Sexual Brokenness to Healed Wholeness (Part I)
Sexual Brokenness to Healed Wholeness (Part I)
Today’s podcast is part I of a series of episodes of a real story of a couple who shares authentically about their journey of sexual brokenness, addiction, betrayal, and ultimately healing. To do justice work well, we have to wrestle together through the hard things. And if we want to fight s*x trafficking, we have to talk about the demand for it. Our stance is that porn is a huge precursor towards perpetuating trafficking and an addiction that is often brushed under the rug, leading to deep shame for those in addiction, or in other cases defensive minimization. We also believe in the worth, value, and dignity of each individual and so we offer this story to give you as the listener a new perspective and perhaps a reminder that even for the most seemingly broken of circumstances, there is above all hope that healing is possible and that quite possibly, the light can shine beautifully through our cracks. If you or a spouse are struggling with betrayal trauma, p*rn or s*xual addiction, there’s help for you. Check out one of our highlighted podcast guests like Justin with , or Ashley with - both are compassionate individuals who are here to help you. You are not alone.