Embrace Your Everyday podcast
Although life is full of highs and lows, more time is spent in those in-between moments. Determining how to spend your time on any day takes intentionality. This podcast is about doing the small everyday things which enable you to do the grand things in your marriage, home and family. Live a life you will remember. Invest your days in things that will last longer than you. Remember, your life is not a dress rehearsal. If you delay doing what is important, you might never have the chance to really do what you want to do.
Ep. 154 5 Things I Know About Heaven
Ep. 154 5 Things I Know About Heaven
"I must keep alive in myself the desire for my true country, which I shall not find til' death, I must never let it get snowed under or turned aside; I must make it the main object of life to press on to that country and to help others to do the same." - C.S Lewis Perhaps you have felt like you do not fit here on earth. As a we were made for our home in heaven. A profession of faith is not a guarantee of a possession of faith. Part of keeping heaven focused thinking is to know the truth and joy of what is ahead for those who choose heaven as their eternal destination. More on our FAITH: : Thank you for SHARING this podcast!!
Ep. 153 Is Heaven Real?
Ep. 153 Is Heaven Real?
Heaven is REAL! It exists today. Little is discussed about our eternal destination, but the truths expressed in God's holy word offer glorious glimpses of the potential future for those who trust God. An understanding about the true teaching of heaven can change our daily reality. Join this conversation to open your mind to truths about heaven. What will be in heaven? What will not be in heaven? More on this conversation at More Inspiration on Faith: Books on Home and Family on
Ep. 152 Snowflake Babies - Embryo Adoption with Leslie Hollowell
Ep. 152 Snowflake Babies - Embryo Adoption with Leslie Hollowell
Now in its fifth decade, in vitro fertilization (IVF) and other reproduction technology have been the answer to many people's prayers for a family. However, this success has led to an excess of frozen embryos. Nearly 1.5 million babies are in a frozen orphanage. Many biological parents store embryos for further use. When parents have completed their families, they have to decide what to do with the frozen embryos. Donating them to an infertile couple is a popular option. Fertilized babies can be given for adoption through the . Leslie Hollowell shares her story of embryo adoption and the gift of her son Hudson. For more information Embryo Adoption, contact the . Inspiration on HOME and FAMILY @ Thank you for SHARING this podcast!!!
Ep. 151 Weeds and Seeds: A Conversation With Leslie Hollowell
Ep. 151 Weeds and Seeds: A Conversation With Leslie Hollowell
Join this conversation with Leslie Hollowell. Hear how intentional living and the pattern of discipleship has shaped her life. Only God could have known that Leslie's road of singleness of 37 years along with working as an elementary school teacher for 10 of these years, would be the building blocks He used in her life to allow her the privilege of ministering and living life with teenage and college girls. Leslie has been on a journey that has continued to prove God's faithfulness. Young people have gravitated toward Leslie because of her kindness and keen sense of listening. With a thought toward pulling up the weeds of lies and planting the seeds of truth, Leslie works to impact young people for God. Don't miss Episode 152 on Snowflake Babies with Leslie where she tells her story of infertility and choice for embryo adoption of her son. More on HOME and FAMILY: Thank you for sharing this podcast!!!
Ep. 150 Celebrating 150 Podcast Episodes and Blogs
Ep. 150 Celebrating 150 Podcast Episodes and Blogs
Thank you, to you our listener, for joining us in this journey of with companion blogs. This celebration invites us to hear Tim's favorite five episodes, my favorite five episodes and most importantly, YOUR favorites! What is your personal favorite? What would you like to hear more of? Thank you for being the reason we spend time writing, recording, editing, posting and sharing this content!! We LOVE YOU!! We know that God has a beautiful plan for each of us!! Some of his greatest gifts comes through the HOME and FAMILY!!! Thank you for listening!! Thank you for sharing!!! Thank you for !!!! Companion blog @ Thank you for your ongoing enthusiasm!!! Looking forward to the next 150 episodes!!
