Body Talk Podcast
This is a podcast is dedicated to the inspiration and education of Modern Bioenergetics Therapy. In this podcast we talk with thought leaders in this field as well as newcomers who have recently found Bioenergetic Analysis.
Flowing with Emotions: Dante Moretti on Healing through Dance, Theater, Martial Arts, and Bioenergetics
Flowing with Emotions: Dante Moretti on Healing through Dance, Theater, Martial Arts, and Bioenergetics
Dante Moretti has dedicated over 20 years to working with movement groups and body psychotherapy groups across the globe, including in California, Portugal, Poland, and Moscow. As a psychologist specializing in bioenergetic analysis, Dante integrates group psychoanalysis techniques from Pichon Riviere and Rene Kaes into his therapeutic practice. His work is profoundly influenced by his extensive experience in theater, dance, and martial arts. In Brazil, Dante is particularly attuned to cultural nuances, noting how the country's openness to physical touch and eye contact shapes group dynamics. He contrasts this with his experiences in other countries, observing how cultural heritages influence therapeutic practices. Dante has directed a theater group for over a decade, drawing inspiration from Augusto Boal's methods. He is also a dedicated practitioner of contemporary dance, following the techniques of Klauss Viana, and is a skilled kung fu teacher. His interdisciplinary approach enriches his group work, providing a unique and holistic therapeutic experience. Looking to dive deeper into the powerful connection between body and mind? Dante Moretti’s books are the perfect resource! "Psicologia Corporal: 100 Perguntas para Entender Melhor a Relação Corpo e Mente" "Psicologia Corporal: 100 Perguntas para Entender Melhor a Relação Corpo e Mente" --- Sponsored by Sciba (Body Talk Instagram)
Unlocking the Body's Wisdom: On Relational Healing in Bioenergetic Therapy
Unlocking the Body's Wisdom: On Relational Healing in Bioenergetic Therapy
In our latest episode, we dive deep into the world of bioenergetic analysis with the remarkable Homayoun 🌟 From his early fascination with Wilhelm Reich's work to his transformative journey in body psychotherapy, He shares profound insights into the relational aspects of therapy. We discuss how true healing happens through connection, mirroring, and the powerful role of the therapeutic relationship. If you're curious about how body and mind intertwine in the healing process, this episode is a must-listen! 🎧 Bio: Homayoun is a Certified Bioenergetic Therapist (CBT) with over 17 years of experience, specializing in developmental and shock traumas. His therapeutic approach is relational, focusing on the client’s verbal and non-verbal expressions to attune empathetically to their current and past experiences. He creates a safe, nurturing environment where clients can heal from early relational wounds, fostering spontaneity, freedom, and the capacity to love and be loved. Homayoun holds a graduate degree in Clinical and Somatic Psychology from Santa Barbara Graduate Institute, where they received extensive training in modalities such as Sensory Awareness, Authentic Movement, and Somatic Experiencing. His work is also informed by psychodynamic theories and the latest neuroscience research. Prior to pursuing a career in psychotherapy, Homayoun had a successful 30-year career as an electrical engineer and entrepreneur in Silicon Valley. This diverse background enriches their holistic understanding of the mind-body connection, enabling them to guide clients toward deeper healing and transformation. --- Sponsored by Sciba (instagram)
How Bioenergetics Awakens Our True Selves: Exploring the Pulse of Connection with Jim Elniski
How Bioenergetics Awakens Our True Selves: Exploring the Pulse of Connection with Jim Elniski
In this episode we delved into Jim's profound journey into Bioenergetics, exploring its life-changing impact. Jim shared how this powerful practice helped him connect deeply with his emotions and body, spurred by a lifelong pursuit of self-discovery. His unique blend of art and Bioenergetics brings an emphasis on creativity, community, and healing. One notable takeaway: "It's about recognizing we're part of a pulsating, vibrational world, and our need for connection and being seen is vital." Bio: Jim Elniski, MFA, MSW, LCSW, CBT maintains an independent bioenergetic therapy practice in Chicago, Illinois and Santa Fe, New Mexico. He has been the local trainer and former Director of the Chicago Society for Bioenergetic Analysis, is currently on the Board of Trustees of the IIBA, and a local trainer of the Southern California Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis. Jim is also a practicing artist whose individual and collaborative work has been profiled in Visual Inquiry: Learning & Teaching Art, Launching the Imagination, and Parabola and is Professor Emeritus at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. He