SUDDENLY: a Frank Sinatra podcast
SUDDENLY... exploring the 20th century from a trans, queer & radical Australian perspective through the legacy of Frank Sinatra. Catgirl noir, ring a ding ding, etc. Join us as we deep dive into Sinatra's work and the nuances of history in abstract & creative ways, with episodes structured around Sinatra's albums, songs, films and radio appearances. Hosted by Rabia & Felix in Melbourne, and Henry Giardina in Los Angeles. Check out our website: Contact: suddenlypod at gmail dot com. I dig you the most xx
BONUS: "The Elvis Conspiracy" 1992 Channel 7 Adelaide Commercials (with David M. Green)
BONUS: "The Elvis Conspiracy" 1992 Channel 7 Adelaide Commercials (with David M. Green)
Not just the 1992 "Is Elvis Alive?" conspiracy theory special The Elvis Conspiracy (a sequel to 1991's The Elvis Files). Not just the specific airing of that special from Channel 7 in Adelaide, South Australia on 26 May 1992. The commercials from that airing. It's as granular as we've ever been, and we're joined by Adelaide's own David M. Green, host of VHS Revue, a show which specialises in commercials from Australian TV found on old VHS tapes. This was originally intended to be a bonus episode for the TCBCast After Dark Patreon-exclusive deep dive into "Is Elvis Alive?" that Rabia, Justin and Felix did in 2024. A bout of Long COVID meant it didn't end up happening at the time, but everyone's back on deck so here it is! Ads discussed include: The Adventures of Vicky, Mr. Footypunt, Jane Debster shoes, Bob Moran cars, promo for Memories of Elvis the following night, Yellow Pages ad with Roy Billing, Tip Top Bread with Andrew Jarman, Kellogg's Corn Flakes, TAB Telephone Betting, Hungry Jacks Ocean Catch, Light West End beer (Not gay), Farmer's Union Iced Coffee, Aussie Tile Fair, Zamel's Jewellers, Pedder's Suspension, Sizzler, AM Adelaide. to hear the rest of TCBCast After Dark our website: contact: suddenlypod at
57: Finian's Rainbow
57: Finian's Rainbow
In 1947, a musical premiered in which a conservative US senator is transformed into a woman by a farming commune of "rainbow people" in order to teach him a lesson. Brimming with queer and trans subtext, Finian's Rainbow is a difficult and exhausting watch today but it remains fascinating as an artefact of proto-feminism and postwar LGBTIQA+ history. Sinatra was originally slated to appear in an animated version in the 1950s and even worked on a soundtrack with Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald, but the project never eventuated - though he did go on to record "Old Devil Moon" on Songs for Swingin' Lovers! Frustrated by the infamous 1968 Coppola film adaptation, Rabia went in search of any random stage version off YouTube to watch instead - and found a gem in the form of the with a brilliant young cast, which we spend this episode dissecting. Modern feminists call Finian's Rainbow a whitewashed version of 1940s gender politics, but how does it really hold up today and do its "good intentions" matter? Also, we talk about Robbie Williams, his new biopic Better Man, Sinatra's influence on his work and the US/Commonwealth cultural divide as to whether or not he is famous. website: contact: suddenlypod at gmail dot com donate:
56: I Love My Wife
56: I Love My Wife
I love my wife. The "I Love My Wife" timeline: "" (unrelated song from I Do, I Do, 1966) Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice (1969) I Love My Wife (film, unrelated to the musical, 1970) Viens chez moi, j'habite chez une copine (French play, 1975) "I Love My Wife" (Sinatra single release of title song from musical, January 1977) (book of original musical, 1977) I Love My Wife (musical, premieres March 1977) I Love My Wife (original cast recording, 1977) "I Love My Wife" (Bill Evans recording, 1978) (South African cast recording, 1978) Viens chez moi, j'habite chez une copine (film of original French play, 1981) (Australian cast recording, 1982) I Think I Love My Wife (film written by Louis CK starring Chris Rock, 2007) I Love My Wife (revival with Jason Alexander, 2008) (amateur revival at Kraine Theatre, NY, 2018) I Love My Wife (Backers' Audition CD of original 1976 demo recordings, 2020) Other sources: Andy Propst - (2015) "After All, It's Not Gomorrah", Robert Cushman, The Observer, 9 October 1977 "" by Loveboner from the album Wet Sounds (2019) Charles L. Granata - (1999) "", David Lansing, Palm Springs Life, 26 April 2021 contact suddenlypod at gmail dot com website: donate:
Henry Has Evacuated LA
Henry Has Evacuated LA
As Los Angeles burns, Henry checks in with the show from a Motel 6 in Palm Springs. websites: contact: suddenlypod at gmail dot com
55: Songs for Swingin' Lovers!
