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Follow. Review. Share!

Recording your podcast is the easy part. The real challenge comes when you want people to actually listen to it! Thankfully, between the two of them, Neal Veglio (Podknows Podcasting) and Pete Allen (Carrotcruncher Media) have the knowledge to help you find those listeners! Whether you're podcasting for business or pleasure, we're here to help you discover your dream audience. Featuring guests, news, insights and opinions, each episode we'll be doing our best to make sure you're armed with everything you need to help you stay enthusiastic about podcasting!

info_outline Joe Rogan, Anchor and the impressive Infinite Dial podcasting research 01/31/2022
info_outline Is my podcast theme music to your ears? It's meant to kick you in the fibonacci! - Follow, Review and Share podcast 11/13/2021
info_outline Is your podcast's intro voice on the same Podpage? 09/04/2021
info_outline How to market a podcast (without resorting to using Fiverr!) | Fireside chat | Neal's recording software gripes | Pete's recording advice 08/22/2021
info_outline Mic talk, podrevday and fun impressions in this *award winning first episode of Follow, Review and Share!! 07/31/2021
info_outline Follow, Review and Share! What's going on then, eh?! 06/18/2021