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FILIGHTER Podcast with Lambo

Financial Independence tools for Millennials, GenXers, and young Boomers Build your skills and apply techniques to improve your Financial Independence and make early retirement a reality Hosted by Lambo the FI-light-ER

info_outline 017 | 2023 Lookback, Reflections, Communications, Goals 11/14/2023
info_outline 016 | Sean Mullaney – Solo 401(k): The Solopreneur’s Retirement Account 10/04/2022
info_outline 015 |Taking Stock A Hospice Doctor’s Advice on Financial Independence, Building Wealth, and Living a Regret-Free Life 07/19/2022
info_outline 014 |I-Bonds - Inflation Protected Savings Bonds 05/24/2022
info_outline 013 | STACKED Book Tour with Joe Saul-Sehy 03/07/2022
info_outline 012 | LifeGoal Investments 02/10/2022
info_outline 011 | PA the FI Way 09/21/2021
info_outline 010 | Red X, Make it Happen, Community, Commitment 07/25/2021
info_outline 009 | Changing with the Times, Embracing Change, and Surprise Content 03/28/2021
info_outline 008 | Seven Steps On Your Path to FI 03/03/2021
info_outline 007 | Three Lies You Tell Yourself 01/23/2021
info_outline 006 | Ordinary Sherpa 01/13/2021
info_outline 005 | Resolutions for 2021 01/06/2021
info_outline 004 | Wanting What You Have and Negotiation 12/04/2020
info_outline 003 | Diversification and Listener Questions 11/19/2020
info_outline 002 | Market Timing and Opportunity Cost 11/09/2020
info_outline 001 | What is a FI-light-ER? 11/01/2020
info_outline FILIGHTER Trailer 09/25/2020