Rod Jones - "75 Not Out" And Looking Back At Half A Century Of CX
Rod Jones - "75 Not Out" And Looking Back At Half A Century Of CX
Rod Jones is a legend in the CX industry. Based in Johannesburg, South Africa, Rod is now a speaker, trainer, and coach - focusing his experience of contact centers and CX on the next generation of managers. Rod was 75 a few days back and he started his first business in 1972 - so he has experienced CX and customer service processes up close, or as an advisor, for over half a century. There are very few people in the industry with this level of experience so Mark Hillary and Peter Ryan called Rod to wish him a happy birthday and to ask for some background on how he started out and what has changed in CX in all that time... Rod also takes a look forward to the future, applying his experience to some ideas around what might be coming next. We hope you enjoy this 75th birthday conversation with Rod - do go to his LinkedIn to leave him a happy birthday message! Rod will also be at the CX Outsourcers conference in Atlanta on May 1/2 - all of us hope to see you there if you will be attending. Mark, Peter, and Rod all together: