Good Government Show
We’re from the government; we’re here to help you! It’s true, ask the millions of people across the country who have been touched by government services that gave them a ride to the supermarket, or got them a library book, or built them a house, or gave them a new suit for a job interview. Because all of those services are provided by your government every day in every state, county, and town, it’s all because Good Government provides good services and creates good projects for Americans. There is a lot of distrust in the government; many people think the government wants to tax you, make it hard to start a business or throw up too many rules. But in reality, the government works hard every day to ensure we have clean water, fresh air, open roads, modern hospitals, good schools, and are safe. But the government also gets involved in the details. And these are the good stories we are going to tell on The Good Government Show.