Emmy Award Winner & Nominee Joe Celli
Emmy Award Winner & Nominee Joe Celli
Joe Celli now entering the stage instead of being behind the scenes on this episode! Originally from Boston Joe Celli is an "Award winning Art Director. Trained as an actor at Emerson College he found himself more comfortable working behind the scenes. Captivated by the magic of transforming an idea on paper into three dimentional reality, he now puts those skills to use on a variety of prodjects from live theater and corporate events to marketing campaigns, films and live televison." Joe gives "Breezy With No Filter" listeners an idea of what it is like having a dream and passion for the art of film/theatrics and going for it and actually taking home exceptional achievements & regognitions to his new home in LA. We also get filled in on some intell of Kanye West, the behind the scenes activity that happened when North West performed for "Lion King" live....Also how terrible Ellen Degerate is and much more. Joe is just such a kind, funny, talented human being who in my eyes "made it" and still chases that next big gig all the while staying humble and also has a down to earth personality....his only flaw is road rage and I hope he takes my one tip next time instead of "flipping the bird"! Also please go to Joe's instagram to support/buy his artwork @joecelli1 ***This Podcast is souly based on peoples expierences and freedom of speech. Everything said in this and every podcast is meant for listeners who come with open minds and positivity only...Thank you so much!!!