Good Karma Sportfishing
Welcome to the Good Karma Sportfishing Podcast. I started this podcast in August 2018 as a way to share sportfishing tips and insights from The Florida Keys. My motto since I started my charter business in 2012 has always been, "Anytime you're fishing it's all good!" and I hope that you share in my fishing passion and obsession! Thanks for listening and subscribing- Capt. Ryan
Best Dead Bait Tips for Mutton Snapper Fishing
Best Dead Bait Tips for Mutton Snapper Fishing
Best dead bait tips for mutton snapper fishing. Florida Keys, South Florida and beyond. Are you: -Still trying to get a bite? -Figure it out? -Follow someone around? (Yes, I see you and know you are struggling.) -Getting tired and frustrated? Well, in this new Good Karma Sportfishing podcast episode, I share my top three dead bait choices for mutton snapper fishing, why I use them, and the science behind it. And if you are ready to step up your game and really go for it: Yes, I have a new course launching March 13th. Mutton Snapper Mastery 8 Week Program. Click below for all the details and to sign up. Thanks for listening! Email me at [email protected] to book a charter after you look at the rates and details on my website: All other courses and Good Karma Rigging Crew 2.0 on my website. Good Karma Fishing Club- monthly paid private fishing community on Zoom and Voxer. Email me. Good Karma Patreon: "Best Of" Tier- Free Good Karma Rigging Crew 2.0- $25 a month
Best Information on Tuna Tubes for Wahoo Bait and Wahoo or Tuna Fishing
Best Information on Tuna Tubes for Wahoo Bait and Wahoo or Tuna Fishing
Are you looking to add tuna tubes to your boat so you can catch more wahoo? I have been digging into the topic myself and found a lot of information out there that is confusing or overwhelming, so I am sharing where I am at and what I have found out. All things on my website- blogs, charter information, courses, communties, etc.
How the NE Wind Affects Your Fishing Trip- Fishing Tips, SatFish Tips, Florida Keys
How the NE Wind Affects Your Fishing Trip- Fishing Tips, SatFish Tips, Florida Keys
Let's face it, the wind can often make or break your fishing trip. In this episode, I share my thoughts on the NE Wind here in The Keys and then also show you how I look at it on SatFish so you can get a better grasp on how it may affect your fishing trip too. Thanks for listening! Things I mentioned in the episode: I am a proud affiliate for SatFish. My code for $20 off is GOODKARMA If you wish to schedule a private 1:1 Zoom call with me to learn SatFish, or other questions you may have to better help you dial in where you fish- use the link below for more info: Interested in booking a fishing charter in The Florida Keys? Key largo, Tavernier, Islamorada areas- for rates and other info. All Good Karma Sportfishing courses and communities, including Wahoo Winter Bait Strategies, on this site: Interested in The Good Karma Fishing Club? This is a private paid monthly community on Zoom and Voxer App. Email me at [email protected] to set up a call. Recreational only. The Good Karma Patreon that I mentioned is below. There are three membership tiers- "Best Of" is Free Insider $5 a month Rigging Crew 2.0 is $25 a month Link is below:
Best Cold Weather Fishing Tips and Florida Keys Fishing Report- Wahoo, Mutton Snapper and more
Best Cold Weather Fishing Tips and Florida Keys Fishing Report- Wahoo, Mutton Snapper and more
Catching fish in the cold weather can sometimes be a challenge. This podcast shares an updated Florida Keys fishing report in conjunction with fishing tips and advice on how to catch more fish in the cold weather- time of day, lures, bait and more. These tips will help you fish smarter, catch more fish and have fun! Thanks for tuning in- Anytime you're fishing it's all good! Capt. Ryan New Good Karma Sportfishing Patreon Group link to join (Free "Best of" and Paid Tiers- Insider and The Rigging Crew 2.0) Looking for book a fishing charter in The Florida Keys? Key Largo, Tavernier, Islamorada Check out my website for rates and then reach out to me. All courses I mention (Solunar, Wahoo Winter Strategies, The Treasure Hunt) use the link below: Interested in The Good Karma Fishing Club? This private monthly paid community meets on Zoom and has a Voxer community. Recreational only. Email me at goodkarmaryan All other courses and inquiries email: Proud affiliates for: SatFish - use code GOODKARMA for $20 off. Striker Brand Apparel (shirt I am wearing)
How to Find Wahoo & Black Fin Tuna in Cold Weather Fishing Tips SatFish
How to Find Wahoo & Black Fin Tuna in Cold Weather Fishing Tips SatFish
Are you having a hard time finding wahoo and black fin tuna? Are you looking to improve your catch rate in general and find more fish? Do you know about SatFish and if so are you using it regularly? I cover these questions and more. Thanks for watching and listening! Connect more on for charter information here in The Florida Keys- Key Largo, Islamorada and Tavernier Florida. I am a proud affiliate for SatFish and use it daily. In addition to this YouTube/podcast episode, I share about it regularly in my many online courses and fishing communities and you can also schedule a private Zoom recorded 1:1 with me to target your area. My $20 off affiliate code for SatFish is GOODKARMA. Check out and sign up. Striker is my preferred apparel line- best quality of any brand on the market. Their jackets are keeping me warm on and off the water, love their gloves and the shirt I am wearing. My affiliate link is: All Good Karma Sportfishing and Educational Programs are here: Join one of the three Patreon Tiers I mentioned with the link below: -Best Of is Free -The Insider $5 a month -Good Karma Rigging Crew 2.0 $25 a month (includes The Insider) My IG is @goodkarmasportfishing_fl_keys Good Karma Fishing Club is a monthly private fishing community which is on Zoom and Voxer. Email me at [email protected] to discuss further information. Recreational only.
