Welcome to the MINDTRX podcast with breakthrough ideas to live your best life possible AND how to make it happen.
Annette Rugolo – Soul Whisperer
Annette Rugolo – Soul Whisperer
You are in the world to awaken your spiritual potential and live fully aligned with your soul’s purpose. Annette Rugolo joins Paul Scheele on this episode of the MINDTRX podcast. She describes how you can begin attracting the positive energy around and within you to live the abundant life you were born to experience. By employing a deep understanding of vibrational healing and universe messaging, Annette Rugolo can tune into a person's energy through soul-to-soul connections. After identifying what is preventing them from living their purpose, she enables the release of physical, emotional, mental, or karmic patterns. Annette is the author of “Soul Whisperer: Releasing Lost Souls.” Learn more and connect with Annette at . Paul Scheele, PhD, is an acclaimed innovator within the fields of neuro-linguistic programming, whole mind learning, preconscious processing, and accelerated learning. As co-founder of Learning Strategies, he has designed and developed over one hundred programs to stimulate personal and professional success, including the Paraliminals on the MINDTRX app. Others include “PhotoReading at 25,000 words a minute,” “Genius Code,” “Abundance for Life,” and “Future Mapping.” Paul guides people to meet critical challenges in their own lives as well as the world. And he helps them achieve extraordinary results in their relationships, work, finances, health, and spiritual well-being. He is the author of “PhotoReading,” “Natural Brilliance,” and “Drop Into Genius.” Learn more about Paul at , , , and . To comment or ask a question about this episode please go to our channel on YouTube at .
Steve D’Annunzio – Shift into Prosperity
Steve D’Annunzio – Shift into Prosperity
Your mind either perceives a world of scarcity or a world of abundance. Shifting your paradigm to prosperity consciousness opens new vistas of possibility, feelings of confidence and peace, and actions to create the life you choose to live. Steve D’Annunzio joins host Paul Scheele on this episode of the MINDTRX podcast, showing you how to make the shift to a prosperity paradigm that can change everything. Steve D’Annunzio is a life coach and spiritual teacher who helps people access their higher self so they can live more joyful, productive lives. Using prosperity principles, mindfulness training, sacred sound, personal mentoring, spiritual maps, caring questions, and an insatiable love of people, he helps people co-create a path to live their soul-purpose. Learn more and connect with Steve at . Paul Scheele, PhD, is an acclaimed innovator within the fields of neuro-linguistic programming, whole mind learning, preconscious processing, and accelerated learning. As co-founder of Learning Strategies, he has designed and developed over one hundred programs to stimulate personal and professional success, including the Paraliminals on the MINDTRX app. Others include “PhotoReading at 25,000 words a minute,” “Genius Code,” “Abundance for Life,” and “Future Mapping.” Paul guides people to meet critical challenges in their own lives as well as the world. And he helps them achieve extraordinary results in their relationships, work, finances, health, and spiritual well-being. He is the author of “PhotoReading,” “Natural Brilliance,” and “Drop Into Genius.” Learn more about Paul at , , , and . To comment or ask a question about this episode please go to our channel on YouTube at .
Jacquelyn Wieland – Lead Your Life Forward
Jacquelyn Wieland – Lead Your Life Forward
You are here in the world today because you contribute and make a difference in the lives of others. Explore how to unleash your own unique brilliance, as Jacquelyn Wieland joins host Paul Scheele on this episode of the MINDTRX Podcast. Jacquelyn Wieland advises C-suite and senior leaders in the financial sector of Fortune 300 companies. She is a keynote and workshop speaker, as well as the creator of The Congruent Leader, hosted on Leaderpass. Jacquelyn brings expertise in unlocking individuals’ innate leadership styles so that they can connect, engage, and align with their teams, clients, and organizations to influence strategy, alignment, and transformational shifts. Learn more and connect with Jacquelyn at and . Paul Scheele, PhD, is an acclaimed innovator within the fields of neuro-linguistic programming, whole mind learning, preconscious processing, and accelerated learning. As co-founder of Learning Strategies, he has designed and developed over one hundred programs to stimulate personal and professional success, including the Paraliminals on the MINDTRX app. Others include “PhotoReading at 25,000 words a minute,” “Genius Code,” “Abundance for Life,” and “Future Mapping.” Paul guides people to meet critical challenges in their own lives as well as the world. And he helps them achieve extraordinary results in their relationships, work, finances, health, and spiritual well-being. He is the author of “PhotoReading,” “Natural Brilliance,” and “Drop Into Genius.” Learn more about Paul at , , , and . To comment or ask a question about this episode please go to our channel on YouTube at .
Gerald Leonard - Conducting Your Life’s Symphony
Gerald Leonard - Conducting Your Life’s Symphony
Learn how to conduct a symphony of daily choices into the life of your dreams. Gerald Leonard joins host Paul Scheele on this episode of the MINDTRX Podcast. Listen as they explore Gerald’s uncanny ability to apply what he learns to advancing the wondrous project of life. Gerald Leonard offers a unique productivity approach to accomplishing more every day. Gerald is the founder of the Leonard Productivity Intelligence Institute, as well as the CEO of Turnberry Premiere, a strategic project portfolio management and IT governance firm. He is also an author, TEDx speaker, management guru, and, importantly, a bass player, bringing all these traits and skills into his presentations and interviews. Learn more and connect with Gerald at . Paul Scheele, PhD, is an acclaimed innovator within the fields of neuro-linguistic programming, whole mind learning, preconscious processing, and accelerated learning. As co-founder of Learning Strategies, he has designed and developed over one hundred programs to stimulate personal and professional success, including the Paraliminals on the MINDTRX app. Others include “PhotoReading at 25,000 words a minute,” “Genius Code,” “Abundance for Life,” and “Future Mapping.” Paul guides people to meet critical challenges in their own lives as well as the world. And he helps them achieve extraordinary results in their relationships, work, finances, health, and spiritual well-being. He is the author of “PhotoReading,” “Natural Brilliance,” and “Drop Into Genius.” Learn more about Paul at , , , and . To comment or ask a question about this episode please go to our channel on YouTube at .
Millicent St. Claire – Fortitude: Finding Resilience
Millicent St. Claire – Fortitude: Finding Resilience
Healing from the wounds of dysfunctional problem-solving gave Millicent St. Claire strength to shift her own life and profoundly impact others seeking change in their lives. Millicent joins host Paul Scheele to explore how her journey through the dark chapters of life were a crucible of personal insight and self-compassion. Millicent St. Claire is a master facilitator and seminar leader, coach, and best-selling author who rocks organizations with positive energy and innovative human development protocols that get results. Her work centers on emotional management and spiritual intelligence where she fosters individuals' complete responsibility for creating meaningful and beautiful lives and positive change. She has worked as the Master Certifying PhotoReading Instructor for Learning Strategies since 2003. Learn more and connect with Millicent at . Paul Scheele, PhD, is an acclaimed innovator within the fields of neuro-linguistic programming, whole mind learning, preconscious processing, and accelerated learning. As co-founder of Learning Strategies, he has designed and developed over one hundred programs to stimulate personal and professional success, including the Paraliminals on the MINDTRX app. Others include “PhotoReading at 25,000 words a minute,” “Genius Code,” “Abundance for Life,” and “Future Mapping.” Paul guides people to meet critical challenges in their own lives as well as the world. And he helps them achieve extraordinary results in their relationships, work, finances, health, and spiritual well-being. He is the author of “PhotoReading,” “Natural Brilliance,” and “Drop Into Genius.” Learn more about Paul at , , , and . To comment or ask a question about this episode please go to our channel on YouTube at .
Shelly Lefkoe - Eliminating Beliefs
Shelly Lefkoe - Eliminating Beliefs
Free yourself to realize a life of greater ease, productivity, and happiness. Shelly Lefkoe joins host Paul Scheele on this episode of the MINDTRX Podcast. They discuss The Lefkoe Method, a radically effective way of changing unwanted or self-limiting beliefs into supportive and life-enhancing new beliefs. Shelly Lefkoe is the co-founder of the Lefkoe Institute, a San Francisco Bay Area firm whose mission is “to significantly improve the quality of life on the planet.” She has helped thousands of clients worldwide recreate their lives by ridding themselves of problems and eliminating emotional patterns. Her programs have reached over 150,000 people worldwide. Learn more and connect with Shelly at and . Paul Scheele, PhD, is an acclaimed innovator within the fields of neuro-linguistic programming, whole mind learning, preconscious processing, and accelerated learning. As co-founder of Learning Strategies, he has designed and developed over one hundred programs to stimulate personal and professional success, including the Paraliminals on the MINDTRX app. Others include “PhotoReading at 25,000 words a minute,” “Genius Code,” “Abundance for Life,” and “Future Mapping.” Paul guides people to meet critical challenges in their own lives as well as the world. And he helps them achieve extraordinary results in their relationships, work, finances, health, and spiritual well-being. He is the author of “PhotoReading,” “Natural Brilliance,” and “Drop Into Genius.” Learn more about Paul at , , , and . To comment or ask a question about this episode please go to our channel on YouTube at .
Joe Vitale – The Magnificence of Your Life
Joe Vitale – The Magnificence of Your Life
Explore the four stages of awakening to the magnificence of your life. Learn how to break through limits of the past and discover the miracle of this moment. Pause to witness the divine nature unfolding, and gratefully receive your highest good. Joe Vitale joins host Paul Scheele on this episode of the MINDTRX podcast. Joe Vitale is the author of many books, from “Zero Limits” to “The Miracle.” He is also a singer/songwriter with 15 albums recorded and has been in 17 movies, including “The Secret.” Joe is known as a spiritual teacher, hypnotic writer, and creator of Miracles Coaching. Learn more and connect with Joe at . Paul Scheele, PhD, is an acclaimed innovator within the fields of neuro-linguistic programming, whole mind learning, preconscious processing, and accelerated learning. As co-founder of Learning Strategies, he has designed and developed over one hundred programs to stimulate personal and professional success, including the Paraliminals on the MINDTRX app. Others include “PhotoReading at 25,000 words a minute,” “Genius Code,” “Abundance for Life,” and “Future Mapping.” Paul guides people to meet critical challenges in their own lives as well as the world. And he helps them achieve extraordinary results in their relationships, work, finances, health, and spiritual well-being. He is the author of “PhotoReading,” “Natural Brilliance,” and “Drop Into Genius.” Learn more about Paul at , , , and . To comment or ask a question about this episode please go to our channel on YouTube at .
Vallo Arumäe - Achieve Financial Freedom
Vallo Arumäe - Achieve Financial Freedom
Wherever you are in your financial journey, you can start now to create a life of wealth and freedom. In this episode of the MINDTRX Podcast, Vallo Arumäe joins host Paul Scheele, sharing a proven roadmap of five stages to lasting wealth creation. Discover opportunities for greater income and asset creation, and gain mindsets and skills you can implement today. Vallo Arumäe co-founded Starfish Academy to guide individuals toward financial independence. His teachings focus on practical finance and business strategies, aiming to foster a global community of practice for independent business owners and investors. Vallo offers transformative education on personal finance planning, asset creation, and investment, empowering people to achieve a lifestyle where their money works for them and sharing insights rarely discussed in traditional education settings. Paul Scheele, PhD, is an acclaimed innovator within the fields of neuro-linguistic programming, whole mind learning, preconscious processing, and accelerated learning. As co-founder of Learning Strategies, he has designed and developed over one hundred programs to stimulate personal and professional success, including the Paraliminals on the MINDTRX app. Others include “PhotoReading at 25,000 words a minute,” “Genius Code,” “Abundance for Life,” and “Future Mapping.” Paul guides people to meet critical challenges in their own lives as well as the world. And he helps them achieve extraordinary results in their relationships, work, finances, health, and spiritual well-being. He is the author of “PhotoReading,” “Natural Brilliance,” and “Drop Into Genius.” Learn more about Paul at , , , and . To comment or ask a question about this episode please go to our channel on YouTube at .
Christy Whitman - Your Desire Factor
Christy Whitman - Your Desire Factor
Strengthening your desire for what you choose to create puts you in touch with the essential universal principles that will help you succeed. Like dialing in a combination lock, aligning the tumblers in the right sequence is essential. In this episode of the MINDTRX Podcast, host Paul Scheele is joined by Christy Whitman. They discuss the seven principles to unlock your desires and bring them into reality. Christy Whitman is the messenger of light for The Council, spiritual mentors here to spread the message of Quantum Energy Mastery. Christy and The Council help clients feel more aligned with their divine design of well-being, abundance, success, and loving and supportive relationships. Prior to her work with The Council, Christy was a transformational leader, celebrity coach, and Law of Attraction expert, as well as the two-time New York Times bestselling author of “The Art of Having It All” and “Taming Your Alpha Bitch.” Learn more and connect with Christy at . Paul Scheele, PhD, is an acclaimed innovator within the fields of neuro-linguistic programming, whole mind learning, preconscious processing, and accelerated learning. As co-founder of Learning Strategies, he has designed and developed over one hundred programs to stimulate personal and professional success, including the Paraliminals on the MINDTRX app. Others include “PhotoReading at 25,000 words a minute,” “Genius Code,” “Abundance for Life,” and “Future Mapping.” Paul guides people to meet critical challenges in their own lives as well as the world. And he helps them achieve extraordinary results in their relationships, work, finances, health, and spiritual well-being. He is the author of “PhotoReading,” “Natural Brilliance,” and “Drop Into Genius.” Learn more about Paul at , , , and . To comment or ask a question about this episode please go to our channel on YouTube at .
Martin Rutte – Heaven on Earth
Martin Rutte – Heaven on Earth
Three simple questions can lead you to bring forth heaven on earth. On this episode of the MINDTRX podcast, host Paul Scheele is joined by Martin Rutte. They discuss how a worldwide movement of people becoming fully human and discovering who we are as humanity has begun changing the story of our world. Martin Rutte is an international speaker and consultant committed to reconnecting people and businesses with their natural source of creativity, innovation, and genius. He is president of Livelihood, a management consulting firm, and has worked with many of America’s leading corporations to help expand their outlook and position themselves for the future. Martin’s newest book, “Project Heaven on Earth,” helps you unlock your soul’s deep longing for the kind of world you want and empowers the new story of what it means to be a human. Learn more and connect with Martin at and . Paul Scheele, PhD, is an acclaimed innovator within the fields of neuro-linguistic programming, whole mind learning, preconscious processing, and accelerated learning. As co-founder of Learning Strategies, he has designed and developed over one hundred programs to stimulate personal and professional success, including the Paraliminals on the MINDTRX app. Others include “PhotoReading at 25,000 words a minute,” “Genius Code,” “Abundance for Life,” and “Future Mapping.” Paul guides people to meet critical challenges in their own lives as well as the world. And he helps them achieve extraordinary results in their relationships, work, finances, health, and spiritual well-being. He is the author of “PhotoReading,” “Natural Brilliance,” and “Drop Into Genius.” Learn more about Paul at , , , and . To comment or ask a question about this episode please go to our channel on YouTube at .
Debra Poneman – Create True Success
Debra Poneman – Create True Success
Your thoughts and words have the power to create reality. Debra Poneman joins host Paul Scheele on this episode of the MINDTRX podcast. They discuss how meditation easily calms the mind, while optimism and positive thinking shape your future. Learn how you can live with ageless health and success and enjoy new levels of joy starting now. Debra Poneman is a bestselling author, award-winning speaker, and founder of Yes to Success and Ageless Seminars. Her programs have been used by hundreds of thousands of people to live not only with success and abundance, but also deep happiness, profound inner fulfillment, and ageless radiance. Debra is also the proud mother of two adult children. Her greatest accomplishment is not that she’s helped so many live the life of their dreams, but that she’s helped her children discover the greatness they truly are. Learn more and connect with Debra at . Paul Scheele, PhD, is an acclaimed innovator within the fields of neuro-linguistic programming, whole mind learning, preconscious processing, and accelerated learning. As co-founder of Learning Strategies, he has designed and developed over one hundred programs to stimulate personal and professional success, including the Paraliminals on the MINDTRX app. Others include “PhotoReading at 25,000 words a minute,” “Genius Code,” “Abundance for Life,” and “Future Mapping.” Paul guides people to meet critical challenges in their own lives as well as the world. And he helps them achieve extraordinary results in their relationships, work, finances, health, and spiritual well-being. He is the author of “PhotoReading,” “Natural Brilliance,” and “Drop Into Genius.” Learn more about Paul at , , , and . To comment or ask a question about this episode please go to our channel on YouTube at .
Michelle James – Creative Emergence
Michelle James – Creative Emergence
Effectively navigate your current situation, and grow personally and professionally. In this episode of the MINDTRX podcast, host Paul Scheele is joined by Michelle James. They discuss how you can apply creativity to every dimension of life and work and discover the energies for greater clarity, possibility, ease, and flow. Michelle James is a “creativity catalyst.” She’s a pioneering coach and facilitator known for creating original, dynamic, and imaginative learning environments. Michelle helps people shift from focusing on what's wrong to focusing on what's alive and what's next in their communities, corporations, nonprofits, or government agencies. Michelle is the founder of the Center for Creative Emergence and author of “Pattern Breaks: A Facilitator’s Guide to Cultivating Creativity.” Learn more and connect with Michelle at and . Paul Scheele, PhD, is an acclaimed innovator within the fields of neuro-linguistic programming, whole mind learning, preconscious processing, and accelerated learning. As co-founder of Learning Strategies, he has designed and developed over one hundred programs to stimulate personal and professional success, including the Paraliminals on the MINDTRX app. Others include “PhotoReading at 25,000 words a minute,” “Genius Code,” “Abundance for Life,” and “Future Mapping.” Paul guides people to meet critical challenges in their own lives as well as the world. And he helps them achieve extraordinary results in their relationships, work, finances, health, and spiritual well-being. He is the author of “PhotoReading,” “Natural Brilliance,” and “Drop Into Genius.” Learn more about Paul at , , , and . To comment or ask a question about this episode please go to our channel on YouTube at .
Yanik Silver – Create Your Life with Purpose
Yanik Silver – Create Your Life with Purpose
Find a deep purpose in what you do, and improve your work life and everyday living. In this episode of the MINDTRX podcast, host Paul Scheele is joined by Yanik Silver. Yanik explains how the power of journaling can help you live on purpose and create rich and balanced success. Yanik Silver redefines how business is played in the 21st century at the intersection of evolutionary growth, impact, and fun. He’s the founder of Maverick1000, a global collective of visionary entrepreneurs making a serious difference in the world—without taking themselves too seriously. In fact, it’s not unusual to find Yanik dressed as a lemur, a showgirl, or even in matching mermaid tails with Sir Richard Branson. Yanik is the creator of the “Cosmic Journal” and author of “Evolved Enterprise.” Learn more and connect with Yanik at . Paul Scheele, PhD, is an acclaimed innovator within the fields of neuro-linguistic programming, whole mind learning, preconscious processing, and accelerated learning. As co-founder of Learning Strategies, he has designed and developed over one hundred programs to stimulate personal and professional success, including the Paraliminals on the MINDTRX app. Others include “PhotoReading at 25,000 words a minute,” “Genius Code,” “Abundance for Life,” and “Future Mapping.” Paul guides people to meet critical challenges in their own lives as well as the world. And he helps them achieve extraordinary results in their relationships, work, finances, health, and spiritual well-being. He is the author of “PhotoReading,” “Natural Brilliance,” and “Drop Into Genius.” Learn more about Paul at , , , and . To comment or ask a question about this episode please go to our channel on YouTube at .
Colin Sprake – The Entrepreneurial Mind
Colin Sprake – The Entrepreneurial Mind
Whether you work for someone else or lead your own business, maintaining an entrepreneurial mindset will ensure you thrive in today’s global economy. Colin Sprake joins Paul Scheele to discuss the skills critical for your success, in this episode of the MINDTRX podcast. Colin Sprake is a serial entrepreneur with over three decades of experience building multimillion-dollar businesses in many industries. He’s the passionate owner of 14 businesses and eats, sleeps, and drinks entrepreneurship. Colin founded Make Your Mark Training and Consulting to coach and mentor others and help them realize the full potential of their businesses—and to do it with heart. He’s the author of the bestseller “Entrepreneur Success Recipe” and coauthor of “Stand Apart” with Dan Kennedy and “Power Principles” with Brian Tracy. Learn more and connect with Colin at . Paul Scheele, PhD, is an acclaimed innovator within the fields of neuro-linguistic programming, whole mind learning, preconscious processing, and accelerated learning. As co-founder of Learning Strategies, he has designed and developed over one hundred programs to stimulate personal and professional success, including the Paraliminals on the MINDTRX app. Others include “PhotoReading at 25,000 words a minute,” “Genius Code,” “Abundance for Life,” and “Future Mapping.” Paul guides people to meet critical challenges in their own lives as well as the world. And he helps them achieve extraordinary results in their relationships, work, finances, health, and spiritual well-being. He is the author of “PhotoReading,” “Natural Brilliance,” and “Drop Into Genius.” Learn more about Paul at , , , and . To comment or ask a question about this episode please go to our channel on YouTube at .
Mary Morrissey – Brave Thinking
Mary Morrissey – Brave Thinking
Move beyond “common hour thinking” that is limited to past experiences based on worry, fear, and protection, and become a “dream builder.” Mary Morrissey shares how to change your life using “brave thinking” that is expansive and focused on the creation of what is possible. She joins Paul Scheele in this episode of the MINDTRX podcast. Mary Morrissey has invested the last 40 years studying the art and science of transforming dreams into results. She’s the founder of the Brave Thinking Institute and author of two best-selling books, “No Less Than Greatness” and “Building Your Field of Dreams.” Mary has addressed the United Nations, co-convened weeklong meetings with His Holiness The Dalai Lama, and met with President Nelson Mandela in South Africa. Her teachings empower people worldwide to achieve new heights of meaning, purpose, aliveness, and authentic success. Learn more and connect with Mary at , , and . Paul Scheele, PhD, is an acclaimed innovator within the fields of neuro-linguistic programming, whole mind learning, preconscious processing, and accelerated learning. As co-founder of Learning Strategies, he has designed and developed over one hundred programs to stimulate personal and professional success, including the Paraliminals on the MINDTRX app. Others include “PhotoReading at 25,000 words a minute,” “Genius Code,” “Abundance for Life,” and “Future Mapping.” Paul guides people to meet critical challenges in their own lives as well as the world. And he helps them achieve extraordinary results in their relationships, work, finances, health, and spiritual well-being. He is the author of “PhotoReading,” “Natural Brilliance,” and “Drop Into Genius.” Learn more about Paul at , , , and . To comment or ask a question about this episode please go to our channel on YouTube at .
Murtaza Hameer – Learning How to Learn
Murtaza Hameer – Learning How to Learn
Lifelong learners do well and succeed in life. Even if you struggled in school, learning can become fun and you can discover joy in reaching toward your full potential. In this episode of the MINDTRX podcast with Paul Scheele, Dr. Murtaza Hameer describes his journey through difficulties in school to realizing his passion for learning how to learn. He shares wisdom you can immediately apply. Dr. Murtaza Hameer is a medical doctor turned teacher and now author of “Learning How to Learn: Doing well in school, college, and beyond.” Murtaza attended medical school in India and completed licensing exams in the United States. He further pursued a postgraduate diploma in education and has taught at both the high school and college levels. You can find Murtaza’s book, Learning How to Learn, on Amazon.com. Paul Scheele, PhD, is an acclaimed innovator within the fields of neuro-linguistic programming, whole mind learning, preconscious processing, and accelerated learning. As co-founder of Learning Strategies, he has designed and developed over one hundred programs to stimulate personal and professional success, including the Paraliminals on the MINDTRX app. Others include “PhotoReading at 25,000 words a minute,” “Genius Code,” “Abundance for Life,” and “Future Mapping.” Paul guides people to meet critical challenges in their own lives as well as the world. And he helps them achieve extraordinary results in their relationships, work, finances, health, and spiritual well-being. He is the author of “PhotoReading,” “Natural Brilliance,” and “Drop Into Genius.” Learn more about Paul at , , , and . To comment or ask a question about this episode please go to our channel on YouTube at .
Lise Janelle – Living from the Heart
Lise Janelle – Living from the Heart
Your true power within flows best when you are heart-centered—aligned with the intelligence and wisdom of your heart. Start your days with love and gratitude for every inspiration, experience, and feeling you enjoy. Then every challenge you face will strengthen your will and power to live your heaven on earth. Dr. Lise Janelle joins Paul Scheele in this episode of the MINDTRX podcast. Dr. Lise Janelle is a holistic chiropractor and the creator of the “Heart Freedom Method,” a powerful mind-body tool for quickly dissolving self-sabotaging beliefs and unlocking one’s full potential for success. She founded the Centre for Heart Living in Toronto, where she has coached thousands of clients including athletes, executives, entrepreneurs, and artists to achieve transformative change from the inside out. Dr. Lise is the author of “Conversation with the Heart” and “You Are Loved.” Learn more and connect with Dr. Lise at , , , and . Paul Scheele, PhD, is an acclaimed innovator within the fields of neuro-linguistic programming, whole mind learning, preconscious processing, and accelerated learning. As co-founder of Learning Strategies, he has designed and developed over one hundred programs to stimulate personal and professional success, including the Paraliminals on the MINDTRX app. Others include “PhotoReading at 25,000 words a minute,” “Genius Code,” “Abundance for Life,” and “Future Mapping.” Paul guides people to meet critical challenges in their own lives as well as the world. And he helps them achieve extraordinary results in their relationships, work, finances, health, and spiritual well-being. He is the author of “PhotoReading,” “Natural Brilliance,” and “Drop Into Genius.” Learn more about Paul at , , , and . To comment or ask a question about this episode please go to our channel on YouTube at .
Sue Morter – Energy Codes
Sue Morter – Energy Codes
You are a spiritual energy being living in an energetic universe. Dr. Sue Morter teaches how you open the energy circuits in your body and mind to activate your highest potential for creativity, health, and well-being. She joins Paul Scheele in this episode of the MINDTRX podcast. Dr. Sue Morter is an international speaker and visionary in quantum field science and bioenergetics. She’s the bestselling author of “The Energy Codes: The 7-Step System to Awaken Your Spirit, Heal Your Body, and Live Your Best Life.” Through her teachings, Dr. Sue illuminates the relationship of quantum science and energy medicine. Her techniques help individuals activate untapped energy and neurocircuitry in the body, empower hidden potential, and elevate consciousness. Dr. Sue serves on the faculty of two medical schools at Michigan State University. She’s the founder of the Morter Institute for Bio-Energetics and co-host of “Your Year of Miracles” lifestyle training. Learn more and connect with Dr. Sue at , , , and . Paul Scheele, PhD, is an acclaimed innovator within the fields of neuro-linguistic programming, whole mind learning, preconscious processing, and accelerated learning. As co-founder of Learning Strategies, he has designed and developed over one hundred programs to stimulate personal and professional success, including the Paraliminals on the MINDTRX app. Others include “PhotoReading at 25,000 words a minute,” “Genius Code,” “Abundance for Life,” and “Future Mapping.” Paul guides people to meet critical challenges in their own lives as well as the world. And he helps them achieve extraordinary results in their relationships, work, finances, health, and spiritual well-being. He is the author of “PhotoReading,” “Natural Brilliance,” and “Drop Into Genius.” Learn more about Paul at , , , and . To comment or ask a question about this episode please go to our channel on YouTube at .
Stewart Emery - Distinctions of Success
Stewart Emery - Distinctions of Success
How you live each day and the people with whom you choose to engage determine the level of success you enjoy in life. Stewart Emery shares how making finer distinctions about what and who truly matters to you ensures that your success is enduring, in this episode of the MINDTRX podcast with Paul Scheele. Stewart Emery is a renowned storyteller, entrepreneur, and executive coach who has impacted the lives of millions. He’s one of the most influential people in the Human Potential Movement. Stewart was the first CEO of est and co-founder of Actualizations, a global learning and development organization. In their international bestseller “Success Built to Last: Creating a Life That Matters,” Stewart and his co-authors interviewed hundreds of the world's most successful people in business, social sciences, the arts, and sports to uncover the key traits and habits of success. Stewart co-authored many other bestselling books including “Now You’re Thinking, Do You Matter?” and “Who’s in Your Room?” And he co-created the “Success Built to Last” Paraliminal session, which is available in the MINDTRX app. You can find Stewart’s books on Amazon.com. Paul Scheele, PhD, is an acclaimed innovator within the fields of neuro-linguistic programming, whole mind learning, preconscious processing, and accelerated learning. As co-founder of Learning Strategies, he has designed and developed over one hundred programs to stimulate personal and professional success, including the Paraliminals on the MINDTRX app. Others include “PhotoReading at 25,000 words a minute,” “Genius Code,” “Abundance for Life,” and “Future Mapping.” Paul guides people to meet critical challenges in their own lives as well as the world. And he helps them achieve extraordinary results in their relationships, work, finances, health, and spiritual well-being. He is the author of “PhotoReading,” “Natural Brilliance,” and “Drop Into Genius.” Learn more about Paul at , , , and . To comment or ask a question about this episode please go to our channel on YouTube at .
Natalie Ledwell – Manifesting Your Dreams
Natalie Ledwell – Manifesting Your Dreams
Natalie Ledwell describes six steps to the manifestation of your life dreams. The principles and practices are straightforward and well-tested by millions of people. Natalie shares common misconceptions and the remedies that will keep you on target to your goals, in this episode of the MINDTRX podcast with Paul Scheele. Natalie Ledwell is a bestselling author, speaker, and host of the podcast, “Not Over, Just Different.” Her revolutionary online personal development company, called “Mind Movies,” has reached over 10 million people worldwide. Natalie has now launched a groundbreaking social and emotional learning curriculum for schools, called "Personal Growth Studies.” The evidence-based curriculum is designed to empower high self-esteem among students in grades K through 12 and nurture extraordinarily happy, confident, and fulfilled youth. Learn more and connect with Natalie at . Get 6 free Mind Movies at . Paul Scheele, PhD, is an acclaimed innovator within the fields of neuro-linguistic programming, whole mind learning, preconscious processing, and accelerated learning. As co-founder of Learning Strategies, he has designed and developed over one hundred programs to stimulate personal and professional success, including the Paraliminals on the MINDTRX app. Others include “PhotoReading at 25,000 words a minute,” “Genius Code,” “Abundance for Life,” and “Future Mapping.” Paul guides people to meet critical challenges in their own lives as well as the world. And he helps them achieve extraordinary results in their relationships, work, finances, health, and spiritual well-being. He is the author of “PhotoReading,” “Natural Brilliance,” and “Drop Into Genius.” Learn more about Paul at , , , and . To comment or ask a question about this episode please go to our channel on YouTube at .
Mark McKergow – Guiding Your Future
Mark McKergow – Guiding Your Future
Finding your way to the future you desire means staying focused on solutions that will get you, step by step, to your destination. Mark McKergow, co-author of “The Solutions Focus,” shares brilliant discoveries to help you, in this episode of the MINDTRX podcast with Paul Scheele. Learn breakthrough strategies that transcend therapeutic interventions and make accomplishing your goals faster and easier than you might have ever imagined. Mark McKergow is a speaker, facilitator, consultant, and director of the Centre for Solutions Focus at Work, based in Edinburgh, Scotland. His life’s work has been about humanizing organizations in learning, changing, and leading. Mark is widely known for his ability to connect complex ideas with simplicity in practice. He is the co-author of six books including “The Solutions Focus” and “Host: Six New Roles of Engagement.” Learn more about and connect with Mark at , , , , and . Paul Scheele, PhD, is an acclaimed innovator within the fields of neuro-linguistic programming, whole mind learning, preconscious processing, and accelerated learning. As co-founder of Learning Strategies, he has designed and developed over one hundred programs to stimulate personal and professional success, including the Paraliminals on the MINDTRX app. Others include “PhotoReading at 25,000 words a minute,” “Genius Code,” “Abundance for Life,” and “Future Mapping.” Paul guides people to meet critical challenges in their own lives as well as the world. And he helps them achieve extraordinary results in their relationships, work, finances, health, and spiritual well-being. He is the author of “PhotoReading,” “Natural Brilliance,” and “Drop Into Genius.” Learn more about Paul at , , , and . To comment or ask a question about this episode please go to our channel on YouTube at .
Dawson Church – Discover Bliss
Dawson Church – Discover Bliss
The research is in! Simple tapping and meditation practices are the fastest way to turn on the “bliss circuits” in your brain. Let scientist Dawson Church show you how to achieve what took ancient meditation traditions decades to produce. Learn the habits that lead to blissful living in this episode of the MINDTRX podcast with Paul Scheele. Dawson Church is a scientist and award-winning writer of three best-selling books. “The Genie in Your Genes” was the first book to demonstrate that emotions drive gene expression. “Mind to Matter” showed the brain creates much of what we think of as “objective reality.” And “Bliss Brain” demonstrates that peak mental states rapidly remodel the brain for happiness. Dawson’s groundbreaking clinical research on the Emotional Freedom Technique has been published in many prestigious journals. He founded the online EFT Universe community to share how to apply these breakthroughs to improve health and peak performance. Learn more about and connect with Dawson at , , and Receive your complimentary “EFT Mini-Manual” and bonus “Eco-Meditation” to boost your immunity at . Paul Scheele, PhD, is an acclaimed innovator within the fields of neuro-linguistic programming, whole mind learning, preconscious processing, and accelerated learning. As co-founder of Learning Strategies, he has designed and developed over one hundred programs to stimulate personal and professional success, including the Paraliminals on the MINDTRX app. Others include “PhotoReading at 25,000 words a minute,” “Genius Code,” “Abundance for Life,” and “Future Mapping.” Paul guides people to meet critical challenges in their own lives as well as the world. And he helps them achieve extraordinary results in their relationships, work, finances, health, and spiritual well-being. He is the author of “PhotoReading,” “Natural Brilliance,” and “Drop Into Genius.” Learn more about Paul at , , , and . To comment or ask a question about this episode please go to our channel on YouTube at .
Sam Horn – Talking on Eggshells
Sam Horn – Talking on Eggshells
Sam Horn—"The Intrigue Expert”—helps move people from being “conflict averse” to “conflict comfortable.” In this episode of the MINDTRX podcast with Paul Scheele, she shares her insights about the subtle ways we can select our words to produce harmonious and mutually beneficial communications that solve conflicts elegantly. Sam Horn knows how to capture and maintain the attention of any audience. For nearly three decades it’s been her mission to help others do the same. Sam trains executives, entrepreneurs, writers, film directors, scientists, government officials, and TED Talk speakers in effective communication. Sam is the author of ten award-winning books including her most recent, “Talking on Eggshells,” which is about developing “soft skills for hard conversations.” She also created the “Write Well, Write Fast, Write Now” program with Learning Strategies. Learn more and connect with Sam at , , and . Paul Scheele, PhD, is an acclaimed innovator within the fields of neuro-linguistic programming, whole mind learning, preconscious processing, and accelerated learning. As co-founder of Learning Strategies, he has designed and developed over one hundred programs to stimulate personal and professional success, including the Paraliminals on the MINDTRX app. Others include “PhotoReading at 25,000 words a minute,” “Genius Code,” “Abundance for Life,” and “Future Mapping.” Paul guides people to meet critical challenges in their own lives as well as the world. And he helps them achieve extraordinary results in their relationships, work, finances, health, and spiritual well-being. He is the author of “PhotoReading,” “Natural Brilliance,” and “Drop Into Genius.” Learn more about Paul at , , , and . To comment or ask a question about this episode please go to our channel on YouTube at .
Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati – Freedom
Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati – Freedom
Walking a spiritual path is as simple as recognizing you are more than the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of your life. When you commit to transcend your attachment to the limited and fleeting moments of pain and pleasure, you remember the deep abiding peace and joy that is your true nature. Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati joins Paul Scheele in this episode of the MINDTRX podcast. Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati is a renowned spiritual leader and motivational speaker. Originally from Los Angeles and a PhD graduate of Stanford University, Sadhvi has lived on the banks of the sacred Ganges River in the lap of the Himalayas for more than 25 years. Her best-selling memoir, “Hollywood to the Himalayas,” recounts her journey of healing and transformation. Today from one of the largest ashrams in India, Sadhvi teaches meditation, provides spiritual counseling, and oversees a myriad of charitable and humanitarian activities. She travels far and wide and shares the stage with world leaders and spiritual luminaries alike. Sadhvi created the “Pathway to Freedom” program with Learning Strategies. Learn more and connect with Sadhvi at , , , and the Drops of Nectar For Joyful Living: The Parmarth Niketan Podcast. Paul Scheele, PhD, is an acclaimed innovator within the fields of neuro-linguistic programming, whole mind learning, preconscious processing, and accelerated learning. As co-founder of Learning Strategies, he has designed and developed over one hundred programs to stimulate personal and professional success, including the Paraliminals on the MINDTRX app. Others include “PhotoReading at 25,000 words a minute,” “Genius Code,” “Abundance for Life,” and “Future Mapping.” Paul guides people to meet critical challenges in their own lives as well as the world. And he helps them achieve extraordinary results in their relationships, work, finances, health, and spiritual well-being. He is the author of “PhotoReading,” “Natural Brilliance,” and “Drop Into Genius.” Learn more about Paul at , , , and . To comment or ask a question about this episode please go to our channel on YouTube at .
Sonia Choquette – Trust Your Vibes
Sonia Choquette – Trust Your Vibes
Vibes are your perceptions of information coming to you directly from beyond the five physical senses to which we are trained to attend. When you are present and sensing, your heart and brain align to receive vast intuitive intelligence that can guide you every day. Sonia Choquette’s insightful teachings immediately open you to more of what life has to offer. She joins Paul Scheele in this episode of the MINDTRX podcast. Sonia Choquette is an intuitive guide, spiritual teacher, and best-selling author of 27 books. Her breakthrough titles, “Trust Your Vibes” and “Ask Your Guides,” lay the groundwork for living a deeply connected life. Sonia was raised in a family that believed intuition was necessary as a matter of survival. She was only 12 when she began offering intuitive readings and started training with spiritual and metaphysical masters. Today Sonia helps people quickly remedy any spiritual disconnection they feel and find answers they need to navigate challenges and lead a more authentic, joyful life. Learn more and connect with Sonia at , , , and . Paul Scheele, PhD, is an acclaimed innovator within the fields of neuro-linguistic programming, whole mind learning, preconscious processing, and accelerated learning. As co-founder of Learning Strategies, he has designed and developed over one hundred programs to stimulate personal and professional success, including the Paraliminals on the MINDTRX app. Others include “PhotoReading at 25,000 words a minute,” “Genius Code,” “Abundance for Life,” and “Future Mapping.” Paul guides people to meet critical challenges in their own lives as well as the world. And he helps them achieve extraordinary results in their relationships, work, finances, health, and spiritual well-being. He is the author of “PhotoReading,” “Natural Brilliance,” and “Drop Into Genius.” Learn more about Paul at , , , and . To comment or ask a question about this episode please go to our channel on YouTube at .
Raymond Aaron – Doing What You Love
Raymond Aaron – Doing What You Love
Doing what you love is a surefire way to live joyfully and successfully every day. In this episode of the MINDTRX podcast, Raymond Aaron and host Paul Scheele explore the subtle ways of living with passion, creating success, and making a difference in the world. “MTO your goals” and you will guarantee success with every goal you set. Raymond Aaron is one of the world’s leading authorities on success and goal achievement. He has committed his life to teaching others how to dramatically transform their lives by helping them tap into their own potential. His eight best-selling books include “Branding Small Business for Dummies,” “Double Your Income Doing What You Love,” and two titles in the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series. An avid adventurer, Raymond completed one of the world’s toughest races, a 350-mile foot race to the Magnetic North Pole. The Polar Race inspired his newest book, “How You Can Get Rich Without Getting Cold.” Learn more and connect with Raymond at , , and . Paul Scheele, PhD, is an acclaimed innovator within the fields of neuro-linguistic programming, whole mind learning, preconscious processing, and accelerated learning. As co-founder of Learning Strategies, he has designed and developed over one hundred programs to stimulate personal and professional success, including the Paraliminals on the MINDTRX app. Others include “PhotoReading at 25,000 words a minute,” “Genius Code,” “Abundance for Life,” and “Future Mapping.” Paul guides people to meet critical challenges in their own lives as well as the world. And he helps them achieve extraordinary results in their relationships, work, finances, health, and spiritual well-being. He is the author of “PhotoReading,” “Natural Brilliance,” and “Drop Into Genius.” Learn more about Paul at , , , and . To comment or ask a question about this episode please go to our channel on YouTube at .
Colette Baron-Reid – The Oracle Within
Colette Baron-Reid – The Oracle Within
All the wisdom of the ages is immediately and continuously available to you. Tuning into this flow of insight and guidance is easy and natural. Learn from a brilliant spiritual teacher how to find your intrinsic intuitive gifts. Colette Baron-Reid joins Paul Scheele in this episode of the MINDTRX podcast. Colette Baron-Reid is an internationally acclaimed Oracle expert, spiritual medium, and author of seven books published in 27 languages. She’s the founder of the Oracle School and author of 15 best-selling Oracle card decks, with over a million sold. Her greatest joy is teaching people they can have a direct and personal dialog with the Universe to help them create their most fulfilling lives. Colette also hosts the podcast “Inside the Wooniverse,” and her TV show “Messages from Spirit” can be seen on Amazon Prime and YouTube. Learn more and connect with Colette at , , , and . Paul Scheele, PhD, is an acclaimed innovator within the fields of neuro-linguistic programming, whole mind learning, preconscious processing, and accelerated learning. As co-founder of Learning Strategies, he has designed and developed over one hundred programs to stimulate personal and professional success, including the Paraliminals on the MINDTRX app. Others include “PhotoReading at 25,000 words a minute,” “Genius Code,” “Abundance for Life,” and “Future Mapping.” Paul guides people to meet critical challenges in their own lives as well as the world. And he helps them achieve extraordinary results in their relationships, work, finances, health, and spiritual well-being. He is the author of “PhotoReading,” “Natural Brilliance,” and “Drop Into Genius.” Learn more about Paul at , , , and . To comment or ask a question about this episode please go to our channel on YouTube at .
