Dermatology Procedures Courses for the Primary Care Practice
Dermatology Procedures Courses for the Primary Care Practice
The Dermatology program is a hands-on workshop taught by a board-certified Dermatologist with exceptional surgical skills. The course covers cryosurgery, radiofrequency excision, modern electrosurgery, biopsy techniques, and basic suturing principles. Specific treatments for lipomas, seborrheic dermatitis, basal cell and squamous cell cancers, melanomas, ingrown toenails, warts, cysts, actinics, skin tags, chalazions, abscesses, and many others. Cryosurgery techniques include liquid nitrogen, nitrous oxide, and hand-held cryosurgery units. You’ll learn how to treat the most common skin disorders using these modalities. You will learn to perform all types of skin biopsy: punch, shave, curettement, and excision. The equipment needed for these procedures is readily affordable. For additional information about this or any other course with Empire Medical Training, please visit us at or Call 866-261-5164