55: Songs for Swingin' Lovers!
We're back, ahead of schedule, with an emotional first episode of 2025 after a long and personally very traumatic few months. This week we turn to Sinatra's classic 1956 album Songs for Swingin' Lovers! and explore how the album title inadvertently became a double entendre in the 1960s. Placing this album in the inadvertent context of the "swinging" sexual revolution throws new light on it and snaps the album's "concept" into focus. Mostly, this is just spectacular music and we're back to our roots of appreciating it. In particular, we spotlight the trumpet work of Harry "Sweets" Edison, a major part of the timeless sound of this era. Selected sources: "", The Indianapolis Star, 25 March, 1962 Frank Sinatra: Portrait of an Album (1985) , conducted by Les Tomkin in 1970 for National Jazz Archive UK Hugh Rawson - (1983) All the Loving Couples (1969) Terry Gould - (1989) Gilbert D. Bartell - (1971) Ray Connelly - (1975) Charles A. Varni - "" (1972) contact suddenlypod at gmail dot com website: donate:
Season 4 Starts Soon
Season 4 Starts Soon
Merry Christmas. I'm back. See you soon. - Rabia suddenlypod at gmail dot com
SUDDENLY will return in 2025
SUDDENLY will return in 2025
Hi, Rabia here. I have Long COVID and am struggling. I need time to process things and figure out how to best use my energy. Podcasting is good for me but very energy consuming, and I need to work out how I'm going to manage this condition. So Season 3 will end here for now and we will pick back up at some stage in 2025. In the meantime, enjoy this episode of Rocky Fortune. Wear an N95, run an air purifier, avoid crowds, do whatever you can to avoid both contracting and spreading this virus. I dig you the most xx contact: suddenlypod at gmail dot com
54: The Man with the Golden Arm (with Spike Vincent)
54: The Man with the Golden Arm (with Spike Vincent)
Melbourne's Medically Supervised Injecting Room (MSIR) in North Richmond opened in 2018. This was the result of a years-long grassroots campaign led by the local community, fed up with constant overdoses in the streets. The MSIR operates on principles of harm reduction which simply work and urgently need to be applied throughout the world. The stigma around drug use, and the criminalising of drug users, must end - and that begins with us. In 1955, Frank Sinatra made a historically significant contribution to the destigmatisation of drug use on film in Otto Preminger's The Man with the Golden Arm. In a depiction that is in many ways still radical today, Sinatra's character of Frankie Machine is a regular person who is trying his best to shake off a heroin addiction but is simply failed by a society that does not have the means to support him. A compelling and empathetic performance by Sinatra, and subject matter which openly defied the Production Code of its era, made this a memorable classic for many and contributed to a better world. This week on SUDDENLY, friend of the show Spike Vincent joins us to watch The Man With the Golden Arm, sharing his thoughts and personal experiences. Meanwhile, Rabia has been reading up on the MSIR and reports back on the experience of touring the facility to see what goes on first-hand. As a thematic wild card, we also watched an Australian DVD of the film called A Night at the Cinema with extra footage intended to replicate the experience of seeing this film in 1955 in a cinema in specifically Castlemaine, Victoria - including "God Save the Queen", a newsreel, cartoon, local ads etc - which leads us to compelling footage of the 1955 Maitland floods. Plus, an update on Bobby Long. Sources for this episode: * (1955) (watch in full - public domain) * Jack Pearl - (novelisation) (1964) * Lou Reed interview, "", The Canberra Times, 4 October 1987 * (2023) podcast * Judy Ryan - (2022) * Link to of the MSIR (Melbourne Supervised Injecting Room) * Photo of the in North Richmond * at St Vincents Hospital in Sydney * (1965) Newsreel including Maitland flood footage * Katie Carr, "", The Nora Project, 7 October 2022. * Detective Pikachu (2019) * - official advice from Australian Government * Brian Jeffery, "", The Canberra Times, 13 March 1982 contact: suddenlypod at gmail dot com website: donate:
53: Wake Up and Live, Part 5 - Giardina on Winchell