Ken Honda – Wealth Creation
Ken Honda – Wealth Creation
Ken Honda, Japan’s “Zen Millionaire,” shares his approach to creating abundance in all areas of life. Learn an ancient philosophy for finding satisfaction, joy, and generosity with your money, raise your prosperity consciousness, and positively affect the flow of money in your life. Ken joins Paul Scheele in this episode of the MINDTRX podcast. Ken Honda has authored more than 60 best-selling books on work/life balance, wealth, and happiness. His book “Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Making Peace with Your Money” serves as the foundation for the “Happy Money” Paraliminal session he co-authored. It’s available on the MINDTRX app. Since his retirement as a multimillionaire at the ripe young age of 29—a quarter century ago—Ken has been helping other people create a healthier and happier relationship with money through his mentoring programs, healing workshops, business seminars, and courses. Learn more and connect with Ken at , , , and . Paul Scheele, PhD, is an acclaimed innovator within the fields of neuro-linguistic programming, whole mind learning, preconscious processing, and accelerated learning. As co-founder of Learning Strategies, he has designed and developed over one hundred programs to stimulate personal and professional success, including the Paraliminals on the MINDTRX app. Others include “PhotoReading at 25,000 words a minute,” “Genius Code,” “Abundance for Life,” and “Future Mapping.” Paul guides people to meet critical challenges in their own lives as well as the world. And he helps them achieve extraordinary results in their relationships, work, finances, health, and spiritual well-being. He is the author of “PhotoReading,” “Natural Brilliance,” and “Drop Into Genius.” Learn more about Paul at , , , and . To comment or ask a question about this episode please go to our channel on YouTube at .
Catherine Duncan – Everyday Awakening
Catherine Duncan – Everyday Awakening
Are you consciously choosing how you live each day, or are you on autopilot, unaware of the many blessings ever present for you? Catherine Duncan helps you live fully awake every day. She joins Paul Scheele in this episode of the MINDTRX podcast. Catherine Duncan is an integrative spiritual consultant who’s passionate about whole-person healing. She assists those struggling with chronic illness, life transitions, grief, and loss while helping find more meaning and purpose. A public speaker and ordained minister, Catherine is also certified in positive neuroplasticity, Reiki, Healing Touch, Qigong, tapping, and sound healing. Her writing is featured through the Earl E. Bakken Center for Spirituality and Healing, the Institute for Well-Being in Law, and in her book, “Everyday Awakening: Five Practices for Living Fully, Feeling Deeply, and Coming into Your Heart and Soul.” Catherine teaches from her three personal awakening experiences, including a brush with death that opened her gifts as a mystic and intuitive. Learn more and connect with Catherine at , , , and . Paul Scheele, PhD, is an acclaimed innovator within the fields of neuro-linguistic programming, whole mind learning, preconscious processing, and accelerated learning. As co-founder of Learning Strategies, he has designed and developed over one hundred programs to stimulate personal and professional success, including the Paraliminals on the MINDTRX app. Others include “PhotoReading at 25,000 words a minute,” “Genius Code,” “Abundance for Life,” and “Future Mapping.” Paul guides people to meet critical challenges in their own lives as well as the world. And he helps them achieve extraordinary results in their relationships, work, finances, health, and spiritual well-being. He is the author of “PhotoReading,” “Natural Brilliance,” and “Drop Into Genius.” Learn more about Paul at , , , and . To comment or ask a question about this episode please go to our channel on YouTube at .
Chunyi Lin – Power of Self-Healing
Chunyi Lin – Power of Self-Healing
Qigong Grand Master Chunyi Lin has made the complex ancient art of directing universal energy—Qi—easy for anyone to use. Discover why you were born a healer and can attain high levels of wellness in your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual development. Chunyi joins Paul Scheele in this episode of the MINDTRX podcast. Chunyi Lin is the founder of Spring Forest Qigong, a revolutionary form of an ancient art of energy healing. He’s a powerful healer and teacher who has positively transformed the lives of millions of students worldwide. Chunyi’s healing center in Minnesota helps people overcome serious health challenges and return to optimal health and well-being. It was his own seemingly miraculous healing as a young man in his native China that led Chunyi to his life’s mission to create “A healer in every home and a world without pain and suffering.” His inspiring life story is captured in his best-selling book “Born a Healer.” Chunyi also authored “Head to Toe Healing” and “Head to Heart,” and he’s the creator of the “Five Elements Self-Healing” course with Learning Strategies. Learn more and connect with Chunyi at . To watch videos about his “Five Elements Self-Healing” course, visit Paul Scheele, PhD, is an acclaimed innovator within the fields of neuro-linguistic programming, whole mind learning, preconscious processing, and accelerated learning. As co-founder of Learning Strategies, he has designed and developed over one hundred programs to stimulate personal and professional success, including the Paraliminals on the MINDTRX app. Others include “PhotoReading at 25,000 words a minute,” “Genius Code,” “Abundance for Life,” and “Future Mapping.” Paul guides people to meet critical challenges in their own lives as well as the world. And he helps them achieve extraordinary results in their relationships, work, finances, health, and spiritual well-being. He is the author of “PhotoReading,” “Natural Brilliance,” and “Drop Into Genius.” Learn more about Paul at , , , and . To comment or ask a question about this episode please go to our channel on YouTube at .