Ep. 149 15 Compliments That Are NOT About Physical Appearance
Ep. 149 15 Compliments That Are NOT About Physical Appearance
Recently a friend shared this encouragement on communication that focuses on the inner qualities of a person instead of their outer appearance. This is so important when practicing , and Consider memorizing a few of these compliments. Or use these as prompts to create authentic, winning compliments that demonstrate that the receiver is being seen and known. Check out these 15 compliments that are not about physical appearance. Grab a few life-giving words! More on this topic at Inspiration on Relationships: on HOME and FAMILY:
Ep. 148 Prepping for Preschool
Ep. 148 Prepping for Preschool
While preparing for preschool seems optional for the summer or the school year, it is vitally important. Don't waste the preschool years by limiting your little one to entertainment options. Maximize the season of learning that those early years bring. Preschool years are ripe learning years. Secondly, if you don't have a plan to keep the little ones busy, they will be underfoot when you are working with your older children or doing some needy domestic work. Teach them key memory work. Engage them in tactical skills. Guide them to delight in the world around you. Let's explore a number of ways to optimize and nurture some of your little one's best years! More on CHILDREN: Inspiration on HOME and FAMILY @
Ep. 147 You Can't Make Me, But I Can Be Persuaded
Ep. 147 You Can't Make Me, But I Can Be Persuaded
Speaking as a parent of a strong-willed child (SWC), I can communicate as one has been in the trenches. The wonderful part of this is that I can confirm that this child is likely intelligent and full of potential. While parenting this personality can be altogether demanding, frustrating and intensely maddening. It also gives you a front row seat to a highly driven, strong individual. Consider your words and actions carefully. This podcast offers hope and encouragement and some practical tools. More on this topic at More on CHILDREN:
Ep. 146 10 Things TO DO When Visiting Your Parents
Ep. 146 10 Things TO DO When Visiting Your Parents
My hope is that you have a wonderful relationship with your parents. My hope is that you are visiting them as frequently as you hope your own children will visit you when they are grown. We can agree that relationships take work. Our interaction with our parents or our children is no exception. Open, honest conversations lead to better relationships. When you do go to your parent's home for a visit, remember these easy things that you can do to be a really wonderful guest. More on FAMILY: More inspiration at @www.nurturingmynest.com
Ep. 145 When Grown Children Use Their Parent's Home for Long-Term Storage
Ep. 145 When Grown Children Use Their Parent's Home for Long-Term Storage
Today's thoughts center around what to do with the stuff that represents life that has been lived, but is no longer used daily or on a regular basis. Life is a series of transitions. One of the inevitable changes is moving out of the home where you lived with your parents. Consider how many parents continue to live with their children's things long after the children are gone. The trap is created when space is held hostage when their home is storing things instead of children. More of this conversation @ Inspiration on HOME and FAMILY: Books available on
Ep. 144 The Heart of ANGER: Practical Help for the Prevention and Cure of Anger in Children
Ep. 144 The Heart of ANGER: Practical Help for the Prevention and Cure of Anger in Children
Since I was a young woman, I have worked with children. As I dearly love these young hearts, I am particularly attuned to the anger evident in so many of them. Sometimes the anger comes from a wounded place or a response to bullying. Other times it is the response to neglect or even an head injury. This podcast explores practical helps for the prevention and cure of anger in children. Yes, there is prevention. Yes, there are cures. Yes, more than identifying the problem, there is help. More on this conversation in the companion blog @ More on CHILDREN: Books on HOME and FAMILY:
Ep. 143 25 Ways that Parents Provoke Their Children to Anger
Ep. 143 25 Ways that Parents Provoke Their Children to Anger
Anger in a child is a real response. While God holds each of us, even a child, responsible for his or her sin, God does hold parents 100% responsible for their actions which provoke a child to anger. Check out these 25 ways that a parent might provoke their child to anger. Loving my children well means that communication on this topic must remain open to self examination on this topic as well as others. Authenticity and humility as a parent are key to success. More on CHILDREN: Inspiration on HOME and FAMILY @
Ep. 142 Friendship Recession
Ep. 142 Friendship Recession
How is loneliness as harmful as smoking 15 cigarettes a day? For the last few years the topic of a loneliness epidemic has dominated much of the chatter in interpersonal news. This conversation has focused on healthy friendships. In life we often have to walk through the exploration of meeting a number of aquaintances in order to find true friends. This growth mindset might even lead us to look inward and develop the qualities of a quality friend within ourselves. Check out these 10 ideas on how to avoid a friendship recession in your own life. This conversation continues on a companion blog More on FRIENDSHIP: Inspiration on HOME and FAMILY:
Ep. 141 When Shame is a Bully
Ep. 141 When Shame is a Bully
Emotional health is vital to our physical and spiritual health. If shame is a reoccuring theme in my thoughts, it might be identified as a bully. Sometimes shame is a response to guilt, but recycling this toxic emotion once the situation has been dealt with is like an insistent bully. The four steps to respond to guilt allow forgiveness and new thinking. Explore shame in contrast to guilt along with a healthy pathway to eradicate toxic thinking. More on HEALTHY THINKING on these podcasts: More on HOME and FAMILY @
Ep. 140 Talking to Your Children About Dating
Ep. 140 Talking to Your Children About Dating
Parenting is hard work. The stages of childhood change rapidly. Before you realize it, it will be time to talk about dating. Approaching this subject with your child can be downright intimidating. Before you begin, know that today's dating culture is radically different from when you were a teen and young adult. Sexual promiscuity is rampant. Sexual identity, date rape, binge drinking, emotional cheating, sexting and a host of new and more shocking behavior is the normal for today's teens. Becoming more acquainted with today's culture is necessary is the on-going job of today's parents. Educate. Read. Listen. More on Parenting: Inspiration on HOME and FAMILY @ SHARE with a friend!!
