How Prayers REALLY Work
How Prayers REALLY Work
I know your prayer life has felt like a struggle lately. You've been asking for something for so long, but it hasn't happened—or if it did happen, you don't feel like God was involved in the process at all. **But here's the thing...** **God is not a vending machine.** When we pray, he doesn't dispense our requests like snacks or drinks—he cares about us and wants what's best for us. In this podcast episode, you'll discover how your prayers are really being answered. It's common for us to pray for things that aren't what God wants—so we never see Him answering our requests the way He intends. Instead, He's planting seeds and waiting for His perfect timing to bring those seeds to life. It may take longer than we expect, but this also means that we don't have to worry about asking God for things that aren’t meant for us or praying for the wrong things. If this sounds like something that would be helpful or interesting to you or someone else in your life, check out the episode If you need help, book a 1:1 Discovery Call with me at Talk to you soon, Dr. Brad