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The Wanderer By Design Podcast

๐ŸŒŽ This mini-podcast is for those who aspire to explore everything the world has to offer... on their own! Get bite-sized info about visas, working abroad, and useful tools while also listening to amusing stories of my time abroad. ๐Ÿ›ซ The host, Amy Jazienicki, is Founder of Wanderer By Design - a relocation coaching business for women who want to become solo expats, digital nomads, and travelers! She has lived and worked in four countries and is continuing to explore the world on her own. ๐Ÿต Get comfy and get inspired!

info_outline How to Leverage Linkedin When Moving Abroad: A Conversation with Nyna Caputi 01/15/2024
info_outline Living as a Digital Nomad in Buenos Aires, Argentina 01/01/2024
info_outline From Teaching in Japan to Nomading in Argentina: A Conversation with Marie Norris 12/18/2023
info_outline How I Decide On My Next Destination 12/04/2023
info_outline Crafting a Life of Ultimate Autonomy: A Conversation with Michael McDonnell 11/13/2023
info_outline "Should I Work in China?": Exploring the Pros & Cons of the Country 11/01/2023
info_outline The Artist's Life in Paris: A Conversation with Ruth Cohen 10/16/2023
info_outline "You Can't Pay for Travel with Courage!": Money Tips for International Travel 10/02/2023
info_outline The Perks of Solo Travel: A Conversation with Chelsea Weeding 09/26/2023
info_outline Digital Nomad Challenges (And How to Overcome Them!) 09/18/2023
info_outline Dealing with Emergencies Abroad 09/04/2023
info_outline Travel as a Form of Education: A Conversation with Claudeen On The Go 08/21/2023
info_outline Finding Freedom in Location-Independence: A Conversation with Danielle Hu 08/07/2023
info_outline Cultivating a Mindset for Successful Solo Travel 07/24/2023
info_outline Managing Loneliness Abroad 07/17/2023
info_outline Choosing the Right Destination for YOU! 07/10/2023
info_outline Why I Prefer Kathmandu, Nepal over Bali, Indonesia as a Digital Nomad 07/03/2023
info_outline GeoSure: The Traveler's Safety App 06/26/2023
info_outline The Freelancer Life in Hamburg, Germany 06/19/2023
info_outline Meeting Fellow Travelers in Hostels 06/12/2023
info_outline Scary Visa Stories! 05/29/2023
info_outline Exploring Digital Nomad Stats & Trends 05/22/2023
info_outline Teaching English Abroad: 3 Unique Stories Across Asia 05/15/2023
info_outline My Secret Weapon: Atlas Obscura 04/27/2023
info_outline My Top 5 Favourite Cities to Visit 04/27/2023
info_outline Introducing Myself & Comparing Toronto to Other Cities 04/27/2023