11.10.24 RENOVATION OF THE HEART: A New Direction Requires New Behavior - week 3Our series continues to build this week. New thoughts lead to new feelings which lead to new behaviors. Let's talk about how our relationship with God alters our behaviors. /episode/index/show/evangelchurch/id/33889657
11.3.24 RENOVATION OF THE HEART: A New Relationship with Your Feelings - week 2A relationship with God should do more than alter our thoughts; it should reorient our feelings. Let's talk about the truth behind our feelings. /episode/index/show/evangelchurch/id/33823347
10.27.24 BETTER TOGETHERThere is power that comes from working together toward a common goal. Let's talk about God's Power that happens when we live in unity with one another. /episode/index/show/evangelchurch/id/33695767
10.20.24 RENOVATION OF THE HEART: A New Way of Thinking - week 1A relationship with God should change how we think, so let's talk about our thoughts and a new way of thinking. /episode/index/show/evangelchurch/id/33695712
10.13.24 SUNDAY SCHOOL STORIES: The Battle of Jericho - week 6The final story in our series is the battle of Jericho found in the book of Joshua. It's a story about obstacles and the promises of God. Let's talk about the lessons we can learn from Jericho. /episode/index/show/evangelchurch/id/33534317
10.6.24 SUNDAY SCHOOL STORIES: The Writing on the Wall - week 5This week's story teaches us about power - true power. Let's revisit this story and talk about the power that comes from surrender. /episode/index/show/evangelchurch/id/33534292
9.29.24 SUNDAY SCHOOL STORIES: Noah & the Ark - week 4One of the most well-known stories in the Bible is Noah's Ark. Today, we take another look at this Sunday School story. Let's talk about what we learn about God's character through the flood. /episode/index/show/evangelchurch/id/33534267
9.22.24 SUNDAY SCHOOL STORIES: The Fiery Furnace - week 3Today's Bible story comes from the book of Daniel - the story of the fiery furnace. When we find ourselves in life's fiery furnace, do we still find hope in Jesus? Let's talk about what we can learn from the furnace. /episode/index/show/evangelchurch/id/33169382
9.15.24 SUNDAY SCHOOL STORIES: Naaman & Elisha - week 2Today's Bible story is found in 1 Kings. It's the story of Naaman being healed of leprosy. Do you believe God still heals today? Let's talk about Naaman's story and what we can learn from him. /episode/index/show/evangelchurch/id/33079712
9.8.24 SUNDAY SCHOOL STORIES: David & Goliath - week 1We're going back to the basics. Most of us are familiar with the story of David and Goliath, but what else is there to learn? Let's talk about it. /episode/index/show/evangelchurch/id/33022152
9.1.24 PRAYER OF JABEZJabez is only mentioned in two verses in the entire Bible, but he challenges our prayer lives. Let's talk about how we can grow our faith and pray bigger prayers, like Jabez. /episode/index/show/evangelchurch/id/32876950
8.25.24 HONOR: The Other Side - week 3We know we're supposed to honor others, but what about "those" people? Let's talk about what God has to say about the people on the other side. /episode/index/show/evangelchurch/id/32775297
8.18.24 HONOR: Those in Authority - week 2We are called to honor people, but it's not always easy to honor those in authority. Let's talk about what God has to say about it. /episode/index/show/evangelchurch/id/32672227
8.11.24 HONOR: In Conflict - week 1We know it's important to honor others, but how can we do that while facing conflict? Let's talk about it. /episode/index/show/evangelchurch/id/32573837
8.4.24 PHILIPPIANS: The Secret - week 12At the end of Philippians, Paul writes that he has found "the secret of being content in any and every situation." Let's talk about Paul's secret. /episode/index/show/evangelchurch/id/32477387
7.28.24 DESPERATE FOR JESUSJoin us as we look at the astounding benefits of falling recklessly in love with Jesus. /episode/index/show/evangelchurch/id/32353267
7.21.24 KINGDOM COMMUNITYWe were designed for community, but how do we create a community worth participating in? Let's talk about God's design for community. /episode/index/show/evangelchurch/id/32290977
7.14.24 PHILIPPIANS: Finding Peace - week 11In an anxious world, how can we find & maintain peace in our lives? Let's talk about it. /episode/index/show/evangelchurch/id/32202502
7.7.24 PHILIPPIANS: Who are you following? - week 10Who we follow determines where we end up. Let's talk about the importance of who we follow and why it should be Jesus. /episode/index/show/evangelchurch/id/32202392
6.30.24 PHILIPPIANS: Press On - week 9In Philippians 3:14, Paul says he will "press on toward the goal to win the prize." What does he mean "to win"? Let's talk about it. /episode/index/show/evangelchurch/id/31967687
6.23.24 PHILIPPIANS: Throw Out the Trash - week 8In Philippians 3, Paul gives us a strong warning against earthly things & accomplishments. Let's talk about his call for us to throw out the trash. /episode/index/show/evangelchurch/id/31967597
6.16.24 PHILIPPIANS: Honor Men Like These - week 7In Philippians 2, Paul tells us about his friend Timothy. Let's talk about how to be people of Godly character. /episode/index/show/evangelchurch/id/31840472
6.2.24 PHILIPPIANS: Shine Bright - week 6In Philippians 2:15, Paul calls us to "[shine] like bright lights." Let's talk about how we can live lives that shine bright for Jesus. /episode/index/show/evangelchurch/id/31599507
5.19.24 PHILIPPIANS: Unified and Unafraid - week 4Philippians 1:27 calls us "citizens of heaven," but what does that mean for us today? Let's talk about it. /episode/index/show/evangelchurch/id/31435997
5.5.24 I JUST WANT TO BE A SHEEPPsalm 23 says, "God is my shepherd..." Let's dive into the Scriptures and see what that means for us. /episode/index/show/evangelchurch/id/31201837
4.28.24 TAKING SIDESLet's talk about the story of the Good Samaritan and what it means to choose the side of mercy. /episode/index/show/evangelchurch/id/31201707
4.21.24 PHILIPPIANS: Big Problem, Better Perspective - week 3Paul faces a big problem when he's thrown in prison, but he shares his perspective in Philippians 1:12-25. Let's talk about how we can face problems with a Gospel-centered perspective. /episode/index/show/evangelchurch/id/30950938
4.14.24 PHILIPPIANS: What Really Matters - week 2In Philippians 1:9-11, Paul shares his hope for the Church. Let's dive into these three verses and talk about what really matters. /episode/index/show/evangelchurch/id/30830428