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Drunken Lullabies

This is the Drunken Lullabies feed. It contains all episodes of Drunken Lullabies, a craft beer and music podcast. It also features the spin off Drunk at the Movies, a film commentary podcast, My Personal Mixtape where musicians select their 10 favorite songs from their careers and we discuss them. Plus MashUp Mondays and the newest series Radio Rewind, where we look at the Billboard Top 10 from 10, 20 ,30, & 40 years ago each week.

info_outline Radio Rewind 166: 3/28/25 03/28/2025
info_outline Radio Rewind: Dutch's Jukebox 3/26/25 03/26/2025
info_outline Mash-Up Monday: Uptight Maggie at the Gay Bar (Live at Shuman's 3/26/05) 03/24/2025
info_outline Radio Rewind 165: 3/21/25 03/21/2025
info_outline Radio Rewind: Dutch's Jukebox 3/19/25 03/19/2025
info_outline Mash-Up Monday: NSFW at Shuman's Live 3/18/05 03/17/2025
info_outline Radio Rewind 164: 3/14/25 03/14/2025
info_outline Radio Rewind: Dutch's Jukebox 3/12/25 03/12/2025
info_outline Mash-Up Monday: Shakin My Ass Since U Been Gone 03/10/2025
info_outline Radio Rewind 163: 3/7/25 03/07/2025
info_outline Radio Rewind: Dutch's Jukebox 3/5/25 03/05/2025
info_outline Mash-Up Monday: Guns N Air Supply. Do I Stutter? 03/03/2025
info_outline Radio Rewind 162: 2/28/25 02/28/2025
info_outline Radio Rewind: Dutch's Jukebox 2/26/25 02/26/2025
info_outline Mash-Up Monday: D Vicious Live at Shuman's 2/25/05 02/24/2025
info_outline Radio Rewind 161: 2/21/25 02/21/2025
info_outline Radio Rewind: Dutch's Jukebox 2/19/25 02/19/2025
info_outline Mash-Up Monday: Kanye Is for the Tarzan Boys 02/17/2025
info_outline Radio Rewind 160: 2/14/25 02/14/2025
info_outline Radio Rewind: Dutch's Jukebox 2/12/25 02/12/2025
info_outline Mash-Up Monday: Comfortably Numb Paranoia 02/10/2025
info_outline Radio Rewind 159: 2/7/25 02/07/2025
info_outline Radio Rewind: Dutch's Jukebox 2/5/25 02/05/2025
info_outline Mash-Up Monday: Take Me Out & Destroy Saturday Night (D Vicious Live at S.O.P's 1/15/05 ) 02/03/2025
info_outline Radio Rewind 158: 1/31/25 01/31/2025
info_outline Radio Rewind: Dutch's Jukebox 1/29/25 01/29/2025
info_outline Mash-Up Monday: Make It Rain Purple 01/27/2025
info_outline Radio Rewind 157: 1/24/25 01/24/2025
info_outline Radio Rewind: Dutch's Jukebox 1/22/25 01/22/2025
info_outline Mash-Up Monday: Are You Gonna Be My Sexy MFer Down Under 01/20/2025