Tips on FISHING with Wire Leaders, Wahoo, Florida Keys Fishing Report
Tips on FISHING with Wire Leaders, Wahoo, Florida Keys Fishing Report
Do you use wire leaders to help you catch more wahoo? How do you know when to use wire leaders? Do you bright or dark wire? Long or short leaders? This podcast kicks off with a Florida Keys Fishing report and then I share my updated experience on slow trolling with wire leaders for wahoo, what I use, why I use it and my thoughts in general. Thanks for listening! Interested in booking a fishing charter in The FL Keys? check out my website for more info and to book a charter. I am a proud affiliate for Striker Brands apparel. Here is my affiliate link. Their apparel is top notch! Jackets, gloves, shorts, pants, tops and more. Also for SatFish, which I use daily. My affiliate code is GOODKARMA Fishing courses and communities? Including the Wahoo Winter Bait Strategies 8 Week Intensive I mentioned? Click the link below to learn more and sign up. Interested in The Good Karma Fishing Club? This is a monthly private membership on Zoom and Voxer. Email me at [email protected] to set up a call for a conversation. Recreational only. Are you in the new Good Karma Sportfishing Patreon yet? Click the link below. There are three membership tiers- Free is Best of Content, $5 a month is The Insider and $25 a month is Rigging Crew 2.0.
WAHOO Strategies, Bait, SatFish, Fishing TIPS and REPORT
WAHOO Strategies, Bait, SatFish, Fishing TIPS and REPORT
Wahoo and more wahoo and Fishing report for The Florida Keys I covered a lot in this new podcast/YouTube. ____ Have you signed up for SatFish yet? and my affiliate code for $20 off is GOODKARMA. Don't miss my NEW! Wahoo Winter Strategies 8 Week Intensive Program. We start 1/7/24 and all lessons/QAs are emailed. Questions get asked in the private Facebook group and it's a great way to learn even more about wahoo- bait, lures, live bait and more. Perfect addition to the Wahoo Game Changer 11 video lessons that get emailed to you (manually in 24 hours or less). OR The Ballyhoo 3 Way to Rig online course. All my courses and communities are at: Interested in the Good Karma Fishing Club? This private recreational only monthly club meets once a month on Zoom and then includes a Voxer App Group for more "real-time" updates and to answer your questions. $244 a month. Email me at goodkarmaryan All other questions about courses email . My NEW Good Karma Sportfishing Patreon Group is at Book a fishing charter in The Florida Keys? Key Largo, Islamorada or Taverner? check out my website . Thanks for listening and subscribing! Anytime you're fishing it's all good! Capt. Ryan
How to Troll for Grouper, Florida Keys Fishing Report, SatFish Blog and More
How to Troll for Grouper, Florida Keys Fishing Report, SatFish Blog and More
How do you troll for grouper? What are some tips for how to catch grouper? Trolling Motors Trolling plugs and lures What hooks should you use for grouper? SatFish and more. Took this YouTube/podcast "old school" as my Christmas present to you. Check out my website for all my blogs as they will help you. I write my own blogs (without using AI like the majority of blogs you see now) based on 13 years of experience as a full-time charter captain in the Florida Keys. I am an affiliate for SatFish and my code is GOODKARMA for $20 off. The grouper blog I showed you is on their website. I am also an affiliate for Gulfstream lures. The shirt I am wearing in the video is from Striker. I highly recommend their apparel and wear it daily. Their jackets, gloves, shorts, pants and shirts are incredible and wash up very well. My Striker affiliate link: All courses I mentioned: The NEW Patreon Community I mentioned: The "grouper in the grass" photo on my blog was taken by: German Fucaraccio and you can follow him on IG @gefuseas. If you are in the Keys, make sure and stop by Tavernier Creek Marina's bait and tackle shop as I mentioned. They are stocked up with the tackle I use. Email me for booking a fishing charter in the FL Keys- Key Largo, Tavernier or Islamorada goodkarmaryan All questions about fishing courses and communities email Thanks for listening- Anytime you're fishing it's all good! Capt. Ryan
Best Live Bait FISHING TIPS for Catching Wahoo- Especially in South Florida and The Florida Keys
Best Live Bait FISHING TIPS for Catching Wahoo- Especially in South Florida and The Florida Keys
How can you catch wahoo using live bait? What are some live bait tips I can use to catch more fish? What are the best wahoo fishing tips? What is the best advice to help me catch more fish? How can you catch more fish in South Florida? This power packed Good Karma Sportfishing video is loaded with tips on how to live bait, rig, use titanium for rigs, what swivels to use and more to help you catch more wahoo. It's wahoo season now in South Florida, The FL Keys and likely other places too. I catch wahoo consistently and help others do the same. Click the link below to read the blog I mentioned in the podcast video: I also offer a wide variety of ways you can further expand on yoru wahoo fishing knowledge. The knowledge I share is from my experience as a full-time charter fishing captain in The Florida Keys for 13 years. Tavernier, Islamorada and Key Largo. My clients who fish with me and are in my courses and communities know. So don't miss out! Email me to book a charter or inquire about my private monthly fishing club Good Karma Fishing Club which is on Zoom and Voxer. goodkarmaryan For The Good Karma Rigging Crew 2.0, Wahoo-Game Changer and The Ballyhoo Three-Way Course I mentioned click the below link: Join the NEW! Patreon Group: https:/// The Tackle Shop I mentioned in the video and blog is How Ya Reel In Tackle in Fort Lauderdale, FL. I am a proud affiliate for SatFish. My code is GOODKARMA for $20 off. Shirt by Striker Brands- top notch quality apparel. Affiliate link below:
Fishing Trip Stories and Memories- Gratitude
Fishing Trip Stories and Memories- Gratitude