53: Wake Up and Live, Part 5 - Giardina on Winchell
In the final (?) part of our Wake Up and Live saga, Henry returns to the show to share his thoughts on Walter Winchell's legacy through the lens of the gossip landscape of 2024. Sources for this episode: * John Mosedale - The Men Who Invented Broadway (1981) * Neal Gabler - Winchell: Gossip, Power, and the Culture of Celebrity (1994) * Snopes article on * Better Offline podcast hosted by Ed Zitron, * Rehash podcast, * Sullivan's Travels (1941) * Fresh Air (1999) * The Sweet Smell of Success (1957) * Scandal (1950) * Winchell (1998) * "" Henry Giardina, Hey Alma, 18 August 2022 Henry's official site - . contact: suddenlypod at gmail dot com website: donate:
BONUS: The "Is Elvis Alive?" Conspiracy Theory + "The Elvis Files" (1991) (with Justin Gausman)
BONUS: The "Is Elvis Alive?" Conspiracy Theory + "The Elvis Files" (1991) (with Justin Gausman)
For the last few months, Justin and Rabia have been co-hosting TCBCast After Dark, a deep dive into the seamy underbelly of the Elvis conspiracy world available only on the TCBCast Patreon feed. As they approached Part 6 of an exhaustive investigation into the truth behind the grifters who perpetuated the false "Is Elvis Alive?" conspiracy throughout the 1980s, and reached the infamous 1991 Bill Bixby TV special The Elvis Files, they decided to bring in Felix for a fresh perspective on the whole thing. Here, exclusive to SUDDENLY, is a 45-minute introduction in which Felix is caught up with everything that has come before it - a speedrun through the entire story of "Is Elvis Alive?" from 1977 to 1991. Also captured here is the moment Rabia learns of Trump's attempted assassination, which bears an unbelievable coincidental parallel to an infamous moment on an oft-circulated tape in which a man attempting to sound like Elvis appears to learn of Reagan's assassination in 1981. THEN, this is followed by the full Elvis Files episode, in which we attempt to make sense of the infamous TV special in its full context - and Justin uncovers that one of its most extraordinary claims, about declassified FBI documents, "Operation Fountain Pen" and a criminal organisation called The Fraternity, is actually true. You just have to hear this one to believe it, folks. This episode will work fine to listen to as a standalone, and will serve as a 101 primer on the absurd world of "Is Elvis Alive?" For the rest of the story, before and after, subscribe to the . SUDDENLY will return to regular programming shortly. contact: suddenlypod at gmail dot com website: donate:
52: Wake Up and Live, Part 4 - The Secret
52: Wake Up and Live, Part 4 - The Secret
This week, we continue to act as if it were impossible to fail in part four of our exhaustive deep dive into Wake Up and Live. Picking up the story from the end of World War II, we look at the legacy of Dorothea Brande's book and the essentially identical self-help scam that generations of grifters have perpetuated on the world ever since. Wasn't this podcast meant to be about Frank Sinatra? Selected sources and references: Picture Search Video @ 139 Swan St, Richmond (IG: @) Teen Wolf (animated TV series) (1986) Stone Bros. (2009) The MousePack - Mickey and Friends Singing Classic Standards (2022) Jenny Nicholson - "" (2024) Philip J. Deloria - Becoming Mary Sully: Toward an American Indian Abstract (2019) Catherine Russell - "Wake Up and Live" (2012) Universal Opportunity League - Wake Up and Live (1950) Ayn Rand - Atlas Shrugged (1957) Earl Nightingale - The Strangest Secret (1956) The Secret (2006) Joanna Scutts - "", The Nation, 13 August 2013 contact: suddenlypod at gmail dot com website: donate:
51: Wake Up and Live, Part 3 - Dancing in the Dark
51: Wake Up and Live, Part 3 - Dancing in the Dark
The history books forgot about the 1944 radio adaptation of Wake Up and Live, a bizarre and disastrous production in which a fascist self-help book adapted into a comedy movie about duelling radio shows is adapted back into a radio show in which several other radio shows exist within the world of this radio show, and characters with real people playing themselves are altered back into fictional characters again. And THIS was Sinatra's second ever acting role of any kind, fresh off the back of the similary convoluted film Higher and Higher. On top of that, this was also the first time he recorded both "Embraceable You" and "Dancing in the Dark" and he delivers show-stopping performances of both, truly making this a historic moment in time. Yet all of this has essentially gone undocumented. This week on SUDDENLY, you'll hear the original radio broadcast in full as we try to make sense of what this all is - and we're not even done with Wake Up and Live yet. contact: suddenlypod at gmail dot com website: donate:
50: Wake Up and Live, Part 2 - Machine Men
50: Wake Up and Live, Part 2 - Machine Men
Please note that the accompanying graphic for this episode has not been chosen lightly and is intended in the spirit of historical education, criticism and artistic commentary. In part 2 of our investigation into the saga of Wake Up and Live, we look at the original 1936 self-help book by Dorothea Brande, the toxic ideas that the book perpetuates and the author's ties to fascism and Nazism. To understand why fascism became popular in the United States during the 1930s is also to understand why Wake Up and Live became a bestseller. This week we take a close look at both, from the infamous 1939 Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden to the publication and editing career of Brande's husband, Seward Collins, before going over the horrible, horrible book in full detail. Selected sources for this episode: "" White People Won't Save You podcast episode, 10 May 2024. (2017) Nazi Town USA (2024) (PBS' American Experience, Season 36, Episode 1) Arnie Bernstein - Swastika Nation (2013) Joanna Scutts - "", The Nation, 13 August 2013 Albert E. Stone Jr. - “Seward Collins and the American Review Experiment in Pro-Fascism, 1933-37”, American Quarterly, Vol. 12, No.1, Spring 1960 John Roy Carlson - (1943) Henry Hoke - (1946) Michael Sayers - (1942) FBI investigation on Maria Griebl, via Review of Wake Up and Live in The Saturday Review of Literature, 2 May 1936 Hortense Finch - Classroom report on use of Wake Up and Live, from The English Journal, Vol. 27, No.2, Feb 1938 contact: suddenlypod at gmail dot com website: donate:
49: Wake Up and Live, Part 1 - Mic Fright
49: Wake Up and Live, Part 1 - Mic Fright
This week we begin a three-part investigation into Wake Up and Live. What is it? Good question. It's a 1930s self-help book, a musical in which a real-life journalist/radio host plays himself, and later, a radio drama adapted from the film. All these things interrelate in a way that's confusing to make sense of in 2024. Just beneath the surface of Wake Up and Live lies an elaborate and shocking story we'll fully detail over the next three weeks. Sinatra won't enter the story until Part 3. What the hell is all of this? You're about to find out. contact: suddenlypod at gmail dot com website: donate:
48: Post Time
48: Post Time
***SPOILERS AHEAD - LISTEN TO EPISODE 47 FIRST*** It is now post time. Selected resources and links mentioned this week: * Follow on Instagram * video essay by Johnny Law & Order * TCBCast After Dark, Rabia's new side project with Justin Gausman, which you can hear by subscribing to the . * Art Cohn - The Joker is Wild (1955) * Chris Heath - Feel: Robbie Williams (2004) * Joe E. Lewis - "" (1948) * Joe E. Lewis - (1961) * Son of the Mask (2005) * Heckler (Jamie Kennedy, 2006) * * Episode of What's My Line with Joe E. Lewis, website: contact: suddenlypod at gmail dot com donate:
47: The Joker is Wild
47: The Joker is Wild
What if someone slashed Sinatra's vocal cords at the height of his powers? Would he still be able to cut it in showbiz off his charm alone? Could he get into comedy instead of music? More importantly, what would be left of the man without his act? Of all the fictional characters Sinatra portrayed in his early years of dramatic film roles, "Joe E. Lewis" was among the most iconic. This week, we're watching 1957's The Joker is Wild, in which the Lewis persona was presented over a timeline spanning more than 30 years from the early days of vaudeville to the post-war period - with all of this as a backdrop on which to project Sinatra's deepest anxieties and sorrows. This episode features a cover of Bob Dylan's "Jokerman" by John Cruz. website: contact: suddenlypod at gmail dot com donate:
Authorized x SUDDENLY - Robin and the 7 Hoods
Authorized x SUDDENLY - Robin and the 7 Hoods
We went on Authorized Novelizations Podcast to talk about Jack Pearl's 1964 novelisation of Sinatra's Robin and the Seven Hoods. This episode was recorded around six months ago and just released by Authorized this week. They've graciously given us permission to repost it on our feed. If you like what we do on SUDDENLY, you'll definitely have a good time with this epic two-and-a-half-hour deep dive into not just a lesser-known Sinatra film project, but the 60-year-out-of-print trashy novelisation of same. We delve into the bizarre circumstances surrounding the making of the film, and examine the psyche of pulp author Jack Pearl who added original strange details and incredibly violent, misogynistic content to the book. One surprise twist follows another. We're in good hands with the Authorized gang being experts in the maligned genre of film-to-book adaptations, having read Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle, Cowboys and Aliens and the Cheetah Girls trilogy amongst many others. Authorized is one of our favourite shows and we really recommend you check them out. Despite the cultural divide that comes with different regional spellings of "novelisation/novelization" and "authorised/authorized", everyone had a great time! Regular SUDDENLY programming will resume in April. AUTHORIZED: instagram, twitter - @authorizedpod patreon - SUDDENLY: website - contact - suddenlypod at gmail dot com donate -
46: Why "Our Town" Matters
46: Why "Our Town" Matters
In Episode 43 ("Love and Marriage"), Rabia and Felix watched the infamous televised 1955 musical version of Thornton Wilder's Our Town, starring Frank Sinatra as the Stage Manager. The songs were so terrible, and the acting so bad, that Wilder personally called the station and ensured that it would never air ever again. Neither Rabia nor Felix had ever seen the play before, nor even heard of it. While a beloved cultural mainstay in the US, Our Town somehow never made it to Australia. Now, in his first solo episode, Henry explains to Australians what we're missing out on and why Our Town matters. website: contact: suddenlypod at gmail dot com donate:
45: Suspense
45: Suspense
We think of Sinatra as emerging as a serious dramatic actor from the early 1950s onwards, shedding his clean-cut MGM image for the first time when he takes intense roles as mentally disturbed soldiers in From Here to Eternity and Suddenly. But there's a part of the story we've all forgotten. In January 1945, at the height of the bobby-soxer era and months before tapdancing in a sailor suit for Anchors Aweigh, Sinatra made his actual dramatic acting debut on the radio horror anthology series Suspense. This week, we listen to "To Find Help", shockingly ahead of its time, where Sinatra briefly shed his squeaky-clean status to play a violent and mentally ill man terrorising an old woman in her home. website: contact: suddenlypod at gmail dot com donate:
44: In the Wee Small Hours
44: In the Wee Small Hours
In the Wee Small Hours is often considered Sinatra's best work and arguably the first concept album. The "concept" is something along the lines of “I am awake at 3am and I am feeling deeply sad about a lost love.” And that's really it. Just when you think there couldn't possibly be any more songs about the nuances of that kind of misery, there are seven more. It's relentless, it's brutal, it borders on self-harm and it changed the way we all listen to albums forever. So many emotions, such beautiful music, so much history, such an enormous legacy. And yet, what is there to say? Sometimes it's best just to listen - not just to Sinatra, but to the people out there in the world, all with their own problems, who heard this and felt something. Selected resources: * Woody Guthrie - Dustbowl Ballads (1940) (featured: "Dust Cain't Kill Me") * Gordon Jenkins - Seven Dreams (1953) (featured: "The Cocktail Party (The Fourth Dream)") * The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds (1967) (featured: "Wouldn't It Be Nice", "That's Not Me", "Caroline, No") * Paul Kelly - How to Make Gravy (autobiography, 2010) * Jane Russell & Hoagy Carmichael - "I Get Along Without You Very Well" (from Las Vegas Story, 1952) * Bob Crosby and His Orchestra (with Marion Mann, vocal) - "Deep in a Dream" (1938) * Laurie Anderson - "Smoke Rings" (from Home of the Brave, 1986) * The Berlin Patient (podcast hosted by Joel White, 2016-17) (Complete series available on and ) * Sophie Calle - Take Care of Yourself (book and art project, 2007) * Nick Hornby - High Fidelity (novel, 1995) * Marian McPartland Trio - "This Love of Mine" (from self-titled album, 1956) Special thanks to W.M. Akers. contact: suddenlypod at gmail dot com website: donate:
43: Love and Marriage
43: Love and Marriage
"Love and Marriage" was one of the worst songs Sinatra ever recorded, and the toxic ideas about marriage that it perpetuated left a negative impact on the world. This week, we look into the song's unlikely origins in a televised musical version of Thornton Wilder's Our Town and its shameful legacy as the theme song for the vile 1980s-90s sitcom Married... with Children. Watching this show for the first time in 2024 is a jaw-dropping experience, not least because of the jeering, catcalling studio audience. And of course, we've sought out the transphobic episode. Join us, won't you, as we travel down the "Tender Trap" to Al Bundy pipeline. This one made us feel bad. contact: suddenlypod at gmail dot com website: donate:
42: The Tender Trap
42: The Tender Trap
The phrase "tender trap" essentially didn't exist before the mid-1950s, entering common usage from the film and song which were both popularised by Frank Sinatra. The image of being lured into your downfall by a thing pretending to be soft speaks to a basic element of what it is to be human, and people all over the world have projected their emotions, hangups and life experiences onto this simple concept. This week, we examine Sinatra's classic film and song, plus the original play, then take a look at the many manifestations of the "tender trap" ever since, exploring 70 years of human sexuality and emotion. Selected references: Pamela Robinson Wojcik - The Apartment Plot: Urban Living in American Film (2010) The about the musical they do in High School Musical Marjorie Holmes - I've Got to Talk to Somebody, God (1969) and Second Wife, Second Life (1993) Michael Walsh - How to Undo a Maiden (1971) Transvestia magazine, issue #110. "The Gift" by J. Reviere. (1971) Howard Cosell - Like It Is (1974) Seductress magazine, issue #6 (pornography) (1970s?) The Tender Trap (1978) (pornography) Gay Barchives - with Doug Rehrer about The Tender Trap, Pittsburgh (2020) Ron Nyswaner - Blue Days, Black Nights (2004) Jay Matthews - “Youthful Lovers in China Find They Are Caught in a Tender Trap” 17 December 1978, Washington Post Alexander Abdennur - The Conflict Resolution Syndrome: Volunteerism, Violence, and Beyond (1997) Dave Damiani - "" (2016) Madeleine Davies - “” 13 July 2017, Jezebel The Tender Trap (2021, New Zealand) , Woman Magazine NZ, 1 March 2021 (1974) starring Vincent Price contact: suddenlypod at gmail dot com website: donate:
41: Sinatra Was Wrong About Israel
41: Sinatra Was Wrong About Israel
In a special emergency episode, we examine Frank Sinatra's long history with Israel, Palestine and Zionism. Many don't realise just how connected these topics are. This week, we weave a story all the way from Sinatra personally helping run guns to the Nakba in 1948 and his starring role as a fighter pilot for the IDF in 1966's Cast a Giant Shadow, all the way to the bombing of the Frank Sinatra International Student Centre by Hamas in 2002. Henry joins to share his experiences and thoughts from a Jewish perspective, and Rabia has a personal announcement. Selected sources: * Rabbi Dovid Weiss - (Interview with Let the Quran Speak, October 2023) * (1945, anti-semitism PSA starring Frank Sinatra) * Paul Robeson - "" * Hasan Hammami, Nakba survivor, with Middle East Eye, 2023. * Mahmoud Salah, Nakba survivor, with Democracy Now, 2018. * , Al-Jazeera, 15 May 2022. * (1950, short film) * Exodus (1960) * Pat Boone - "" (Theme from Exodus) * Shalom Goldman - Starstruck in the Promised Land (2019) * (1962, short film) * , Friends of Zion Museum profile. * George Jacobs - Mr. S: My Life with Frank Sinatra (2003) * Cast a Giant Shadow (1966) * , Emile Badarin, Middle East Eye, 5 May 2023. * Melville Shavelson - How to Make a Jewish Movie (1971) * "The Shadows and the Light", Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Season 5 episode. * , Jack Engelhard, Israel National News, 8 July 2004. website: contact: suddenlypod at gmail dot com ko-fi: Please donate to
