Episode 127: The Churches Who Brought About The First London Confession In this interview with Dr. James Renihan we discuss the churches who brought about the creation of the First London Confession. /episode/index/show/ed315138-a14e-4fcd-a384-64c9fda55d3b/id/35550680
Episode 126: The Separatist Movement - Who Was Part Of It?In this interview with Dr. James Renihan we discuss who was part of the Separatist Movement. /episode/index/show/ed315138-a14e-4fcd-a384-64c9fda55d3b/id/35454330
Episode 125: The First London Baptist Confession Of Faith - When, Why, And How?In this interview with Dr. James Renihan we discuss the story behind the First London Baptist Confession Of Faith in more detail. /episode/index/show/ed315138-a14e-4fcd-a384-64c9fda55d3b/id/35361455
Episode 124: What Is The First London Baptist Confession Of Faith?In this interview with Dr. James Renihan we discuss the First London Baptist Confession Of Faith and its background. /episode/index/show/ed315138-a14e-4fcd-a384-64c9fda55d3b/id/35280520
MOST PLAYED: Episode 34: The Importance Of AdoptionIn this interview with Dr. James Renihan we discuss meaning and importance of adoption as addressed in Chapter 12 (Of Adoption) in the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith. This episode was originally published on January 12th, 2023. /episode/index/show/ed315138-a14e-4fcd-a384-64c9fda55d3b/id/35172485
Episode 123: Obedience Of Christ, Justification, And Works (Compilation of Episodes 29-33)This episode is a compilation of episodes 29-33. We appreciate the work of Dr. John Carpenter of Covenant Reformed Baptist Church, Providence, NC for these compilations. /episode/index/show/ed315138-a14e-4fcd-a384-64c9fda55d3b/id/35079345
Episode 122: Two Natures, Free Will, And Elect Infants (Compilation of Episodes 23, 24, 26, 27, 28)This episode is a compilation of episodes 23, 24, 26, 27, and 28. We appreciate the work of Dr. John Carpenter of Covenant Reformed Baptist Church, Providence, NC for these compilations. /episode/index/show/ed315138-a14e-4fcd-a384-64c9fda55d3b/id/34967565
Episode 121: Means, Total Depravity, Two Natures, And The Distance Between God And The Creature (Compilation of Episodes 16, 22, 23, 25, 21)This episode is a compilation of episodes 16, 22, 23, 25, and 21. We appreciate the work of Dr. John Carpenter of Covenant Reformed Baptist Church, Providence, NC for these compilations. /episode/index/show/ed315138-a14e-4fcd-a384-64c9fda55d3b/id/34827265
Episode 120: God, His Decree, His Providence (Compilation of Episodes 9, 11, 13, 14, 15)This episode is a compilation of episodes 9, 11, 13, 14, and 15. We appreciate the work of Dr. John Carpenter of Covenant Reformed Baptist Church, Providence, NC for these compilations. /episode/index/show/ed315138-a14e-4fcd-a384-64c9fda55d3b/id/34784205
Episode 119: The Language Of The Confession (Compilation of Episodes 6, 18, 19, 8, 10)This episode is a compilation of episodes 6, 18, 19, 8, and 10. We appreciate the work of Dr. John Carpenter of Covenant Reformed Baptist Church, Providence, NC for these compilations. /episode/index/show/ed315138-a14e-4fcd-a384-64c9fda55d3b/id/34694235
Episode 118: What The Confession Is, Why It Was Written, And Its Structure (Compilation of Episodes 1-5)This episode is a compilation of episodes 1-5. We appreciate the work of Dr. John Carpenter of Covenant Reformed Baptist Church, Providence, NC for these compilations. /episode/index/show/ed315138-a14e-4fcd-a384-64c9fda55d3b/id/34526530
Episode 117: The Baptist Catechism Compared To Other CatechismsIn this interview with Dr. James Renihan we discuss how the Baptist Catechism differs from other catechisms. /episode/index/show/ed315138-a14e-4fcd-a384-64c9fda55d3b/id/34401675
Episode 116: The Baptist CatechismIn this interview with Dr. James Renihan we discuss the Baptist Catechism and how it compares to similar catechisms. /episode/index/show/ed315138-a14e-4fcd-a384-64c9fda55d3b/id/34297490
Episode 115: The AppendixIn this interview with Dr. James Renihan we discuss the appendix of the Confession and why the framers of the Confession considered it necessary to include. /episode/index/show/ed315138-a14e-4fcd-a384-64c9fda55d3b/id/34189310
Episode 114: The Opening EpistleIn this interview with Dr. James Renihan we discuss the opening epistle ("To The Judicious And Impartial Reader") and why the framers of the Confession included it with the Confession. /episode/index/show/ed315138-a14e-4fcd-a384-64c9fda55d3b/id/33925097
Episode 113: The Signatories Of The ConfessionIn this interview with Dr. James Renihan we discuss the signatories of the Confession and the distinction between ministers and messangers. /episode/index/show/ed315138-a14e-4fcd-a384-64c9fda55d3b/id/33826577
Episode 112: The Importance Of The Ending StatementIn this interview with Dr. James Renihan we discuss the importance of the ending statement of the Confession and Dr. Renihan gives some insight into some of the men who signed it. /episode/index/show/ed315138-a14e-4fcd-a384-64c9fda55d3b/id/33699627