What are some of the best fishing trip memories you have? Do you like to share fishing trip stories with your buddies? Did you ever have to borrow fishing gear or let someone borrow your fishing gear? This Good Karma Sportfishing podcast talk about some of my fishing stories and memories- starting my fishing charter business in The Florida Keys, moving down to The FL Keys in 2009 during the recession and having gratitude to my friends Todd, Capt. Al and others in The Keys who helped me along the way.My parents are in that bucket- more on that another time. If you love fishing, like I do, and it also helps with your mental health, you will appreciate this episode and hopefully say thanks to others in your life who you enjoy fishing with! Thanks for listening and sharing. Capt. Ryan Good Karma Sportfishing & Educational Programs links I mentioned in the podcast are below: The Good Karma Rigging Crew 2.0. A monthly private Facebook community with lessons and online help in regards to all things rigging, lures, line, knots, brine and more: Website for charters, blogs, and all other fishing courses and information: Email me at [email protected] to book a fishing charter in The Florida Keys (Key Largo, Tavernier, Islamorada) or for information on my monthly private Fishing Club which is on Zoom and Voxer. Take advantage of more FREE fishing tips by clicking on the link below and also be the first to receive information about my specials and other fishing tips: IG @goodkarmasportfishing_fl_keys Thanks again! Anytime you're fishing it's all good!
Easiest Way to Catch Sailfish- FISHING in South Florida, The Florida Keys and Beyond
Easiest Way to Catch Sailfish- FISHING in South Florida, The Florida Keys and Beyond
What are the easiest ways to catch sailfish? What bait should I use to catch sailfish? Where do you catch sailfish in The Florida Keys? Should I use a dredge to catch sailfish? Do I have to fly a kite to catch sailfish? Can I use ballyhoo to catch sailfish? What are the best ways to catch sailfish? What time of day can you catch sailfish? Can you cast for sailfish? What type of leader and reels do you need to catch sailfish? How can I safely release a sailfish? And more on this fishing podcast! Yep, I covered a lot in this under 20 minutes no "b.s fluffy stuff" fishing podcast. The thumbnail for this fishing podcast is the pic from my first sailfish fishing in Cancun (Isla Mujeres) back in 2008. Yep, it was an experience and I treat this fish as special and take great care to release sailfish safely, which I talk about in this fishing podcast. And I showed you a Navionics screen too along with some tips on where to catch yellow tail, grouper, muttons, and sailfish in The Florida Keys. I am a USCG fishing charter boat captain for 13 years and share my knowledge on this fishing podcast to help you learn how to shave time off your learning curve and have fun too. As mentioned, The Good Karma Fishing Club is an exclusive monthly fishing tips club (Zoom and Voxer) for recreational anglers only- email me for the details goodkarmaryan The Good Karma Rigging Crew 2.0 is a monthly online (Facebook) private group that is next level to the other groups with the ability to ask questions along with monthly trainings for fishing tips on rigging baits, line, lures and more. Only $25 a month. Interested in fishing with me in The Florida Keys? Key Largo, Islamorada, Tavernier or staying in Marathon? email me at goodkarmaryan My website is Courses: My fishing blogs are top notch and not just AI fluff. Check them out on my website Good Karma Sportfishing. How to Catch Sailfish blog: Wish to learn How to Master the Day? Click the link for a FREE Guide and be part of my mailing list for more weekly fishing tips.
Best Ballyhoo Rigging Tips to Help You Catch More Wahoo, Mahi, and Tuna- South Florida Fishing
Best Ballyhoo Rigging Tips to Help You Catch More Wahoo, Mahi, and Tuna- South Florida Fishing
Are you looking to learn more about how to rig ballyhoo? How to tie ballyhoo rigs yourself? How to catch more wahoo with ballyhoo? How to slow troll ballyhoo for wahoo? How to make titanium leader for ballyhoo rigs? How to have more set-ups for trolling wahoo and other fish species? In this episode of The Good Karma Sportfishing and Coaching Podcast I share one of my top notch blogs that I just wrote about How to Slow Troll for Wahoo Using Rigging Ballyhoo. The fishing blog about ballyhoo is very detailed and like nothing else out there. I include a lot of secret nuggets, fishing videos and things that I have learned fishing over the years to help you learn more about slow trolling with ballyhoo for wahoo, mahi mahi and tuna. You can use these ballyhoo rigging techniques in South Florida for fishing or in other parts of the world that have access to ballyhoo for fishing. I am going to be talking about brine secrets this week on my private community The Good Karma Rigging Crew 2.0. Knowing how to brine ballyhoo has been a big game changer for me over the years and yes there are brine secrets. Click below for more info and to join: I cover a lot in this no fluff podcast video about how to use ballyhoo and troll for ballyhoo to catch more fish. Click here to read it and learn these fishing tips now: I mentioned my stellar ballyhoo course- Ballyhoo Three Way online course. Here is the link so you don't miss it. Link for all my courses which will help you catch more fish without wasting time, money, and energy: I have some awesome fishing freebies too if you want to still fill your boots: Ready to come to The FL Keys and catch some fish with me? Key Largo, Tavernier, Islamorada, Marathon. Email me at [email protected] after checking out the rates on my website
GATEKEEPERS and Secrets, FISHING Report South Florida, Planning Your Fishing Trip TIPS and SatFish
GATEKEEPERS and Secrets, FISHING Report South Florida, Planning Your Fishing Trip TIPS and SatFish