Ep. 139 Dehumanizing Our Daughters - Choose Beauty
Ep. 139 Dehumanizing Our Daughters - Choose Beauty
As the mom of two beautiful daughters the topic of beauty materializes often. This conversation is intended to validate the beauty in your daughter and mine. It is imperative that we speak to the dehumanizing of our daughters by the culture that they live in daily. What are the messages that they hear about beauty? What do they hear about their beauty? Dehumanizing deprives a woman of dignity, respect, human qualities, personality and self-worth.
Ep. 138 When the Game is Over
Ep. 138 When the Game is Over
As a rough water lifeguard and an eager health enthusiast, I completely support physical exercise being part of raising a whole child. However, I struggle with the emphasis on sports in today's youth culture. While sports is about fun and exercise, it's benefit can be much greater. More importantly, I think that playing recreational sports offers a platform to talk about how to respond when winning and losing. Self-control, hard work ethic, determination, stamina and a never-give-up attitude last long after the game is over. More on Children: Inspiration on HOME and FAMILY @ Books available on Amazon:
Ep. 137 Saving Without Scissors - Saving on Food
Ep. 137 Saving Without Scissors - Saving on Food
Due to the financial strain people feel in the current economy, discussions about food cost occur more frequently than ever. Many rising costs offer us little options for keeping our funds in line with our earnings. However, food is one of those more flexible categories. Discover easy-to-implement ideas on saving without scissors on food costs. More on FOOD: More on HOME and FAMILY @
Ep. 136 Need More Time?
Ep. 136 Need More Time?
Need more time? Looking for ideas to boost efficiency in your daily routines? Scrutinizing your everyday with the goal of more play time, more learning time or just more rest? Would you like less housework? Less time in the kitchen? Consider a few of these 10 hacks to gain more time in your everyday. More time management ideas: Inspiration on HOME and FAMILY @
Ep. 135 Women's Refuge of Vero Beach
Ep. 135 Women's Refuge of Vero Beach
If you're looking to be restored, renewed or refreshed the Women's Refuge at Vero Beach is a place of hope and healing. This refuge offers solutions for those desparate with emotional, physical, mental and spiritual woundedness through Biblical counseling and a live-in environment where hurting women can find healing. For women who feel trapped or stuck, they learn freedom through Christ at the Refuge. Some women stay two weeks while others stay for three to nine months. Discover a place of Refuge for yourself or someone in need. Contact the for more information. More on FAITH More on HOME and FAMILY @ Thank you for SHARING!!!