40: Church on Fire (with David Nichols)
40: Church on Fire (with David Nichols)
Who burnt down West Melbourne Stadium in the middle of Sinatra's 1955 Australian tour, and why did this happen? This week, on our final episode of the year, SUDDENLY investigates. And we're joined by David Nichols - Australian history expert, senior lecturer in Urban Planning at the University of Melbourne, and author of Dig: Australian Rock and Pop Music 1960-85 - to help us put together the pieces. We also learn about West Melbourne Stadium's second life as Festival Hall, and weave a story spanning seven decades that that takes us all the way up to 2023. Selected media discussed in this episode: * Frank Hardy's novel (1950) * Howard Cosell's of Frank Sinatra from The Main Event (1974) * Ben Folds Five's "" from Ben Folds Five (1995) * (1978) * Recordings of The AMPOL Show from 1957, documenting early Australian performances of Bill Haley and the Comets, Litltle Richard and others. Released as Rock n' Roll Radio Australia 1957. Available . * The Beatles' concert from Festival Hall, Melbourne, 1964. Filmed in full and available . No longer on social media! Check out our website - Get in touch with us - suddenlypod at gmail dot com Donate to the show @
39: The Big Show
39: The Big Show
Frank Sinatra's first Australian visit in 1955 followed shortly after the repeal of decades-old laws preventing "coloured" musicians, or any foreign musicians, from performing in the country. The tour was part of the initial run of the now-legendary "Big Shows" put on by mysterious American promoter Lee Gordon, who took advantage of the newly-liberated times to bring acts like Ella Fitzgerald, Johnnie Ray, Nat King Cole and Louis Armstrong to Australia for the first time. But how did we end up with such racist, bizarre laws in the first place? To understand that, we need to go back to the 1928 Australian tour of an African-American jazz band called Sonny Clay's Coloured Idea, and unravel the elaborate conspiracy that faced them when they arrived. This week, we're examining Sinatra's 1955 Australian tour by putting it in its proper historical context - with a cliffhanger ending you won't see coming. Selected media discussed this week, with links: AI Frank Sinatra cover of the theme from "" AI Eric Cartman cover of Evanescence's "" Deirdre O'Connell's book, , published in 2021 by Macquarie University Press - a key source for this episode, and a highly recommended read. Two iconic photos of Sonny Clay's Coloured Idea arriving in Sydney at Circular Quay, 1928. Viewable through the State Library of New South Wales website. , . Photo of , taken in 2017, via Wikimedia Commons. Photo of in a Melbourne op shop, 2023. Illustration by Jim Russell from 1935 edition of Australian Music Maker and Dance Band News. Sourced from Harlem Nights, available to view via Google Books. Kay Dreyfus' book, , published 2013 by Monash University Publishing. Photo: [Photo by Bullard for The Sun, ID: FXB266504] - pictured: Private Eli Walker and Kathleen Cavanagh. Sourced from Murders Most Foul: Sydney True Crime History Tours website. Ella Fitzgerald - "" Live at Bushnell Memorial Hall, 1954. Johnnie Ray - Filmed in Stockholm, Sweden, 1958, including "Such a Night" and "Up Above My Head." Louis Armstrong - Full live recordings available on Soundcloud, including "Back Home in Indiana" as featured in this episode. Australian newsreel, 1955 - , documenting Sinatra's arrival at Mascot airport in Sydney. Frank Sinatra - Recorded on January 19th, 1955 at West Melbourne Stadium. Full concert audio available on YouTube. Footage of while listening to the above. "" - Variant of the 30-second film reels that played after movies in Australian cinemas, 1950s and 1960s. about the Pleasant Point Museum and Railway in South Canterbury, New Zealand, where the cinema still plays "God Save the Queen" before movies as of 2022, even after the death of Queen Elizabeth II. No longer on social media! Check out our website - Get in touch with us - suddenlypod at gmail dot com Donate to the show @
38: Dream Empire (with Karina Longworth)
38: Dream Empire (with Karina Longworth)