"He's not gonna tell you $hi!" I remember when my dad said that to me about the old guy at my grandparents lake house in WI that always caught fish. Hindsight, good for him. He worked for it and deserved to keep his secrets. I learned Gatekeeping 101 at an early age and earned my knowledge. This Good Karma Sportfishing Podcast covers a lot of ground- no b.s. fluffy watching me clean fish for 20 minutes at the dock while I tell you how "blessed and lucky I am to live in The Florida Keys." You don't need that, you need to know how to plan your fishing trip so you have a great day, use tools- like SatFish, And for Gods sake, if you are a fishing charter captain- watch your back! You are allowed to have secrets. You earned them too. Enjoy the podcast! Looking to book a high quality fishing charter in The Florida Keys (South Florida, Key Largo, Islamorada, Marathon, Tavernier) where you get to reel in your own fish and be hands on? Check out my website: Wish to be part of The Good Karma Fishing Club? email me at [email protected] there is application process and this is only for recreational anglers. Email me if you are a charter captain and interested in private coaching. Single sessions or packages available to help you. Rigging Crew 2.0 is for recreational only. All other courses and communities I mentioned: I am a proud SatFish affiliate and use it every day. If you do not have it yet, you are missing the fish. I share a lot of tips to use it in my podcasts, blogs, courses and communities. Code is GOODKARMA for $20 off. All my blogs are also on my website and not created with AI like everyone else. So check them out- they are also free to help you. FREE Fishing Tip PDFs to help you even more:
Understanding Mahi Mahi and Other Fish- Wahoo, Mutton Snapper and More. BEST TIPS and SatFish
Understanding Mahi Mahi and Other Fish- Wahoo, Mutton Snapper and More. BEST TIPS and SatFish
This episode of the Good Karma Sportfishing Podcast tops off a blog I wrote for this summer. I primarily talk about mahi mahi, but you can use these tips and the knowledge I share about SatFish for wahoo, mutton snapper, tuna, grouper, and anything else you fish for wherever you fish. I shares some highlights from the SatFish fishing blog as well as some new additional fishing tip nuggets and an incredible underwater video I shot showing a school of mahi mahi and a bucket that had sargassum weed on it. Once you see things like this in the water, it explains a lot. What is sargassum seaweed? Check out this blog from the NOAA website: Read the SatFish blog I wrote and am referring to: I am a proud affiliate for SatFish. Use my code GOODKARMA for $20 off. Thanks for listening! Interested in booking a fishing charter with me in The Florida Keys? SouthFlorida. Key Largo, Islamorada, Tavernier. In the podcast I also mentioned The Good Karma Fishing Club. This is a private monthly club that is more like a fishing mastermind. There is nothing else out there like it. It is on Zoom and Voxer. I started the club in January 2023. Email me at [email protected] if interested in applying. There is no public link and this is for recreational anglers only. Other courses, programs and communities (such as Wahoo-Game Changer and The Good Karma Rigging Crew 2.0): Apparel by Striker Apparel Brands. My affiliate link is below. Their apparel is incredible and definitely need to get the Stryk gloves too.
How to Find and Catch WAHOO w/ SatFish Satellite Fishing Technology
How to Find and Catch WAHOO w/ SatFish Satellite Fishing Technology
When I discovered SatFish in August 2022, it truly helped me up my game. I was struggling with the conditions in The Florida Keys and as a full-time charter boat captain, that's not a good thing. In this episode of The Good Karma Sportfishing Podcast, I share about a recent blog I wrote for SatFish about how to Find and Catch More Wahoo in The Florida Keys. Also a lot about eddie's, and how I use SatFish in relation to eddie's. Truth be told, you can easily use anything I share, especially this blog, toe learn how to find and catch fish wherever you live, whatever you fish for and any level. Here is the link for the SatFish blog: I am a proud affiliate for SatFish. Use code GOODKARMA for $20 off. Interested in learning more about how to catch more wahoo consistently? Join my Wahoo- Game Changer online program. There is even an entire lesson dedicated to helping you use learn for to use SatFish to find spots where you fish. The Wahoo- Game Changer Program is geared for any level and wherever you fish. Not just The Florida Keys. Thank you for listening, liking, and subscribing. Interested in a fishing charter in The Florida Keys? Key Largo, Islamorada, Tavernier area (Upper Keys). Check out my website: and email me at goodkarmaryan Interested in learning more about what other online courses I offer or private fishing communities? The email for more info is Anytime you're fishing it's all good! Capt. Ryan
Want to Know Some RIGGING Secrets? Buried Treasure Tips
Want to Know Some RIGGING Secrets? Buried Treasure Tips
Want to know some rigging secrets? Learning how to rig and also have someone that can help answer questions along the way is a main focus of The Good Karma Rigging Crew 2.0, which relaunched this past June. The private monthly paid FB community is only $25 a month (no long-term commitment) and is full of videos (live and pre-recorded) and Q & A's to help you catch more fish consistently as well as save time, money and frustration on the water. In this podcast episode I share a little bit about how The Original Rigging Crew was started back in 2020 and why I had to end it in Oct. 2023. So far, since we started back up, I have shown how to make a high quality seawitch, rig a cigar minnow, rig squid, lure and tackle tips and ideas, a new crusher rig I developed, and more. In this podcast episode, I also share a ball bearing wind-on secret tip that I will be sharing even more about in the group and allow the members to ask questions. You may have to listen more than once to hear the buried treasure in the episode. #justsaying Click here to join The Good Karma Rigging Crew 2.0: Want to get in on the Wahoo- Game Changer Program I mentioned? FREE Conquer The Day Mental Mastery Blueprint: I am a proud affiliate for SatFish Code GOODKARMA for $20 off. Book a charter in The FL Keys? Key Largo, Tavernier, Islamorada area. email me at More info in general:
How to catch MORE WAHOO, Fishing Tips and Fishing REPORT
How to catch MORE WAHOO, Fishing Tips and Fishing REPORT
Podcast version that was released on YouTube August 26th. Jam packed episode which includes a Florida Keys fishing report, fishing tips throughout the video and more information about my wahoo program Wahoo- The Game Changer and The Good Karma Rigging Crew 2.0. You want to make sure and tune in for the entire episode as I baked a lot throughout the podcast/video. Some tips have to do with spear divers, sea turtles, bait, and finding fish. And yep, I said what I said about spear divers. Want to download a FREE video with another wahoo tip? I mentioned it in the podcast: Interested in learning more about Wahoo - Game Changer or the Good Karma Rigging Crew 2.0? Click the link below for all my courses and programs: Ready to book your charter in The Florida Keys? Key Largo, Islamorada, Tavernier area? Charter requests- email Ready to book a 1:1 session, get private fishing coaching or have a question about a fishing course or fishing community? email Follow me on IG @goodkarmasportfishing_fl_keys Proud affiliate for SatFish. Code GOODKARMA for $20 off. I use SatFish daily and review it in all my courses.
Fishing Report, 3 Ways I've GROWN in My FISHING Business and Eminem's "Dear Stan"
Fishing Report, 3 Ways I've GROWN in My FISHING Business and Eminem's "Dear Stan"
Florida Keys Fishing Report Podcast with some Easter Eggs and an Eminem "Dear Stan" lyric reference to help my fellow captains and what we are all dealing with now-a-days. I dive into the top three ways I have grown this year in regards to fishing and owning a charter fishing business in The Florida Keys (aka The Sportfishing Capital of the World). Adaptability- especially weather Fishing work life balance/emotional health "Dear Stan's" Good Karma Sportfishing & Coaching fishes out of Key Largo, Tavernier, and Islamorada Florida. The Upper Keys. Offshore, wreck, reef. Other things I mention in the podcast: Free Conquer The Day" Mental Mastery Blueprint: I am a proud affiliate for SatFish- code GOODKARMA for $20 off Follow me on IG @goodkarmasportfishing_fl_keys The Good Karma Rigging Crew 2.0 is a private monthly online paid community on Facebook. It's only $25 a month. Click to learn more about this community and my other courses and programs: My wife and business partner Melinda Van Fleet is a coach too: Thanks for subscribing/liking and lmk what you think. Anytime you're fishing it's all good! Capt. Ryan
NEW MOON FISHING, SatFish, Gulfstream Lure and How I Rigged It to CRUSH Fish, Fishing Report & More
NEW MOON FISHING, SatFish, Gulfstream Lure and How I Rigged It to CRUSH Fish, Fishing Report & More
Full episode kicked off with a new lure from Gulfstream Lures and how I rigged it with BKK Hooks and Baitstrips. My affiliate links for the 12 oz Gulfstream lures below. Yellow Pink-White White I will be showing more detail on the rig and have a LIVE QA in the Good Karma Rigging Crew 2.0 monthly private community that is hosted on Facebook and only $25 a month. Click for more info and to join: Next up was fishing with the new moon and spawn. Interested in learning more about Solunar and Tide Planning? My online course will help you at any level, no matter where you fish and is only $22. SatFish is my go-to platform for planning my fishing charters. Affiliate code is GOODKARMA for $20 off. I consistently share more about SatFish as well as CMOR and Navionics in all my courses and the new How to Catch Wahoo Consistently- The Game Changer Course starts this week and goes through the end of September. More information and to sign up for the wahoo program: Thanks for watching and giving a thumbs up! Connect on IG @ goodkarmasportfishing_fl_keys Email me for fishing charters in The Upper Florida Keys- Key Largo, Islamorada, Tavernier at Free PDF on How to Conquer the Weather: Email about courses at Anytime you're fishing it's all good! Capt. Ryan
What are the BEST WAHOO Lure Colors and How to Catch More Wahoo Consistently- Including SatFish Tip
What are the BEST WAHOO Lure Colors and How to Catch More Wahoo Consistently- Including SatFish Tip
Wahoo is a coveted fish that is on many anglers bucket lists let alone anglers that fish regularly wish to learn how to catch more wahoo consistently. I understand because wahoo is my favorite fish to catch and eat too. I have learned a lot about how to catch wahoo over the years of being a charter boat fishing guide in The Florida Keys and this episode of the Good Karma Sportfishing Podcast shares my insights on wahoo lure color colors and how to catch more wahoo. Here are the links for what I talked about in the podcast episode: Thanks for hitting the subscribe, like, and comment. FREE Secret Wahoo Tip: The Good Karma Rigging Crew 2.0 Private Monthly Facebook Community: Wahoo- Gamer Changer Course Series: Blogs and other information at SatFish My affiliate code is GOODKARMA for $20 off. IG @goodkarmasportfishing_fl_keys Email me at [email protected] to book a charter. Florida Keys- Key Largo, Tavernier and Islamorada area. All course inquiries email [email protected]
Fishing, Social Media, YouTube, Mental Health and More w/ Melinda Van Fleet- Joint Podcast
Fishing, Social Media, YouTube, Mental Health and More w/ Melinda Van Fleet- Joint Podcast
We dive into all things: business strategy, awareness, mental health, emotional health, mental mastery, YouTube, comparison, social media and more. It's jammed- real, authentic, and raw. Melinda also talks about some very important "R" words: —Relatable —Relationships —Relevant —Respect Other Wake Up Call Podcasts mentioned: . . Connect with Ryan: All courses and The Good Karma Rigging Crew 2.0 at: IG @goodkarmasportfishing_fl_keys Connect with Melinda Van Fleet: IG @melindavanfleet407
How to Choose Fishing Line, WAHOO "Game Changer," Mini Lobster Season TIPS in The FL Keys & SatFish
How to Choose Fishing Line, WAHOO "Game Changer," Mini Lobster Season TIPS in The FL Keys & SatFish
