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Adapt: Climate Change and the Built Environment

Hosts Mónika Serrano and Jessica Mederson interview people across the private and public sectors to discuss adapting the built environment to a changing climate. While climate mitigation and sustainability get most of the attention and financial investments, climate resiliency and adaptation are just as crucial because we are already experiencing the impacts of changes to our climate. Ensuring that we are adapting to extreme weather and evolving climate patterns requires us to reexamine what it takes to make our buildings, infrastructure, and communities safe and resilient both now and in the future, so that people, buildings, and businesses can continue to thrive for years and decades to come.

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info_outline From The Ground Up: Local Efforts to Create Resilient Cities 11/27/2024
info_outline The Money Will Follow: Investors on Climate Risk and Migration 11/13/2024
info_outline A New Standard For Property Resilience 10/30/2024
info_outline Concrete Conversations: Resiliency, Sustainability, & Innovation 10/16/2024
info_outline Working with Resiliency Consultants to Adapt the Built Environment 10/02/2024
info_outline Building a Resilient Tomorrow: Federal Policy Perspective 09/18/2024
info_outline Resilience Pays: Insurance Companies Fund Climate-Resilient Buildings Research 04/24/2024
info_outline The Legal Landscape of Climate Adaptation 04/10/2024
info_outline Keeping US diplomats safe abroad 03/27/2024
info_outline New Orleans and Resilience Realities 03/13/2024
info_outline Heat Hazards in Construction: Building a Healthier Future 02/28/2024
info_outline New York State's Climate-Responsive Built Environment Initiatives 02/14/2024
info_outline Adapting Buildings to Climate Change 101 01/31/2024
info_outline Community Resilience, Money, and Infrastructure 01/17/2024
info_outline Trailer: Season One Launches! 12/18/2023