How Your Story, the Bible's Story, and God's Story Come Together
How Your Story, the Bible's Story, and God's Story Come Together
Knowing information, even information about God, is important. But so many Christians find information woefully inadequate to fully address the realities of their lives. Our souls long for something more - something of beauty, connection, even love. In this unique and beautiful conversation Dr. Carol talks with Quina Aragon, author, editor, and spoken word artist, about the love of God - not in the sense of information, but from story - our story, the Bible's story, and God's story. And you'll especially enjoy the poetic reading near the end of this episode. Connect with Quina Aragon on , or on , , or . Find Quina's book Would love to have you join us at our Change(d) Conference 2024: Lasting Transformation Around Intimacy, Sexuality, and Relationships. . Check out Dr. Carol's article Dr. Carol loves to hear from you. You can leave a confidential message here.