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Gregory Schmidt, MD

Internal Medicine / Healthcare Systems / Design / EHR / Technology

info_outline Healthcare's low Digitization Index 05/24/2021
info_outline Healthcare productivity is the (second) worst 05/21/2021
info_outline Growth in healthcare spending outpaces growth in GDP 05/17/2021
info_outline CBC hides inflammatory article published on Nursing Day 05/17/2021
info_outline Single-sentence summaries improve EHR data display 05/04/2021
info_outline Risks of using medical story arcs 05/04/2021
info_outline Product Packaging UX: hard to open cardboard boxes 04/26/2021
info_outline 5 Principles of Two-Factor Code Design 04/25/2021
info_outline The patient's narrative is never written down 04/24/2021
info_outline The patient's first-person narrative 04/19/2021
info_outline Series introduction: narrative language in medicine 04/19/2021
info_outline Back-in angle parking 04/12/2021
info_outline Why do Americans not back into parking spaces? 04/01/2021
info_outline Ways to avoid fatalities from car backovers 03/28/2021
info_outline Deaths from cars backing-over people 03/27/2021
info_outline Costco's extra-wide parking stalls 03/26/2021
info_outline Life Update: 2020 01/09/2021
info_outline COVID-19: Should clinicians age 60+ only do tele-care? 03/12/2020
info_outline Lasting impact at scale, the work of Kevin Starr & Mulago 09/01/2019
info_outline App design: positional space 08/25/2019
info_outline Navigation options starting with mobile 08/25/2019
info_outline PATIENT FILE: Major UX Regions 08/24/2019
info_outline When is a pixel not a pixel? px, pts, dps 08/21/2019
info_outline Why 4K is misleading 08/21/2019
info_outline Why are phone dimensions backwards: Height x Width ? 08/21/2019
info_outline UI/UX: Writing X vs Y dimensions 08/21/2019
info_outline Lean Impact: how to innovate for radically greater social good (detailed summary) 08/16/2019
info_outline Engines of Growth in Social Impact 08/16/2019
info_outline Why philanthropy & grants hampers innovation 08/16/2019
info_outline Lean Startup + Lean Impact: Combined Short Summary 08/16/2019