Episode 111: Historical SubscriptionIn this interview with Dr. James Renihan we discuss various types of confessional subscripton and what is meant by the phrase "historical subscription." /episode/index/show/ed315138-a14e-4fcd-a384-64c9fda55d3b/id/33589382
Episode 110: The Dangers Of Claiming To Know When The Last Day Will ComeIn this interview with Dr. James Renihan we continue to discuss Chapter 32 of the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith. Specifically we discuss the dangers of claiming to have determined the precise timing of the last day of judgement. /episode/index/show/ed315138-a14e-4fcd-a384-64c9fda55d3b/id/33494977
Episode 109: The Revelation Of The Last DayIn this interview with Dr. James Renihan we continue to discuss Chapter 32 of the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith. Specifically we discuss the revelation God has given to us of the last day (in Paragraph 3 of Chapter 32). /episode/index/show/ed315138-a14e-4fcd-a384-64c9fda55d3b/id/33401057
Episode 108: What The Righteous Will Receive And What The Wicked Will ReceiveIn this interview with Dr. James Renihan we continue to discuss Chapters 31 and 32 of the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith. Specifically we discuss what the righteous will receive and what the wicked will receive on the last day of judgement and why. /episode/index/show/ed315138-a14e-4fcd-a384-64c9fda55d3b/id/33309987
Episode 107: The Purpose Of The Day Of JudgementIn this interview with Dr. James Renihan we continue to discuss Chapters 31 and 32 of the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith. Specifically we discuss the purpose of the last day of judgement. /episode/index/show/ed315138-a14e-4fcd-a384-64c9fda55d3b/id/33214532
Episode 106: The Benefits That Come To The RighteousIn this interview with Dr. James Renihan we continue to discuss Chapters 31 and 32 of the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith. Specifically we discuss the resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked and what benefits that come to the righteous. /episode/index/show/ed315138-a14e-4fcd-a384-64c9fda55d3b/id/33123177
Episode 105: The Last DayIn this interview with Dr. James Renihan we continue to discuss Chapters 31 and 32 of the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith. Specifically we discuss the term "the last day" in the confession. /episode/index/show/ed315138-a14e-4fcd-a384-64c9fda55d3b/id/33040897
Episode 104: The Righteous And The WickedIn this interview with Dr. James Renihan we continue to discuss Chapters 31 and 32 of the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith. Specifically we discuss the terms "the righteous" and "the wicked" and how they relate to the rest of the confession. /episode/index/show/ed315138-a14e-4fcd-a384-64c9fda55d3b/id/32905552
Episode 103: The Destination Of The Souls Of The Unrighteous After DeathIn this interview with Dr. James Renihan we continue to discuss Chapter 31 of the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith. Specifically we discuss what happens to the soul of the unrighteous after death. /episode/index/show/ed315138-a14e-4fcd-a384-64c9fda55d3b/id/32788037
Episode 102: Why The Bodily Resurrection Of Christ Is So ImportantIn this interview with Dr. James Renihan we continue to discuss Chapter 31 and 32 of the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith. Specifically we discuss objections to the bodily resurrection of Christ and why a physical resurrection is so important. /episode/index/show/ed315138-a14e-4fcd-a384-64c9fda55d3b/id/32693517
Episode 101: The Final State Of Those Who DieIn this interview with Dr. James Renihan we continue to discuss Chapter 31 and 32 of the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith. Specifically we discuss what the final state is of those who die - the righteous and the unrighteous. /episode/index/show/ed315138-a14e-4fcd-a384-64c9fda55d3b/id/32563632
Episode 100: How Chapters 31 and 32 Fit Into The Confession Of FaithIn this interview with Dr. James Renihan we continue to discuss Chapter 31 and 32 of the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith and how these chapters fit into the Confession as a whole. /episode/index/show/ed315138-a14e-4fcd-a384-64c9fda55d3b/id/32563522
Episode 99: Of The State of Humanity After Death And The Resurrection Of The Dead - Eschatology - The Last DaysIn this interview with Dr. James Renihan we continue to discuss Chapter 31 of the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith (Of The State of Humanity After Death And The Resurrection Of The Dead). Specifically we discuss how the concempt of "the last days" fits in with the Confession. /episode/index/show/ed315138-a14e-4fcd-a384-64c9fda55d3b/id/32290597