Dermatologic Care in the Sexual + Gender Diverse Patient with Klint Peebles, MD
Dermatologic Care in the Sexual + Gender Diverse Patient with Klint Peebles, MD
We are honored to speak to Klint Peebles, MD, the chair of LiVDerm's Sexual and Gender Diverse Dermatology Summit: Fundamentals and Practical Pearls and past chair of the American Academy of Dermatology’s Expert Resource Group on Sexual and Gender Diverse Health. Dr. Peebles, a board-certified dermatologist with Kaiser Permanente, Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group, has extensive clinical, leadership, and research expertise in sexual and gender diverse health and gender-affirming dermatology. Dr. Peebles currently serves on the LGBTQ Health Specialty Section Council of the American Medical Association. Dr. Peebles mentions some of the key reasons why you don't want to miss the Sexual and Gender Diverse Dermatology Summit: Fundamentals and Practical Pearls in California October 15-16, 2022! - Register here: Topics Dr. Peebles covers include: We are so excited to welcome you as the conference chair of our upcoming Sexual and Gender Diverse Dermatology Summit in Southern California this October 15-16. What unique experiences do you bring to this conference and why is this patient population so important in the dermatologic field? Although there are certain aspects of aesthetic medicine in caring for sexual and gender diverse patients, would you consider this area of the discipline falling under the category of medical dermatology, or is it not necessary to differentiate? Do you expect practitioners of both cosmetic and general dermatology to benefit from the Summit? Your wealth of experience, leadership, and advocacy in the field of better medical care for the sexual and gender diverse patient population has no doubt improved outcomes and quality of life. Can you tell us about some of your career highlights and moments when you could see actionable change as a result of your efforts? The Sexual and Gender Diverse Summit, taking place within SBS: West Coast Derm this October 2022 at the Terranea Resort is a milestone event for LiVDerm. Do you think the location of the event just outside of Los Angeles, California, is indicative of the sexual and gender diverse population and the providers who see them? Do you see events like this someday soon being held in smaller, more rural regions of the U.S. where fewer resources or social determinants may mean that sexual and gender diverse patients face even larger roadblocks to care? Is the field of dermatology seeing improvements in nondiscrimination, acceptance, welcoming environments, affirming language, and dedicated initiatives to improve safety, and can you explain some of those efforts within the context of guidelines or policy?