The Red Barn Murder (Madame Tussaud and the Chamber of Horrors)
The Red Barn Murder (Madame Tussaud and the Chamber of Horrors)
From 1803 to 1808, Madame Tussaud toured Scotland and Ireland, exhibiting her handiwork in major cities. During this time, she took drastic measures to win her freedom from her exploitative business partner, Paul Philipstahl. Tussaud went years without creating new figures related to crime, but in 1828 she introduced a likeness of William Corder, perpetrator of the infamous Red Barn Murder. This brutal homicide sparked a cultural phenomenon that lasted for the rest of the nineteenth century and beyond, inspiring books, broadsides, murder ballads, peepshows, plays, and even movies. Show notes and full transcripts available at If you'd like to support the show, please consider becoming a patron at