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From What If to What Next

If there was ever a time for fresh thinking, for being bold, for being visionary and imaginative – for reimagining everything – this is it. Each episode, writer and Transition Movement founder, Rob Hopkins, invites cutting edge thinkers to visualise a new future. Join us as we ask What If...

info_outline 100 - In conversation with Walidah Imarisha. 05/14/2024
info_outline 99 - What if invitations to participate in civic life were creative and caring? 04/15/2024
info_outline 98 - What if we deeply listened to the natural world? 04/01/2024
info_outline 97 - What if there was an alternative to capitalism, after all? 03/11/2024
info_outline 96 - What if we had a Right to Roam? 03/04/2024
info_outline 95 - What if we became better Protopians? 02/26/2024
info_outline 94 - What if compassion could heal society? 02/19/2024
info_outline 93 - What if we could reimagine the world in bioregions? 01/28/2024
info_outline 92 - What if we decolonised the ecological sector? 01/21/2024
info_outline 91 - What if we could train our imagination to reimagine change? 01/14/2024
info_outline 90 - In conversation with Aisha Shillingford 01/07/2024
info_outline 89 - What if everyone had the inner skills to navigate the climate crisis? 12/31/2023
info_outline 88 - What if workers were in charge of the energy transition? 12/24/2023
info_outline 87 - What if fungi saved the world? 10/02/2023
info_outline 86 - What if care, cooperation, kinship and collective wellbeing were the ethics we lived by? 09/25/2023
info_outline 85 - What if our visionaries and activists were properly resourced? 09/25/2023
info_outline 84 - What if we had a Seaweed Revolution? 09/20/2023
info_outline 83 - What if we gave Nature rights? 08/28/2023
info_outline 82 - What if we loved politicians? 08/21/2023
info_outline 81 - What if we lived in a healthy human culture? 08/14/2023
info_outline 80 - In conversation with Otto Scharmer 08/07/2023
info_outline 79 - What if sports could accelerate the shift to a low carbon future? 07/31/2023
info_outline 78 - What If biodiversity bounced back? 05/29/2023
info_outline 77 - In conversation with Mariame Kaba 05/16/2023
info_outline 76 - What If cutting our individual carbon use went viral? 05/01/2023
info_outline 75 - What if we distributed power differently in our organisations? 04/24/2023
info_outline 74 - What if we decolonised economics? 04/17/2023
info_outline 73 - What if education took place in nature? 04/10/2023
info_outline 72 - What if we shifted to a not-for-profit economy? 04/04/2023
info_outline 71 - What if imagination was treasured as a central part of childhood? 02/19/2023