76 - What If cutting our individual carbon use went viral?
76 - What If cutting our individual carbon use went viral?
Recent research, entitled The Future of Consumption in an 1.5°C World, carried out by the University of Leeds, C40 Cities and Arup, powerfully shows that the world’s comfortably off need to do the most to reduce the world's carbon emissions and need to reduce the impacts of their consumption by two thirds by 2030. But this will only happen if it feels like a move towards something rather than being dragged away from something irreplaceable, if it feels thrilling, like something that spreads and becomes contagious. And, perhaps most importantly, if everyone can see that it is improving, rather than impoverishing, peoples’ lives and experience. So what might a real push to support people in reducing their individual and household carbon emissions look like? My two guests this week are Dr. Vanessa Timmer, Executive Director of OneEarth Living, a Vancouver-based nonprofit ‘think and do tank’ advancing sustainable everyday living around the world, and Tom Bailey, one of the co-creators of Take the Jump, a new and fast growing grassroots climate movement. As you'll hear, they have both been giving this a lot of thought.