I cover a lot of ground (or should I say water) in this weeks Good Karma Sportfishing & Coaching Podcast. Here are a few of the highlights: -New Wahoo "Game Changer" Course announcement and details. -SatFish review and tips. SatFish is my favorite online tool that I use every day to find fish. Use my affiliate code GOODKARMA for $20 off. -My blogs offer even more information that can help you improve your catch. Mini-Lobster Season Tips for The Florida Keys. How to find spots and be safe. Navionics suggestions. -How to choose line how I look at line- testing, color, bat, flour vs. mono. -BKK Hooks -Minn Kota Trolling Motor Update Email me for a fishing charter at All questions and inquiries for courses email: IG @goodkarmasportfishing_fl_keys Check out my podcast with my wife Melinda Van Fleet. Thanks for subscribing and leaving a like/comment. Anytime you're fishing it's all good!
Real Truths-Leaders, Swivels & Fishing Report- Fishing Podcast
Real Truths-Leaders, Swivels & Fishing Report- Fishing Podcast
"Fluorocarbon Leader-Is it Worth It? " I kick off this weeks podcast focusing on the myths that fluorocarbon fishing line manufactures might be lying to the consumer and talk about ongoing debate between pink and clear fluorocarbon leaders. SatFish is an incredible tool that I use every day- fishing or not. And my quick tutorial in this podcast video will help you learn how to use it too. Still not signed up? and my affiliate code for $20 off is GOODKARMA. The fishing report I share also takes into account the moon cycle which can you learn more about with my $22 online course Solunar and Tide Planning. And Conquer the Weather is a FREE PDF that can help you as well. Click below. That leads into which ball bearing swivels I use when using monofilament fishing line for targeting mutton snappers and groupers. If you wish to learn more about how I construct my "new" stealth mutton snappers rigs. I recommend joining The Good Karma Rigging Crew 2.0 monthly online Facebook community ($25 a month) You will not find my rig or how I construct it on YouTube. Never buy pre-made mutton snapper rigs off the internet. And I close on some straight up Florida Keys fishing report facts for this coming week. I show you where to be. (I have been a captain here in The Florida Keys since 2011) and my podcast which is coming up on a six year anniversary (August 2018). Each week I will be adding more detail to these fishing reports. Thank you to all my clients and guys listening to the episodes! All courses and The Good Karma Rigging Crew 2.0 Questions about any courses or the Rigging Crew 2.0 email Charters only - email - Follow me on: IG @goodkarmasportfishing_fl_key (@goodkarmasportfishing_fl_keys) • Instagram photos and videos FB @goodkarmafishingcharters LinkedIn
Florida Keys Fishing Report, Weather, SatFish, New Lures and More
Florida Keys Fishing Report, Weather, SatFish, New Lures and More
"Fish don't have calendars." I kick off this week's episode of The Good Karma Sportfishing Podcast with a Florida Keys (Key Largo, Islamorada, Tavernier) fishing report (mahi mahi, mangrove snappers, and cubera snappers) that leads into how to use SatFish to increase your catch. SatFish is an incredible tool that I use every day- fishing or not. And my quick tutorial in this podcast video will help you learn how to use it too. Still not signed up? and my affiliate code for $20 off is GOODKARMA. The fishing report I share also takes into account the moon cycle which can you learn more about with my $22 online course Solunar and Tide Planning. And Conquer the Weather is a FREE PDF that can help you as well. Click below. My preferred way to mahi mahi aka dolphin (but not flipper) here in The Florida Keys is trolling. And for that, I use sea witches. If you wish to create your own, I recommend joining The Good Karma Rigging Crew 2.0 monthly online Facebook community ($25 a month) as I just put in a great video sharing how to make your own sea witch. But, if you don't wish to, or you are like me and choose to mix it up, try some of the cool lures I shared in this video from Gulf Stream Lures. They withstood the hair pull test live on this video which could have been a disaster for my recording if they didn't. The quality is incredible- hair, head, tying, so I am super excited to use these on the water and report after. And I close on some straight up facts about my fishing charters (I have been a captain here in The Florida Keys since 2011) and my podcast which is coming up on a six year anniversary (August 2018). Thank you to all my clients and guys listening to the episodes! All courses and The Good Karma Rigging Crew 2.0 Questions about any courses or the Rigging Crew 2.0 email Charters only - email - Follow me on: IG @goodkarmasportfishing_fl_keys FB @goodkarmafishingcharters LinkedIn
How to Find Fish Anywhere Consistently and SatFish Tips
How to Find Fish Anywhere Consistently and SatFish Tips
Do you have a blueprint that works to find fish consistently? Most anglers do not have a blueprint. They just hop in their boat, head out for the day, and hope to find some debris. Unfortunately, everything is changing so rapidly now that this "strategy" is very outdated. This episode of the Good Karma Sportfishing & Coaching Podcast shares, via video, SatFish views and what I look for that contributes to my success on the water with my fishing charters. I share examples of The Florida Keys, however these SatFish examples can be used to understand how to create your own blueprint, the why behind things, for your where (you fish). I highly recommend SatFish and am an affiliate. My 8 Week Courses also share more about how to use SatFish so check them out as well. $20 off code is GOODKARMA The Good Karma Rigging Crew 2.0 is a monthly online Facebook Community and I talk about it more in this episode. You can find all my courses and fishing charter information on my website: "Courses" tab for the course info. You can also sign up for my FREE Conquer the Day one page mastery blueprint where I share how I prep the day of and what I am thinking about: I fish out of The Upper Florida Keys- Key Largo, Islamorada, Tavernier. Email me at [email protected] to schedule your next fishing trip here in The FL Keys.
