategy to execution with a marketing operating model 03/04/2024
info_outline #29: Nils & Brian - 5 faldgrupper i B2B branding og hvordan du undgår dem 12/04/2023
info_outline #28: Mikkel & Brian - Organisering af marketing 08/31/2023
info_outline #27: Mikkel & Brian - Vertikalisering i B2B – et værdifuldt greb eller spild af tid? 06/29/2023
info_outline #26: Brian & Morten – 100+ millioner i B2B medieindkøb 06/16/2023
info_outline #25: Brian & Mikkel - Derfor fejler 50% af produktlanceringer i B2B virksomheder (Del 2) 04/26/2023
info_outline #24: Brian & Mikkel - Derfor fejler 50% af produktlanceringer i B2B virksomheder (Del 1) 03/29/2023
info_outline #23: Martin & Alexander - Contractbook udfordrer den traditionelle salgsorganisation 03/14/2023
info_outline #22: Brian & John - Besøg af en vaskeægte CRO – Rejsen fra marketingmand til kommerciel leder i LearningBank 01/10/2023
info_outline #21: Mikkel & Brian - Recessionen kræver kommerciel fornyelse 11/09/2022
info_outline #20: Mikkel & Brian - Growth officers, hackers og data scientists - nye roller i marketing eller spild af tid? 08/05/2022
info_outline #19: Steffen Souza - Succes med Digital Transformation i B2B 06/15/2022
info_outline #18: Mikkel & Martin - Sales Plays 06/03/2022
info_outline #17: Bjørn Ekner - Professionalisering af Product Marketing i B2B 05/05/2022
info_outline #16: Mikkel & Brian - MarTech Madness 04/07/2022
info_outline #15: Andreas Villumsen - De første 100 dage som B2B CMO 03/29/2022
info_outline #14: Steffen Hedebrandt - Hvordan en dybere forståelse af kunderejser kan give effektfuld marketing og målrettet salgsindsats 03/01/2022
info_outline #13: Mikkel & Brian - Hvorfor en forretningsstrategi altid bør gå forud for din B2B marketing strategi 02/08/2022