was the co-editor, together with Jacqueline A. Carleton, of the USABP Journal issue commemorating Alexander Lowen. His special interest, as therapist, clinical consultant, educator, and artist, is the pulsatory nature of being alive and how we contact, shape, and are shaped by the world around us. In collaboration with his wife, artist Frances Whitehead, he has developed three projects that repurposed existing buildings as sustainable live/work spaces. Jim's particular contribution to these projects is his focus on the literal ways we are all interconnected and to make visible aspects of the communal common ground that all too often remains invisible. Jim has been an urban beekeeper since 2005. Through the metaphor of Hive Mind, he has begun to formulate a more explicit set of theoretical and practical connections between community-centered art practice, clinical social work, somatic psychotherapy, and service work with art for marginalized, special populations. -------
Embracing Vitality: A story of Transformation through Bioenergetics
Embracing Vitality: A story of Transformation through Bioenergetics
In this episode, Fernando Suarez shares his personal journey into Bioenergetic therapy, starting from his early life in San Diego to his introduction to Bioenergetics through his therapist, Garet Bedrosian. Fernando delves into his experiences with various forms of therapy, his passion for breathwork, the impact of spiritual practices, and how he has integrated Bioenergetics into his life. He discusses the concepts of armoring, healthy aggression, and the significance of relational connections in therapy. Fernando also highlights his experiences at bioenergetic conferences and his aspirations of pursuing a career as a certified bioenergetic therapist. Bio: Fernando has an undergraduate and graduate degree from the University of San Diego School of Business and has worked in the Supply Chain Management field for over 20 years, currently with a large international emphasis, primarily in Asia. His personal work with Bioenergetic Analysis influenced and inspired him to pursue and complete a master’s in counseling psychology with the intention of becoming a certified Bioenergetic Therapist. He completed a Bioenergetics one-year introductory program as well the first year of the Bioenergetic Analysis certification program through the Southern California Institute of Bioenergetic Analysis. He is currently awaiting his Associate Marriage and Family Therapist Number from the California Board of Behavioral Sciences to work toward his licensure. Fernando views the values and principles of bioenergetics as helpful to creating a way of life with greater self-awareness and freedom. Links mentioned from episode: ----
Vincentia Schroeter PhD: How Attachment Affects the Body & Influences our Behavior.
Vincentia Schroeter PhD: How Attachment Affects the Body & Influences our Behavior.
has practiced as a Bioenergetic Analyst since 1980. She is past editor of the clinical journal of Bioenergetics (2008-2018), is a member of SCIBA, and teaches nationally and internationally as part of the IIBA faculty. -- In this episode, co-host Maring interviews Vin, an expert in bioenergetics, about the profound ways in which somatic therapy intersects with attachment theory and character styles. Vin shares her journey into bioenergetics, highlighting the impact of grounding and the mind-body connection on personal growth. The conversation covers the foundational aspects of attachment theory the development of various character structures in early childhood and how these influence adult behavior. Vin explores how different attachment styles — avoidant, anxious, and disorganized — relate to character structures such as schizoid, oral, borderline, narcissist, masochist, and rigid. --- Links: -"Bioenergetics" by Alexander Lowen - "Pleasure: A Creative Approach to Life" by Alexander Lowen - "Depression and the Body" by Alexander Lowen - "Betrayal of the Body" by Alexander Lowen - "Character Transformation" by Stephen Johnson - Works by Guitonella on attachment style and bioenergetics ---- (instagram)
What is Modern Bioenergetic Analysis? A Beginner's Take
What is Modern Bioenergetic Analysis? A Beginner's Take
Kristen Smith tells us how she came to find Bioenergetic Analysis and the lasting impacts it has had on her life. ---- Show Notes: Bio: Kristin is both a healer and on a journey of healing. She has a masters in psychology and has spent time counseling in private practice and in clinical settings, as well as guiding and supervising therapist trainees. Her undergraduate work was in philosophy which, along with her experience and training in psychology, informs her humanistic and nuanced approach to healing for herself and others. Kristin practices and advocates a holistic view of healing through art, poetry, movement, connecting to intuition and welcoming all parts of ourselves as part of her daily healing practice. [email protected]