Family and Falconry, Tollers, New Eagles, and Making Falconry a Friendly Place - Leslie Lamcke
Family and Falconry, Tollers, New Eagles, and Making Falconry a Friendly Place - Leslie Lamcke
Leslie is a man of many trades; Falconer, Father, Husband, Singer, Actor, Business Man, Construction Worker, and all around nice guy. We explore how falconry fits into his family life, time and stories in the field with his hawk, Maiden, his new golden eagle rehab project, and how we can all help make falconry a more friendly place. You can find all the happenings of the California Hawking Club at their website: Join us on a HerUpland hunting camp at\events The Bird Hunter Diaries is part of the HerUpland Podcast Network. Brought to you by onX Hunt, Boss Shotshells, and Toyota.