Lure Colors for Rainy and Cloudy Day Dolphin Fishing
Lure Colors for Rainy and Cloudy Day Dolphin Fishing
In this podcast I share favorite overcast sky lure colors for targeting dolphin. It is jam packed with tips and a few gold nuggets I "buried" in this one, but you have to listen closely to find it. Click on the link below to recieve a Free copy of Conquer the Weather Mastery Blueprint which will help either guide you or give you an extra nugget or two so you can learn how to improve your catch with various condtions. Fishing courses and The New Good Karma Rigging Crew 2.0 Monthly Online Facebook Community link below: Satfish is my go-to platform for all things. Code GOODKARMA for $20 off. I am an affiliate. Tackle Room UV Seawitch Hair Below is my affliate link for UV hair. I buy all my UV hair from the Tackle Room. Super exciting update is being chosen to be an instructor for . I had a great day last week fishing with the owner of In The Spread, Seth Horne. I have been a member myself for a long time and I highly recommend this platform as there is a wealth of fishing knowledge information from a lot of other fishing captains in various countries— not just the US. I will share more when my video on mutton snapper goes live. Ready to book your charter for July on? Something big is coming! Email me for fishing charters in The Florida Keys (Key Largo, Tavernier and Islamorada) at All fishing course inquiries email
Jam Packed- Fishing Report Florida Keys, Satfish, In The Spread, Charter Updates, and More
Jam Packed- Fishing Report Florida Keys, Satfish, In The Spread, Charter Updates, and More
"These are tricks I have learned from getting my a$$ kicked." I kick off this jam packed episode of the Good Karma Sportfishing Podcast with a new course announcement. I've been wanting to create a new online course because I haven't in awhile and this one is loaded with tools, tips and nuggets for any level of angler. Solunar and Tide Trip Planning Secrets— All Levels Here are a few of the highlights: What to look for "first" and then put the puzzle together. Top secret charter info for the best catch rate. How and Why a YouTube video on moon phases isn't always accurate. What do I consider my "Bible" and when I use it (more advanced tip). Four tools, including tidal coefficients, and I break it down to make it easy. Buying this course will be the course that other anglers don't want you to have. The course is pre-recorded with lifetime access $22. Other updates are my latest fishing report for The Florida Keys and my Satfish addiction. Satfish is my go-to platform for all things. Code GOODKARMA for $20 off. I am an affiliate. Super exciting update is being chosen to be an instructor for . I had a great day last week fishing with the owner of In The Spread, Seth Horne. I have been a member myself for a long time and I highly recommend this platform as there is a wealth of fishing knowledge information from a lot of other fishing captains in various countries— not just the US. I will share more when my video on mutton snapper goes live. And, in this podcast, I also shared about a mutton snapper fishing removable lead sinker bridle system that will be of great help to you this summer that you can purchase through The Tackle Room. I would look to use this in conjunction with my Mutton Crusher Course for maximum results. I am an affiliate for The Tackle Room and highly recommend buying your tackle from them. Purchase your pre-made removable weight bridal through the Tackle Tackle Room by The Tackle Room is also a sponsor of the Good Karma Rigging Crew 2.0, so if you are interested in being a member of the crew, you get a special club discount. The Best Mutton Snapper Rig is the Mutton Crusher Course, in my store, that I mentioned for maximum results. Click below to purchase. Ready to book your charter for July on? Something big is coming! Email me for fishing charters in The Florida Keys (Key Largo, Tavernier and Islamorada) at All fishing course inquiries email Fishing courses and The New Good Karma Rigging Crew 2.0 Monthly Online Facebook Community link below:
4 Crucial Fishing Tips that Will Help You Catch More Fish Consistently WHEREVER You Fish
4 Crucial Fishing Tips that Will Help You Catch More Fish Consistently WHEREVER You Fish
In this Good Karma Sportfishing podcast I share four fishing tips that will help you save time and money on the water. AND CATCH MORE FISH CONSISTENTLY WHEREVER YOU LIVE. As I talked about in this podcast here is the link for the: Free Conquer The Day- Mental Mastery Blueprint: SATFISH OFFSHORE is the best and I have been finding the wahoo along the edge of the reef using SATFISH OFFSHORE: Learn my secret to finding wahoo using SATFISH by clicking on the link to watch my new YOUTUBE tutorial • How to Catch Wahoo-A Secret Wahoo Fish… Get $20.00 off a SATFISH yearly subscription by entering the code goodkarma at check out. Visit Courses and Private Fishing Clubs: Connect with me on IG @goodkarmasportfishing_fl_keys Youtube:
Don't Leave Home Without...