Ep. 134 A Passionate Advocate for Women's Mental Health: Donna Robart
Ep. 134 A Passionate Advocate for Women's Mental Health: Donna Robart
Psychiatric nurse responded to the overwhelming invitation to be God's daughter. For over 25 years her experience as a registered psychiatric nurse exposed her to the great need for the spiritual component of mental health healing. As a co-founder of the Women's Refuge in Vero Beach, Florida, Donna has made a measurable impact over the last 23 years as a passionate advocate for those afflicted with and suffering from emotional, mental and spiritual tragedies. Donna offers a beacon of hope to the mental health community with a solid Biblical perspective grown from her experience as a psychiatric nurse and mental health counselor. Using Biblical foundation, cognitive behavioral therapy, structured curriculum, and individual and community counseling has impacted thousands of women who have found hope and healing through the . The immense suffering in this world motivates Donna to steer the broken into wholeness through healing of the mind, body and soul. If you are looking for help or know someone who is in need of help, reach out to the Perhaps your church community could benefit from knowing about this fantastic resource. Consider financially supporting this ministry monthly, annually or with a one time gift. More on Read about More on HOPE and HEALING: More inspiration @
Ep. 133 Team Cleaning as a Couple
Ep. 133 Team Cleaning as a Couple
Let's be honest, keeping a clean living space is hard. It is just plain work. Some of us love the process of cleaning just as much as the results. Others struggle to create the routines and rhythms to maintain their space daily and weekly and seasonally. In order to live this life well, we must determine easy, workable patterns to maintain our space. If you are married with a teammate, here are some ideas to efficiently complete this work together. More ideas on cleaning: Books on Amazon: Blog on HOME and FAMILY
Ep. 132 Nurturing My Nest book
Ep. 132 Nurturing My Nest book
This book offers inspiration for intentional homebuilding and custom built education. Discover easy, practical hacks for saving time and money in domestic ways. Identify the uniqueness in your child and create a custom plan that maximizes his or her potential. If you are in the trenches of parenting, this resource infuses courage as well as encouragement. Embrace intentional living in your home. Find this book and Hum of the Home book on Amazon. More ideas about HOME:
Ep. 131 The Strength of Influence
Ep. 131 The Strength of Influence
Who will be influenced by my life? Who will be influenced by your life? Who will be influenced by those you influence? Consider the roles that you play. Are you living as a strong influence in these roles? What might be preventing you from having the influence you desire? Woundedness? Fear? Insecurity? Habits? Selfishness? Jealousy? Need for apologies? Need for forgiveness? Explore the ways you might intentionally lean into your roles with influence!! Our conversation offers five ways to strengthen your influence. More on INFLUENCE @ More inspiration: available on Amazon: Thank you for sharing with a friend!
Ep. 130 Lies Women Believe
Ep. 130 Lies Women Believe
Women are inundated with lies about God, about ourselves, about our marriage and about children. What are some of these lies? What are the truths needed to combat some of these lies? My beliefs represent my worldview. It is critical that I renew my mind with the truths that God reveals in His Word. Continually, I must identify and pursue healthy, truthful thinking. It is the every day habits that make up my life. More inspiration: Books on HOME and FAMILY:
Ep. 129 Identity Amnesia
Ep. 129 Identity Amnesia
Because I know God as my Father, I am confident in who I am in Him. His fondness of me is unfathomable, reliable and true. On any day when the vortex of the world threatens to vomit fear, despondency and panic, I still. Grabbing a front row somewhere in nature allows me to breathe deeply and remember my identity as a deeply loved child of God. These three lies and four truths offer deep insight. More on this conversation at More on FAITH: SHARE with a friend.
Ep. 128 The Audible Voice of God
Ep. 128 The Audible Voice of God
The audible word of God is available for you and me anytime we desire to hear it. Truthfully, I read my Bible out loud even when I am by myself so that I can use more of my senses to fully take in His truths. So often when I read I am overwhelmed by God's love for me as well as His power as creator of the physical world I live in daily. Our Father God designed you and me for relationship with Him. The great void in our spirit when we are not connected to Him is filled when hear the audible word of God. Books on HOME and FAMILY:
Ep. 127 No Resolutions - Just Sweet Intentions
Ep. 127 No Resolutions - Just Sweet Intentions
As I thought of the renewing season at the beginning of the year, I thought it best to consider sweet intentions. Considering areas of physical, spiritual and relational health offered delightful ways to practice gratitude and motivate new habits. Live the life you dream. More on this topic in the companion blog at This material is taken from the book and Other popular podcasts:
Ep. 126 Soul Keeping
Ep. 126 Soul Keeping
How much of life is lived in the shallows? Suddenly, life becomes deep as a tragedy, death or even a birth sharpen our awareness. When my interests only go as deep as myself, I am shallow. A deep soul empathizes and sees others. When we ignore our interior life, it is impossible to have the exterior life that we desire. Clarity and authenticity are impossible. How do we keep our soul? The stream is your soul. You are the keeper. Explore this conversation with us. Read more of this conversation @ Other popular podcast episodes: Books on HOME and FAMILY on Amazon:
Ep. 125 The Story Behind "What Child is This?"
Ep. 125 The Story Behind "What Child is This?"
Our gift to you is this dramatized reading by Tim Simpson telling the history behind "What Child is This?" Tim is a professional narrator who shares his gifts with all of this season. Gather a friend or your children to hear this fascinating story. Knowing the background behind this well-loved song will change your understanding as you sing it. The tune of Greensleeves is most familiar when joined with the poetry of William Dix. The author was an insurance salesperson for money, but a poet and song writer for joy. Listen in for this heart warming story. More inspiration for Christmas: More inspiration on HOME and FAMILY