Teaching computers to see? Joseph Nelson CEO of Roboflow says if you start now, YOU are on the cutting edge.
Teaching computers to see? Joseph Nelson CEO of Roboflow says if you start now, YOU are on the cutting edge.
AI development is going to grow so much, if you get started today you are one of the first in history to get involved. Joseph Nelson, CEO of Roboflow is teaching computers to see and gives us a look at where AI is heading and how computers are seeing the world around them. Nelson discusses bias in computer vision, malicious use, his stance on using computer vision to track people, and what trends he sees in computer vision tech. He also discusses all the various uses for computer vision, many of which that aren't top of mind. The use cases he calls out are truly incredible. One other fascinating aspect to the interview is Nelson's focus on human connecting. Even though Roboflow is an AI company, they strongly believe in face to face meetings, or what Nelson calls "high bandwidth connections." Roboflow actually gives their employees a "meet in person" budget. Their team is all remote, and combining budgets is allowed. To see the show notes go to To index, transcribe and make 10 hours of video searchable by keyword go to