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Constellating Cosmos (an astrological lens)

This Podcast is a wide net cast across the cosmos, sinking to the depths of psyche, and reaching for the light in myth to see how heaven can be found here, now, while you are listening. It includes conversations with the most interesting of folks and solo shows with me, Adam Sommer. If you enjoy astrology or magic or medicine, this is your show. If you enjoy the cosmos and all the mysterious ways it manifests in our lives, you have found the place. Enjoy www.adam-sommer.com

info_outline Exploring the Outers with Mark Jones 09/02/2024
info_outline The Age of Uncertainty with Joe Landwehr 07/25/2024
info_outline Mars Cycles with Adam Gainsburg 06/27/2024
info_outline Deep Astrological Questions with Ray Grasse 05/28/2024
info_outline Constellating Cosmos: an introduction 04/24/2024
info_outline Mushrooms with Jonathan Fredette 03/28/2024
info_outline Stoicism & Astrology 02/27/2024
info_outline The Trans-Neptunian Planets with Jenn Zahrt 01/23/2024
info_outline A Trinity for 24' "Endless Inquiries" 12/31/2023
info_outline Being Dreamt: An Astrological Observation 11/28/2023
info_outline Soul Healing with Tansy Baigent 10/26/2023
info_outline The Midpoint Release 09/30/2023
info_outline The Fire & AI Astrology with Amanda Walsh 08/23/2023
info_outline Turning Points with Mark Jones 07/26/2023
info_outline A Venus Rx podcast "Leo edition" 06/19/2023
info_outline The Eleusinian Mysteries with Jules Cashford 05/16/2023
info_outline Eclipses of 23' "Dragon Twists" 04/19/2023
info_outline A Mars Podcast "Unbound" 03/29/2023
info_outline Saturn in Pisces "Never Land, Always Sea" 02/17/2023
info_outline The Unseen Treasury (On Pluto's transition) 01/18/2023
info_outline W. D. Gann with Olga Morales 12/15/2022
info_outline Future Days with SJ Anderson & Dan Waites 11/22/2022
info_outline Venus Wisdom with Jenn Zahrt 10/20/2022
info_outline Waking with Dragons with Andreas Kornevall 09/22/2022
info_outline An Archetypal Perspective with Ray Grasse 08/18/2022
info_outline Hope with Anne Baring 07/15/2022
info_outline Astro-Mycology with Jason Scott 06/14/2022
info_outline 4th Turning, 3rd Wave, & the 2nd Coming 05/18/2022
info_outline Jupiter & Neptune Cycles with Gemini Brett 04/27/2022
info_outline The Crypto Ethic with Tansy Baigent 03/15/2022