2025-02-23 (PM) They know His voiceThey know His voice I. They hear and follow II. They recognize a difference III. They flee from deception IV. They grow in trust V. They obey even in trials /episode/index/show/gregrainsmedia/id/35496740
2025-02-23 (AM) WatchmanWatchman I. Ezekiel’s charge II. Silent watchmen in Israel III. Jesus says watch IV. Paul declared all V. Timothy saves self & others /episode/index/show/gregrainsmedia/id/35496525
2025-02-16 (PM) How will you handle the truth?How will you handle the truth? I. Eve II. Jehoiakim III. The apostles IV. The Bereans V. Timothy /episode/index/show/gregrainsmedia/id/35359335
2025-02-16 (AM) Lambs among wolvesLambs among wolves I. Sent into danger II. Daniel III. Jesus IV. Paul V. Need for laborers /episode/index/show/gregrainsmedia/id/35359025
2025-02-09 (PM) The humble will be exaltedThe humble will be exalted I. King Saul II. John the Baptist III. Jesus IV. The centurion V. Paul /episode/index/show/gregrainsmedia/id/35297935
2025-02-09 (AM) We carry nothing outWe carry nothing out I. Rich fool II. Job III. Solomon IV. Paul V. Jesus /episode/index/show/gregrainsmedia/id/35297920
2025-02-02 (PM) Refining fireRefining fire I. Suffering builds patience II. Waiting builds endurance III. Rejection builds acceptance IV. Failure builds growth V. Weakness builds strength /episode/index/show/gregrainsmedia/id/35207375
2025-02-02 (AM) A consuming fireA consuming fire I. Draws us to it II. Burns brightly III. Chills if move away IV. Rekindles upon return V. Accomplishes great things /episode/index/show/gregrainsmedia/id/35207240
2025-01-26 (PM) Dark lightDark light I. False light II. Inner darkness III. Rejection of truth IV. Source of true light V. Transformed through Christ /episode/index/show/gregrainsmedia/id/35112720
2025-01-26 (AM) Times of refreshingTimes of refreshing I. Noah II. David III. Elijah IV. Woman at the well V. Paul /episode/index/show/gregrainsmedia/id/35112650
2025-01-19 (AM) Don't forget GodDon't forget God I. Pharaoh II. Solomon III. Ahab IV. Israel V. Christians today /episode/index/show/gregrainsmedia/id/35007585
2025-01-05 (PM) Be stillBe still I. God's command II. Reverence before God III. Our actions IV. Waiting or resting V. Nature or creation /episode/index/show/gregrainsmedia/id/34816615
2025-01-05 (AM) The LORD was with themThe LORD was with them I. Joseph II. Joshua III. Samuel IV. David V. John the Baptist /episode/index/show/gregrainsmedia/id/34816510
2024-12-29 (PM) RedeemerRedeemer I. Pays the price II. Delivers from bondage III. Restores relationships IV. Upholds justice V. Foreshadows Christ /episode/index/show/gregrainsmedia/id/34714545
2024-12-29 (AM) Plans fail, so pivotPlans fail, so pivot I. Joseph II. Moses III. David IV. Jonah V. Paul /episode/index/show/gregrainsmedia/id/34712995
2024-12-22 (AM) God's unwrapped giftsGod's unwrapped gifts I. Physical life II. Daily provisions III. Redemption in Christ IV. The church V. Eternal life /episode/index/show/gregrainsmedia/id/34640760
2024-12-08 (AM) Light of the worldLight of the world I. Promise of light II. Arrival of light III. Rejection of light IV. Walking in the light V. Reflecting the light /episode/index/show/gregrainsmedia/id/34443645
2024-12-01 (PM) I am a kingI am a king I. Prophesied king II. Spiritual kingdom III. Authority of the King IV. King’s impact V. Responding to the King /episode/index/show/gregrainsmedia/id/34330530
2024-12-01 (AM) Hope of the KingHope of the King I. Promise of His coming II. His reign of peace III. His eternal kingdom IV. His righteous judgment V. His zeal to fulfill /episode/index/show/gregrainsmedia/id/34330415
2024-11-24 (AM) My sin is always before meMy sin is always before me I. David II. Prodigal son III. Peter IV. Tax collector V. Paul /episode/index/show/gregrainsmedia/id/34213170
2024-11-17(PM) A touch of faithA touch of faith I. The woman’s desperation II. Her faith in action III. The Lord’s response IV. Faith versus doubt V. Faith for today /episode/index/show/gregrainsmedia/id/34122241
2024-11-10 (PM) Reversal of fortunesReversal of fortunes I. Solomon II. Ahab & Jezebel III. The rich man & Lazarus IV. Peter V. Saul of Tarsus /episode/index/show/gregrainsmedia/id/33952442
2024-11-10 (AM) In everything give thanksIn everything give thanks I. Thankfulness for food II. Health/healing III. Appreciation for others IV. Navigating trials V. Knowledge of our Savior /episode/index/show/gregrainsmedia/id/33952382
2024-11-03 (PM) Finding our place in His planFinding our place in His plan I. Joseph II. John the Baptist III. Jesus IV. Paul V. Christians today /episode/index/show/gregrainsmedia/id/33863637
2024-11-03 (AM) Forget not all his benefitsForget not all his benefits I. His provision II. His forgiveness III. His healing IV. His compassion V. His love /episode/index/show/gregrainsmedia/id/33863087
2024-10-27 (PM) In the day of troubleIn the day of trouble I. Lift up your voice II. Seek a miracle III. Call on God for help IV. Turn back to God V. Pray /episode/index/show/gregrainsmedia/id/33757477
2024-10-27 (AM) Seasons of lifeSeasons of life I. Renewal II. Endurance III. Acceptance IV. Courage V. Harvest /episode/index/show/gregrainsmedia/id/33757452