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The Geek Joy Podcast

The Geek Joy Podcast, born in January 2016, is a place to talk about all the things that bring us joy, and some of the things that get in the way. Software, art, technology, empathy, fun hobbies, mindfulness... lots of interesting topics and people! It comes out Sunday.

info_outline 18: Can't Read Kant 07/06/2016
info_outline 17: Finding that space in between 06/27/2016
info_outline 16: Existential Angst 06/20/2016
info_outline 15. Another one of those words 06/16/2016
info_outline 14: Always Making Goofy Faces 05/09/2016
info_outline 13: It's scary, and that's good 04/11/2016
info_outline 12: The Joys and Dangers of NVC 04/04/2016
info_outline 11.5 We interrupt this podcast... 03/30/2016
info_outline 11: Don't Let Go 03/28/2016
info_outline 10: This Emergent Dance 03/21/2016
info_outline 9. Mr Flanx 03/14/2016
info_outline 8. Heart of Great Wisdom 03/07/2016
info_outline 7. I want to be the one who tells me yes 02/29/2016
info_outline 6. Like a kid in a candy store 02/22/2016
info_outline All of Me is In It 02/15/2016
info_outline You only got so many heartbeats 02/08/2016
info_outline Because Somebody Will Help Me 02/01/2016
info_outline Throwing a Pebble Into a Pond 01/25/2016
info_outline Hi-Fivin the Universe 01/21/2016