Don't Leave Home Without...
In this episode of Good Karma Sportfishing podcast, we dive deep into the essentials of Florida Keys fishing gear that no angler should leave home without. Multipurpose Rod and Reel Combo: Stressing the importance of a reliable rod and reel combo that meets the varied demands of Florida Keys fishing. Spotlight on Adrenaline Custom Fishing Rods: Showcasing Adrenaline Custom Fishing Rods' unique approach to creating the perfect snapper, grouper and planer fishing rods, including insights from firsthand testimonials on their rigorous testing and feedback process. Versatility in Fishing: Highlighting the need to be adaptable, from trying new fishing techniques to having a backup plan when unexpected changes occur. Specialized Gear Recommendations: How many rods I bring on a offshore dolphin fishing trip. Invaluable Speedo Mackeral Bait Tip: Sharing a crucial speedo mackerel bait tip that's sure to enhance any Florida Keys fishing adventure. "NEW"8 Week INTENSIVE BEYOND THE BASICS Online Fishing Courses with QA Sessions Super excited to announce the new beyond the basics of fishing the reef 8 week intensive Wreck and Live Bottom mutton snapper and grouper(depths 200 feet plus) fishing program! To learn more about the course by visiting Good Karma Fishing Tackle click on this link: This product is intended for use by captains, mates, and recreational anglers, as well as YouTube fishing influencers. Its purpose is to enhance catch rates, streamline time and budget, prevent frustration, and provide a delectable meal to showcase on social media. First 2 Weeks Real-Time Grouper Log 55-190 feet GSK Private Fishing Club About the GKS Fishing Club In 2020, I started a private fishing group called The Rigging Crew. That has since evolved to another group called Good Karma Fishing Club. Each month, 2x a month, I host a Zoom call (which is recorded if you can’t make it live) where I share what’s going, new ideas, things I have learned and allow for a lot of discussion and QA. Each call is about 1 ½ hour long. The cost is $279 a month. SATFISH OFFSHORE I have been finding the wahoo along the edge of the reef using SATFISH OFFSHORE: Learn my secret to finding wahoo using SATFISH by clicking on the link to watch my new YOUTUBE tutorial • How to Catch Wahoo-A Secret Wahoo Fish… Get $20.00 off a SATFISH yearly subscription by entering the code goodkarma at check out. Visit Connect with me on IG @goodkarmasportfishing_fl_keys
How deep are the Mahi Mahi and New Seasickness Prevention Tip
How deep are the Mahi Mahi and New Seasickness Prevention Tip
Mahi Mahi fishing during the month of May can be when the magic happens and I'm digging into just how deep you need to go to find them. It's not just about the fish though – I've got a sea sickness prevention tip that I have been hearing has been a game changer for those that are prone too sea seasickness. Click on my Amazon Affiliate Link Below to buy the Hion Motion Sickness Glasses Connect with Captain Ryan Van Fleet of Good Karma Sportfishing and Coaching at Good Karma Sportfishing for more insights and adventures. "NEW"8 Week INTENSIVE BEYOND THE BASICS Online Fishing Courses with QA Sessions Super excited to announce the new beyond the basics of fishing the reef 8 week intensive Wreck and Live Bottom mutton snapper and grouper(depths 200 feet plus) fishing program! To learn more about the course by visiting Good Karma Fishing Tackle click on this link: This product is intended for use by captains, mates, and recreational anglers, as well as YouTube fishing influencers. Its purpose is to enhance catch rates, streamline time and budget, prevent frustration, and provide a delectable meal to showcase on social media. First 2 Weeks Real-Time Grouper Log 55-190 feet Behind the scenes look at the my first 2 weeks of May- Grouper Fishing Shallow Water 55-190 feet. This is a Voxer chat for real-time information (listen only). That's all the details I am willing to share publicly about this course. If you want to learn, then sign up today. *Voxer is a free app that is very easy to use. You can listen when you feel like it or have time. You can have the notifications on or off. Imagine a walkie talkie- but this offer is listen only. Important- As with all techniques, it may or may not work for you or your style of fishing. You may have to make a few "tweaks" of your own. I make zero guarantees that it will work for you and no money-back guarantees (no refunds). GSK Private Fishing Club About the GKS Fishing Club In 2020, I started a private fishing group called The Rigging Crew. That has since evolved to another group called Good Karma Fishing Club. Each month, 2x a month, I host a Zoom call (which is recorded if you can’t make it live) where I share what’s going, new ideas, things I have learned and allow for a lot of discussion and QA. Each call is about 1 ½ hour long. The cost is $279 a month. SATFISH OFFSHORE I have been finding the wahoo along the edge of the reef using SATFISH OFFSHORE: Learn my secret to finding wahoo using SATFISH by clicking on the link to watch my new YOUTUBE tutorial • How to Catch Wahoo-A Secret Wahoo Fish… Get $20.00 off a SATFISH yearly subscription by entering the code goodkarma at check out. Visit Connect with me on IG @goodkarmasportfishing_fl_keys