Surprise! We're joined from Los Angeles by the legendary Karina Longworth, renowned film historian, author, critic and host of the iconic podcast You Must Remember This. This week, we're jumping ahead to discuss HIGH SOCIETY (1956). Louis Armstrong definitely deserved better, and we tackle the explicitly racist treatment of his character in the context in which 1950s Australian audiences would have received it. Also, what's with the old-timey trope of old men singing to little girls about how they'll be hot when they grow up? This week, opinions, perspectives and historical insights vary significantly between the four of us, but all come together to form a cohesive picture. As Karina says, "Your mileage may vary." Deirdre O'Connell's Harlem Nights: The Secret History of Australia's Jazz Age is available Dream Empire (2016) is streaming Listen to Henry's new show with W.M. Akers, The new season of - a continuation of the Erotic 90s series - begins on September 5th. No longer on social media! Check out our website - Get in touch with us - suddenlypod at gmail dot com Donate to the show @
37: BONUS - More Guys, More Dolls
37: BONUS - More Guys, More Dolls
Because six hours wasn't enough, it's a special, informal bonus episode where Henry and Rabia discuss some leftover elements of our GUYS AND DOLLS series we didn't find time to discuss. Here we finish off the story of Damon Runyon's life and his legacy today, discuss the critical reception of the 1955 film, and spend some time thinking about the unsung victims of all of this: horses. No longer on social media! Check out our website - Get in touch with us - suddenlypod at gmail dot com Donate to the show @
36: Dolls
36: Dolls
Fall in love with people, not with gamblers. It's all too strange and strong. Sit down, you're rocking the boat. This week, Henry leads us through the third and final part of our epic GUYS AND DOLLS series. We've got a spectacular supercut of Sinatra recordings of "Luck Be a Lady" through the ages, and a climactic 10-minute mashup that brings together all the themes we've explored throughout this six-hour odyssey. Henry's new podcast I'll Watch Anything will be out soon. Check out his website Watch Sinatra's version of "Luck Be a Lady" from A Man and his Music . No longer on social media! Check out our website - Get in touch with us - suddenlypod at gmail dot com Donate to the show @ Artwork for this series of episodes by Felix (art instagram )
35: and
35: and
Why can't Nathan Detroit remember the colour of his own tie? In the second part of our GUYS AND DOLLS series, Henry begins taking us through the musical (and the 1955 Sinatra film) proper, beginning with "Fugue for Tinhorns", "Oldest Established" and "I'll Know." We discuss the intertwined relationship between gambling and religion, and finally come across some real life catgirls to justify the podcast logo in "Pet Me, Poppa." There's gender politics, weaponised incompetence and the beauty of the pre-dawn hours. Then, finally, we talk about the thing you've been thinking this whole time. Next week, DOLLS. No longer on social media! Check out our website - Get in touch with us - suddenlypod at gmail dot com Donate to the show @ Artwork for this series of episodes by Felix (art instagram )
34: Guys
34: Guys
Henry Giardina takes the lead as host for the first time as we begin our month-long GUYS AND DOLLS odyssey. In this first installment, the stage is set as we're introduced to the world of legendary short story writer, journalist and master of the "historical present", Damon Runyon. Best known today as the author whose stories inspired the musical Guys and Dolls (later adapted into the 1955 film starring Sinatra), Runyon was a lifelong and loving observer of human nature whose work sprang from the journalistic climate of the early 20th century in America. This week, the world of William Randolph Hearst and his "Gee Whiz!" headlines, Runyon biographer Jimmy Breslin, the struggles of addiction and the budding mythology of a street called Broadway... as we find out what Guys and Dolls really is, where it came from, and why it matters. No longer on social media! Check out our website - Get in touch with us - suddenlypod at gmail dot com Donate to the show @ Artwork for this series of episodes by Felix (art instagram )